Ejemplo n.º 1
if args.remove :
    if os.path.isdir(args.output) :
        print "Are you sure you want to execute the following command ?"
        print "rm -r " + args.output
        print "Type enter if yes, ctrl-c if not."
        os.system("rm -r " + args.output)
        print "Deleted ", args.output, " folder."

#print rootFileName
if args.test : 
    os.system("../../CommonTools/histFactory/build/createPlotter.sh %s %s %s"%(rootFileName, args.plotter, args.output))
else : 
    os.system("../../CommonTools/histFactory/build/createPlotter.sh %s %s %s"%(files[0], args.plotter, args.output))

mySub = condorSubmitter(samples, "%s/build/plotter.exe"%args.output, "DUMMY", args.output+"/", rescale = True)

## Create test_condor directory and subdirs

## Write command and data files in the condor directory

## Modifies the input sample jsons to add sample cuts
if args.filter : 
    jsonSampleFileList = [os.path.join(mySub.inDir,jsonSampleFile) for jsonSampleFile in os.listdir(mySub.inDir) if "sample" in jsonSampleFile]
    for jsonSampleFilePath in jsonSampleFileList : 
        with open(jsonSampleFilePath, 'r') as jsonSampleFile :
            jsonSample = json.load(jsonSampleFile)
            for sampleName in  jsonSample.keys():
                if 'TT_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8_MiniAODv2' in sampleName : 
Ejemplo n.º 2
## - specifying: * path to the executable (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * path to the plot configuration python/JSON (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * folder where the inputs/outputs/logs will be stored

samples = [
            "ID": 517,
            # Either specify ID *OR* DB name
            #"db_name": "ST_t-channel_4f_leptonDecays_13TeV-amcatnlo_MiniAODv2_v1.0.0+7415_TTAnalysis_12d3865",
            "files_per_job": 10,
            # Optional: specify a path to a "json skeleton" that will be filled and used for this sample (see below)
            #"json_skeleton": "myJson.json",

mySub = condorSubmitter(samples, "build/createHistoWithMultiDraw.exe", "plots/TTAnalysis/generatePlots.py", "test_condor/")

## Create test_condor directory and subdirs

## Write command and data files in the condor directory

## Actually submit the jobs
## It is recommended to do a dry-run first without submitting to condor

## Example Json skeleton: the field "#DB_NAME#" will be filled by condorSubmitter.
## You can specify anything else you want that will be passed to createHistoWithtMultiDraw
## for this particular sample.
Ejemplo n.º 3
## - specifying: * path to the executable (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * path to the plot configuration python/JSON (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * folder where the inputs/outputs/logs will be stored

#samples = [
#        {
#            "ID": 517,
#            # Either specify ID *OR* DB name
#            #"db_name": "ST_t-channel_4f_leptonDecays_13TeV-amcatnlo_MiniAODv2_v1.0.0+7415_TTAnalysis_12d3865",
#            "files_per_job": 10,
#            # Optional: specify a path to a "json skeleton" that will be filled and used for this sample (see below)
#            #"json_skeleton": "myJson.json",
#        }
#    ]

mySub = condorSubmitter("createLayerHisto.py", '/storage/data/cms/store/user/obondu/CRAB_PrivateMC/crab_HIPAnalysis/160616_162801/0000/', 1, "160629_layerhistos_condor/")
#mySub = condorSubmitter(samples, "build/createHistoWithMultiDraw.exe", "plots/TTAnalysis/generatePlots.py", "test_condor/")

## Create test_condor directory and subdirs

## Write command and data files in the condor directory

## Actually submit the jobs
## It is recommended to do a dry-run first without submitting to condor

## Example Json skeleton: the field "#DB_NAME#" will be filled by condorSubmitter.
## You can specify anything else you want that will be passed to createHistoWithtMultiDraw
Ejemplo n.º 4
## - sample n.517
## - 10 files per job
## - specifying: * path to the executable (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * path to the plot configuration python/JSON (relative to where this script is launched)
##               * folder where the inputs/outputs/logs will be stored

samples = [{
    "ID": 517,
    # Either specify ID *OR* DB name
    #"db_name": "ST_t-channel_4f_leptonDecays_13TeV-amcatnlo_MiniAODv2_v1.0.0+7415_TTAnalysis_12d3865",
    "files_per_job": 10,
    # Optional: specify a path to a "json skeleton" that will be filled and used for this sample (see below)
    #"json_skeleton": "myJson.json",

mySub = condorSubmitter(samples, "build/createHistoWithMultiDraw.exe",
                        "plots/TTAnalysis/generatePlots.py", "test_condor/")

## Create test_condor directory and subdirs

## Write command and data files in the condor directory

## Actually submit the jobs
## It is recommended to do a dry-run first without submitting to condor

## Example Json skeleton: the field "#DB_NAME#" will be filled by condorSubmitter.
## You can specify anything else you want that will be passed to createHistoWithtMultiDraw
## for this particular sample.
Ejemplo n.º 5
    if os.path.isdir(args.output) :
        print "Are you sure you want to execute the following command ?"
        print "rm -r " + args.output
        print "Type enter if yes, ctrl-c if not."
        os.system("rm -r " + args.output)
        print "Deleted ", args.output, " folder."

#print rootFileName
if not args.skip :
    if args.test : 
        os.system("../../CommonTools/histFactory/build/createPlotter.sh %s %s %s"%(rootFileName, args.plotter, args.output))
    else : 
        os.system("../../CommonTools/histFactory/build/createPlotter.sh %s %s %s"%(files[0], args.plotter, args.output))

mySub = condorSubmitter(samples, "%s/build/plotter.exe"%args.output, "DUMMY", args.output+"/", rescale = True)

## Create test_condor directory and subdirs

## Write command and data files in the condor directory

## Modifies the input sample jsons to add sample cuts
if args.filter : 
    jsonSampleFileList = [os.path.join(mySub.inDir,jsonSampleFile) for jsonSampleFile in os.listdir(mySub.inDir) if "sample" in jsonSampleFile]
    for jsonSampleFilePath in jsonSampleFileList : 
        with open(jsonSampleFilePath, 'r') as jsonSampleFile :
            jsonSample = json.load(jsonSampleFile)
            for sampleName in  jsonSample.keys():
#                if 'TT_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-powheg-pythia8_MiniAODv2' in sampleName :