Ejemplo n.º 1
def mesh_subdivide_quad(mesh, k=1):
    """Subdivide a mesh such that all faces are quads.

    for _ in range(k):
        subd = mesh.copy()

        for u, v in list(subd.edges()):
            mesh_split_edge(subd, u, v, allow_boundary=True)

        for fkey in mesh.faces():

            descendant = {i: j for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}
            ancestor = {j: i for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}

            x, y, z = mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
            c = subd.add_vertex(x=x, y=y, z=z)

            for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey):
                a = ancestor[key]
                d = descendant[key]
                subd.add_face([a, key, d, c])

            del subd.face[fkey]

        mesh = subd

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mesh_subdivide_corner(mesh, k=1):
    """Subdivide a mesh by cutting corners.

    mesh : Mesh
        The mesh object that will be subdivided.
    k : int
        Optional. The number of levels of subdivision. Default is ``1``.

        A new subdivided mesh.

        The subdivided mesh.

    This is essentially the same as Loop subdivision, but applied to general


    for _ in range(k):
        subd = mesh.copy()

        # split every edge
        for u, v in list(subd.edges()):
            mesh_split_edge(subd, u, v, allow_boundary=True)

        # create 4 new faces for every old face
        for fkey in mesh.faces():

            descendant = {i: j for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}
            ancestor = {j: i for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}

            center = []

            for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey):
                a = ancestor[key]
                d = descendant[key]

                subd.add_face([a, key, d])


            del subd.face[fkey]

        mesh = subd

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 3
def trimesh_subdivide_loop(mesh, k=1, fixed=None):
    """Subdivide a triangle mesh using the Loop algorithm.

    mesh : Mesh
        The mesh object that will be subdivided.
    k : int
        Optional. The number of levels of subdivision. Default is ``1``.
    fixed : list
        Optional. A list of fixed vertices. Default is ``None``.

        A new subdivided mesh.

    .. code-block:: python

        from compas.datastructures import Mesh
        from compas.datastructures import mesh_flip_cycle_directions
        from compas_plotters import SubdMeshViewer

        mesh = Mesh.from_polyhedron(4)

        viewer = SubdMeshViewer(mesh, subdfunc=loop_subdivision, width=600, height=600)

        viewer.axes_on = False
        viewer.grid_on = False

        for _ in range(10):


    if not fixed:
        fixed = []

    fixed = set(fixed)

    subd = mesh.copy()

    for _ in range(k):
        key_xyz = {
            key: subd.vertex_coordinates(key)
            for key in subd.vertices()
        fkey_vertices = {
            fkey: subd.face_vertices(fkey)[:]
            for fkey in subd.faces()
        uv_w = {(u, v): subd.face_vertex_ancestor(fkey, u)
                for fkey in subd.faces() for u, v in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}
        boundary = set(subd.vertices_on_boundary())

        for key in subd.vertices():
            nbrs = subd.vertex_neighbors(key)

            if key in boundary:
                xyz = key_xyz[key]

                x = 0.75 * xyz[0]
                y = 0.75 * xyz[1]
                z = 0.75 * xyz[2]

                for n in nbrs:
                    if subd.halfedge[key][n] is None or subd.halfedge[n][
                            key] is None:
                        xyz = key_xyz[n]

                        x += 0.125 * xyz[0]
                        y += 0.125 * xyz[1]
                        z += 0.125 * xyz[2]

                n = len(nbrs)

                if n == 3:
                    a = 3. / 16.
                    a = 3. / (8 * n)

                xyz = key_xyz[key]

                nbrs = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in nbrs]
                nbrs = [sum(axis) for axis in zip(*nbrs)]

                x = (1. - n * a) * xyz[0] + a * nbrs[0]
                y = (1. - n * a) * xyz[1] + a * nbrs[1]
                z = (1. - n * a) * xyz[2] + a * nbrs[2]

            subd.vertex[key]['x'] = x
            subd.vertex[key]['y'] = y
            subd.vertex[key]['z'] = z

        edgepoints = {}

        # odd vertices
        for u, v in list(subd.edges()):

            w = mesh_split_edge(subd, u, v, allow_boundary=True)

            edgepoints[(u, v)] = w
            edgepoints[(v, u)] = w

            a = key_xyz[u]
            b = key_xyz[v]

            if (u, v) in uv_w and (v, u) in uv_w:
                c = key_xyz[uv_w[(u, v)]]
                d = key_xyz[uv_w[(v, u)]]
                xyz = [
                    (3.0 / 8.0) * (a[i] + b[i]) + (1.0 / 8.0) * (c[i] + d[i])
                    for i in range(3)

                xyz = [0.5 * (a[i] + b[i]) for i in range(3)]

            subd.vertex[w]['x'] = xyz[0]
            subd.vertex[w]['y'] = xyz[1]
            subd.vertex[w]['z'] = xyz[2]

