Ejemplo n.º 1
    def includeAction(self, data):
        if self.resultSet:

            return True

        assert(not self.includeSet._getOptionalSet())
        assert(not self.includeSet._getInstallSet() == 1)

        nvf = list(self.includeSet._getInstallSet())[0]

        if not trove.troveIsComponent(nvf[0]):
            # getTrove is sometimes disabled to prevent one at a time calls
            # can't be helped here
            trv = data.troveCache.getTroves([ nvf], withFiles=False)[0]
            found = None
            for subNVF in trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs = True):
                if subNVF[0].endswith(':cml'):
                    found = subNVF

            if not found:
                raise IncludeException('Package %s=%s[%s] does not contain a '
                                       'cml component for inclusion' % nvf)
            nvf = found
        elif nvf[0].split(':')[1] not in [ 'cml', 'source' ]:
            raise IncludeException('Include only supports source and cml '

        if nvf in self.outSet.g.included:
            raise IncludeException('Include loop detected involving %s=%s[%s]'
                                   % nvf)


        cmlFileLines = self.getCML(data.troveCache, nvf)

        model = cml.CML(None, context = nvf[0])
        model.parse(fileData = cmlFileLines)
        self.resultSet = self.compiler.augment(model, self.searchSet,
        self.outSet.g.addEdge(self.resultSet, self.outSet)

                                            [ self.resultSet.searchPath ]) )

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getDepsForTroveList(self, troveTupList, provides = True,
                            requires = True):
        def missingNeeded(depTuple):
            if depTuple is None: return True
            if provides and depTuple[0] is None: return True
            if requires and depTuple[1] is None: return True

            return False

        def mergeCacheEntry(troveTup, depTuple):
            existing = self.depCache.get(depTuple)
            if existing is None:
                self.depCache[troveTup] = depInfo
                self.depCache[troveTup] = (depTuple[0] or existing[0],
                                           depTuple[1] or existing[1])

        # look in the dep cache and trove cache
        result = [ None ] * len(troveTupList)
        for i, tup in enumerate(troveTupList):
            result[i] = self.getDepCacheEntry(tup)

            if result[i] is None and self.troveIsCached(tup):
                trv = self.cache[tup]
                result[i] = (trv.getProvides(), trv.getRequires())
            elif result[i] is None and trove.troveIsPackage(tup[0]):
                # packages provide only themselves; querying the repository
                # to figure that out seems unnecessarily complicated
                result[i] = (deps.parseDep('trove: %s' % tup[0]),

        needed = [ (i, troveTup) for i, (troveTup, depSets) in
                            enumerate(izip(troveTupList, result))
                            if missingNeeded(depSets)  ]
        if not needed:
            return result

        # use the getDepsForTroveList call; it raises an error if it needs
        # to access some repositories which don't support it
        log.info("Getting deps for %d troves" % len(needed))
            depList = self.troveSource.getDepsForTroveList(
                                                [ x[1] for x in needed ],
                                                provides = provides,
                                                requires = requires)
        except netclient.PartialResultsError, e:
            # we can't use this call everywhere; handle what we can and we'll
            # deal with the None's later
            depList = e.partialResults
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def includeAction(self, data):
        if self.resultSet:

            return True

        assert (not self.includeSet._getOptionalSet())
        assert (not self.includeSet._getInstallSet() == 1)

        nvf = list(self.includeSet._getInstallSet())[0]

        if not trove.troveIsComponent(nvf[0]):
            assert (trove.troveIsPackage(nvf[0]))
            # getTrove is sometimes disabled to prevent one at a time calls
            # can't be helped here
            trv = data.troveCache.getTroves([nvf], withFiles=False)[0]
            found = None
            for subNVF in trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True):
                if subNVF[0].endswith(':cml'):
                    found = subNVF

            if not found:
                raise IncludeException('Package %s=%s[%s] does not contain a '
                                       'cml component for inclusion' % nvf)
            nvf = found
        elif nvf[0].split(':')[1] not in ['cml', 'source']:
            raise IncludeException('Include only supports source and cml '

        if nvf in self.outSet.g.included:
            raise IncludeException(
                'Include loop detected involving %s=%s[%s]' % nvf)


        cmlFileLines = self.getCML(data.troveCache, nvf)

        model = cml.CML(None, context=nvf[0])
        self.resultSet = self.compiler.augment(model, self.searchSet,
        self.outSet.g.addEdge(self.resultSet, self.outSet)


