Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parse_reservations(self, reservations):
        demands = self._demands
        if not isinstance(reservations, dict):
            raise TranslatorException("Reservations must be provided in "
                                      "dictionary form")
        parsed = {}
        if reservations:
            parsed['counter'] = 0
            parsed['demands'] = {}

        for key, value in reservations.items():

            if key == "service_model":
                parsed['service_model'] = value

            elif key == "service_candidates":
                for name, reservation_details in value.items():
                    if not reservation_details.get('properties'):
                        reservation_details['properties'] = {}
                    for demand in reservation_details.get('demands', []):
                        if demand in list(demands.keys()):
                            reservation_demand = name + '_' + demand
                                reservation_demand] = copy.deepcopy(
                                'name'] = name
                                'demands'] = demand
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Demand {} must be provided in demands section"

        return parsed
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _parse_parameters(self, obj, path=[]):
        """Recursively parse all {get_param: X} occurrences

        This modifies obj in-place. If you want to keep the original,
        pass in a deep copy.
        # Ok to start with a string ...
        if isinstance(path, six.string_types):
            # ... but the breadcrumb trail goes in an array.
            path = [path]

        # Traverse a list
        if type(obj) is list:
            for idx, val in enumerate(obj, start=0):
                # Add path to the breadcrumb trail
                new_path = list(path)
                new_path[-1] += "[{}]".format(idx)

                # Look at each element.
                obj[idx] = self._parse_parameters(val, new_path)

        # Traverse a dict
        elif type(obj) is dict:
            # Did we find a "{get_param: ...}" intrinsic?
            if list(obj.keys()) == ['get_param']:
                param_name = obj['get_param']

                # The parameter name must be a string.
                if not isinstance(param_name, six.string_types):
                    path_str = ' > '.join(path)
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Parameter name '{}' not a string in path {}".format(
                            param_name, path_str))

                # Parameter name must be defined.
                if param_name not in self._parameters:
                    path_str = ' > '.join(path)
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Parameter '{}' undefined in path {}".format(
                            param_name, path_str))

                # Return the value in place of the call.
                return self._parameters.get(param_name)

            # Not an intrinsic. Traverse as usual.
            for key in list(obj.keys()):
                # Add path to the breadcrumb trail.
                new_path = list(path)

                # Look at each key/value pair.
                obj[key] = self._parse_parameters(obj[key], new_path)

        # Return whatever we have after unwinding.
        return obj
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parse_locations(self, locations):
        """Prepare the locations for use by the solver."""
        parsed = {}
        for location, args in locations.items():
            ctxt = {'plan_id': self._plan_id, 'keyspace': self.conf.keyspace}

            latitude = args.get("latitude")
            longitude = args.get("longitude")

            if latitude and longitude:
                resolved_location = {
                    "latitude": latitude,
                    "longitude": longitude
                # ctxt = {}
                response = self.data_service.call(ctxt=ctxt,

                resolved_location = \
                    response and response.get('resolved_location')
            if not resolved_location:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Unable to resolve location {}".format(location))
            parsed[location] = resolved_location
        return parsed
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def validate(self, optimization):
         validate(instance=optimization, schema=self.opt_schema)
     except ValidationError as ve:
         LOG.error('Optimization object is not valid')
         raise TranslatorException('Optimization object is not valid. '
                                   'Validation error: {}'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def validate_hpa_constraints(self, req_prop, value):
        for para in value.get(req_prop):
            # Make sure there is at least one
            # set of id, type, directives and flavorProperties
            if not para.get('id') \
                    or not para.get('type') \
                    or not para.get('directives') \
                    or not para.get('flavorProperties') \
                    or para.get('id') == '' \
                    or para.get('type') == '' \
                    or not isinstance(para.get('directives'), list) \
                    or para.get('flavorProperties') == '':
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "HPA requirements need at least "
                    "one set of id, type, directives and flavorProperties")
            for feature in para.get('flavorProperties'):
                if type(feature) is not dict:
                    raise TranslatorException("HPA feature must be a dict")
                # process mandatory parameter
                hpa_mandatory = set(HPA_FEATURES).difference(feature.keys())
                if bool(hpa_mandatory):
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Lack of compulsory elements inside HPA feature")
                # process optional parameter
                hpa_optional = set(feature.keys()).difference(HPA_FEATURES)
                if hpa_optional and not hpa_optional.issubset(HPA_OPTIONAL):
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Got unrecognized elements inside HPA feature")
                if feature.get(
                        'mandatory') == 'False' and not feature.get('score'):
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Score needs to be present if mandatory is False")

