Ejemplo n.º 1
    client = Client(COMPASS_SERVER_URL)
    status, resp = client.list_hosts()
    #print '\r\nget all hosts status: %s resp\r\n' % (status)
    #print json.dumps(resp,indent=2)  
    if status >= 400:
        msg = 'failed to get subnets'
        raise Exception(msg)
    host_mapping = {}
    for host in resp:
        host_mapping[host['hostname']] = host['id']
    print '\r\nget hostmapping: %s \r\n' % (host_mapping) 
    status, resp = client.list_clusters()
    #print '\r\nget all cluster status: %s resp: \r\n' % (status) 
    #print json.dumps(resp,indent=2)
    if status >= 400:
        msg = 'failed to get subnets'
        raise Exception(msg)
    cluster_id = resp[0]['id']
    print '\r\n_get_cluster_host_status:%s\r\n' %cluster_id
    _get_cluster_host_status(client, cluster_id, host_mapping)