Ejemplo n.º 1
def _get_claim(workspace_contract_from, identity_workspace_contract, claim_id, mode) :
	""" Internal function to access claim data """
	w3 = mode.w3
	contract = w3.eth.contract(identity_workspace_contract, abi=constante.workspace_ABI)
	claim = contract.functions.getClaim(claim_id).call()
	privacy = claim[4].decode()
	ipfs_hash = claim[5]
	issuer = claim[2]
	scheme = claim[1]
	topic_value = claim[0]
	data_encrypted = Talao_ipfs.ipfs_get(ipfs_hash)
	address_from = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_from, mode)
	msg = decrypt_data(identity_workspace_contract, data_encrypted, privacy, mode, address_caller=address_from)
	if msg :
		data = list(msg.values())[0]
	else :
		logging.error('decrypt claim failed')
		return None
	return issuer, identity_workspace_contract, data, ipfs_hash,  scheme, claim_id, privacy, topic_value
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _get_claim(workspace_contract_from, private_key_from,
               identity_workspace_contract, claim_id, mode):
    """ Internal function to access claim data """
    w3 = mode.w3
    contract = w3.eth.contract(identity_workspace_contract,
    claim = contract.functions.getClaim(claim_id).call()
    data = claim[4].decode('utf-8')  # privacy
    ipfs_hash = claim[5]
    issuer = claim[2]
    scheme = claim[1]
    topic_value = claim[0]
    #topicname = topicvalue2topicname(topic_value)
    if data != 'private' and data != 'secret' and data != 'public':
        # compatiblité avec version precedente. data public non cryptee
        to_be_decrypted = False
        privacy = 'public'
        # toutes les datas sont encryptees
        to_be_decrypted = True
        privacy = data
    if to_be_decrypted:
        # upload data encrypted from ipfs
        data_encrypted = Talao_ipfs.ipfs_get(ipfs_hash)
        address_from = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_from, mode)
        msg = privatekey.decrypt_data(identity_workspace_contract,
        if msg:
            #data= msg[topicname]
            data = list(msg.values())[0]
            logging.error('decrypt claim failed')
            data = None

    gas_used = 1000
    created = ""
    gas_price = 1
    transaction_hash = "0"

    return issuer, identity_workspace_contract, data, ipfs_hash, gas_price * gas_used, transaction_hash, scheme, claim_id, privacy, topic_value, created
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_file(workspace_contract_from, private_key_from,
             workspace_contract_user, documentId, new_filename, mode):
    w3 = mode.w3
    contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_user,
    (doctype, doctypeversion, expires, issuer, checksum, engine, ipfshash,
     encrypted, related) = contract.functions.getDocument(documentId).call()
    if doctype == 30000:
        privacy = 'public'
    elif doctype == 30001:
        privacy = 'private'
    elif doctype == 30002:
        privacy = 'secret'
        logging.error('Error : wrong doctype in get file')
        return None

    # get transaction info
    contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_user,
    claim_filter = contract.events.DocumentAdded.createFilter(
        fromBlock=mode.fromBlock, toBlock='latest')
    event_list = claim_filter.get_all_entries()
    found = False
    for doc in event_list:
        if doc['args']['id'] == documentId:
            found = True
            transactionhash = doc['transactionHash']
            transaction_hash = transactionhash.hex()
            transaction = w3.eth.getTransaction(transaction_hash)
            gas_price = transaction['gasPrice']
            identity_workspace_contract = transaction['to']
            block_number = transaction['blockNumber']
            block = mode.w3.eth.getBlock(block_number)
            date = datetime.fromtimestamp(block['timestamp'])
            #gas_used = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(transaction_hash).gasUsed
            gas_used = 1000
            created = str(date)
    if not found:
        logging.error('Error : event list in get_file')
        return None

    # recuperation du msg
    data = Talao_ipfs.ipfs_get(ipfshash.decode('utf-8'))
    filename = data['filename']

    # calcul de la date
    expires = 'Unlimited' if expires == 0 else str(

    if privacy == 'public':
        to_be_decrypted = False
        to_be_stored = True

    elif workspace_contract_from != workspace_contract_user and privacy == 'private' and private_key_from is not None:
        #recuperer les cle AES cryptée du user sur son partnership de l identité
        contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_from,
        acct = Account.from_key(private_key_from)
        mode.w3.eth.defaultAccount = acct.address
        partnership_data = contract.functions.getPartnership(
        # one tests if the user in in partnershipg with identity (pending or authorized)
        if partnership_data[1] in [1, 2] and partnership_data[4] != b'':
            his_aes_encrypted = partnership_data[4]
            to_be_decrypted = True
            to_be_stored = True
            to_be_decrypted = False
            to_be_stored = False
            data = {'filename': filename, 'content': "Encrypted"}

    elif workspace_contract_from == workspace_contract_user:
        #recuperer les cle AES cryptée dans l identité
        contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_user,
        mydata = contract.functions.identityInformation().call()
        if privacy == 'private':
            his_aes_encrypted = mydata[5]
        if privacy == 'secret':
            his_aes_encrypted = mydata[6]