        # new faces
        for fkey, vertices in fkey_vertices.items():
            u, v, w = vertices

            uv = edgepoints[(u, v)]
            vw = edgepoints[(v, w)]
            wu = edgepoints[(w, u)]

            subd.add_face([wu, u, uv])
            subd.add_face([uv, v, vw])
            subd.add_face([vw, w, wu])
            subd.add_face([uv, vw, wu])

            del subd.face[fkey]

    return subd
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mesh_subdivide_catmullclark(mesh, k=1, fixed=None):
    """Subdivide a mesh using the Catmull-Clark algorithm.

    mesh : Mesh
        The mesh object that will be subdivided.
    k : int
        Optional. The number of levels of subdivision. Default is ``1``.
    fixed : list
        Optional. A list of fixed vertices. Default is ``None``.

        A new subdivided mesh.

    Note that *Catmull-Clark* subdivision is like *Quad* subdivision, but with
    smoothing after every level of further subdivision. Smoothing is done
    according to the scheme prescribed by the Catmull-Clark algorithm.


    if not fixed:
        fixed = []

    fixed = set(fixed)

    for _ in range(k):

        subd = mesh.copy()

        # keep track of original connectivity and vertex locations

        bkeys = set(subd.vertices_on_boundary())
        bkey_edgepoints = {key: [] for key in bkeys}

        # apply quad meshivision scheme
        # keep track of the created edge points that are not on the boundary
        # keep track track of the new edge points on the boundary
        # and their relation to the previous boundary points

        # quad subdivision
        # ======================================================================

        edgepoints = []

        for u, v in mesh.edges():

            w = mesh_split_edge(subd, u, v, allow_boundary=True)

            # document why this is necessary
            # everything else in this loop is just quad subdivision
            if u in bkeys and v in bkeys:




        fkey_xyz = {fkey: mesh.face_centroid(fkey) for fkey in mesh.faces()}

        for fkey in mesh.faces():

            descendant = {i: j for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}
            ancestor = {j: i for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}

            x, y, z = fkey_xyz[fkey]
            c = subd.add_vertex(x=x, y=y, z=z)

            for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey):
                a = ancestor[key]
                d = descendant[key]

                subd.add_face([a, key, d, c])

            del subd.face[fkey]

        # update coordinates
        # ======================================================================

        # these are the coordinates before updating

        key_xyz = {key: subd.vertex_coordinates(key) for key in subd.vertex}

        # move each edge point to the average of the neighboring centroids and
        # the original end points

        for w in edgepoints:
            x, y, z = centroid_points(
                [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in subd.halfedge[w]])

            subd.vertex[w]['x'] = x
            subd.vertex[w]['y'] = y
            subd.vertex[w]['z'] = z

        # move each vertex to the weighted average of itself, the neighboring
        # centroids and the neighboring mipoints

        for key in mesh.vertices():
            if key in fixed:

            if key in bkeys:
                nbrs = set(bkey_edgepoints[key])
                nbrs = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in nbrs]
                e = 0.5
                v = 0.5
                E = [coord * e for coord in centroid_points(nbrs)]
                V = [coord * v for coord in key_xyz[key]]
                x, y, z = [E[_] + V[_] for _ in range(3)]

                fnbrs = [
                    mesh.face_centroid(fkey) for fkey in mesh.vertex_faces(key)
                    if fkey is not None
                nbrs = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in subd.halfedge[key]]
                n = float(len(nbrs))
                f = 1.0 / n
                e = 2.0 / n
                v = (n - 3.0) / n
                F = centroid_points(fnbrs)
                E = centroid_points(nbrs)
                V = key_xyz[key]
                x = f * F[0] + e * E[0] + v * V[0]
                y = f * F[1] + e * E[1] + v * V[1]
                z = f * F[2] + e * E[2] + v * V[2]

            subd.vertex[key]['x'] = x
            subd.vertex[key]['y'] = y
            subd.vertex[key]['z'] = z

        mesh = subd

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 5
def mesh_subdivide_catmullclark(mesh, k=1, fixed=None):
    """Subdivide a mesh using the Catmull-Clark algorithm.

    mesh : Mesh
        The mesh object that will be subdivided.
    k : int
        Optional. The number of levels of subdivision. Default is ``1``.
    fixed : list
        Optional. A list of fixed vertices. Default is ``None``.

        A new subdivided mesh.

    Note that *Catmull-Clark* subdivision is like *Quad* subdivision, but with
    smoothing after every level of further subdivision. Smoothing is done
    according to the scheme prescribed by the Catmull-Clark algorithm.