                for attr in feature.get('hpa-feature-attributes'):
                    if type(attr) is not dict:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "HPA feature attributes must be a dict")

                    # process mandatory hpa attribute parameter
                    hpa_attr_mandatory = set(HPA_ATTRIBUTES).difference(
                    if bool(hpa_attr_mandatory):
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Lack of compulsory elements inside HPA "
                            "feature attributes")
                    # process optional hpa attribute parameter
                    hpa_attr_optional = set(
                    if hpa_attr_optional and not hpa_attr_optional.issubset(
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Invalid attributes '{}' found inside HPA "
                            "feature attributes".format(hpa_attr_optional))
Ejemplo n.º 6
        def get_distance_between_args(operand):
            args = operand.get('distance_between')
            if type(args) is not list and len(args) != 2:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'distance_between' arguments must "
                    "be a list of length two.")

            got_demand = False
            got_location = False
            for arg in args:
                if not got_demand and arg in list(self._demands.keys()):
                    got_demand = True
                if not got_location and arg in list(self._locations.keys()):
                    got_location = True
            if not got_demand or not got_location:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'distance_between' arguments {} must "
                    "include one valid demand name and one valid "
                    "location name.".format(args))

            return args
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def parse_functions(self, operation_function):
     operands = operation_function.get("operands")
     for operand in operands:
         if 'function' in operand:
             function = operand.get('function')
             params = operand.get('params')
             parsed_params = {}
             for keyword in OPTIMIZATION_FUNCTIONS.get(function):
                 if keyword in params:
                     value = params.get(keyword)
                     if keyword == "demand" and value not in list(
                         raise TranslatorException(
                             '{} is not a valid demand name'.format(value))
                     parsed_params[keyword] = value
                     raise TranslatorException(
                         'The function {} expect the param {},'
                         'but not found'.format(function, keyword))
             operand['params'] = parsed_params
         elif 'operation_function' in operand:
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def translate(self, plan):
        """Translate the plan to a format the solver can use"""
        # Update the translation field and set status to TRANSLATED.
            LOG.info(_LI("Requesting plan {} translation").format(plan.id))
            template_version = plan.template.get("homing_template_version")
            if template_version in VERSIONS['BASE']:
                trns = Translator(self.conf, plan.name, plan.id, plan.template)
            elif template_version in VERSIONS['GENERIC']:
                trns = GenericObjectiveTranslator(self.conf, plan.name,
                                                  plan.id, plan.template,
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "conductor_template_version must be one "
                    "of: {}".format(', '.join(
                        [x for v in VERSIONS.values() for x in v])))


            if trns.ok:
                plan.translation = trns.translation
                plan.status = self.Plan.TRANSLATED
                    _LI("Plan {} translated. Ready for solving").format(
                LOG.info(_LI("Plan name: {}").format(plan.name))
                plan.message = trns.error_message
                plan.status = self.Plan.ERROR
                    _LE("Plan {} translation error encountered").format(

        except Exception as ex:
            template = "An exception of type {0} occurred, arguments:\n{1!r}"
            plan.message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
            plan.status = self.Plan.ERROR

        _is_success = 'FAILURE'
        while 'FAILURE' in _is_success and (self.current_time_seconds() - self.millisec_to_sec(plan.updated)) \
                <= self.conf.messaging_server.timeout:
            _is_success = plan.update(
                _LI("Changing the template status from translating to {}, "
                    "atomic update response from MUSIC {}").format(
                        plan.status, _is_success))
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def do_translation(self):
        """Perform the translation."""
        if not self.valid:
            raise TranslatorException("Can't translate an invalid template.")

        request_type = self._parameters.get(
            "request_type") or self._parameters.get("REQUEST_TYPE") or ""

        self._translation = {
            "conductor_solver": {
                "version": self._version,
                "plan_id": self._plan_id,
                "request_type": request_type,
                "locations": self.parse_locations(self._locations),
                "demands": self.parse_demands(self._demands),
                "objective": self.parse_optimization(self._optmization),
                "constraints": self.parse_constraints(self._constraints),
                "reservations": self.parse_reservations(self._reservations),
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def parse_optimization(self, optimization):
        """Validate/prepare optimization for use by the solver."""