        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def getDepsForTroveList(self, troveTupList, provides = True,
                            requires = True):
        def missingNeeded(depTuple):
            if depTuple is None: return True
            if provides and depTuple[0] is None: return True
            if requires and depTuple[1] is None: return True

            return False

        def mergeCacheEntry(troveTup, depTuple):
            existing = self.depCache.get(depTuple)
            if existing is None:
                self.depCache[troveTup] = depInfo
                self.depCache[troveTup] = (depTuple[0] or existing[0],
                                           depTuple[1] or existing[1])

        # look in the dep cache and trove cache
        result = [ None ] * len(troveTupList)
        for i, tup in enumerate(troveTupList):
            result[i] = self.getDepCacheEntry(tup)

            if result[i] is None and self.troveIsCached(tup):
                trv = self.cache[tup]
                result[i] = (trv.getProvides(), trv.getRequires())
            elif result[i] is None and trove.troveIsPackage(tup[0]):
                # packages provide only themselves; querying the repository
                # to figure that out seems unnecessarily complicated
                result[i] = (deps.parseDep('trove: %s' % tup[0]),

        needed = [ (i, troveTup) for i, (troveTup, depSets) in
                            enumerate(izip(troveTupList, result))
                            if missingNeeded(depSets)  ]
        if not needed:
            return result

        # use the getDepsForTroveList call; it raises an error if it needs
        # to access some repositories which don't support it
        log.info("Getting deps for %d troves" % len(needed))
            depList = self.troveSource.getDepsForTroveList(
                                                [ x[1] for x in needed ],
                                                provides = provides,
                                                requires = requires)
        except netclient.PartialResultsError, e:
            # we can't use this call everywhere; handle what we can and we'll
            # deal with the None's later
            depList = e.partialResults
Ejemplo n.º 5
def iterTroveList(troveSource, troveTups, recurseAll=False,
                  recurseOne=False, recursePackages=False,
                  needTroves=False, getPristine=True,
                  showNotByDefault=False, showWeakRefs=False,
                  checkExists=False, showNotExists=False,
                  showFlags=False, showBuildLog=False,
                  filesToShow = [], primaryTroves=[]):
    Given a troveTup list, iterate over those troves and their child troves
    as specified by parameters

    @param troveSource: place to retrieve the trove instances matching troveTups
    @type troveSource: display.DisplayConfig
    @param recurseAll: if true, recursively descend through the listed troves
    @type recurseAll: bool
    @param recurseOne: if True, include just the first level of troves below
    the listed troves (but do not recurse)
    @param needTroves: if True, return trove objects.  Otherwise, return None
    as each trove object
    @type needTroves: bool
    @param getPristine: if True, get pristine trove objects
    @type getPristine: bool
    @param showNotByDefault: if True, yield not bydefault troves
    @type showNotByDefault: bool
    @param showWeakRefs: if True, yield troves that are weak references
    @type showWeakRefs: bool
    @param checkExists: if True, add flag MISSING for troves that do not
    exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource
    @type checkExists: bool
    @param showNotExists: if True, show troves that do not exist (but are
    referenced) in this troveSource
    @type showNotExists: bool

    @rtype: yields (troveTup, troveObj, flags, indent) tuples
    if not getPristine:
        kw = {'pristine' : False}
        kw = {}

    if recurseOne: # when we recurse one level deep, always recurse packages
                   # otherwise you might try conary q tmpwatch --troves and
                   # have that give no result.
        recursePackages = True

    if needTroves or showFlags:
        troves = troveSource.getTroves(troveTups, withFiles=False, **kw)
        troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(troveTups, troves))
    elif recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages:
        if recursePackages:
            if recurseOne or recurseAll:
                colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) ]
                colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])]
            colls = [ x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                                           and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])]
        troves = troveSource.getTroves(colls, withFiles=False, **kw)
        troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(colls, troves))
        troves = [None] * len(troveTups)
        troveCache = {}

