def triangulate_strips(zone):
    meshes = []
    for faces in zone:
        mesh = Mesh()

        for fkey in faces:
            keys = FABRIC.face_vertices(fkey)
            for key in keys:
                if key not in mesh.vertex:
                    attr = FABRIC.vertex[key].copy()
                    mesh.add_vertex(key=key, attr_dict=attr)
            attr = FABRIC.facedata[fkey].copy()
            mesh.add_face(keys, fkey=fkey, attr_dict=attr)

        for u, v, attr in mesh.edges(True):
            for name in attr:
                value = FABRIC.get_edge_attribute((u, v), name)
                attr[name] = value

        trimesh = mesh.copy()
        mesh_quads_to_triangles(trimesh, check_angles=True)
        meshes.append([mesh, trimesh])

    return meshes
Ejemplo n.º 2
def mesh_from_shell_elements(structure):
    """ Returns a Mesh datastructure object from a Structure's ShellElement objects.

    structure: obj
        The structure to extract a Mesh from.

        Mesh datastructure object.


    ekeys = [
        ekey for ekey in structure.elements
        if structure.elements[ekey].__name__ == 'ShellElement'
    nkeys = {nkey for ekey in ekeys for nkey in structure.elements[ekey].nodes}

    mesh = Mesh()
    for nkey in nkeys:
        x, y, z = structure.node_xyz(nkey)
        mesh.add_vertex(key=nkey, x=x, y=y, z=z)

    for ekey in ekeys:
        mesh.add_face(structure.elements[ekey].nodes, key=ekey)

    return mesh
def join_meshes(meshes):
    joined = Mesh()
    for mesh in meshes:
        for f in mesh.faces():
            vertices = mesh.face_vertices(f)
            points = mesh.get_vertices_attributes('xyz', keys=vertices)
            for p in points:
                joined.add_vertex(x=p[0], y=p[1], z=p[2])
    return joined
Ejemplo n.º 4
def quadmesh_no_attr():
    Mesh with 4 vertices and 1 face.
    mesh = Mesh()
    a = mesh.add_vertex(x=0, y=0, z=0)
    b = mesh.add_vertex(x=1, y=0, z=0)
    c = mesh.add_vertex(x=1, y=1, z=0)
    d = mesh.add_vertex(x=0, y=1, z=0)
    mesh.add_face([a, b, c, d])

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 5
def trimesh_attr(vector_tag):
    Mesh with 3 vertices, 1 face, and one attribute.
    mesh = Mesh()
    a = mesh.add_vertex(x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
    b = mesh.add_vertex(x=1.0, y=0.0, z=0.0)
    c = mesh.add_vertex(x=1.0, y=1.0, z=0.0)

    fkey = mesh.add_face([a, b, c])
    mesh.face_attribute(key=fkey, name=vector_tag, value=[0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_constructor():
    mesh = Mesh()
    a = mesh.add_vertex()
    b = mesh.add_vertex(x=1.0)
    c = mesh.add_vertex(x=1.0, y=1.0)
    d = mesh.add_vertex(y=1.0)
    mesh.add_face([a, b, c, d])
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(a) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(b) == [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(c) == [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(d) == [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(a) == mesh.vertex_attributes(a, 'xyz')
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(b) == mesh.vertex_attributes(b, 'xyz')
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(c) == mesh.vertex_attributes(c, 'xyz')
    assert mesh.vertex_coordinates(d) == mesh.vertex_attributes(d, 'xyz')
Ejemplo n.º 7
def mesh_to_compas_mesh(mesh):
    """Convert a mola mesh to a compas mesh.

    mesh : :class:`mola.Mesh`
        Mesh to convert.


    cmesh = CMesh()

    for face in mesh.faces:
        idx = []
        dict_ = face.__dict__
        vertices = dict_.pop("vertices")
        for vertex in vertices:
            dict_ = vertex.__dict__

            x, y, z = dict_.pop("x"), dict_.pop("y"), dict_.pop("z")

            # store v attributes in attr dict
            i = cmesh.add_vertex(x=x, y=y, z=z, attr_dict=dict_)


        # store f attributes in attr dict
        cmesh.add_face(idx, attr_dict=dict_)

    return cmesh
Ejemplo n.º 8
def volmesh_merge_adjacent_halffaces(volmesh, hfkeys):

