Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_MD5MismatchError(self):
        url = "https://download.url/path/to/file.tar.bz2"
        target_full_path = "/some/path/on/disk/another-name.tar.bz2"
        expected_md5sum = "abc123"
        actual_md5sum = "deadbeef"
        exc = MD5MismatchError(url, target_full_path, expected_md5sum, actual_md5sum)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.MD5MismatchError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'MD5MismatchError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)
        assert json_obj['url'] == url
        assert json_obj['target_full_path'] == target_full_path
        assert json_obj['expected_sum'] == expected_md5sum
        assert json_obj['actual_sum'] == actual_md5sum
        assert json_obj['checksum_type'] == 'md5'

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == dals("""
        MD5MismatchError: Conda detected a mismatch between the expected content and downloaded content
        for url 'https://download.url/path/to/file.tar.bz2'.
          download saved to: /some/path/on/disk/another-name.tar.bz2
          expected md5 sum: abc123
          actual md5 sum: deadbeef
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_TooManyArgumentsError(self):
        expected = 2
        received = 5
        offending_arguments = "groot"
        exc = TooManyArgumentsError(expected, received, offending_arguments)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.TooManyArgumentsError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'TooManyArgumentsError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)
        assert json_obj['expected'] == 2
        assert json_obj['received'] == 5
        assert json_obj['offending_arguments'] == "groot"

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == "TooManyArgumentsError:  Got 5 arguments (g, r, o, o, t) but expected 2."
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_CondaHTTPError(self):
        msg = "Potato"
        url = "https://download.url/path/to/Potato.tar.gz"
        status_code = "Potato"
        reason = "COULD NOT CONNECT"
        elapsed_time = 1.24
        exc = CondaHTTPError(msg, url, status_code, reason, elapsed_time)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

            json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
            assert not c.stderr
            assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.CondaHTTPError'>"
            assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'CondaHTTPError'
            assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
            assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)
            assert json_obj['url'] == url
            assert json_obj['status_code'] == status_code
            assert json_obj['reason'] == reason
            assert json_obj['elapsed_time'] == elapsed_time

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert dals("""
                CondaHTTPError: HTTP Potato COULD NOT CONNECT for url <https://download.url/path/to/Potato.tar.gz>
                Elapsed: 1.24

                """).strip() in c.stderr.strip()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_get_index_no_platform_with_offline_cache(self):
        import conda.core.subdir_data
        with env_var('CONDA_REPODATA_TIMEOUT_SECS', '0', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with patch.object(conda.core.subdir_data, 'read_mod_and_etag') as read_mod_and_etag:
                read_mod_and_etag.return_value = {}
                channel_urls = ('https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/pro',)
                with env_var('CONDA_REPODATA_TIMEOUT_SECS', '0', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                    this_platform = context.subdir
                    index = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=False)
                    for dist, record in iteritems(index):
                        assert platform_in_record(this_platform, record), (this_platform, record.url)

        # When unknown=True (which is implicity engaged when context.offline is
        # True), there may be additional items in the cache that are included in
        # the index. But where those items coincide with entries already in the
        # cache, they must not change the record in any way. TODO: add one or
        # more packages to the cache so these tests affirmatively exercise
        # supplement_index_from_cache on CI?

        for unknown in (None, False, True):
            with env_var('CONDA_OFFLINE', 'yes', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with patch.object(conda.core.subdir_data, 'fetch_repodata_remote_request') as remote_request:
                    index2 = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=False, unknown=unknown)
                    assert all(index2.get(k) == rec for k, rec in iteritems(index))
                    assert unknown is not False or len(index) == len(index2)
                    assert remote_request.call_count == 0

        for unknown in (False, True):
            with env_var('CONDA_REPODATA_TIMEOUT_SECS', '0', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with patch.object(conda.core.subdir_data, 'fetch_repodata_remote_request') as remote_request:
                    remote_request.side_effect = Response304ContentUnchanged()
                    index3 = get_index(channel_urls=channel_urls, prepend=False, unknown=unknown)
                    assert all(index3.get(k) == rec for k, rec in iteritems(index))
                    assert unknown or len(index) == len(index3)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_fetchrepodate_connectionerror(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
         with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_READ_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
             with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_MAX_RETRIES', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                 with pytest.raises(CondaHTTPError) as execinfo:
                     url = ""
                     msg = "Connection error:"
                     fetch_repodata_remote_request(url, None, None)
                     assert msg in str(execinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_download_connectionerror(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
         with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_READ_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
             with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_MAX_RETRIES', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                 with pytest.raises(CondaHTTPError) as execinfo:
                     url = ""
                     msg = "Connection error:"
                     download(url, mktemp())
                     assert msg in str(execinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_print_unexpected_error_message_upload_2(self, post_mock):
        with env_var('CONDA_JSON', 'true', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with env_var('CONDA_YES', 'yes', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with captured() as c:
                    ExceptionHandler()(_raise_helper, AssertionError())

