Ejemplo n.º 1
def getUserSlackMembership(request, company_id):
        #print 'in user room'
        user_id = request.user.id
        #company_id = request.user.company
        slck_auth_needed = False
        slck_user_auth_needed = False
#         company = Company.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
#         company_id = company.id
        print 'company id is ' + str(company_id)
        existingIntegration= CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
        if existingIntegration is None or 'slck' not in existingIntegration['integrations']:
            return JsonResponse({'slck_auth_needed' : True})
        #token = existingIntegration['integrations']['slck']
        userOauthRecord = UserOauth.objects(user_id= ObjectId(user_id)).first()
        if userOauthRecord is None:
            return JsonResponse({'slck_user_auth_needed' : True})
        if 'slck_access_token' in userOauthRecord and userOauthRecord['slck_access_token'] is not None and userOauthRecord['slck_access_token'] != "":
            token = userOauthRecord['slck_access_token']
            return JsonResponse({'slck_user_auth_needed' : True})
        slck = Slack(None, None, None, None, token)
        channels = json.loads(slck.api_call("channels.list")) 
        groups = json.loads(slck.api_call("groups.list")) 
        ims = json.loads(slck.api_call("im.list")) 
        users = json.loads(slck.api_call("users.list")) 
        if not users['ok']:
            raise ValueError('Error while retrieving users from Slack')
        rtm = slck.rtm_connect()
        return JsonResponse({'slack_channels': channels, 'slack_groups': groups, 'slack_ims': ims, 'users': users['members'], 'rtm': rtm, 'slck_auth_needed': False, 'slck_user_auth_needed': slck_user_auth_needed })  
    except Exception as e:
        return Response('Error: ' + str(e))   
Ejemplo n.º 2
def user_create_slack_message(request): #this is only for messages with attachments (e.g. Snapshots). Simple messages are sent via websocket from the client
        post_data = json.loads(request.body)
        channel_id = post_data['channel_id']
        message = post_data['message']
        #company_id = post_data['company_id'] 
        user_id = request.user.id
        company_id = request.user.company 
        if 'snapshot_id' in post_data:
            snapshot_id = post_data['snapshot_id']
            snapshot_id = None
        print 'snap id ' + str(snapshot_id)
        existingIntegration= CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
        if existingIntegration is None or 'slck' not in existingIntegration['integrations']:
            return JsonResponse(None)
        #token = existingIntegration['integrations']['slck']
        userOauthRecord = UserOauth.objects(user_id= ObjectId(user_id)).first()
        if userOauthRecord is None:
            return JsonResponse(None)
        if 'slck_access_token' in userOauthRecord and userOauthRecord['slck_access_token'] is not None:
            token = userOauthRecord['slck_access_token']
            return JsonResponse(None)
        slck = Slack(None, None, None, None, token)
        attachments = []
        if snapshot_id is not None:
            snapshot = Snapshot.objects(id=ObjectId(snapshot_id)).first()
            if snapshot is None:
                raise ValueError('Snapshot not found!')
            attachment = {
                          "fallback": "New Claritix" + snapshot['chart_name'] + " chart snapshot - " + settings.BASE_URL + "/snapshots/" + snapshot_id,
                          "pretext": "New Claritix chart snapshot",
                          "title": "Claritix snapshot - " +  snapshot['chart_name'] + " as of " + strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', snapshot['updated_date'].timetuple()),
                          "title_link": settings.BASE_URL + "/snapshots/" + snapshot_id,
                          "text": "Click above link to view the snapshot within Claritix",
                          "color": "#0491c3",
                          "author_name": "Claritix",
                          "author_link": "http://claritix.io",
                          "author_icon": settings.BASE_URL + "/static/images/logo-icon-16x16.png"
        print 'attachme ' + str(attachments)
        params = {'channel': channel_id, 'text': message, 'as_user': True, "attachments": json.dumps(attachments)}
        result = json.loads(slck.api_call("chat.postMessage", **params))
        return JsonResponse({"result": result}, safe=False)
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getUserSlackMessages(request, company_id):
        #print 'in user room'
        user_id = request.user.id
        #company_id = request.user.company 
        slack_id = request.GET.get("id")
        slack_type = request.GET.get("type")
#         company = Company.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
#         company_id = company.id
        existingIntegration= CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id=company_id).first()
        if existingIntegration is None or 'slck' not in existingIntegration['integrations']:
            return JsonResponse(None)
        #token = existingIntegration['integrations']['slck']
        userOauthRecord = UserOauth.objects(user_id= ObjectId(user_id)).first()
        if userOauthRecord is None:
            return JsonResponse(None)
        if 'slck_access_token' in userOauthRecord and userOauthRecord['slck_access_token'] is not None:
            token = userOauthRecord['slck_access_token']
            return JsonResponse(None)
        slck = Slack(None, None, None, None, token)
        messages = None
        params = {'channel': slack_id, 'inclusive': 1, 'count': 1000}
        if slack_type == 'group':
            messages = json.loads(slck.api_call("groups.history", **params)) 
        elif slack_type == 'channel':
            messages = json.loads(slck.api_call("channels.history", **params)) 
        elif slack_type == 'im':
            messages = json.loads(slck.api_call("im.history", **params)) 
        if not messages['ok']:
            raise ValueError('Error while retrieving messages from Slack')
        messages_list = messages['messages']
        rtm = slck.rtm_connect()
        users = json.loads(slck.api_call("users.list")) 
        if not users['ok']:
            raise ValueError('Error while retrieving users from Slack')
#         for message in messages_list: #join the user info to each message
#             #print 'msg is ' + str(message['user'])
#             for user in users['members']:
#                 if 'user' in message and message['user'] == user['id']:
#                     message['user_real_name'] = user['profile']['real_name']
#                     message['user_name'] = user['name']
#                     message['user_image_url'] = user['profile']['image_72']
#                     break
        return JsonResponse({'slack_messages': messages, 'users': users['members'], 'rtm': rtm}, safe=False)  
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error occurred: ' + str(e)
        return Response('Error: ' + str(e))