def __init__(self, filename, ConfigFiles): #self.conf = Conf() history_max_size = ConfigFiles.readVar("history", "max_size") self.confDir = ConfDir() #self.confDir.checkForAndCreateHistDir(filename) conf_dir_path, self.path = self.confDir.checkForAndCreateConfDir(None, filename) self.fileCrop(history_max_size)
class History(object): def __init__(self, filename, ConfigFiles): #self.conf = Conf() history_max_size = ConfigFiles.readVar("history", "max_size") self.confDir = ConfDir() #self.confDir.checkForAndCreateHistDir(filename) conf_dir_path, self.path = self.confDir.checkForAndCreateConfDir(None, filename) self.fileCrop(history_max_size) # number, self.path -> file def fileCrop(self, history_max_size): # open file, create if not exists try: history = open(self.path, "r")#r+ except IOError: history = open(self.path, "w+") history_list = [] for line in history: history_list.append(line) history.close() length = len(history_list) if length > history_max_size: print "cropping history" value = (length - history_max_size) * -1 history_list = history_list[::-1][:value][::-1] history = open(self.path, "w") for line in history_list: if not line == "\n": history.write(line) history.close() def history(self, index): return self.history(self, index, None) # index, self.path -> string def history(self, index, string): if type(string) == types.NoneType: string = None elif string == "": string = None #print "string: ", string history = open(self.path, "r") history_list = [] for line in history: history_list.append(line) history_list.append("") history.close() try: return history_list[::-1][index][:-1] except IndexError: return "" #return history_list[index * -1] ##################################################### if len(history_list) > 0: if string != None: print "if" for item in history_list[::-1]: if item.startswith(string): return item else: print "else" return history_list[index * -1] else: return "History is empty" # try: # result = history_list[::-1][index][:-1] # return result # except IndexError: # print " -> indexerror" # return "" # number, self.path -> list, list def history_inverted(self, count): history = open(self.path, "r") history_list = [] for line in history: line_utf8 = line.decode("utf8") # to delete the "\n": history_list.append(line_utf8[:-1]) history.close() if count: return history_list[::-1][:int(count)] else: return history_list[::-1] # self.path, string -> file def historyWrite(self, text): if not self.history(1, None) == text: history = open(self.path, "a") text = text.encode("utf8") history.write(text) history.write("\n") history.close()