    # check halffaces ----------------------------------------------------------
    for hfkey in hfkeys:
        if not volmesh.is_halfface_on_boundary(hfkey):
            raise ValueError('Halfface {} is interior.'.format(hfkey))
    if not _are_halffaces_chained(volmesh, hfkeys):
        raise ValueError('These halffaces are not chained.')
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    halffaces = [volmesh.halfface[hfkey] for hfkey in hfkeys]
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    vkeys = set()
    for hfkey in hfkeys:
        for key in volmesh.halfface_vertices(hfkey):

    vkeys = list(vkeys)
    points = [volmesh.vertex_coordinates(vkey) for vkey in vkeys]

    faces_by_index = convex_hull(points)
    faces_by_vkeys = []
    for face in faces_by_index:
        faces_by_vkeys.append([vkeys[index] for index in face])

    # make temp cell mesh ------------------------------------------------------
    cell = Mesh()
    for i in range(len(vkeys)):
        key = vkeys[i]
        x, y, z = points[i]
        cell.add_vertex(key=key, x=x, y=y, z=z)
    for face in faces_by_vkeys:

    # merge coplanar faces -----------------------------------------------------

    # get correct direction of faces -------------------------------------------
    faces = [cell.face[fkey] for fkey in cell.face]
    if halffaces[0] in faces:
        new_faces = [face[::-1] for face in faces]
        new_faces = faces


    return volmesh
Ejemplo n.º 9
def mesh():
    A COMPAS mesh with two vectors stored as face attributes.
    _mesh = Mesh()

    # add vertices
    for i in range(4):

    # right-hand side winding -- normals pointing up
    _mesh.add_face(fkey=0, vertices=[0, 1, 2])
    _mesh.add_face(fkey=1, vertices=[0, 2, 3])

    name = "my_vector_field"
    _mesh.face_attribute(key=0, name=name, value=[0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
    _mesh.face_attribute(key=1, name=name, value=[0.0, 0.0, 2.0])

    return _mesh
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mesh(vectors):
    A COMPAS mesh with three vectors stored as face attributes.
    _mesh = Mesh()

    # add vertices
    for i in range(5):
        _mesh.add_vertex(key=i, x=i, y=i, z=i)

    # right-hand side winding -- normals pointing up
    _mesh.add_face(fkey=0, vertices=[0, 1, 2])
    _mesh.add_face(fkey=1, vertices=[0, 2, 3])
    _mesh.add_face(fkey=2, vertices=[0, 3, 4])

    name = "my_vector_field"
    _mesh.face_attribute(key=0, name=name, value=vectors[0])
    _mesh.face_attribute(key=1, name=name, value=vectors[1])
    _mesh.face_attribute(key=2, name=name, value=vectors[2])

    return _mesh
Ejemplo n.º 11
def join_meshes(meshes, cull_duplicates=False, precision='3f'):
    """Join multiple meshes.

    meshes : Meshes
        A list of mesh objects.
    cull_duplicates: Boolean
        True if resulting duplicate vertices should be deleted
        False otherwise

    count = 0
    mesh_all = Mesh()
    map = {}
    for mesh in meshes:
        faces = list(mesh.faces())
        vertices = list(mesh.faces())

        for key, attr in mesh.vertices(True):
            map[key] = count
            count += 1

        for fkey, attr in mesh.faces(True):
            vertices = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
            new_vertices = [map[key] for key in vertices]

    if cull_duplicates:
        mesh_cull_duplicate_vertices(mesh_all, precision)

    return mesh_all
Ejemplo n.º 12
def find_devisions(mesh, edge_groups, trg_len):

    for edges in edge_groups:

        lengths = 0
        for u, v in edges:
            lengths += mesh.get_edge_attribute((u, v), 'length')

            ave_len = lengths / len(edges)
            div = max((round(ave_len / trg_len, 0), 1))

        for u, v in edges:
            crv = mesh.get_edge_attribute((u, v), 'guid')
            pts = rs.DivideCurve(crv, div)
            mesh.set_edge_attribute((u, v), 'points', pts)

    edges = set(mesh.edges())
    coons_meshes = []

    for fkey in mesh.faces():

        h_edges = mesh.face_halfedges(fkey)

