def from_db(slug, preview=False, author=None): mydef = None if not preview: for action, definition, sharing, id in config.get_rows( "select action, definition, sharing, id from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND action != 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug]): if action == 'delete': return None if sharing == 'draft': return None mydef = definition else: for definition, id in config.get_rows( "select definition, id from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND author = %s AND action = 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug, author]): mydef = definition if mydef != None: mymap = json.loads(definition) json_fields = [ 'choices', 'verboten', 'imports', 'dependencies', 'cppflags_add', 'cppflags_remove' ] if mymap['lang'] in ['C++', 'C++func']: json_fields += ['tests'] for x in json_fields: if x in mymap: mymap[x] = json.loads(mymap[x]) return Websheet(mymap, slug) return None
def definition(slug, username): for definition, sharing, author, action in config.get_rows( "select definition, sharing, author, action from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND action != 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug]): if action == 'delete': continue if not sharing.startswith('open') and author != username: continue # closed-source if sharing == 'open-nosol' and author != username and not authinfo[ 'is_super']: definition = json.loads(definition) if 'choices' in definition: definition['choices'] = json.dumps( [[x[0], None] for x in json.loads(definition['choices'])]) if 'answer' in definition: definition['answer'] = 'REDACTED' if 'source_code' in definition: bits = definition['source_code'].split(r'\[') for i in range(1, len(bits)): if r'\show:' in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index(r'\show:') elif ']\\' in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index(']\\') bits[i] = ('\nREDACTED\n' if '\n' in bits[i][:p] else ' REDACTED ') + bits[i][p:] definition['source_code'] = r'\['.join(bits) definition = json.dumps(definition) return definition internal_error('Whoa, where did that row go?')
def definition(slug, username): for definition, sharing, author, action in config.get_rows( "select definition, sharing, author, action from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND action != 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug], ): if action == "delete": continue if not sharing.startswith("open") and author != username: continue # closed-source if sharing == "open-nosol" and author != username and not authinfo["is_super"]: definition = json.loads(definition) if "choices" in definition: definition["choices"] = json.dumps([[x[0], None] for x in json.loads(definition["choices"])]) if "answer" in definition: definition["answer"] = "REDACTED" if "source_code" in definition: bits = definition["source_code"].split(r"\[") for i in range(1, len(bits)): if r"\show:" in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index(r"\show:") elif "]\\" in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index("]\\") bits[i] = ("\nREDACTED\n" if "\n" in bits[i][:p] else " REDACTED ") + bits[i][p:] definition["source_code"] = r"\[".join(bits) definition = json.dumps(definition) return definition internal_error("Whoa, where did that row go?")
def from_db(slug, preview = False, author = None): mydef = None if not preview: for action, definition, sharing, id in config.get_rows( "select action, definition, sharing, id from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND action != 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug]): if action == 'delete': return None if sharing == 'draft': return None mydef = definition else: for definition, id in config.get_rows( "select definition, id from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND author = %s AND action = 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug, author]): mydef = definition if mydef != None: mymap = json.loads(definition) json_fields = ['choices', 'verboten', 'imports', 'dependencies', 'cppflags_add', 'cppflags_remove'] if mymap['lang'] in ['C++', 'C++func']: json_fields += ['tests'] for x in json_fields: if x in mymap: mymap[x] = json.loads(mymap[x]) return Websheet(mymap, slug) return None
def list_exercises_in(directory = ""): result = [] prefix = '' if directory=='' else directory+'/' for problem, action, sharing in config.get_rows( """SELECT o1.problem, o1.action, o1.sharing FROM ws_sheets o1 INNER JOIN (SELECT problem, MAX(id) AS id FROM ws_sheets WHERE action != 'preview' AND problem LIKE %s AND problem NOT LIKE %s GROUP BY problem) o2 ON (o1.problem = o2.problem AND =;""", [prefix+'%', prefix+'%/%']): if action == 'delete': continue if sharing == 'draft' or sharing == 'hidden': continue result += [problem[len(prefix):]] result.sort() return result