    hasTrovesCache = {}
    if recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages:
        # we're recursing, we can cache a lot of information -
        # troves we'll need, hasTroves info we'll need.
        # If we cache this now, we cut down significantly on the
        # number of function calls we need.
        childTups = list(itertools.chain(*( x.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True)
                         for x in troves if x)))
        if recurseAll:
            if recursePackages:
                _check = lambda x: trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                _check = lambda x: (trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                                    and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0]))
            colls = set(x for x in troveTups if _check(x))
            childColls = [ x for x in childTups if _check(x)]
            troves = troveSource.getTroves(childColls, withFiles=False, **kw)
            troveCache.update(itertools.izip(childColls, troves))
        allTups = troveTups + childTups
        if checkExists:
            hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(allTups)
            hasTrovesCache = dict(itertools.izip(allTups, hasTroves))
        troves = [ troveCache.get(x, None) for x in troveTups ]

    seen = set()  # cached info about what troves we've called hasTrove on.
    #import epdb; epdb.st()
    for troveTup, trv in itertools.izip(troveTups, troves):
        if recurseAll:
            # recurse all troves, depth first.
            topTrove = trv

            troves = [(trv, (troveTup, trv,

            while troves:
                topTrove, info = troves.pop(0)
                yield info

                troveTup, trv, flags, depth = info
                if not flags & TROVE_HASTROVE:
                    # we can't recurse this trove, it doesn't exist.
                if not trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]):
                    # this could have been one of the troves we specified
                    # initially, in which case trying to recurse it will
                    # not work.
                if trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]) and not recursePackages:

                newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True,

                newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups)
                if needTroves or trv.isRedirect():
                    # might as well grab all the troves, we're supposed
                    # to yield them all.
                    neededTroveTups = [ x for x in newTroveTups \
                                                    if x not in troveCache ]

                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(neededTroveTups,

                    troveCache.update(x for x \
                        in itertools.izip(neededTroveTups, newTroves) if x[1])
                    newColls = [ x for x in trv.iterTroveList(weakRefs=True,
                                             if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                                            and x not in troveCache ]
                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(newColls,
                    troveCache.update(x for x in itertools.izip(newColls, newTroves))

                if checkExists:
                    toCheck = set(x for x in trv.iterTroveList(True, True))
                    alsoToCheck = {}
                    for newTrove in newTroves:
                        if newTrove is None:
                        alsoToCheck.update(dict((x, newTrove) for x in \
                                        newTrove.iterTroveList(True, True)
                                        if x not in toCheck and x not in seen))

                    if not showNotByDefault:
                        newToCheck = []
                        for tup in toCheck:
                            if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                        for tup, parent in alsoToCheck.iteritems():
                            if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif trv.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif parent.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                        toCheck = newToCheck
                        toCheck = list(toCheck)

                    if toCheck:
                        toCheck = [ x for x in toCheck if x not in hasTrovesCache ]
                        hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toCheck)
                        hasTrovesCache.update(x for x in itertools.izip(toCheck, hasTroves))

                trovesToAdd = []
                depth += 1
                for troveTup in newTroveTups:
                    if not topTrove.hasTrove(*troveTup):
                        topTrove = trv
                    if not recursePackages and trove.troveIsComponent(troveTup[0]):
                    installByDefault = topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*troveTup)

                    if not installByDefault and not showNotByDefault:

                    flags = TROVE_STRONGREF
                    if installByDefault:
                        flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT
                    if not checkExists or hasTrovesCache[troveTup]:
                        flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE
                    elif not showNotExists:

                    newTrove = troveCache.get(troveTup, None)
                    if trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]):
                                (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth)))
                        yield (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth)

                troves = trovesToAdd + troves
            # recurse one level or recurse no levels.
            yield troveTup, trv, TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0

            if (trv and
                 or recursePackages and (trove.troveIsPackage(trv.getName())))):
                newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveListInfo()

                if not showWeakRefs:
                    newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[2])

                if not showNotByDefault:
                    newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[1])

                newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups)