        # arrange point lists in circular order along edge faces
        pts_coon = []
        for h_edge in h_edges:
            pts = mesh.get_edge_attribute(h_edge, 'points')[:]
            if not h_edge in edges:
            if not mesh.get_edge_attribute(h_edge, 'dir'):

        # handle triangles correctly based on user input (flag 0 - 2)
        lengths = [len(pts_coon[0]), len(pts_coon[1])]
        if len(h_edges) == 4:
            ab, bc, dc, ad = pts_coon
            flag = mesh.get_face_attribute(fkey, 'corner')
            if flag == 0:
                ab, bc, dc, ad = pts_coon[0], pts_coon[1], [], pts_coon[2]
            elif flag == 1:
                ab, bc, dc, ad = pts_coon[0], [], pts_coon[1], pts_coon[2]
                lengths = [len(pts_coon[0]), len(pts_coon[2])]
            elif flag == 2:
                ab, bc, dc, ad = pts_coon[0], pts_coon[1], pts_coon[2], []

        # reverse for coons patch (see parameters)

        vertices, faces = discrete_coons_patch(ab, bc, dc, ad)
        coons_meshes.append((vertices, faces, lengths))

    # join al sub "meshes" of the coons patches in one mesh (with duplicate vertices)
    inc = 0
    mesh = Mesh()
    for coons_mesh in coons_meshes:
        vertices, faces, lengths = coons_mesh

        a, b = lengths

        indices = []
        for i, pt in enumerate(vertices):

        indices = indices[::b] + indices[b - 1::b] + indices[:b] + indices[
            (a - 1) * b:]
        indices = set(indices)

        for i, pt in enumerate(vertices):
            if i in indices:
                attr = {'coon_bound': True}
                attr = {'coon_bound': False}
            mesh.add_vertex(i + inc, x=pt[0], y=pt[1], z=pt[2], attr_dict=attr)

        for face in faces:
            face = [key + inc for key in face]
        inc += len(vertices)

    return mesh
Ejemplo n.º 13
    if network.is_leaf(key):

pt_center = network.node_coordinates(joints[0])
pts = [network.node_coordinates(key) for key in leafs]

joint_width = 15
leaf_width = 7

convex_hull_mesh = get_convex_hull_mesh(pts)

mesh = Mesh()
for key in convex_hull_mesh.vertices():

descdent_tree = copy.deepcopy(convex_hull_mesh.halfedge)

for u, v in convex_hull_mesh.edges():
    descdent_tree[u][v] = {'jp': None, 'lp': None}
    descdent_tree[v][u] = {'jp': None, 'lp': None}

current_key = convex_hull_mesh.number_of_vertices()

for fkey in convex_hull_mesh.faces():
    f_centroid = convex_hull_mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
    vec = Vector.from_start_end(pt_center, f_centroid)

    # if the branches has a 'convex' corner,
Ejemplo n.º 14
def delaunay_from_points(points, boundary=None, holes=None, tiny=1e-12):
    """Computes the delaunay triangulation for a list of points.

    points : sequence of tuple
        XYZ coordinates of the original points.
    boundary : sequence of tuples
        list of ordered points describing the outer boundary (optional)
    holes : list of sequences of tuples
        list of polygons (ordered points describing internal holes (optional)

        The faces of the triangulation.
        Each face is a triplet of indices referring to the list of point coordinates.

    For more info, see [1]_.

    .. [1] Sloan, S. W., 1987 *A fast algorithm for constructing Delaunay triangulations in the plane*
           Advances in Engineering Software 9(1): 34-55, 1978.

    .. plot::

        from compas.datastructures import Mesh
        from compas.geometry import pointcloud_xy
        from compas.geometry import delaunay_from_points
        from compas_plotters import MeshPlotter

        points = pointcloud_xy(20, (0, 50))
        faces = delaunay_from_points(points)

        delaunay = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(points, faces)

        plotter = MeshPlotter(delaunay)

    from compas.datastructures import Mesh
    from compas.datastructures import trimesh_swap_edge

    def super_triangle(coords):
        centpt = centroid_points(coords)
        bbpts = bounding_box(coords)
        dis = distance_point_point(bbpts[0], bbpts[2])
        dis = dis * 300
        v1 = (0 * dis, 2 * dis, 0)
        v2 = (1.73205 * dis, -1.0000000000001 * dis, 0)  # due to numerical issues
        v3 = (-1.73205 * dis, -1 * dis, 0)
        pt1 = add_vectors(centpt, v1)
        pt2 = add_vectors(centpt, v2)
        pt3 = add_vectors(centpt, v3)
        return pt1, pt2, pt3

    mesh = Mesh()