                assert post_mock.call_count == 3
                assert len(json.loads(c.stdout)['conda_info']['channels']) >= 2
                assert not c.stderr
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_fetchrepodate_connectionerror(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, reset_context):
         with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_READ_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, reset_context):
             with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_MAX_RETRIES', 1, reset_context):
                 with pytest.raises(CondaHTTPError) as execinfo:
                     url = ""
                     msg = "Connection error:"
                     assert msg in str(execinfo)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def test_local_build_root_custom_rc(self):
        assert context.local_build_root == "C:\\some\\test\\path" if on_win else "/some/test/path"

        test_path_1 = join(os.getcwd(), 'test_path_1')
        with env_var("CONDA_CROOT", test_path_1, stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            assert context.local_build_root == test_path_1

        test_path_2 = join(os.getcwd(), 'test_path_2')
        with env_var("CONDA_BLD_PATH", test_path_2, stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            assert context.local_build_root == test_path_2
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def test_local_build_root_custom_rc(self):
        assert context.local_build_root == "C:\\some\\test\\path" if on_win else "/some/test/path"

        test_path_1 = join(os.getcwd(), 'test_path_1')
        with env_var("CONDA_CROOT", test_path_1, reset_context):
            assert context.local_build_root == test_path_1

        test_path_2 = join(os.getcwd(), 'test_path_2')
        with env_var("CONDA_BLD_PATH", test_path_2, reset_context):
            assert context.local_build_root == test_path_2
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_tmpDownload(self):
        with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_READ_TIMEOUT_SECS', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with env_var('CONDA_REMOTE_MAX_RETRIES', 1, conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                    url = "https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free/osx-64/appscript-1.0.1-py27_0.tar.bz2"
                    with TmpDownload(url) as dst:
                        assert exists(dst)
                        assert isfile(dst)

                    msg = "Rock and Roll Never Die"
                    with TmpDownload(msg) as result:
                        assert result == msg
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def test_subdirs_env_var(self):
        subdirs = ('linux-highest', 'linux-64', 'noarch')

        def _channel_urls(channels=None):
            for channel in channels or DEFAULT_CHANNELS:
                channel = Channel(channel)
                for subdir in subdirs:
                    yield join_url(channel.base_url, subdir)

        with env_var('CONDA_SUBDIRS', ','.join(subdirs), reset_context):
            c = Channel('defaults')
            assert c.urls() == list(_channel_urls())

            c = Channel('conda-forge')
            assert c.urls() == list(_channel_urls(('conda-forge',)))

            channels = ('bioconda', 'conda-forge')
            prioritized = prioritize_channels(channels)
            assert prioritized == OrderedDict((
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/bioconda/linux-highest", ("bioconda", 0)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/bioconda/linux-64", ("bioconda", 0)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/bioconda/noarch", ("bioconda", 0)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-highest", ("conda-forge", 1)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-64", ("conda-forge", 1)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch", ("conda-forge", 1)),

            prioritized = prioritize_channels(channels, subdirs=('linux-again', 'noarch'))
            assert prioritized == OrderedDict((
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/bioconda/linux-again", ("bioconda", 0)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/bioconda/noarch", ("bioconda", 0)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/linux-again", ("conda-forge", 1)),
                ("https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge/noarch", ("conda-forge", 1)),
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_toolz_cytoolz_package_cache_regression(self):
     with make_temp_env("python=3.5") as prefix:
         pkgs_dir = join(prefix, 'pkgs')
         with env_var('CONDA_PKGS_DIRS', pkgs_dir, reset_context):
             assert context.pkgs_dirs == (pkgs_dir,)
             run_command(Commands.INSTALL, prefix, "-c conda-forge toolz cytoolz")
             assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'toolz-')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_local_channel(self):
        conda_bld_path = join(gettempdir(), 'conda-bld')
            with env_var('CONDA_CROOT', conda_bld_path, reset_context):
                channel = Channel('local')
                assert channel._channels[0].name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] == 'conda-bld'
                assert channel.channel_name == "local"
                assert channel.platform is None
                assert channel.package_filename is None
                assert channel.auth is None
                assert channel.token is None
                assert channel.scheme is None
                assert channel.canonical_name == "local"
                local_channel_first_subchannel = channel._channels[0].name