        to_be_decrypted = True
        to_be_stored = True

    else:  # workspace_contract_from != wokspace_contract_user and privacy == secret or private_key_from is None:
        to_be_decrypted = False
        to_be_stored = False
            'Warning : workspace_contract_from != wokspace_contract_user and privacy == secret or private_key_from is None (file.py)'
        data = {'filename': filename, 'content': "Encrypted"}

    if to_be_decrypted:
        # read la cle RSA privee sur le fichier de l identité
        contract = mode.w3.eth.contract(mode.foundation_contract,
        address_from = contract.functions.contractsToOwners(
        rsa_key = privatekey.get_key(address_from, 'rsa_key', mode)
        if rsa_key is None:
            logging.error('Warning : RSA key not found in file.py')
            return None

        # decoder la cle AES cryptée avec la cle RSA privée
        key = RSA.importKey(rsa_key)
        cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key)
        his_aes = cipher.decrypt(his_aes_encrypted)

        # decoder les datas
            del data['filename']
            b64 = data  #json.loads(json_input)
            json_k = ['nonce', 'header', 'ciphertext', 'tag']
            jv = {k: b64decode(b64[k]) for k in json_k}
            cipher = AES.new(his_aes, AES.MODE_EAX, nonce=jv['nonce'])
            plaintext = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(jv['ciphertext'], jv['tag'])
            msg = json.loads(plaintext.decode('utf-8'))
            data = msg
        except ValueError:
            logging.error("Error : data Decryption error")
            return None

    new_filename = filename if new_filename == "" else new_filename
    if to_be_stored:
        new_file = open(mode.uploads_path + new_filename, "wb")
    return issuer, identity_workspace_contract, data, ipfshash.decode(
    ), gas_price * gas_used, transaction_hash, doctype, doctypeversion, created, expires, issuer, privacy, related
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _get(workspace_contract_from, private_key_from, workspace_contract_user,
         documentId, mode):

    # @documentID is int
    if not isinstance(documentId, int):
        documentId = int(documentId)
        logging.error('doc_id must be int')

    w3 = mode.w3
    contract = w3.eth.contract(workspace_contract_user,
    #try :
    (doctype, doctypeversion, unused, issuer, unused, unused, ipfshash, unused,
     unused) = contract.functions.getDocument(documentId).call()
    #except :
    #	logging.error('connexion blockchain talaonet impossble, document.py')
    #	return None, None, None, None, None, None, None

    if doctype in [50000, 40000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 11000]:
        privacy = 'public'
    if doctype in [50001, 40001, 15001, 20001]:
        privacy = 'private'
    if doctype in [50002, 40002, 20002]:
        privacy = 'secret'
    workspace_contract_identity = workspace_contract_user

    # download from IPFS
    ipfs_data = Talao_ipfs.ipfs_get(ipfshash.decode('utf-8'))

    # previous version (deprecated)
    if privacy == 'public' and doctypeversion == 2:
        return issuer, workspace_contract_identity, ipfs_data, ipfshash.decode(
        ), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side with AES algo and server keys (public, private, secret)
    elif doctypeversion == 3:
        msg = privatekey.decrypt_data(workspace_contract_user, ipfs_data,
                                      privacy, mode)
        if msg:
            # decrypt avec algo AES-EAX ou AES-CBC
            return issuer, workspace_contract_user, msg, ipfshash.decode(
                'utf-8'), privacy, "", 0
            # la clé RSA n'est pas disponible sur le serveur
            logging.warning('Cannot decrypt data')
            return issuer, workspace_contract_user, {
                "data": 'Encrypted'
            }, ipfshash.decode('utf-8'), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side as JWE with RSA identity key
    elif doctypeversion == 4:
        jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
        address_user = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_user, mode)
        key = privatekey.get_key(address_user, 'rsa_key', mode)
        data = jwe.deserialize_compact(ipfs_data['jwe'], key)
        payload = data['payload']
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, payload.decode(
        ), ipfshash.decode(), privacy, "", 0

    # data encrypted server side as JWE with AES key
    elif doctypeversion == 5:
        jwe = JsonWebEncryption()
        address_user = contracts_to_owners(workspace_contract_user, mode)
        if privacy == 'public':
            secret = mode.aes_public_key.encode()
            secret = privatekey.get_key(address_user, privacy, mode)
        data = jwe.deserialize_compact(ipfs_data['jwe'], secret)
        payload = data['payload']
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, payload.decode(
        ), ipfshash.decode(), privacy, ipfs_data['id'], ipfs_data['sequence']

    # data encrypted client side as JWE. There is no server decryption.
    elif doctypeversion == 6:
        return issuer, workspace_contract_user, ipfs_data[
            'jwe'], ipfshash.decode(), privacy, "", 0

        logging.error('pb doctypeversion')
        return None, None, None, None, None, None, None