        # WARNING: The template format for optimization is generalized,
        # however the solver is very particular about the expected
        # goal, functions, and operands. Therefore, for the time being,
        # we are choosing to be highly conservative in what we accept
        # at the template level. Once the solver can handle the more
        # general form, we can make the translation pass in this
        # essentially pre-parsed formula unchanged, or we may allow
        # optimizations to be written in algebraic form and pre-parsed
        # with antlr4-python2-runtime. (jdandrea 1 Dec 2016)

        if not optimization:
            LOG.debug("No objective function or "
                      "optimzation provided in the template")

        optimization_copy = copy.deepcopy(optimization)
        parsed = {
            "goal": "min",
            "operation": "sum",
            "operands": [],

        if type(optimization_copy) is not dict:
            raise TranslatorException("Optimization must be a dictionary.")

        goals = list(optimization_copy.keys())
        if goals != ['minimize']:
            raise TranslatorException(
                "Optimization must contain a single goal of 'minimize'.")

        funcs = list(optimization_copy['minimize'].keys())
        if funcs != ['sum']:
            raise TranslatorException("Optimization goal 'minimize' must "
                                      "contain a single function of 'sum'.")
        operands = optimization_copy['minimize']['sum']
        if type(operands) is not list:
            # or len(operands) != 2:
            raise TranslatorException(
                "Optimization goal 'minimize', function 'sum' "
                "must be a list of exactly two operands.")

        def get_latency_between_args(operand):
            args = operand.get('latency_between')
            if type(args) is not list and len(args) != 2:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'latency_between' arguments must "
                    "be a list of length two.")

            got_demand = False
            got_location = False
            for arg in args:
                if not got_demand and arg in list(self._demands.keys()):
                    got_demand = True
                if not got_location and arg in list(self._locations.keys()):
                    got_location = True
            if not got_demand or not got_location:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'latency_between' arguments {} must "
                    "include one valid demand name and one valid "
                    "location name.".format(args))

            return args

        def get_distance_between_args(operand):
            args = operand.get('distance_between')
            if type(args) is not list and len(args) != 2:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'distance_between' arguments must "
                    "be a list of length two.")

            got_demand = False
            got_location = False
            for arg in args:
                if not got_demand and arg in list(self._demands.keys()):
                    got_demand = True
                if not got_location and arg in list(self._locations.keys()):
                    got_location = True
            if not got_demand or not got_location:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Optimization 'distance_between' arguments {} must "
                    "include one valid demand name and one valid "
                    "location name.".format(args))

            return args

        for operand in operands:
            weight = 1.0
            args = None
            nested = False

            if list(operand.keys()) == ['distance_between']:
                # Value must be a list of length 2 with one
                # location and one demand
                function = 'distance_between'
                args = get_distance_between_args(operand)