                channel = Channel(local_channel_first_subchannel)
                assert channel.channel_name == local_channel_first_subchannel
                assert channel.platform is None
                assert channel.package_filename is None
                assert channel.auth is None
                assert channel.token is None
                assert channel.scheme == "file"
                assert channel.canonical_name == "local"

                assert channel.urls() == Channel(local_channel_first_subchannel).urls()
                assert channel.urls()[0].startswith('file:///')
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_channel_order_channel_priority_true(self):
        with env_var("CONDA_PINNED_PACKAGES", "python=3.5", reset_context):
            with make_temp_env("pycosat==0.6.1") as prefix:
                assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'python-3.5')
                assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'pycosat')

                # add conda-forge channel
                o, e = run_command(Commands.CONFIG, prefix, "--prepend channels conda-forge", '--json')

                assert context.channels == ("conda-forge", "defaults"), o + e
                # update --all
                update_stdout, _ = run_command(Commands.UPDATE, prefix, '--all')

                # this assertion works with the pinned_packages config to make sure
                # conda update --all still respects the pinned python version
                assert_package_is_installed(prefix, 'python-3.5')

                # pycosat should be in the SUPERSEDED list
                # after the 4.4 solver work, looks like it's in the DOWNGRADED list
                # This language needs changed anyway here.
                # For packages that CHANGE because they're being moved to a higher-priority channel
                # the message should be
                # The following packages will be UPDATED to a higher-priority channel:
                installed_str, x = update_stdout.split('UPDATED')
                updated_str, downgraded_str = x.split('DOWNGRADED')
                assert 'pycosat:' in updated_str

                # python sys.version should show conda-forge python
                python_tuple = get_conda_list_tuple(prefix, "python")
                assert python_tuple[3] == 'conda-forge'
                # conda list should show pycosat coming from conda-forge
                pycosat_tuple = get_conda_list_tuple(prefix, "pycosat")
                assert pycosat_tuple[3] == 'conda-forge'
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_config_resets(self):
     appname = "myapp"
     config = SampleConfiguration(app_name=appname)
     assert config.changeps1 is True
     with env_var("MYAPP_CHANGEPS1", "false"):
         assert config.changeps1 is False
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_target_prefix(self):
        with tempdir() as prefix:
            mkdir_p(join(prefix, 'first', 'envs'))
            mkdir_p(join(prefix, 'second', 'envs'))
            create_package_cache_directory(join(prefix, 'first', 'pkgs'))
            create_package_cache_directory(join(prefix, 'second', 'pkgs'))
            envs_dirs = (join(prefix, 'first', 'envs'), join(prefix, 'second', 'envs'))
            with env_var('CONDA_ENVS_DIRS', os.pathsep.join(envs_dirs), reset_context):

                # with both dirs writable, choose first
                reset_context((), argparse_args=AttrDict(name='blarg', func='create'))
                assert context.target_prefix == join(envs_dirs[0], 'blarg')

                # with first dir read-only, choose second
                make_read_only(join(envs_dirs[0], '.conda_envs_dir_test'))
                reset_context((), argparse_args=AttrDict(name='blarg', func='create'))
                assert context.target_prefix == join(envs_dirs[1], 'blarg')

