Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_activate_help(shell):
    shell_vars = _format_vars(shell)
    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
        if not platform.startswith("win"):
            commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
            "{syspath}{cmd_path}activate" Zanzibar
            """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            assert_in("activate must be sourced", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

        commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
        {source} "{syspath}{cmd_path}activate" --help
        """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)

        stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
        assert_equals(stdout, '')
        if platform.startswith("win") and shell in ["cmd.exe", "powershell"]:
            assert_in("Usage: activate ENV", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

            commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
            """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            assert_in("deactivate must be sourced", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)

        commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
        {source} {syspath}{cmd_path}deactivate --help
        """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
        stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
        assert_equals(stdout, '')
        if platform == 'win' and shell in ["cmd.exe", "powershell"]:
            assert_in("Usage: deactivate", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_activate_help():
    for shell in shells:
        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
            if not platform.startswith("win"):
                commands = (command_setup + """
                {syspath}{binpath}activate Zanzibar
                """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_equals(stdout, '')
                assert_in("activate must be sourced", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}activate --help
            """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)

            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            if platform.startswith("win"):
                assert_in("Usage: activate ENV", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

                commands = (command_setup + """
                """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_equals(stdout, '')
                assert_in("deactivate must be sourced", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)

            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}deactivate --help
            """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            if platform == 'win':
                assert_in("Usage: deactivate", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_activate_help():
    for shell in shells:
        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
            if not platform.startswith("win"):
                commands = (command_setup + """
                {syspath}{binpath}activate Zanzibar
                """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_equals(stdout, '')
                assert_in("activate must be sourced", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}activate --help
            """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)

            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            if platform.startswith("win"):
                assert_in("Usage: activate ENV", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

                commands = (command_setup + """
                """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_equals(stdout, '')
                assert_in("deactivate must be sourced", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)

            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}deactivate --help
            """).format(envs=envs, **_format_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            if platform == 'win':
                assert_in("Usage: deactivate", stderr)
                assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_activate_help(shell):
    shell_vars = _format_vars(shell)
    with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
        if not platform.startswith("win"):
            commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
            "{syspath}{cmd_path}activate" Zanzibar
            """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            assert_in("activate must be sourced", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

        commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
        {source} "{syspath}{cmd_path}activate" --help
        """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)

        stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
        assert_equals(stdout, '')
        if platform.startswith("win") and shell in ["cmd.exe", "powershell"]:
            assert_in("Usage: activate ENV", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source activate ENV", stderr)

            commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
            """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stdout, '')
            assert_in("deactivate must be sourced", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)

        commands = (shell_vars['command_setup'] + """
        {source} {syspath}{cmd_path}deactivate --help
        """).format(envs=envs, **shell_vars)
        stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
        assert_equals(stdout, '')
        if platform == 'win' and shell in ["cmd.exe", "powershell"]:
            assert_in("Usage: deactivate", stderr)
            assert_in("Usage: source deactivate", stderr)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_activate_symlinking():
    for shell in shells:
        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}activate "{env_dirs[0]}"
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stderr, u'prepending {envpaths1} to PATH'\
                            envpaths1=pathlist_to_str(_envpaths(envs, 'test1'))))

            for env in gen_test_env_paths(envs)[:2]:
                for f in ['conda', 'activate', 'deactivate']:
                    if platform.startswith('win'):
                        file_path = join(env, "Scripts", f + ".bat")
                        assert os.path.exists(file_path)
                        with open(file_path) as batfile:
                            assert root_dir in "".join(batfile.readlines())
                        file_path = join(env, "bin", f)
                        assert os.path.lexists(file_path)
                        assert os.path.exists(file_path)
                        s = os.lstat(file_path)
                        assert stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode)
                        assert os.readlink(file_path) == '{root_path}'.format(
                            root_path=join(sys.prefix, "bin", f))

            if platform != 'win':
                # Test activate when there are no write permissions in the
                # env.
                prefix_bin_path = gen_test_env_paths(envs)[2] + binpath
                commands = (command_setup + """
                mkdir -p {prefix_bin_path}
                chmod 000 {prefix_bin_path}
                {source} activate "{env_dirs[2]}"
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_in("do not have write access", stderr)