            elif list(operand.keys()) == ['product']:
                for product_op in operand['product']:
                    if threshold.is_number(product_op):
                        weight = product_op
                    elif isinstance(product_op, dict):
                        if list(product_op.keys()) == ['latency_between']:
                            function = 'latency_between'
                            args = get_latency_between_args(product_op)
                        elif list(product_op.keys()) == ['distance_between']:
                            function = 'distance_between'
                            args = get_distance_between_args(product_op)
                        elif list(product_op.keys()) == ['aic_version']:
                            function = 'aic_version'
                            args = product_op.get('aic_version')
                        elif list(product_op.keys()) == ['hpa_score']:
                            function = 'hpa_score'
                            args = product_op.get('hpa_score')
                            if not self.is_hpa_policy_exists(args):
                                raise TranslatorException(
                                    "HPA Score Optimization must include a "
                                    "HPA Policy constraint ")
                        elif list(product_op.keys()) == ['sum']:
                            nested = True
                            nested_operands = product_op.get('sum')
                            for nested_operand in nested_operands:
                                if list(nested_operand.keys()) == ['product']:
                                    nested_weight = weight
                                    for nested_product_op in nested_operand[
                                        if threshold.is_number(
                                            nested_weight = nested_weight * int(
                                        elif isinstance(
                                                nested_product_op, dict):
                                            if list(nested_product_op.keys()
                                                    ) == ['latency_between']:
                                                function = 'latency_between'
                                                args = get_latency_between_args(
                                            elif list(nested_product_op.keys(
                                            )) == ['distance_between']:
                                                function = 'distance_between'
                                                args = get_distance_between_args(

                if not args:
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Optimization products must include at least "
                        "one 'distance_between' function call and "
                        "one optional number to be used as a weight.")

            # We now have our weight/function_param.
            if not nested:
                    "operation": "product",
                    "weight": weight,
                    "function": function,
                    "function_param": args,
        return parsed
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def parse_constraints(self, constraints):
        """Validate/prepare constraints for use by the solver."""
        if not isinstance(constraints, dict):
            raise TranslatorException("Constraints must be provided in "
                                      "dictionary form")

        # Look at each constraint. Properties must exist, even if empty.
        constraints_copy = copy.deepcopy(constraints)

        parsed = {}
        for name, constraint in constraints_copy.items():

            if not constraint.get('properties'):
                constraint['properties'] = {}

            constraint_type = constraint.get('type')
            constraint_def = CONSTRAINTS.get(constraint_type)

            # Is it a supported type?
            if constraint_type not in CONSTRAINTS:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Unsupported type '{}' found in constraint "
                    "named '{}'".format(constraint_type, name))

            # Now walk through the constraint's content
            for key, value in constraint.items():
                # Must be a supported key
                if key not in CONSTRAINT_KEYS:
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Invalid key '{}' found in constraint "
                        "named '{}'".format(key, name))

                # For properties ...
                if key == 'properties':
                    # Make sure all required properties are present
                    required = constraint_def.get('required', [])
                    for req_prop in required:
                        if req_prop not in list(value.keys()):
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Required property '{}' not found in "
                                "constraint named '{}'".format(req_prop, name))
                        if not value.get(req_prop) \
                                or value.get(req_prop) == '':
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "No value specified for property '{}' in "
                                "constraint named '{}'".format(req_prop, name))
                            # For HPA constraints
                        if constraint_type == 'hpa':
                            self.validate_hpa_constraints(req_prop, value)

                    # Make sure there are no unknown properties
                    optional = constraint_def.get('optional', [])
                    for prop_name in list(value.keys()):
                        if prop_name not in required + optional:
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Unknown property '{}' in "
                                "constraint named '{}'".format(
                                    prop_name, name))

                    # If a property has a controlled vocabulary, make
                    # sure its value is one of the allowed ones.
                    allowed = constraint_def.get('allowed', {})
                    for prop_name, allowed_values in allowed.items():
                        if prop_name in list(value.keys()):
                            prop_value = value.get(prop_name, '')
                            if prop_value not in allowed_values:
                                raise TranslatorException(
                                    "Property '{}' value '{}' unsupported in "
                                    "constraint named '{}' (must be one of "
                                    "{})".format(prop_name, prop_value, name,

                    # Break all threshold-formatted values into parts
                    thresholds = constraint_def.get('thresholds', {})
                    for thr_prop, base_units in thresholds.items():
                        if thr_prop in list(value.keys()):
                            expression = value.get(thr_prop)
                            thr = threshold.Threshold(expression, base_units)
                            value[thr_prop] = thr.parts

            # We already know we have one or more demands due to
            # validate_components(). We still need to coerce the demands
            # into a list in case only one demand was provided.
            constraint_demands = constraint.get('demands')
            if isinstance(constraint_demands, six.string_types):
                constraint['demands'] = [constraint_demands]