    .. plot::

        from compas.datastructures import Mesh
        from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide_catmullclark
        from compas_plotters import MeshPlotter

        vertices = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], [0., 1.0, 0.]]
        faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]

        mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces)
        subd = mesh_subdivide_catmullclark(mesh, k=3, fixed=mesh.vertices())

        plotter = MeshPlotter(subd)

        plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: '#ff0000' for key in mesh.vertices()}, radius=0.01)


    .. plot::

        from compas.datastructures import Mesh
        from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide_catmullclark
        from compas_plotters import MeshPlotter

        vertices = [[0., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], [0., 1.0, 0.]]
        faces = [[0, 1, 2, 3]]

        mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces)
        subd = mesh_subdivide_catmullclark(mesh, k=3, fixed=None)

        plotter = MeshPlotter(subd)

        plotter.draw_vertices(facecolor={key: '#ff0000' for key in mesh.vertices()}, radius=0.01)


    .. code-block:: python

        from compas.datastructures import Mesh
        from compas.datastructures import mesh_subdivide_catmullclark
        from compas.geometry import Polyhedron
        from compas_viewers import SubdMeshViewer

        cube = Polyhedron.generate(6)

        mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(cube.vertices, cube.faces)

        viewer = SubdMeshViewer(mesh, subdfunc=mesh_subdivide_catmullclark, width=1440, height=900)

        viewer.axes_on = False
        viewer.grid_on = False

        for _ in range(10):



    .. figure:: /_images/subdivide_mesh_catmullclark-screenshot.*
        :figclass: figure
        :class: figure-img img-fluid

    if not fixed:
        fixed = []

    fixed = set(fixed)

    for _ in range(k):

        subd = mesh.copy()

        # keep track of original connectivity and vertex locations

        bkeys = set(subd.vertices_on_boundary())
        bkey_edgepoints = {key: [] for key in bkeys}

        # apply quad meshivision scheme
        # keep track of the created edge points that are not on the boundary
        # keep track track of the new edge points on the boundary
        # and their relation to the previous boundary points

        # quad subdivision
        # ======================================================================

        edgepoints = []

        for u, v in mesh.edges():

            w = mesh_split_edge(subd, u, v, allow_boundary=True)

            # document why this is necessary
            # everything else in this loop is just quad subdivision
            if u in bkeys and v in bkeys:




        fkey_xyz = {fkey: mesh.face_centroid(fkey) for fkey in mesh.faces()}

        for fkey in mesh.faces():

            descendant = {i: j for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}
            ancestor = {j: i for i, j in subd.face_halfedges(fkey)}

            x, y, z = fkey_xyz[fkey]
            c = subd.add_vertex(x=x, y=y, z=z)

            for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey):
                a = ancestor[key]
                d = descendant[key]

                subd.add_face([a, key, d, c])

            del subd.face[fkey]

        # update coordinates
        # ======================================================================

        # these are the coordinates before updating

        key_xyz = {key: subd.vertex_coordinates(key) for key in subd.vertex}

        # move each edge point to the average of the neighboring centroids and
        # the original end points

        for w in edgepoints:
            x, y, z = centroid_points([key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in subd.halfedge[w]])

            subd.vertex[w]['x'] = x
            subd.vertex[w]['y'] = y
            subd.vertex[w]['z'] = z

        # move each vertex to the weighted average of itself, the neighboring
        # centroids and the neighboring mipoints

        for key in mesh.vertices():
            if key in fixed:

            if key in bkeys:
                nbrs = set(bkey_edgepoints[key])
                nbrs = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in nbrs]
                e = 0.5
                v = 0.5
                E = [coord * e for coord in centroid_points(nbrs)]
                V = [coord * v for coord in key_xyz[key]]
                x, y, z = [E[_] + V[_] for _ in range(3)]

                fnbrs = [mesh.face_centroid(fkey) for fkey in mesh.vertex_faces(key) if fkey is not None]
                nbrs = [key_xyz[nbr] for nbr in subd.halfedge[key]]
                n = float(len(nbrs))
                f = 1.0 / n
                e = 2.0 / n
                v = (n - 3.0) / n
                F = centroid_points(fnbrs)
                E = centroid_points(nbrs)
                V = key_xyz[key]
                x = f * F[0] + e * E[0] + v * V[0]
                y = f * F[1] + e * E[1] + v * V[1]
                z = f * F[2] + e * E[2] + v * V[2]

            subd.vertex[key]['x'] = x
            subd.vertex[key]['y'] = y
            subd.vertex[key]['z'] = z

        mesh = subd

    return mesh