                if needTroves or trv.isRedirect():
                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(
                                                [x[0] for x in newTroveTups],
                    newTroves = [None] * len(newTroveTups)

                if checkExists:
                    toAdd = [ x[0] for x in newTroveTups if x[0] not in hasTrovesCache ]
                    hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toAdd)
                    hasTrovesCache.update(itertools.izip(toAdd, hasTroves))
                    hasTroves = [ hasTrovesCache[x[0]] for x in newTroveTups ]
                    hasTroves = [True] * len(newTroveTups)

                for (troveTup, byDefault, strongRef), trv, hasTrove \
                        in itertools.izip(newTroveTups, newTroves, hasTroves):
                    flags = 0
                    if strongRef:
                        flags |= TROVE_STRONGREF
                    if byDefault:
                        flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT
                    if hasTrove:
                        flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE
                    elif not showNotExists:
                    yield troveTup, trv, flags, 1
Ejemplo n.º 6
def iterTroveList(troveSource,
    Given a troveTup list, iterate over those troves and their child troves
    as specified by parameters

    @param troveSource: place to retrieve the trove instances matching troveTups
    @type troveSource: display.DisplayConfig
    @param recurseAll: if true, recursively descend through the listed troves
    @type recurseAll: bool
    @param recurseOne: if True, include just the first level of troves below
    the listed troves (but do not recurse)
    @param needTroves: if True, return trove objects.  Otherwise, return None
    as each trove object
    @type needTroves: bool
    @param getPristine: if True, get pristine trove objects
    @type getPristine: bool
    @param showNotByDefault: if True, yield not bydefault troves
    @type showNotByDefault: bool
    @param showWeakRefs: if True, yield troves that are weak references
    @type showWeakRefs: bool
    @param checkExists: if True, add flag MISSING for troves that do not
    exist (but are referenced) in this troveSource
    @type checkExists: bool
    @param showNotExists: if True, show troves that do not exist (but are
    referenced) in this troveSource
    @type showNotExists: bool

    @rtype: yields (troveTup, troveObj, flags, indent) tuples
    if not getPristine:
        kw = {'pristine': False}
        kw = {}

    if recurseOne:  # when we recurse one level deep, always recurse packages
        # otherwise you might try conary q tmpwatch --troves and
        # have that give no result.
        recursePackages = True

    if needTroves or showFlags:
        troves = troveSource.getTroves(troveTups, withFiles=False, **kw)
        troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(troveTups, troves))
    elif recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages:
        if recursePackages:
            if recurseOne or recurseAll:
                colls = [x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])]
                colls = [x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])]
            colls = [
                x for x in troveTups if trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                and not trove.troveIsPackage(x[0])
        troves = troveSource.getTroves(colls, withFiles=False, **kw)
        troveCache = dict(itertools.izip(colls, troves))
        troves = [None] * len(troveTups)
        troveCache = {}

    hasTrovesCache = {}
    if recurseAll or recurseOne or recursePackages:
        # we're recursing, we can cache a lot of information -
        # troves we'll need, hasTroves info we'll need.
        # If we cache this now, we cut down significantly on the
        # number of function calls we need.
        childTups = list(
            itertools.chain(*(x.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True) for x in troves
                              if x)))
        if recurseAll:
            if recursePackages:
                _check = lambda x: trove.troveIsCollection(x[0])
                _check = lambda x: (trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and not trove
            colls = set(x for x in troveTups if _check(x))
            childColls = [x for x in childTups if _check(x)]
            troves = troveSource.getTroves(childColls, withFiles=False, **kw)
            troveCache.update(itertools.izip(childColls, troves))
        allTups = troveTups + childTups
        if checkExists:
            hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(allTups)
            hasTrovesCache = dict(itertools.izip(allTups, hasTroves))
        troves = [troveCache.get(x, None) for x in troveTups]

    seen = set()  # cached info about what troves we've called hasTrove on.
    #import epdb; epdb.st()
    for troveTup, trv in itertools.izip(troveTups, troves):
        if recurseAll:
            # recurse all troves, depth first.
            topTrove = trv

            troves = [
                (trv, (troveTup, trv,

            while troves:
                topTrove, info = troves.pop(0)
                yield info

                troveTup, trv, flags, depth = info
                if not flags & TROVE_HASTROVE:
                    # we can't recurse this trove, it doesn't exist.
                if not trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]):
                    # this could have been one of the troves we specified
                    # initially, in which case trying to recurse it will
                    # not work.
                if trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]) and not recursePackages:

                newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveList(strongRefs=True,

                newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups)
                if needTroves or trv.isRedirect():
                    # might as well grab all the troves, we're supposed
                    # to yield them all.
                    neededTroveTups = [ x for x in newTroveTups \
                                                    if x not in troveCache ]