    # to avoid numerical issues for perfectly structured point sets
    points = [(point[0] + random.uniform(-tiny, tiny), point[1] + random.uniform(-tiny, tiny), 0.0) for point in points]

    # create super triangle
    pt1, pt2, pt3 = super_triangle(points)

    # add super triangle vertices to mesh
    n = len(points)
    super_keys = n, n + 1, n + 2

    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[0], {'x': pt1[0], 'y': pt1[1], 'z': pt1[2]})
    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[1], {'x': pt2[0], 'y': pt2[1], 'z': pt2[2]})
    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[2], {'x': pt3[0], 'y': pt3[1], 'z': pt3[2]})


    # iterate over points
    for i, pt in enumerate(points):
        key = i

        # newtris should be intialised here

        # check in which triangle this point falls
        for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
            # abc = mesh.face_coordinates(fkey) #This is slower
            # This is faster:
            keya, keyb, keyc = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)

            dicta = mesh.vertex[keya]
            dictb = mesh.vertex[keyb]
            dictc = mesh.vertex[keyc]

            a = [dicta['x'], dicta['y']]
            b = [dictb['x'], dictb['y']]
            c = [dictc['x'], dictc['y']]

            if is_point_in_triangle_xy(pt, [a, b, c], True):
                # generate 3 new triangles (faces) and delete surrounding triangle
                key, newtris = mesh.insert_vertex(fkey, key=key, xyz=pt, return_fkeys=True)

        while newtris:
            fkey = newtris.pop()

            # get opposite_face
            keys = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
            s = list(set(keys) - set([key]))
            u, v = s[0], s[1]
            fkey1 = mesh.halfedge[u][v]

            if fkey1 != fkey:
                fkey_op, u, v = fkey1, u, v
                fkey_op, u, v = mesh.halfedge[v][u], u, v

            if fkey_op:
                keya, keyb, keyc = mesh.face_vertices(fkey_op)
                dicta = mesh.vertex[keya]
                a = [dicta['x'], dicta['y']]
                dictb = mesh.vertex[keyb]
                b = [dictb['x'], dictb['y']]
                dictc = mesh.vertex[keyc]
                c = [dictc['x'], dictc['y']]

                circle = circle_from_points_xy(a, b, c)

                if is_point_in_circle_xy(pt, circle):
                    fkey, fkey_op = trimesh_swap_edge(mesh, u, v)

    # Delete faces adjacent to supertriangle
    for key in super_keys:

    # Delete faces outside of boundary
    if boundary:
        for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
            centroid = mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
            if not is_point_in_polygon_xy(centroid, boundary):

    # Delete faces inside of inside boundaries
    if holes:
        for polygon in holes:
            for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
                centroid = mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
                if is_point_in_polygon_xy(centroid, polygon):

    return [mesh.face_vertices(fkey) for fkey in mesh.faces()]
Ejemplo n.º 15
from compas.datastructures import Mesh

mesh = Mesh()

a = mesh.add_vertex()  # x,y,z coordinates are optional and default to 0,0,0
b = mesh.add_vertex(x=1)
c = mesh.add_vertex(x=1, y=1)
d = mesh.add_vertex(y=1)

mesh.add_face([a, b, c, d])

Ejemplo n.º 16
        pt_a = add_vectors(pt, scale_vector(normal, thickness * .5))
        pt_b = add_vectors(pt, scale_vector(normal, thickness * -.5))
        mesh.set_vertex_attribute(key, 'point_a', pt_a)
        mesh.set_vertex_attribute(key, 'point_b', pt_b)

    for fkey in mesh.faces():
        vertices = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
        pts_a = [mesh.get_vertex_attribute(key, 'point_a') for key in vertices]
        pts_b = [mesh.get_vertex_attribute(key, 'point_b') for key in vertices]

        # initialize mesh for voussoir
        mesh_v = Mesh()
        # vertices for voussoir
        for pt in pts_a + pts_b:
            x, y, z = pt
            mesh_v.add_vertex(key=geometric_key(pt), x=x, y=y, z=z)

