Ejemplo n.º 1
class mzFile_explicit_numbering(mzAPImzFile):
    mzAPI interface class for WIFF files.
    Scans in a WIFF file are indexed by sample, experiment, and cycle.  Briefly,
    each sample corresponds to a MS run contained in the file.  Each cycle contains
    an MS1 scan and the MS2 scans performed from that point, each of which has
    a different experiment number.  Note that as a result, all MS1 scans are 
    typically in experiment 1.    
    def __init__(self, data_file, sample=1, experiment=None, **etc):
        self.file_type = 'wiff'
        self.data_file = data_file

        self.source = CreateObject("{9eabbbb3-5a2a-4f73-aa60-f87b736d3476}")
        #except WindowsError as err:
        #print "WiffReaderCOM.dll not found in registry."
        #raise err

        if not os.path.exists(data_file + '.scan'):
            raise IOError, "%s.scan not found!" % data_file


        self.sample = sample

        self.sample_count = self.source.GetSamples()
        self.experiment_count = self.source.GetExperiments(sample - 1)

        # Will only store list for default parameters,
        # since that's what's used by headers() and filters().
        self._scan_info = {}

        # Until we get around to fixing the COM-level time/scan
        # translation functions, can use the scan_info data to
        # provide a lookup.
        scan_rt = [(scan, rt) for rt, _, scan, _, _ in self.scan_info()]
        self._scan_to_rt = dict(scan_rt)
        self._rt_to_scan = ProximityIndexedSequence(scan_rt,
                                                    indexer=lambda x: x[1])

    def scan(self, scan_name, experiment, sample=None, centroid=False):
        Retrieve a spectrum by the scan name.
        scan_name may either be the (int) cycle number, a (float) retention
        time value, a double (cycle number, experiment number) or a triple
        (cycle number, experiment number, sample number).
        If .set_sample and .set_experiment have not been called for a given mzFile
        instance, calls to .scan must specify these values.  Sample
        and experiment numbers given to .scan are not saved.

        if sample == None:
            sample = self.sample

        #if centroid:
        #print 'WARNING- Centroid argument to scan() does not currently work for WIFF files.'

        if isinstance(scan_name, int):
            cycle = scan_name
        elif isinstance(scan_name, float):
            cycle = self.scan_for_time(scan_name, experiment, sample)
            raise NotImplementedError, "scan_name must be float or int."

        scan = zip(*self.source.GetSpectrumIndex(sample - 1, experiment -
                                                 1, cycle - 1))
        if centroid:
            scan = centroid_func(scan)
        return scan

    def scan_info(self,
        Returns a list of [(time, mz, scan_name, scan_type, scan_mode)] in 
        the time and mz range provided in the sample and experiment specified
        (or all experiments and previously set sample, if not specified.)
        If sample is omitted, results are returned for the first sample.  If
        experiment is omitted, results are returned for all experiments
        in the sample.

        if not sample:
            sample = self.sample

        if sample - 1 in self._scan_info:
            return [
                x for x in self._scan_info[sample - 1]
                if start_cycle <= x[2][0] <= stop_cycle and (
                    experiment == None or x[2][1] == experiment)

        # Zero- versus one-indexing gets dicy here.

        if sample:
            samples = [sample - 1]
            raise Exception

        if experiment:
            expCounts = {sample - 1: [experiment]}
            expCounts = dict([(x, range(0, self.source.GetExperiments(x)))
                              for x in samples])

        scaninfo = []
        cycleInfo = {}
        # samples is always length 1, due to the above checks, so this
        # is currently more complicated than it needs to be.
        for sample in samples:
            #expInfo = {}
            #for exp in expCounts[sample]:
            #expInfo[exp] = self.source.ExperimentInfo(sample, exp)

            ## Obnoxious to have to call this simply for percursor masses.
            #cycleData = self.source.GetSampleData(sample)
            #for exp, cyc, rt, mass, cole in zip(*cycleData):
            #cycleInfo[sample, int(exp), int(cyc)] = rt, mass, cole

            cycles = self.source.GetNumCycles(sample)
            start_pt = max([0, start_cycle])
            stop_pt = min([cycles, stop_cycle])
            for cycle in range(start_pt, stop_pt):
                for exp in expCounts[sample]:
                    (level, precM, centroid, tof, colE, minInt,
                     maxInt) = self.source.GetScanData(sample, exp, cycle)
                    rt = self.source.GetRTOfScan(sample, exp, cycle)

                    level = 'MS%d' % int(level)
                    precM = precM if precM > 0 else 0
                    centroid = 'p' if centroid == 0 else 'c'

                    if (level != 'MS1') and not precM:
                        if debug:
                            #assert not self.scan((cycle, exp, sample))
                        # It seems like this means it wasn't a real scan?