                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(neededTroveTups,

                    troveCache.update(x for x \
                        in itertools.izip(neededTroveTups, newTroves) if x[1])
                    newColls = [
                        x for x in trv.iterTroveList(weakRefs=True,
                                                     strongRefs=True) if
                        trove.troveIsCollection(x[0]) and x not in troveCache
                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(newColls,
                        x for x in itertools.izip(newColls, newTroves))

                if checkExists:
                    toCheck = set(x for x in trv.iterTroveList(True, True))
                    alsoToCheck = {}
                    for newTrove in newTroves:
                        if newTrove is None:
                        alsoToCheck.update(dict((x, newTrove) for x in \
                                        newTrove.iterTroveList(True, True)
                                        if x not in toCheck and x not in seen))

                    if not showNotByDefault:
                        newToCheck = []
                        for tup in toCheck:
                            if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                        for tup, parent in alsoToCheck.iteritems():
                            if topTrove.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif trv.hasTrove(*tup):
                                if trv.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                            elif parent.includeTroveByDefault(*tup):
                        toCheck = newToCheck
                        toCheck = list(toCheck)

                    if toCheck:
                        toCheck = [
                            x for x in toCheck if x not in hasTrovesCache
                        hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toCheck)
                            x for x in itertools.izip(toCheck, hasTroves))

                trovesToAdd = []
                depth += 1
                for troveTup in newTroveTups:
                    if not topTrove.hasTrove(*troveTup):
                        topTrove = trv
                    if not recursePackages and trove.troveIsComponent(
                    installByDefault = topTrove.includeTroveByDefault(

                    if not installByDefault and not showNotByDefault:

                    flags = TROVE_STRONGREF
                    if installByDefault:
                        flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT
                    if not checkExists or hasTrovesCache[troveTup]:
                        flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE
                    elif not showNotExists:

                    newTrove = troveCache.get(troveTup, None)
                    if trove.troveIsCollection(troveTup[0]):
                            (topTrove, (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth)))
                        yield (troveTup, newTrove, flags, depth)

                troves = trovesToAdd + troves
            # recurse one level or recurse no levels.
            yield troveTup, trv, TROVE_STRONGREF | TROVE_BYDEFAULT | TROVE_HASTROVE, 0

            if (trv and (recurseOne or recursePackages and
                newTroveTups = trv.iterTroveListInfo()

                if not showWeakRefs:
                    newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[2])

                if not showNotByDefault:
                    newTroveTups = (x for x in newTroveTups if x[1])

                newTroveTups = sorted(newTroveTups)

                if needTroves or trv.isRedirect():
                    newTroves = troveSource.getTroves(
                        [x[0] for x in newTroveTups], withFiles=False)
                    newTroves = [None] * len(newTroveTups)

                if checkExists:
                    toAdd = [
                        x[0] for x in newTroveTups
                        if x[0] not in hasTrovesCache
                    hasTroves = troveSource.hasTroves(toAdd)
                    hasTrovesCache.update(itertools.izip(toAdd, hasTroves))
                    hasTroves = [hasTrovesCache[x[0]] for x in newTroveTups]
                    hasTroves = [True] * len(newTroveTups)

                for (troveTup, byDefault, strongRef), trv, hasTrove \
                        in itertools.izip(newTroveTups, newTroves, hasTroves):
                    flags = 0
                    if strongRef:
                        flags |= TROVE_STRONGREF
                    if byDefault:
                        flags |= TROVE_BYDEFAULT
                    if hasTrove:
                        flags |= TROVE_HASTROVE
                    elif not showNotExists:
                    yield troveTup, trv, flags, 1
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def _walk(self,
        Return ((name, version, flavor), inInstallSet, explicit) tuples
        for the troves referenced by this TroveSet. inInstallSet is True
        if this trove is included in the installSet (byDefault True) for
        any of the troves which include it. It is considered explicit
        iff it is included directly by this TroveSet.