def list_subgroups_in(directory = ""): result = set() prefix = '' if directory=='' else directory+'/' for problem, action, sharing in config.get_rows( """SELECT o1.problem, o1.action, o1.sharing FROM ws_sheets o1 INNER JOIN (SELECT problem, MAX(id) AS id FROM ws_sheets WHERE action != 'preview' AND problem LIKE %s GROUP BY problem) o2 ON (o1.problem = o2.problem AND =;""", [prefix+'%/%']): if action == 'delete': continue if sharing == 'draft' or sharing == 'hidden': continue result |= {prefix+problem[len(prefix):].split('/')[0]} result = list(result) result.sort() return result
def list_subgroups_in(directory=""): result = set() prefix = '' if directory == '' else directory + '/' for problem, action, sharing in config.get_rows( """SELECT o1.problem, o1.action, o1.sharing FROM ws_sheets o1 INNER JOIN (SELECT problem, MAX(id) AS id FROM ws_sheets WHERE action != 'preview' AND problem LIKE %s GROUP BY problem) o2 ON (o1.problem = o2.problem AND =;""", [prefix + '%/%']): if action == 'delete': continue if sharing == 'draft' or sharing == 'hidden': continue result |= {prefix + problem[len(prefix):].split('/')[0]} result = list(result) result.sort() return result
def list_problems(username): result = [] for problem, action, sharing, author in config.get_rows( """SELECT o1.problem, o1.action, o1.sharing, FROM ws_sheets o1 INNER JOIN (SELECT problem, MAX(id) AS id FROM ws_sheets WHERE action != 'preview' GROUP BY problem) o2 ON (o1.problem = o2.problem AND =;"""): if action == 'delete': continue if author != username: if sharing == 'draft' or sharing == 'hidden': continue result.append([problem, author != username, sharing, author]) #saner sort, files before folders for x in result: tmp = x[0].split('/') x[0] = [tmp[:-1], tmp[-1]] result.sort() # print(result) for x in result: x[0] = '/'.join(x[0][0]+[x[0][1]]) return result
def definition(slug, username): for definition, sharing, author, action in config.get_rows( "select definition, sharing, author, action from ws_sheets " + "WHERE problem = %s AND action != 'preview' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1;", [slug]): if action == 'delete': continue if not sharing.startswith('open') and author != username: continue # closed-source if sharing=='open-nosol' and author != username and not authinfo['is_super']: definition = json.loads(definition) if 'choices' in definition: definition['choices'] = json.dumps([[x[0], None] for x in json.loads(definition['choices'])]) if 'answer' in definition: definition['answer'] = 'REDACTED' if 'source_code' in definition: bits = definition['source_code'].split(r'\[') for i in range(1, len(bits)): if r'\show:' in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index(r'\show:') elif ']\\' in bits[i]: p = bits[i].index(']\\') bits[i] = ('\nREDACTED\n' if '\n' in bits[i][:p] else ' REDACTED ') + bits[i][p:] definition['source_code'] = r'\['.join(bits) definition = json.dumps(definition) return definition internal_error('Whoa, where did that row go?')
import config #~ authinfo = {} #~ authinfo['username'] = "******" result = {} for (student,) in config.get_rows( "select user from ws_settings ;"): #~ + "WHERE value = %s AND keyname = 'instructor';", [authinfo['username']]): stuinfo = {} for (passed, time, problem) in config.get_rows( "SELECT passed, time, problem from ws_history where user = %s order by id asc;", [student]): if (problem not in stuinfo): prev = (False, 0) else: prev = stuinfo[problem] if not prev[0]: # if not yet passed if passed==1: curr = (True, prev[1]+1, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: curr = (False, prev[1]+1) stuinfo[problem] = curr result[student] = stuinfo from pprint import pprint pprint(result) import json #json.dumps( result )
def get_setting(user, key): for (value,) in config.get_rows( "select value from ws_settings " + "WHERE user = %s AND keyname = %s;", [user, key]): return value
definition= definition(problem, authinfo['username']), author=myowner) if action == 'listmine': done(problems = list_problems(authinfo['username'])) if action == 'settings': if 'instructor' in request: set_setting(authinfo['username'], 'instructor', request['instructor']) inst = get_setting(authinfo['username'], 'instructor') if inst is None: inst = "" done(success=True, settings={"instructor":inst}) if action == 'showgrades': result = {} for (student,) in config.get_rows( "select user from ws_settings " + "WHERE value = %s AND keyname = 'instructor';", [authinfo['username']]): stuinfo = {} for (passed, time, problem) in config.get_rows( "SELECT passed, time, problem from ws_history where user = %s order by id asc;", [student]): if (problem not in stuinfo): prev = (False, 0) else: prev = stuinfo[problem] if not prev[0]: # if not yet passed if passed==1: curr = (True, prev[1]+1, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) else: curr = (False, prev[1]+1) stuinfo[problem] = curr result[student] = stuinfo done(success=True, grades=result)