        # side surfaces
        for i, _ in enumerate(pts_a):
            face = [
                geometric_key(pts_a[i - 1]),
                geometric_key(pts_b[i - 1]),

        # top and bottom surface
        face = [geometric_key(pt) for pt in pts_a]
        face = [geometric_key(pt) for pt in pts_b[::-1]]
Ejemplo n.º 17
def delaunay_from_points(points, boundary=None, holes=None, tiny=1e-12):
    """Computes the delaunay triangulation for a list of points.

    points : sequence[[float, float, float] | :class:`compas.geometry.Point`]
        XYZ coordinates of the original points.
    boundary : sequence[[float, float, float] | :class:`compas.geometry.Point`] | :class:`compas.geometry.Polygon`, optional
        List of ordered points describing the outer boundary.
    holes : sequence[sequence[[float, float, float] | :class:`compas.geometry.Point`] | :class:`compas.geometry.Polygon`], optional
        List of polygons (ordered points describing internal holes.

    list[[int, int, int]]
        The faces of the triangulation.
        Each face is a triplet of indices referring to the list of point coordinates.

    For more info, see [1]_.

    .. [1] Sloan, S. W., 1987 *A fast algorithm for constructing Delaunay triangulations in the plane*
           Advances in Engineering Software 9(1): 34-55, 1978.


    from compas.datastructures import Mesh
    from compas.datastructures import trimesh_swap_edge

    def super_triangle(coords, ccw=True):
        centpt = centroid_points(coords)
        bbpts = bounding_box(coords)
        dis = distance_point_point(bbpts[0], bbpts[2])
        dis = dis * 300
        v1 = (0 * dis, 2 * dis, 0)
        v2 = (1.73205 * dis, -1.0000000000001 * dis, 0
              )  # due to numerical issues
        v3 = (-1.73205 * dis, -1 * dis, 0)
        pt1 = add_vectors(centpt, v1)
        pt2 = add_vectors(centpt, v2)
        pt3 = add_vectors(centpt, v3)
        if ccw:
            return pt1, pt3, pt2
        return pt1, pt2, pt3

    mesh = Mesh()

    # to avoid numerical issues for perfectly structured point sets
    points = [(point[0] + random.uniform(-tiny, tiny),
               point[1] + random.uniform(-tiny, tiny), 0.0)
              for point in points]

    # create super triangle
    pt1, pt2, pt3 = super_triangle(points)

    # add super triangle vertices to mesh
    n = len(points)
    super_keys = n, n + 1, n + 2

    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[0], {'x': pt1[0], 'y': pt1[1], 'z': pt1[2]})
    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[1], {'x': pt2[0], 'y': pt2[1], 'z': pt2[2]})
    mesh.add_vertex(super_keys[2], {'x': pt3[0], 'y': pt3[1], 'z': pt3[2]})


    # iterate over points
    for key, point in enumerate(points):
        # newtris should be intialised here

        # check in which triangle this point falls
        for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
            abc = mesh.face_coordinates(fkey)

            if is_point_in_triangle_xy(point, abc, True):
                # generate 3 new triangles (faces) and delete surrounding triangle
                key, newtris = mesh.insert_vertex(fkey,

        while newtris:
            fkey = newtris.pop()

            face = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
            i = face.index(key)
            u = face[i - 2]
            v = face[i - 1]

            nbr = mesh.halfedge[v][u]

            if nbr is not None:
                a, b, c = mesh.face_coordinates(nbr)
                circle = circle_from_points_xy(a, b, c)

                if is_point_in_circle_xy(point, circle):
                    fkey, nbr = trimesh_swap_edge(mesh, u, v)

    # Delete faces adjacent to supertriangle
    for key in super_keys:

    # Delete faces outside of boundary
    if boundary:
        for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
            centroid = mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
            if not is_point_in_polygon_xy(centroid, boundary):