                # if first dir is read-only but environment exists, choose first
                mkdir_p(join(envs_dirs[0], 'blarg'))
                touch(join(envs_dirs[0], 'blarg', 'history'))
                reset_context((), argparse_args=AttrDict(name='blarg', func='create'))
                assert context.target_prefix == join(envs_dirs[0], 'blarg')
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_print_unexpected_error_message_upload_1(self, post_mock):
        with env_var('CONDA_REPORT_ERRORS', 'true', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                ExceptionHandler()(_raise_helper, AssertionError())

            assert post_mock.call_count == 2
            assert c.stdout == ''
            assert "conda version" in c.stderr
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_dry_run_exit(self):
        with env_var('CONDA_DRY_RUN', 'true', reset_context):
            from conda.cli.common import confirm_yn
            with pytest.raises(DryRunExit):

            from conda.cli.common import confirm
            with pytest.raises(DryRunExit):
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def test_prefix_cli_flag(self):
        envs_dirs = (join(self.prefix, 'first-envs-dir'), join(self.prefix, 'seconds-envs-dir'))
        with env_var('CONDA_ENVS_DIRS', os.pathsep.join(envs_dirs), conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):

            # even if prefix doesn't exist, it can be a target prefix
            reset_context((), argparse_args=AttrDict(prefix='./blarg', func='create'))
            target_prefix = join(os.getcwd(), 'blarg')
            assert context.target_prefix == target_prefix
            assert not isdir(target_prefix)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_dry_run_exit(self):
        with env_var('CONDA_DRY_RUN', 'true', conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            from conda.cli.common import confirm_yn
            with pytest.raises(DryRunExit):

            from conda.cli.common import confirm
            with pytest.raises(DryRunExit):
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def test_CondaFileNotFoundError(self):
        filename = "Groot"
        exc = PathNotFoundError(filename)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.PathNotFoundError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'PathNotFoundError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == "PathNotFoundError: Groot"
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_CondaRevisionError(self):
        message = "Potato"
        exc = CondaRevisionError(message)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.CondaRevisionError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'CondaRevisionError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == "CondaRevisionError: Potato."
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def test_CommandNotFoundError_conda_build(self):
        cmd = "build"
        exc = CommandNotFoundError(cmd)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.CommandNotFoundError'>"
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == ("CommandNotFoundError: To use 'conda build', install conda-build.")
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def test_print_unexpected_error_message_opt_out_1(self, input_mock, post_mock):
        with env_var('CONDA_REPORT_ERRORS', 'false', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            e = AssertionError()
            with captured() as c:
                ExceptionHandler()(_raise_helper, AssertionError())

            assert input_mock.call_count == 0
            assert post_mock.call_count == 0
            assert c.stdout == ''
            print(c.stderr, file=sys.stderr)
            assert "conda version" in c.stderr
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_DirectoryNotFoundError(self):
        directory = "Groot"
        exc = DirectoryNotFoundError(directory)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", reset_context):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.DirectoryNotFoundError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'DirectoryNotFoundError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)
        assert json_obj['path'] == "Groot"

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", reset_context):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == "DirectoryNotFoundError: Groot"
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_CommandNotFoundError_simple(self):
        cmd = "instate"
        exc = CommandNotFoundError(cmd)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.CommandNotFoundError'>"
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == ("CommandNotFoundError: No command 'conda instate'.\n"
                                    "Did you mean 'conda install'?")
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_init_cmd_exe_registry(self):
        def _read_windows_registry_mock(target_path, value=None):
            if not value:
                value = "yada\\yada\\conda_hook.bat"
            return 'echo hello & "{}" & echo "world"'.format(value), None

        from conda.core import initialize
        orig_read_windows_registry = initialize._read_windows_registry
        initialize._read_windows_registry = _read_windows_registry_mock
        orig_join = initialize.join
        initialize.join = ntpath.join

            target_path = r'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun'
            conda_prefix = "c:\\Users\\Lars\\miniconda"
            with env_var('CONDA_DRY_RUN', 'true', conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with captured() as c:
                    initialize.init_cmd_exe_registry(target_path, conda_prefix)
            initialize._read_windows_registry = orig_read_windows_registry
            initialize.join = orig_join

        expected = "echo hello & \"c:\\Users\\Lars\\miniconda\\condabin\\conda_hook.bat\" & echo \"world\""
        assert c.stdout.strip().splitlines()[-1][1:] == expected