                    # Slight cheat to resolve issue where multiplie scans
                    # wind up with the precise same RT, which causes unexpected
                    # behavior in many use cases.
                    if scaninfo and rt == scaninfo[-1][0]:
                        rt += 0.000001

                    scaninfo.append((rt, precM, (cycle + 1, exp + 1,
                                                 sample + 1), level, centroid))

        if (start_cycle == 0 and stop_cycle == 999999 and experiment == None):
            self._scan_info[sample] = scaninfo

        return scaninfo

    def xic(self,
        Get the eXtracted Ion Chromatogram of the given time- and mz-range in
        the given sample data.  If sample is not specified, the previously set
        default (1, unless changed by set_sample()) is used.
        Experiment is by default 1 (the experiment of MS1 scans.)
        if filter and filter.strip().lower() not in ['full ms', 'full ms2']:
            raise NotImplementedError, "Filter strings are not compatible with WIFF files. %s" % filter

        if not sample:
            sample = self.sample

        xic = zip(*self.source.XicByExp(sample - 1, experiment -
                                        1, float(start_mz), float(stop_mz)))
        return [x for x in xic if start_time <= x[0] <= stop_time]

    def tic(self,
        Get the Total Ion Chromatogram of the given time range in the given sample
        data.  This is not dependent on the experiment setting.

        if not sample:
            sample = self.sample

        tic = zip(*self.source.TicByExp(sample - 1, 0))
        if start_time:
            tic = [x for x in tic if x[0] >= start_time]
        if stop_time:
            tic = [x for x in tic if x[0] <= stop_time]
        return tic

    def time_range(self, sample=None):
        Gets the total retention time range of the sample.  By default uses the
        MS1 sample (1).
        if sample == None:
            sample = self.sample

        return tuple(self.source.GetRTRange(sample - 1))

    def time_for_scan(self, cycle, experiment=None, sample=None):
        Returns the retention time of a given cycle.
        if sample == None:
            sample = self.sample

        #return self.source.GetRTOfScan(sample-1, experiment-1, cycle-1)
        return self._scan_to_rt[(cycle, experiment, sample)]

    def scan_for_time(self, rt, experiment=None, sample=None):
        Returns the (cycle, experiment, sample) at a given retention time, if any.
        if sample == None:
            sample = self.sample

        #return int(self.source.GetIndexOfRT(sample-1, experiment-1, rt))
        return self._rt_to_scan[rt][0]

    def scan_name_from_scan_time(self, rt, experiment=None, sample=None):
        return self.scan_for_time(rt, experiment, sample)

    def scan_time_from_scan_name(self, cycle, experiment=None, sample=None):
        return self.time_for_scan(cycle, experiment, sample)

    def scan_range(self, sample=None, experiment=None):
        Returns the beginning and ending cycle numbers of the given sample.
        if sample == None:
            sample = self.sample

        return (0, self.source.GetNumCycles(sample - 1))

    def filters(self):
        XCalibur-style MS filter strings, for back-cross-compatibility
        with scripts designed to work with raw.py.

        expInfo = {}
        for sample in range(0, self.source.GetSamples()):
            for experiment in range(0, self.source.GetExperiments(sample)):
                expInfo[sample, experiment] = self.source.ExperimentInfo(
                    sample, experiment)

        self._filters = []
        for rt, mz, (cycle, exp, sample), level, mode in self.scan_info():
                mzrange = map(int, expInfo[sample - 1,
                                           exp - 1][1:3])  # ...Perhaps?
            except ValueError:
                assert expInfo[sample - 1, exp -
                               1][1] == 'MRM' and expInfo[sample - 1,
                                                          exp - 1][1] == 'MRM'
                mzrange = 0, 0
            if level == 'MS1':
                levelstr = 'ms'
                locstr = ''
            elif level == 'MS2':
                levelstr = 'ms2'
                locstr = '%[email protected] ' % mz
                raise Exception, level

            detector = expInfo[sample - 1, exp - 1][3]

            filterstr = "%s + %s NSI Full %s %s[%d.00-%d.00]" % (
                detector, mode, levelstr, locstr, mzrange[0], mzrange[1])

            self._filters.append((rt, filterstr))

        return self._filters

    def scan_modes(self):
        modes = []
        for sample in range(0, self.source.GetSamples()):
            for experiment in range(0, self.source.GetExperiments(sample)):
                modes.append((experiment + 1,
        return modes

    def headers(self, *etc):
        self._headers = self.scan_info()
        return self._headers

    def MRM_info(self):
        values = self.source.GetMRMInfo(self.sample - 1, 0)
        keys = [
            'ExperimentType', 'SpectrumType', 'RawDataType', 'Polarity',
            'IDAType', 'SourceType', 'NumberOfScans'
        return dict(zip(keys, values))

    def MRM_channels(self):
        return list(self.source.GetMRMChannels(self.sample - 1, 0))

    def MRM_scan(self, cycle):
        return list(self.source.MRMScan(self.sample - 1, 0, cycle))

    def close(self):
        # No close function in the COM object yet.  Should there be one?