    # Delete faces inside of inside boundaries
    if holes:
        for polygon in holes:
            for fkey in list(mesh.faces()):
                centroid = mesh.face_centroid(fkey)
                if is_point_in_polygon_xy(centroid, polygon):

    return [mesh.face_vertices(fkey) for fkey in mesh.faces()]
Ejemplo n.º 18
       planarize_faces(vertices_list, faces_list, kmax=150, callback=callback)
       layer = 'voussoirs_planar'
   else: layer = 'voussoirs_ruled'
   # create mesh per voussoir/block
   voussoirs_meshes = {}
   for fkey in mesh.faces():
       # initiate mesh object
       voussoir_mesh = Mesh()
       # loop over edges of face (fkey)
       for u,v in mesh.face_halfedges(fkey):
           # add top vertices of face
           x, y, z = vertices_list[key_index_a[u]]
           # add bottom vertices of face
           x, y, z = vertices_list[key_index_b[u]]
           # add interfaces
           face = [key_index_a[v], key_index_a[u], key_index_b[u], key_index_b[v]]
       # add top and bottom faces
       face_a = [key_index_a[key] for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey)]
       face_b = [key_index_b[key] for key in mesh.face_vertices(fkey)]
Ejemplo n.º 19
        elif ftype == 'facade':
            # make a facade
            fvs = mesh.face_vertices(fk)
            facade_length = mesh.edge_length(fvs[0], fvs[1])
            num_subdivisions = int(facade_length / 0.05)
            if num_subdivisions > 1:
                new_keys = msd.segment_face(mesh, fk, num=num_subdivisions)
                for key in new_keys:
                    mesh.face_attribute(key, 'ftype', 'panel')
                mesh.face_attribute(fk, 'ftype', 'panel')

mesh = Mesh()
a = mesh.add_vertex(x=0, y=0, z=0)
b = mesh.add_vertex(x=1, y=0, z=0)
c = mesh.add_vertex(x=1, y=1, z=0)
d = mesh.add_vertex(x=0, y=1, z=0)
f = mesh.add_face([a, b, c, d])

mesh = sd.mesh_subdivide_tri(mesh)

mesh = sd.mesh_subdivide_quad(mesh)

fkeys = list(mesh.faces())

for fk in fkeys:

    new_keys = msd.segment_face(mesh, fk, num=2, start_index=0)
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_is_empty():
    mesh = Mesh()
    assert mesh.is_empty()
    assert not mesh.is_empty()
Ejemplo n.º 21
# subsequentely project profile curve to all planes
pts_uv = []
pts = pts_p
for i in range(div_r - 1):
    pts = project_points_plane(pts, planes[i])

# create mesh object
trans_mesh = Mesh()

# add vertices
for u in xrange(len(pts_uv)):
    for v in xrange(len(pts_uv[u])):
        x, y, z = pts_uv[u][v]
        trans_mesh.add_vertex((u, v), x=x, y=y, z=z)

# add faces
for u in xrange(len(pts_uv) - 1):
    for v in xrange(len(pts_uv[u]) - 1):
        trans_mesh.add_face([(u, v), (u + 1, v), (u + 1, v + 1), (u, v + 1)])

artist = MeshArtist(trans_mesh, layer='voussoir_hex')

# create fins
#dis = 0.5
#for u, v in trans_mesh.edges():
#    normal_u = trans_mesh.vertex_normal(u)
#    normal_v = trans_mesh.vertex_normal(v)
#    pt1 = trans_mesh.vertex_coordinates(u)
for idx, tup in enumerate(mesh.faces(True)):
    fkey, attr = tup

    if mesh.face_centroid(fkey)[0] < 0.0:  # mesh deleter by symmetry

    attr_dict = {k: v for k, v in attr.items()}
    face = mesh.face_vertices(fkey)
    new_mesh.add_face(key=idx, vertices=face, attr_dict=attr_dict)

for vkey, attr in mesh.vertices(True):
    if vkey not in all_vertices:
    attr_dict = {k: v for k, v in attr.items()}
    new_mesh.add_vertex(vkey, attr_dict=attr_dict)

mesh = new_mesh

# ==========================================================================
# 45 degrees field
# ==========================================================================

# for fkey, attr in mesh.faces(True):
# 	vec_1 = attr[vector_tag_1]
# 	y = 1.0 / math.tan(math.radians(45.0))
# 	x_vec = vec_1
# 	y_vec = cross_vectors(x_vec, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0])  # global Z
# 	y_vec = scale_vector(y_vec, y)
# 	vec_3 = normalize_vector(add_vectors(x_vec, y_vec))