Ejemplo n.º 1
def uninstall_plugin(plugin, version=None):
    """Uninstall a Rhino Python Command Plugin.

    plugin : str
        The name of the plugin.
    version : str, optional
        The version of Rhino for which the plugin should be uninstalled.
        Default is ``'6.0'``.

    The version info is only relevant for Rhino on Windows.

    .. code-block:: bash

        $ python -m compas_rhino.uninstall_plugin XXX{520ddb34-e56d-4a37-9c58-1da10edd1d62}

    if version not in ('5.0', '6.0'):
        version = '6.0'

    python_plugins_path = compas_rhino._get_python_plugins_path(version)

    destination = os.path.join(python_plugins_path, plugin)

    print('Uninstalling PlugIn {} from Rhino PythonPlugIns.'.format(plugin))


    print('PlugIn {} Uninstalled.'.format(plugin))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='RhinoVault2 Installation command-line utility.')

                        help="install dev version of RV2 from current env")
                        help="remove all existing plugins")
                        help="The path to the plugin directory.")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.remove_plugins:
        print("\n", "-" * 10, "Removing existing plugins", "-" * 10)
        python_plugins_path = compas_rhino._get_python_plugins_path("6.0")
        print("Plugin location: ", python_plugins_path)
        plugins = os.listdir(python_plugins_path)
        for p in plugins:
            uninstall_plugin(p, version="6.0")

    print("\n", "-" * 10, "Removing existing packages", "-" * 10)

    print("\n", "-" * 10, "Installing RV2 python plugin", "-" * 10)
    if args.dev:
        install_plugin('ui/Rhino/RV2', version="6.0")
    elif args.plugin_path:
        install_plugin(args.plugin_path, version="6.0")

    print("\n", "-" * 10, "Installing COMPAS packages", "-" * 10)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def install_plugin(plugin, version=None):
    """Install a Rhino Python Command Plugin.

    plugin : str
        The path to the plugin folder.
    version : {'5.0', '6.0', '7.0'}, optional
        The version of Rhino for which the plugin should be installed.
        Default is ``'6.0'``.

    The version info is only relevant for Rhino on Windows.

    The function creates an *editable install*, which means that the plugin
    folder is *symlinked* into the correct location so Rhino can find and load it.
    The contents of the source folder can still be edited and next time you start
    Rhino those canges will be reflected in the loaded plugin.

    Assuming the plugin folder is at the following location on your computer

    .. code-block:: none


    and contains at least a "dev" folder with a ``__plugin__.py`` file with

    * the GUID of the tool: ``id={...}``, and
    * the name of the tool: ``title="..."``,

    it can be installed with the following command,

    .. code-block:: bash

        cd ~/Code/compas_xxx
        python -m compas_rhino.install_plugin ui/Rhino/XXX

    or the following, if the plugin should be installed for Rhino 7.

    .. code-block:: bash

        cd ~/Code/compas_xxx
        python -m compas_rhino.install_plugin -v 7.0 ui/Rhino/XXX

    if version not in ('5.0', '6.0', '7.0'):
        version = '6.0'

    if not os.path.isdir(plugin):
        raise Exception('Cannot find the plugin: {}'.format(plugin))

    plugin_dir = os.path.abspath(plugin)

    plugin_path, plugin_name = os.path.split(plugin_dir)
    if not plugin_path:
        plugin_path = os.getcwd()

    plugin_dev = os.path.join(plugin_dir, 'dev')

    if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dev):
        raise Exception('The plugin does not contain a dev folder.')

    plugin_info = os.path.join(plugin_dev, '__plugin__.py')

    if not os.path.isfile(plugin_info):
        raise Exception('The plugin does not contain plugin info.')

    __plugin__ = imp.load_source('__plugin__', plugin_info)

    if not __plugin__.id:
        raise Exception('Plugin id is not set.')

    if not __plugin__.title:
        raise Exception('Plugin title is not set.')

    plugin_fullname = "{}{}".format(__plugin__.title, __plugin__.id)

    python_plugins_path = compas_rhino._get_python_plugins_path(version)

    if not os.path.exists(python_plugins_path):

    source = plugin_dir
    destination = os.path.join(python_plugins_path, plugin_fullname)

    print('Installing PlugIn {} to Rhino PythonPlugIns.'.format(plugin_name))

    create_symlinks([(source, destination)])

    print('PlugIn {} Installed.'.format(plugin_name))
        'Restart Rhino and open the Python editor at least once to make it available.'
Ejemplo n.º 4
    for p in PACKAGES:
        except ImportError:
            print(p, "ERROR: cannot be imported, make sure it is installed")
            print('   {} {}'.format(p.ljust(20), "OK"))

    is_dev = is_editable("compas-RV2")
    print("RV2 is editable install: ", is_dev)

    if args.remove_plugins:
        print("\n", "-"*10, "Removing existing plugins", "-"*10)
        python_plugins_path = compas_rhino._get_python_plugins_path(args.rhino_version)
        print("Plugin location: ", python_plugins_path)
        plugins = os.listdir(python_plugins_path)
        for p in plugins:
            uninstall_plugin(p, version=args.rhino_version)

    if args.remove_packages:
        print("\n", "-"*10, "Removing existing packages", "-"*10)

    print("\n", "-"*10, "Installing RV2 python plugin", "-"*10)

    plugin_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    plugin_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, 'ui/Rhino/RV2')
    plugin_path = os.path.abspath(plugin_path)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def install_plugin(plugin, version=None):
    """Install a Rhino Python Command Plugin.

    plugin : str
        The path to the plugin folder.
    version : str, optional
        The version of Rhino for which the plugin should be installed.
        Default is ``'6.0'``.

    The version info is only relevant for Rhino on Windows.

    The function creates an *editable install*, which means that the plugin
    folder is *symlinked* into the correct location so Rhino can find and load it.
    The contents of the source folder can still be edited and next time you start
    Rhino those canges will be reflected in the loaded plugin.

    Assuming the plugin folder is at the following location on your computer

    .. code-block:: none


    It can be installed with the following command

    .. code-block:: bash

        $ cd ~/Code/compas_xxx/ui
        $ python -m compas_rhino.install_plugin XXX{520ddb34-e56d-4a37-9c58-1da10edd1d62}

    if version not in ('5.0', '6.0'):
        version = '6.0'

    plugin_path, plugin_name = os.path.split(plugin)
    if not plugin_path:
        plugin_path = os.getcwd()
    source = os.path.join(plugin_path, plugin_name)

    if not os.path.isdir(source):
        raise Exception('Cannot find the plugin: {}'.format(source))

    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(source, 'dev')):
        raise Exception('The plugin does not contain a dev folder.')

    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(source, 'dev', '__plugin__.py')):
        raise Exception('The plugin does not contain plugin info.')

    python_plugins_path = compas_rhino._get_python_plugins_path(version)

    if not os.path.exists(python_plugins_path):

    destination = os.path.join(python_plugins_path, plugin_name)

    print('Installing PlugIn {} to Rhino PythonPlugIns.'.format(plugin_name))

    if os.path.exists(destination):
    create_symlink(source, destination)

    print('PlugIn {} Installed.'.format(plugin_name))
    print('Restart Rhino and open the Python editor at least once to make it available.')