Ejemplo n.º 1
    def GetAutoCompList(self, command):
        """Returns the list of possible completions for a
        command string. If namespace is not specified the lookup
        is based on the locals namespace
        @param command: commadn lookup is done on
        @keyword namespace: namespace to do lookup in

        if command in [None, u'']:
            return list()

        buff = self.GetBuffer()
        cpos = buff.GetCurrentPos()

        # Check if we are in a php region or not
        if buff.GetStyleAt(cpos) not in HTML_AREA:
            return list()

        cline = buff.GetCurrentLine()

        tmp = buff.GetLine(cline).rstrip()

        # Check if we are completing an open tag
        if tmp.endswith('<'):
            if buff.GetLexer() == wx.stc.STC_LEX_XML:
                taglst = _FindXmlTags(buff.GetText())
                taglst = TAGS
            return completer.CreateSymbols(taglst, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        tmp = tmp.rstrip('>').rstrip()
        if len(tmp) and (tmp[-1] in '"\' \t' or tmp[-1].isalpha()):
            for line in range(cline, -1, -1):
                txt = buff.GetLine(line)
                if line == cline:
                    txt = txt[:buff.GetColumn(cpos)]

                idx = txt.rfind('<')
                if idx != -1:
                    parts = txt[idx:].lstrip('<').strip().split()
                    if len(parts):
                        tag = parts[0].rstrip('>')
                        if len(tag) and \
                           tag not in ('img', 'br', '?php', '?xml', '?') and \
                           not tag[0] in ('!', '/'):
                            rtag = u"</" + tag + u">"
                            if tag in NLINE_TAGS:

                            if not parts[-1].endswith('>'):
                                rtag = u">" + rtag
                            return [
                                completer.Symbol(rtag, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        return list()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _GetCompletionInfo(self, command, calltip=False):
        """Get Completion list or Calltip
        @return: list or string

        if command is None or (len(command) and command[0].isdigit()):
            if calltip:
                return u""
            return list()

            cmpl = PyCompleter()

            # Put the files directory on the path so eval has a better
            # chance of getting the proper completions
            fname = self._buffer.GetFileName()
            if fname:
                fpath = os.path.dirname(fname)
                sys.path.insert(0, fpath)

            t1 = time.time()
            dbg("[pycomp][info] Completion eval time: %f" % (time.time() - t1))

            if fname:

            if calltip:
                return cmpl.get_completions(command + u'(', u'', calltip)
                # Get Auto-completion List
                complst = cmpl.get_completions(command)
                sigs = list()
                type = completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN
                for sig in complst:
                    word = sig['word'].rstrip(u'(.')
                    if sig['type'] == "function":
                        type = completer.TYPE_FUNCTION
                    elif sig['type'] == "method":
                        type = completer.TYPE_METHOD
                    elif sig['type'] == "class":
                        type = completer.TYPE_CLASS
                    elif sig['type'] == "attribute":
                        type = completer.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE
                    elif sig['type'] == "property":
                        type = completer.TYPE_PROPERTY
                    sigs.append(completer.Symbol(word, type))

                sigs.sort(key=lambda x: x.Name.upper())
                return sigs

        except BaseException, msg:
            self._log("[pycomp][err] _GetCompletionInfo: %s, %s" % \
                      (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
            if calltip:
                return u""
                return list()
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _GetCompletionInfo(self, command, calltip=False):
        """Get Completion list or Calltip
        @return: list or string

        bf = self.GetBuffer()
        # A list of Symbol(keyword, TYPE_UNKNOWN)
        kwlst = map(lambda kw: completer.Symbol(kw, completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN),

        if command in (None, u''):
            return kwlst

        fillups = self.GetAutoCompFillups()
        if command[0].isdigit() or (command[-1] in fillups):
            return list()

        currentPos = bf.GetCurrentPos()

        # Get the real word: segment using autocompFillup
        tmp = command
        for ch in fillups:
            tmp = command.strip(ch)
        ls = list(tmp)

        idx = 0
        for c in ls:
            if c in fillups:
            idx += 1
        ls2 = ls[:idx]
        command = u"".join(ls2)