                # restore permissions so the dir will get cleaned up
                run_in("chmod 777 {prefix_bin_path}".format(
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_activate_symlinking():
    for shell in shells:
        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='envs', dir=dirname(__file__)) as envs:
            commands = (command_setup + """
            {source} {syspath}{binpath}activate "{env_dirs[0]}"
            """).format(envs=envs, env_dirs=gen_test_env_paths(envs), **_format_vars)
            stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
            assert_equals(stderr, u'prepending {envpaths1} to PATH'\
                            envpaths1=pathlist_to_str(_envpaths(envs, 'test1'))))

            for env in gen_test_env_paths(envs)[:2]:
                for f in ['conda', 'activate', 'deactivate']:
                    if platform.startswith('win'):
                        file_path = join(env, "Scripts", f + ".bat")
                        assert os.path.exists(file_path)
                        with open(file_path) as batfile:
                            assert root_dir in "".join(batfile.readlines())
                        file_path = join(env, "bin", f)
                        assert os.path.lexists(file_path)
                        assert os.path.exists(file_path)
                        s = os.lstat(file_path)
                        assert stat.S_ISLNK(s.st_mode)
                        assert os.readlink(file_path) == '{root_path}'.format(root_path=join(sys.prefix, "bin", f))

            if platform != 'win':
                # Test activate when there are no write permissions in the
                # env. 
                prefix_bin_path = gen_test_env_paths(envs)[2] + binpath
                commands = (command_setup + """
                mkdir -p {prefix_bin_path}
                chmod 000 {prefix_bin_path}
                {source} activate "{env_dirs[2]}"
                """).format(prefix_bin_path=prefix_bin_path, envs=envs, 
                stdout, stderr = run_in(commands, shell)
                assert_in("do not have write access", stderr)

                # restore permissions so the dir will get cleaned up
                run_in("chmod 777 {prefix_bin_path}".format(prefix_bin_path=prefix_bin_path))
Ejemplo n.º 7
            join(env_root, env_name, 'bin'),
    return paths

PYTHONPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

BASE_PATH = os.getenv("PATH")
# Make sure the subprocess activate calls this python
syspath = pathsep.join(_envpaths(root_dir))

echo = "echo"

escape_curly = lambda x: x.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}")

if platform.startswith("win"):
    shells = ['cmd.exe']
    ps_var = "PROMPT"
    var_format = "%{var}%"
    binpath = "\\Scripts\\"  # mind the trailing slash.
    source_setup = "call"
    nul = '1>NUL 2>&1'
    set_var = 'set '
    shell_suffix = ".bat"
    printps1 = '{echo} {var}'.format(
        echo=echo if os.getenv(ps_var) else "echo.",

    # Only run these tests for commands that are installed.
    shells = ['bash', 'zsh']
Ejemplo n.º 8
        paths = [join(env_root, env_name).rstrip("/"),
                 join(env_root, env_name, 'bin'), ]
    return paths

PYTHONPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

BASE_PATH = os.getenv("PATH")
# Make sure the subprocess activate calls this python
syspath = pathsep.join(_envpaths(root_dir))

echo = "echo"

escape_curly = lambda x: x.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}")

if platform.startswith("win"):
    shells = ['cmd.exe']
    ps_var = "PROMPT"
    var_format = "%{var}%"
    binpath = "\\Scripts\\"  # mind the trailing slash.
    source_setup = "call"
    nul = '1>NUL 2>&1'
    set_var = 'set '
    shell_suffix = ".bat"
    printps1 = '{echo} {var}'.format(echo=echo if os.getenv(ps_var) else "echo.", var=var_format.format(var=ps_var))

    # Only run these tests for commands that are installed.
    shells = ['bash', 'zsh']
    ps_var = "PS1"
    var_format = "${var}"