            # Either split the constraint into parts, one per demand,
            # or use it as-is
            if constraint_def.get('split'):
                for demand in constraint.get('demands', []):
                    constraint_demand = name + '_' + demand
                    parsed[constraint_demand] = copy.deepcopy(constraint)
                    parsed[constraint_demand]['name'] = name
                    parsed[constraint_demand]['demands'] = demand
                parsed[name] = copy.deepcopy(constraint)
                parsed[name]['name'] = name

        return parsed
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def parse_demands(self, demands):
        """Validate/prepare demands for use by the solver."""
        if type(demands) is not dict:
            raise TranslatorException("Demands must be provided in "
                                      "dictionary form")

        # Look at each demand
        demands_copy = copy.deepcopy(demands)
        parsed = {}
        for name, requirements in demands_copy.items():
            inventory_candidates = []
            for requirement in requirements:
                for key in requirement:
                    if key not in DEMAND_KEYS:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Demand {} has an invalid key {}".format(
                                requirement, key))

                if 'candidates' in requirement:
                    # Candidates *must* specify an inventory provider
                    provider = requirement.get("inventory_provider")
                    if provider and provider not in INVENTORY_PROVIDERS:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Unsupported inventory provider {} "
                            "in demand {}".format(provider, name))
                        provider = DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PROVIDER

                    # Check each candidate
                    for candidate in requirement.get('candidates'):
                        # Must be a dictionary
                        if type(candidate) is not dict:
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Candidate found in demand {} that is "
                                "not a dictionary".format(name))

                        # Must have only supported keys
                        for key in list(candidate.keys()):
                            if key not in CANDIDATE_KEYS:
                                raise TranslatorException(
                                    "Candidate with invalid key {} found "
                                    "in demand {}".format(key, name))

                        # TODO(jdandrea): Check required/optional keys

                        # Set the inventory provider if not already
                        candidate['inventory_provider'] = \
                            candidate.get('inventory_provider', provider)

                        # Set cost if not already (default cost is 0?)
                        candidate['cost'] = candidate.get('cost', 0)

                        # Add to our list of parsed candidates

                # candidates are specified through inventory providers
                # Do the basic sanity checks for inputs
                    # inventory provider MUST be specified
                    provider = requirement.get("inventory_provider")
                    if not provider:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Inventory provider not specified "
                            "in demand {}".format(name))
                    elif provider and provider not in INVENTORY_PROVIDERS:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Unsupported inventory provider {} "
                            "in demand {}".format(provider, name))
                        provider = DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PROVIDER
                        requirement['provider'] = provider

                    # inventory type MUST be specified
                    inventory_type = requirement.get('inventory_type')
                    if not inventory_type or inventory_type == '':
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Inventory type not specified for "
                            "demand {}".format(name))
                    if inventory_type and \
                            inventory_type not in INVENTORY_TYPES:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Unknown inventory type {} specified for "
                            "demand {}".format(inventory_type, name))

                    # For service and vfmodule inventories, customer_id and
                    # service_type MUST be specified
                    if inventory_type == 'service' or inventory_type == 'vfmodule':
                        filtering_attributes = requirement.get(

                        if filtering_attributes:
                            customer_id = filtering_attributes.get(
                            global_customer_id = filtering_attributes.get(
                            if global_customer_id:
                                customer_id = global_customer_id
                            # for backward compatibility
                            customer_id = requirement.get('customer_id')
                            service_type = requirement.get('service_type')

                        if not customer_id:
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Customer ID not specified for "
                                "demand {}".format(name))
                        if not filtering_attributes and not service_type:
                            raise TranslatorException(
                                "Service Type not specified for "
                                "demand {}".format(name))

                # TODO(jdandrea): Check required/optional keys for requirement
                # elif 'inventory_type' in requirement:
                #     # For now this is just a stand-in candidate
                #     candidate = {
                #         'inventory_provider':
                #             requirement.get('inventory_provider',
                #                             DEFAULT_INVENTORY_PROVIDER),
                #         'inventory_type':
                #             requirement.get('inventory_type', ''),
                #         'candidate_id': '',
                #         'location_id': '',
                #         'location_type': '',
                #         'cost': 0,
                #     }
                #     # Add to our list of parsed candidates
                #     inventory_candidates.append(candidate)