        # test the reverse (remove the key)
        initialize._read_windows_registry = lambda x: _read_windows_registry_mock(x, value=join(conda_prefix, 'condabin', 'conda_hook.bat'))
        initialize.join = ntpath.join
            target_path = r'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\AutoRun'
            conda_prefix = "c:\\Users\\Lars\\miniconda"
            with env_var('CONDA_DRY_RUN', 'true', conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
                with captured() as c:
                    initialize.init_cmd_exe_registry(target_path, conda_prefix, reverse=True)
            initialize._read_windows_registry = orig_read_windows_registry
            initialize.join = orig_join

        expected = "echo hello & echo \"world\""
        assert c.stdout.strip().splitlines()[-1][1:] == expected
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_PackageNotFoundError(self):
        package = "Potato"
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                exc = PackagesNotFoundError((package,))
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.PackagesNotFoundError'>"
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == dals("""
        PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are missing from the target environment:
          - Potato
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def test_CondaKeyError(self):
        key = "Potato"
        message = "Potato is not a key."
        exc = CondaKeyError(key, message)
        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "yes", reset_context):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        json_obj = json.loads(c.stdout)
        assert not c.stderr
        assert json_obj['exception_type'] == "<class 'conda.exceptions.CondaKeyError'>"
        assert json_obj['exception_name'] == 'CondaKeyError'
        assert json_obj['message'] == text_type(exc)
        assert json_obj['error'] == repr(exc)
        assert json_obj['key'] == "Potato"

        with env_var("CONDA_JSON", "no", reset_context):
            with captured() as c:
                conda_exception_handler(_raise_helper, exc)

        assert not c.stdout
        assert c.stderr.strip() == "CondaKeyError: 'Potato': Potato is not a key."
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_index_r_4(subdir=context.subdir):
    with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'data', 'index4.json')) as fi:
        packages = json.load(fi)
        repodata = {
            "info": {
                "subdir": subdir,
                "arch": context.arch_name,
                "platform": context.platform,
            "packages": packages,

    channel = Channel('https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-4/%s' % subdir)
    sd = SubdirData(channel)
    with env_var("CONDA_ADD_PIP_AS_PYTHON_DEPENDENCY", "false", reset_context):
    sd._loaded = True
    SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd

    index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records}
    r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel, ))

    return index, r
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def test_channel_order_channel_priority_true(self):
        with env_var("CONDA_PINNED_PACKAGES", "python=3.5", reset_context):
            with make_temp_env("pycosat==0.6.1") as prefix:
                assert package_is_installed(prefix, 'python=3.5')
                assert package_is_installed(prefix, 'pycosat')

                # add conda-forge channel
                o, e = run_command(Commands.CONFIG, prefix,
                                   "--prepend channels conda-forge", '--json')

                assert context.channels == ("conda-forge", "defaults"), o + e
                # update --all
                update_stdout, _ = run_command(Commands.UPDATE, prefix,

                # this assertion works with the pinned_packages config to make sure
                # conda update --all still respects the pinned python version
                assert package_is_installed(prefix, 'python=3.5')

                # pycosat should be in the SUPERSEDED list
                # after the 4.4 solver work, looks like it's in the DOWNGRADED list
                # This language needs changed anyway here.
                # For packages that CHANGE because they're being moved to a higher-priority channel
                # the message should be
                # The following packages will be UPDATED to a higher-priority channel:
                installed_str, x = update_stdout.split('UPDATED')
                updated_str, downgraded_str = x.split('SUPERSEDED')
                assert 'pycosat' in updated_str

                # python sys.version should show conda-forge python
                python_tuple = get_conda_list_tuple(prefix, "python")
                assert python_tuple[3] == 'conda-forge'
                # conda list should show pycosat coming from conda-forge
                pycosat_tuple = get_conda_list_tuple(prefix, "pycosat")
                assert pycosat_tuple[3] == 'conda-forge'
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def test_create_update(self):
        with make_temp_envs_dir() as envs_dir:
            with env_var('CONDA_ENVS_DIRS',
                env_name = str(uuid4())[:8]
                prefix = join(envs_dir, env_name)
                python_path = join(prefix, PYTHON_BINARY)

                run_command(Commands.CREATE, env_name,
                assert exists(python_path)
                assert package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask=0.12.2')

                env_vars = get_env_vars(prefix)
                assert env_vars['FIXED'] == 'fixed'
                assert env_vars['CHANGES'] == 'original_value'
                assert env_vars[
                    'GETS_DELETED'] == 'not_actually_removed_though'
                assert env_vars.get('NEW_VAR') is None

