Ejemplo n.º 1
def deposit(currency):
    """ Returns deposit address for given currency from SQL. """
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    addr =  Address.query.filter(Address.currency==currency).filter(Address.user==session['userid']).first().address
    return account_page(deposit=addr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def deposit(currency):
    """ Returns deposit address for given currency from SQL. """
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    addr =  Address.query.filter(Address.currency==currency).filter(Address.user==session['userid']).first().address
    return account_page(deposit=addr)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def withdraw(currency): 
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return account_page(withdraw=currency)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if 'amount' not in request.form or 'address' not in request.form:
            return account_page(danger="Please enter an address and an amount!") #TODO: change this error
            total = string_to_currency_unit(request.form['amount'], config.get_multiplier(currency))
            return account_page(danger="Invalid amount!")
        if check_balance(currency,session['userid']) < total or total < 0:
            return account_page(danger="Balance too low to execute withdrawal!")
        #TODO: add valid address checking
        adjustbalance(currency,session['userid'],-1 * total)
        co = CompletedOrder(currency + "_" + currency, "WITHDRAWAL", total, 0, session['userid'], is_withdrawal=True, withdrawal_address=request.form['address'])
        return account_page(success="Deposit to " + request.form['address'] + " completed!")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def withdraw(currency): 
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return account_page(withdraw=currency)
    elif request.method == 'POST':
        if 'amount' not in request.form or 'address' not in request.form:
            return account_page(danger="Please enter an address and an amount!") #TODO: change this error
            total = float(request.form['amount'])
            return account_page(danger="Invalid amount!")
        if check_balance(currency,session['userid']) < int(total * config.get_multiplier(currency)) or total < 0:
            return account_page(danger="Balance too low to execute withdrawal!")
        #TODO: add valid address checking
        adjustbalance(currency,session['userid'],-1 * int(total * config.get_multiplier(currency)))
        co = CompletedOrder(currency + "_" + currency, "WITHDRAWAL", total, 0, session['userid'], is_withdrawal=True, withdrawal_address=request.form['address'])
        return account_page(success="Deposit to " + request.form['address'] + " completed!")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def generate_deposit_address(currency):
    addr = ""
    if config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        rpc = ServiceProxy(config.getRPC(currency))
        addr = rpc.getnewaddress()
    return addr
Ejemplo n.º 6
def history(currency): 
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    return account_page(history=currency, orders=tradehistory(currency, session['userid']))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def generate_deposit_address(currency):
    addr = ""
    if config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        rpc = ServiceProxy(config.getRPC(currency))
        addr = rpc.getnewaddress()
    return addr
Ejemplo n.º 8
def history(currency): 
    if not is_logged_in(session):
        return home_page("ltc_btc",danger="Please log in to perform that action.")
    if not config.is_valid_currency(currency):
        return account_page(danger="Invalid Currency!")
    return account_page(history=currency, orders=tradehistory(currency, session['userid']))