            # Ask conductor-data for one or more candidates.
            ctxt = {
                "plan_id": self._plan_id,
                "plan_name": self._plan_name,
                "keyspace": self.conf.keyspace,
            args = {
                "demands": {
                    name: requirements,
                "plan_info": {
                    "plan_id": self._plan_id,
                    "plan_name": self._plan_name
                "triage_translator_data": self.triageTranslatorData.__dict__

            # Check if required_candidate and excluded candidate
            # are mutually exclusive.
            for requirement in requirements:
                required_candidates = requirement.get("required_candidates")
                excluded_candidates = requirement.get("excluded_candidates")

                if (required_candidates and excluded_candidates and set(
                        map(lambda entry: entry['candidate_id'],
                        & set(
                            map(lambda entry: entry['candidate_id'],
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Required candidate list and excluded candidate"
                        " list are not mutually exclusive for demand"
                        " {}".format(name))
            response = self.data_service.call(ctxt=ctxt,

            resolved_demands = \
                response and response.get('resolved_demands')
            triage_data_trans = \
                response and response.get('trans')

            required_candidates = resolved_demands \
            if not resolved_demands:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Unable to resolve inventory "
                    "candidates for demand {}".format(name))
            resolved_candidates = resolved_demands.get(name)
            for candidate in resolved_candidates:
            if len(inventory_candidates) < 1:
                if not required_candidates:
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Unable to find any candidate for "
                        "demand {}".format(name))
                    raise TranslatorException(
                        "Unable to find any required "
                        "candidate for demand {}".format(name))
            parsed[name] = {
                "candidates": inventory_candidates,
        return parsed
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def validate_components(self):
        """Cursory validation of template components.

        More detailed validation happens while parsing each component.
        self._valid = False

        # Check version
        if self._version not in VERSIONS.get(self.translator_version):
            raise TranslatorException("conductor_template_version must be one "
                                      "of: {}".format(', '.join(

        # Check top level structure
        components = {
            "parameters": {
                "name": "Parameter",
                "content": self._parameters,
            "locations": {
                "name": "Location",
                "keys": LOCATION_KEYS,
                "content": self._locations,
            "demands": {
                "name": "Demand",
                "content": self._demands,
            "constraints": {
                "name": "Constraint",
                "keys": CONSTRAINT_KEYS,
                "content": self._constraints,
            "optimization": {
                "name": "Optimization",
                "content": self._optmization,
            "reservations": {
                "name": "Reservation",
                "content": self._reservations,
        for name, component in components.items():
            name = component.get('name')
            keys = component.get('keys', None)
            content = component.get('content')

            if type(content) is not dict:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "{} section must be a dictionary".format(name))
            for content_name, content_def in content.items():
                if not keys:

                for key in content_def:
                    if key not in keys:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "{} {} has an invalid key {}".format(
                                name, content_name, key))

        demand_keys = list(self._demands.keys(
        ))  # Python 3 Conversion -- dict object to list object
        location_keys = list(self._locations.keys(
        ))  # Python 3 Conversion -- dict object to list object
        for constraint_name, constraint in self._constraints.items():

            # Require a single demand (string), or a list of one or more.
            demands = constraint.get('demands')
            if isinstance(demands, six.string_types):
                demands = [demands]
            if not isinstance(demands, list) or len(demands) < 1:
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Demand list for Constraint {} must be "
                    "a list of names or a string with one name".format(
            if not set(demands).issubset(demand_keys + location_keys):
                raise TranslatorException(
                    "Undefined Demand(s) {} in Constraint '{}'".format(

            properties = constraint.get('properties', None)
            if properties:
                location = properties.get('location', None)
                if location:
                    if location not in location_keys:
                        raise TranslatorException(
                            "Location {} in Constraint {} is undefined".format(
                                location, constraint_name))

        self._valid = True