                    Commands.UPDATE, env_name,
                assert package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask=1.0.2')
                assert not package_is_installed(prefix, 'flask=0.12.2')

                env_vars = get_env_vars(prefix)
                assert env_vars['FIXED'] == 'fixed'
                assert env_vars['CHANGES'] == 'updated_value'
                assert env_vars['NEW_VAR'] == 'new_var'

                # This ends up sticking around since there is no real way of knowing that an environment
                # variable _used_ to be in the variables dict, but isn't any more.
                assert env_vars[
                    'GETS_DELETED'] == 'not_actually_removed_though'
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def test_leased_paths(self):
        with env_var('CONDA_ROOT_PREFIX', self.prefix, reset_context):
            alamos_env = EnvsDirectory.preferred_env_to_prefix('alamos')
            lpe_1 = LeasedPathEntry(
                target_path=join(alamos_env, 'bin', 'alamos'),
                leased_path=join(context.root_prefix, 'bin', 'alamos'),

            ed = EnvsDirectory(join(context.root_prefix, 'envs'))

            with pytest.raises(CondaError):

            lpe_2 = LeasedPathEntry(
                target_path=join(alamos_env, 'bin', 'itsamalbec'),
                leased_path=join(context.root_prefix, 'bin', 'itsamalbec'),

            assert len(ed.get_leased_path_entries_for_package('alamos')) == 2

            assert ed.get_leased_path_entry('bin/itsamalbec') == lpe_2


            assert len(ed.get_leased_path_entries_for_package('alamos')) == 0
            assert ed.get_leased_path_entry('bin/itsamalbec') is None
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def test_unexpanded_variables(self):
     with env_var('EXPANDED_PWD', 'pass44'):
         channel = Channel('unexpanded')
         assert channel.auth == 'user1:$UNEXPANDED_PWD'
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def test_expanded_variables(self):
     with env_var('EXPANDED_PWD', 'pass44'):
         channel = Channel('expanded')
         assert channel.auth == 'user33:pass44'
         assert context.channels[0] == 'http://*****:*****@some.url:8080'
         assert context.whitelist_channels[0] == 'http://*****:*****@some.url:8080'
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def test_restore_free_channel(self):
     assert 'https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free' not in context.default_channels
     with env_var("CONDA_RESTORE_FREE_CHANNEL", 'true', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
         assert  context.default_channels.index('https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free') == 1
Ejemplo n.º 38
 def test_subdir_env_var(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_SUBDIR', 'osx-1012-x84_64', reset_context):
         channel = Channel('https://conda.anaconda.org/msarahan/osx-1012-x84_64/clangxx_osx-1012-x86_64-10.12-h0bb54af_0.tar.bz2')
         assert channel.base_url == 'https://conda.anaconda.org/msarahan'
         assert channel.package_filename == 'clangxx_osx-1012-x86_64-10.12-h0bb54af_0.tar.bz2'
         assert channel.platform == 'osx-1012-x84_64'  # the platform attribute is misnamed here in conda 4.3; conda 4.4 code can correctly use the channel.subdir attribute
Ejemplo n.º 39
def test_windows_sort_orders_2():
    # This test makes sure the windows-specific parts of _toposort_prepare_graph
    # are behaving correctly.

    with env_var('CONDA_ALLOW_CYCLES', 'false', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
        old_on_win = conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win
        conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win = False
            records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
            graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)

            python_node = graph.get_node_by_name('python')
            pip_node = graph.get_node_by_name('pip')
            assert pip_node in graph.graph[python_node]
            assert python_node in graph.graph[pip_node]

            nodes = tuple(rec.name for rec in graph.records)
            order = (
                'menuinst',  # not on_win, menuinst isn't changed
                'pip',  # pip always comes after python
                'conda',  # not on_win, no special treatment for noarch: python packages (affine, colour, spiffy-test-app, uses-spiffy-test-app)
            assert nodes == order
            conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win = old_on_win
Ejemplo n.º 40
def test_check_non_admin_enabled_true():
    with env_var('CONDA_NON_ADMIN_ENABLED', 'true', reset_context):
        assert True
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def test_aggressive_update_packages(self):
     assert context.aggressive_update_packages == tuple()
     specs = ['certifi', 'openssl>=1.1']
     with env_var('CONDA_AGGRESSIVE_UPDATE_PACKAGES', ','.join(specs), stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
         assert context.aggressive_update_packages == tuple(MatchSpec(s) for s in specs)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def test_clobber_enum(self):
     with env_var("CONDA_PATH_CONFLICT",
         assert context.path_conflict == PathConflict.prevent
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def test_dist_with_channel_url(self):
        # standard named channel
        url = "https://repo.anaconda.com/pkgs/free/win-64/spyder-app-2.3.8-py27_0.tar.bz2"
        d = Dist(url)
        assert d.channel == 'defaults'
        assert d.name == 'spyder-app'
        assert d.version == '2.3.8'
        assert d.build_string == 'py27_0'