        # Available completions so far
        wordsNear = []
        maxWordLength = 0
        nWords = 0
        minPos = 0
        maxPos = bf.GetLength()
        flags = stc.STC_FIND_WORDSTART
        if self.GetCaseSensitive():
            flags |= stc.STC_FIND_MATCHCASE

        posFind = bf.FindText(minPos, maxPos, command, flags)
        while posFind >= 0 and posFind < maxPos:
            wordEnd = posFind + len(command)
            if posFind != currentPos:
                while -1 != Completer.wordCharacters.find(
                    wordEnd += 1

                wordLength = wordEnd - posFind
                if wordLength > len(command):
                    word = bf.GetTextRange(posFind, wordEnd)
                    sym = completer.Symbol(word, completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                    if not wordsNear.count(sym):
                        maxWordLength = max(maxWordLength, wordLength)
                        nWords += 1

            minPos = wordEnd
            posFind = bf.FindText(minPos, maxPos, command, flags)

        if len(wordsNear) > 0 and (maxWordLength > len(command)):
            return wordsNear

        return kwlst
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def GetAutoCompList(self, command):
        """Returns the list of possible completions for a
        command string.
        @param command: command lookup is done on

        if command in [None, u'']:
            return list()

        buff = self.GetBuffer()
        cpos = buff.GetCurrentPos()

        # Check if we are in a php region or not
        if buff.GetStyleAt(cpos) not in HTML_AREA:
            return list()

        # Get current context
        cline = buff.GetCurrentLine()
        ccol = buff.GetColumn(cpos)
        tmp = buff.GetLine(cline).rstrip()
        if ccol < len(tmp):
            tmp = tmp[:ccol].rstrip()

        # Check if we are completing an open tag (i.e < was typed)
        if tmp.endswith('<'):
            if buff.GetLexer() == wx.stc.STC_LEX_XML:
                taglst = _FindXmlTags(buff.GetText())
                taglst = TAGS
            return completer.CreateSymbols(taglst, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        # Check for a self closing tag (i.e />)
        endchk = tmp.strip().replace(u" ", u"").replace(u"\t", u"")
        if endchk.endswith(u"/>"):
            return list()

        # Try to autocomplete a closing tag (if necessary)
        tmp = tmp.rstrip('>').rstrip()
        if len(tmp) and (tmp[-1] in '"\' \t' or tmp[-1].isalpha()):
            # Walk backwards from the current line
            for line in range(cline, -1, -1):
                txt = buff.GetLine(line)
                if line == cline:
                    txt = txt[:buff.GetColumn(cpos)]

                idx = txt.rfind('<')
                if idx != -1:
                    parts = txt[idx:].lstrip('<').strip().split()
                    if len(parts):
                        tag = parts[0].rstrip('>')
                        if len(tag) and \
                           tag not in ('img', 'br', '?php', '?xml', '?') and \
                           not tag[0] in ('!', '/'):
                            rtag = u"</" + tag + u">"

                            if not parts[-1].endswith('>'):
                                rtag = u">" + rtag
                            return [
                                completer.Symbol(rtag, completer.TYPE_ELEMENT)

        return list()
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _GetCompletionInfo(self, command, calltip=False):
        """Get Completion list or Calltip
        @return: list or string

        if command is None or (len(command) and command[0].isdigit()):
            if calltip:
                return u""
            return list()

            cmpl = PyCompleter()

            # Put the files directory on the path so eval has a better
            # chance of getting the proper completions
            fname = self._buffer.GetFileName()
            if fname:
                fpath = os.path.dirname(fname)
                sys.path.insert(0, fpath)
            snapshot = list(sys.modules.keys())

            t1 = time.time()
            dbg("[pycomp][info] Completion eval time: %f" % (time.time() - t1))

            if fname:

            # Dump any other modules that got brought in during eval
            # so that they get properly updated on next pass through.
            nsnapshot = sys.modules.keys()
            nimport = list(set(nsnapshot).difference(set(snapshot)))
            for k in nimport:
                del sys.modules[k]

            if calltip:
                return cmpl.get_completions(command + u'(', u'', calltip)
                # Get Auto-completion List
                complst = cmpl.get_completions(command)
                sigs = list()
                tmap = {
                    "function": completer.TYPE_FUNCTION,
                    "method": completer.TYPE_METHOD,
                    "class": completer.TYPE_CLASS,
                    "attribute": completer.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE,
                    "property": completer.TYPE_PROPERTY
                for sig in complst:
                    word = sig['word'].rstrip(u'(.')
                    tval = tmap.get(sig['type'], completer.TYPE_UNKNOWN)
                    sigs.append(completer.Symbol(word, tval))
                sigs.sort(key=lambda x: x.Name.upper())
                return sigs

        except BaseException, msg:
            self._log("[pycomp][err] _GetCompletionInfo: %s, %s" % \
                      (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
            if calltip:
                return u""
                return list()