        @param troveCache: TroveCache to use for iterating trove contents
        @type troveCache: TroveSource
        @param newGroups: Return newly created groups. Version will
        be NewVersion().
        @type newGroups: bool
        @param recurse: Return full recursive closure. When possible, implicit
        includes are used to generate this information.
        @type recurse: bool
        @rtype: ((str, versions.Version, deps.Flavor), isInstall, isExplicit)

        if not recurse:
            result = []
            for (troveTup) in self._getInstallSet():
                inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup, True)
                if (newGroups
                        or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                    result.append((troveTup, inInstallSet, True))

            for (troveTup) in self._getOptionalSet():
                inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup, False)
                if (newGroups
                        or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                    result.append((troveTup, inInstallSet, True))

            return result

        if not installSetOverrides and self._walkCache is not None:
            return self._walkCache

        walkResult = []

        usedPackages = set()
        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            if trove.troveIsComponent(troveTuple[0]):

        collections = list()
        newCollections = list()
        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            if (isinstance(troveTuple[1], versions.NewVersion)):
            elif (trove.troveIsGroup(troveTuple[0])
                  or troveTuple[0] in usedPackages):


        containedBy = dict(
            (x, [])
            for x in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet))
        containsItems = dict(
            (x, False)
            for x in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet))

        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            for collection in itertools.chain(collections, newCollections):
                if troveCache.troveReferencesTrove(collection, troveTuple):
                    containsItems[collection] = True

        # for each pair of troves determine the longest path between them; we
        # do this through a simple tree walk
        maxPathLength = {}
        searchList = [(x, x, 0) for x, y in containsItems.iteritems() if not y]
        while searchList:
            start, next, depth = searchList.pop(0)

            knownDepth = maxPathLength.get((start, next), -1)
            if depth > knownDepth:
                maxPathLength[(start, next)] = depth

            for container in containedBy[next]:
                searchList.append((start, container, depth + 2))

        searchList = sorted([(x, x, 0) for x, y in containsItems.iteritems()
                             if not y])

        def handle(tt, dp, ii):
            val = results.get(tt)

            if val is None:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii)
            elif val[0] == dp:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii or val[1])
            elif val[0] > dp:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii)

        results = {}
        seenDepths = {}
        while searchList:
            start, troveTup, depth = searchList.pop(0)

            if depth < maxPathLength[(start, troveTup)]:
            assert (maxPathLength[(start, troveTup)] == depth)

            seenAtDepth = seenDepths.get(troveTup)
            if seenAtDepth is not None and seenAtDepth <= depth:
                # we've walked this at a lower depth; there is no reason
                # to do so again
            seenDepths[troveTup] = depth

            inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup, troveTup
                                                   in self.installSet)

            handle(troveTup, depth, inInstallSet)

            for child in containedBy[troveTup]:
                searchList.append((start, child, depth + 2))

            if not recurse:

            if inInstallSet or not trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]):
                for subTroveTup, subIsInstall, subIsExplicit in \
                    overridenSubIsInstall = installSetOverrides.get(
                        subTroveTup, subIsInstall)
                    handle(subTroveTup, depth + 1, inInstallSet
                           and overridenSubIsInstall)
                for componentName in troveCache.getPackageComponents(troveTup):
                    handle((componentName, troveTup[1], troveTup[2]),
                           depth + 1, False)

        for (troveTup), (depth, isInstall) in results.iteritems():
            if (newGroups or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                    (troveTup, isInstall, (troveTup in self.installSet
                                           or troveTup in self.optionalSet)))

        if not installSetOverrides:
            self._walkCache = walkResult

        return walkResult
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _walk(self, troveCache, newGroups = True, recurse = False,
              installSetOverrides = {}):
        Return ((name, version, flavor), inInstallSet, explicit) tuples
        for the troves referenced by this TroveSet. inInstallSet is True
        if this trove is included in the installSet (byDefault True) for
        any of the troves which include it. It is considered explicit
        iff it is included directly by this TroveSet.