        assert d.to_url() == url
        assert d.is_channel is True

        # standard url channel
        url = "https://not.real.continuum.io/pkgs/free/win-64/spyder-app-2.3.8-py27_0.tar.bz2"
        d = Dist(url)
        assert d.channel == 'defaults'  # because pkgs/anaconda is in defaults
        assert d.name == 'spyder-app'
        assert d.version == '2.3.8'
        assert d.build_string == 'py27_0'

        assert d.to_url() == url
        assert d.is_channel is True

        # another standard url channel
        url = "https://not.real.continuum.io/not/anaconda/win-64/spyder-app-2.3.8-py27_0.tar.bz2"
        d = Dist(url)
        assert d.channel == 'https://not.real.continuum.io/not/anaconda'
        assert d.name == 'spyder-app'
        assert d.version == '2.3.8'
        assert d.build_string == 'py27_0'

        assert d.to_url() == url
        assert d.is_channel is True

        # local file url that is a named channel
        conda_bld_path = join(gettempdir(), 'conda-bld')
            with env_var('CONDA_BLD_PATH', conda_bld_path, reset_context):
                url = path_to_url(
                    join_url(context.croot, 'osx-64',
                d = Dist(url)
                assert d.channel == 'local'
                assert d.name == 'bcrypt'
                assert d.version == '3.1.1'
                assert d.build_string == 'py35_2'

                assert d.to_url() == url
                assert d.is_channel is True

        # local file url that is not a named channel
        url = join_url('file:///some/location/on/disk', 'osx-64',
        d = Dist(url)
        assert d.channel == 'file:///some/location/on/disk'
        assert d.name == 'bcrypt'
        assert d.version == '3.1.1'
        assert d.build_string == 'py35_2'

        assert d.to_url() == url
        assert d.is_channel is True
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def test_always_yes(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_ALWAYS_YES', 'true', reset_context):
         with env_var('CONDA_DRY_RUN', 'false', reset_context):
             from conda.cli.common import confirm_yn
             choice = confirm_yn()
             assert choice is True
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def test_clobber_enum(self):
     with env_var("CONDA_PATH_CONFLICT", 'prevent', reset_context):
         assert context.path_conflict == PathConflict.prevent
Ejemplo n.º 46
def test_sort_without_prep():
    # Test the _toposort_prepare_graph method, here by not running it at all.
    # The method is invoked in every other test.  This is what happens when it's not invoked.

    with patch.object(conda.models.prefix_graph.PrefixGraph,
        records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
        graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)

        python_node = graph.get_node_by_name('python')
        pip_node = graph.get_node_by_name('pip')
        assert pip_node in graph.graph[python_node]
        assert python_node in graph.graph[pip_node]

        nodes = tuple(rec.dist_str() for rec in graph.records)
        order = (
        assert nodes == order

        with env_var('CONDA_ALLOW_CYCLES', 'false', reset_context):
            records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
            with pytest.raises(CyclicalDependencyError):
                graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def test_subdirs(self):
        assert context.subdirs == (context.subdir, 'noarch')

        subdirs = ('linux-highest', 'linux-64', 'noarch')
        with env_var('CONDA_SUBDIRS', ','.join(subdirs), stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            assert context.subdirs == subdirs
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def test_cuda_override_none(self):
     with env_var('CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA', ''):
         version = context.cuda_version
         assert version is None
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_windows_sort_orders_2():
    # This test makes sure the windows-specific parts of _toposort_prepare_graph
    # are behaving correctly.

    with env_var('CONDA_ALLOW_CYCLES', 'false', reset_context):
        old_on_win = conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win
        conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win = False
            records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
            graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)

            python_node = graph.get_node_by_name('python')
            pip_node = graph.get_node_by_name('pip')
            assert pip_node in graph.graph[python_node]
            assert python_node in graph.graph[pip_node]

            nodes = tuple(rec.dist_str() for rec in graph.records)
            order = (
                'channel-5::menuinst-1.4.11-py36hfa6e2cd_0',  # not on_win, menuinst isn't changed
                'channel-5::pip-9.0.1-py36h226ae91_4',  # pip always comes after python
                'channel-5::conda-4.4.11-py36_0',  # not on_win, no special treatment for noarch: python packages (affine, colour, spiffy-test-app, uses-spiffy-test-app)
            assert nodes == order
            conda.models.prefix_graph.on_win = old_on_win
Ejemplo n.º 50
def test_sort_without_prep():
    # Test the _toposort_prepare_graph method, here by not running it at all.
    # The method is invoked in every other test.  This is what happens when it's not invoked.

    with patch.object(conda.models.prefix_graph.PrefixGraph, '_toposort_prepare_graph', return_value=None):
        records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
        graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)

        python_node = graph.get_node_by_name('python')
        pip_node = graph.get_node_by_name('pip')
        assert pip_node in graph.graph[python_node]
        assert python_node in graph.graph[pip_node]

        nodes = tuple(rec.name for rec in graph.records)
        order = (
        assert nodes == order

        with env_var('CONDA_ALLOW_CYCLES', 'false', stack_callback=conda_tests_ctxt_mgmt_def_pol):
            records, specs = get_windows_conda_build_record_set()
            with pytest.raises(CyclicalDependencyError):
                graph = PrefixGraph(records, specs)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def get_index_must_unfreeze(subdir=context.subdir):
    repodata = {
        "info": {
            "subdir": subdir,
            "arch": context.arch_name,
            "platform": context.platform,
        "packages": {
            "foobar-1.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 1.0.*"],
                "md5": "11ec1194bcc56b9a53c127142a272772",
                "name": "foobar",
                "timestamp": 1562861325613,
                "version": "1.0"
            "foobar-2.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 2.0.*"],
                "md5": "f8eb5a7fa1ff6dead4e360631a6cd048",
                "name": "foobar",
                "version": "2.0"
            "libbar-1.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": [],
                "md5": "f51f4d48a541b7105b5e343704114f0f",
                "name": "libbar",
                "timestamp": 1562858881022,
                "version": "1.0"
            "libbar-2.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": [],
                "md5": "27f4e717ed263f909074f64d9cbf935d",
                "name": "libbar",
                "timestamp": 1562858881748,
                "version": "2.0"
            "libfoo-1.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": [],
                "md5": "ad7c088566ffe2389958daedf8ff312c",
                "name": "libfoo",
                "timestamp": 1562858763881,
                "version": "1.0"
            "libfoo-2.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": [],
                "md5": "daf7af7086d8f22be49ae11bdc41f332",
                "name": "libfoo",
                "timestamp": 1562858836924,
                "version": "2.0"
            "qux-1.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": ["libbar 2.0.*", "libfoo 1.0.*"],
                "md5": "18604cbe4f789fe853232eef4babd4f9",
                "name": "qux",
                "timestamp": 1562861393808,
                "version": "1.0"
            "qux-2.0-0.tar.bz2": {
                "build": "0",
                "build_number": 0,
                "depends": ["libbar 1.0.*", "libfoo 2.0.*"],
                "md5": "892aa4b9ec64b67045a46866ef1ea488",
                "name": "qux",
                "timestamp": 1562861394828,
                "version": "2.0"
    channel = Channel('https://conda.anaconda.org/channel-freeze/%s' % subdir)
    sd = SubdirData(channel)
    sd._loaded = True
    SubdirData._cache_[channel.url(with_credentials=True)] = sd

    index = {prec: prec for prec in sd._package_records}
    r = Resolve(index, channels=(channel, ))

    return index, r
Ejemplo n.º 52
def test_check_non_admin_enabled_true():
    with env_var('CONDA_NON_ADMIN_ENABLED',
        assert True
Ejemplo n.º 53
    def test_subdirs(self):
        assert context.subdirs == (context.subdir, 'noarch')

        subdirs = ('linux-highest', 'linux-64', 'noarch')
        with env_var('CONDA_SUBDIRS', ','.join(subdirs), reset_context):
            assert context.subdirs == subdirs