        @param troveCache: TroveCache to use for iterating trove contents
        @type troveCache: TroveSource
        @param newGroups: Return newly created groups. Version will
        be NewVersion().
        @type newGroups: bool
        @param recurse: Return full recursive closure. When possible, implicit
        includes are used to generate this information.
        @type recurse: bool
        @rtype: ((str, versions.Version, deps.Flavor), isInstall, isExplicit)

        if not recurse:
            result = []
            for (troveTup) in self._getInstallSet():
                inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup, True)
                if (newGroups
                        or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                    result.append( (troveTup, inInstallSet, True) )

            for (troveTup) in self._getOptionalSet():
                inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup, False)
                if (newGroups
                        or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                    result.append( (troveTup, inInstallSet, True) )

            return result

        if not installSetOverrides and self._walkCache is not None:
            return self._walkCache

        walkResult = []

        usedPackages = set()
        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            if trove.troveIsComponent(troveTuple[0]):

        collections = list()
        newCollections = list()
        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            if (isinstance(troveTuple[1], versions.NewVersion)):
            elif (trove.troveIsGroup(troveTuple[0]) or
                        troveTuple[0] in usedPackages):


        containedBy = dict ( (x, []) for x in
                           itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet))
        containsItems = dict ( (x, False) for x in
                           itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet))

        for troveTuple in itertools.chain(self.installSet, self.optionalSet):
            for collection in itertools.chain(collections, newCollections):
                if troveCache.troveReferencesTrove(collection, troveTuple):
                    containsItems[collection] = True

        # for each pair of troves determine the longest path between them; we
        # do this through a simple tree walk
        maxPathLength = {}
        searchList = [ (x, x, 0) for x, y in containsItems.iteritems()
                            if not y ]
        while searchList:
            start, next, depth = searchList.pop(0)

            knownDepth = maxPathLength.get( (start, next), -1 )
            if depth > knownDepth:
                maxPathLength[(start, next)] = depth

            for container in containedBy[next]:
                searchList.append( (start, container, depth + 2) )

        searchList = sorted([ (x, x, 0) for x, y in containsItems.iteritems()
                              if not y ])

        def handle(tt, dp, ii):
            val = results.get(tt)

            if val is None:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii)
            elif val[0] == dp:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii or val[1])
            elif val[0] > dp:
                results[tt] = (dp, ii)

        results = {}
        seenDepths = {}
        while searchList:
            start, troveTup, depth = searchList.pop(0)

            if depth < maxPathLength[(start, troveTup)]:
            assert(maxPathLength[(start, troveTup)] == depth)

            seenAtDepth = seenDepths.get(troveTup)
            if seenAtDepth is not None and seenAtDepth <= depth:
                # we've walked this at a lower depth; there is no reason
                # to do so again
            seenDepths[troveTup] = depth

            inInstallSet = installSetOverrides.get(troveTup,
                                                   troveTup in self.installSet)

            handle(troveTup, depth, inInstallSet)

            for child in containedBy[troveTup]:
                searchList.append( (start, child, depth + 2) )

            if not recurse:

            if inInstallSet or not trove.troveIsPackage(troveTup[0]):
                for subTroveTup, subIsInstall, subIsExplicit in \
                    overridenSubIsInstall = installSetOverrides.get(
                            subTroveTup, subIsInstall)
                    handle(subTroveTup, depth + 1,
                           inInstallSet and overridenSubIsInstall)
                for componentName in troveCache.getPackageComponents(troveTup):
                    handle((componentName, troveTup[1], troveTup[2]),
                           depth + 1, False)

        for (troveTup), (depth, isInstall) in results.iteritems():
            if (newGroups
                    or not isinstance(troveTup[1], versions.NewVersion)):
                        (troveTup, isInstall,
                            (troveTup in self.installSet or
                             troveTup in self.optionalSet) ) )

        if not installSetOverrides:
            self._walkCache = walkResult

        return walkResult