Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _save_profile_settings(self):
        """Overwrite the settings file with the current values"""

        config = confparser()

        with open_for_safe_write(self.settings) as ini:
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _save_profile_settings(self):
        """Overwrite the settings file with the current values"""

        config = confparser()

        # type checker can't handle @singledispatch...
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        with open_atomic(self.settings) as ini:
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, profiles_dir, name=FALLBACK_PROFILE,
                 copy_profile=None, create_on_enoent=True):

        :param Path profiles_dir:
        :param str name:
        :param Profile copy_profile:
        :param bool create_on_enoent: Whether to create the profile folder if it does not already exist

        self.name = name

        self.folder = profiles_dir / name # type: Path

        if not self.folder.exists():
            if create_on_enoent:
                # create the directory if it doesn't exist

                # since we're creating a new profile, check to see if
                # we're cloning an already existing one
                if copy_profile is not None:
                    import shutil
                    for fpath in (copy_profile.folder / fname for fname in ProfileFiles):
                        #copy the other profile's files to our new profile dir
                        shutil.copy(str(fpath), str(self.folder))
                    del shutil
                raise exceptions.ProfileDoesNotExistError(name)

        for f in [self.folder / p for p in ProfileFiles]:

            if not f.exists():
                # if the file doesn't exist (perhaps because this is a new profile)
                # create empty placeholder for it
                if f.name == SETTINGS:
                    # put default vals in the ini file
                    c = confparser()
                    with f.open('w') as ini:

        # we don't worry about the json files, but we need to load in
        # the values from the ini file and store it.
        self._config = self.load_profile_settings()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def load_profile_settings(self):
        config = confparser()

        # for now, just turn the config parser into a dict and return it;
        # the checks below should deal with most of the conversions we'd need
        # to worry about
        for sec, sub in self.__default_settings.items():
            for k,v in sub.items():
                if isinstance(v, bool):
                    # fallback to default vals if key or section is missing
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getboolean(sec, k, fallback=v)
                elif isinstance(v, int):
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getint(sec, k, fallback=v)
                elif isinstance(v, float):
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getfloat(sec, k, fallback=v)
                    # strings for everyone else
                    sett[sec][k] = config.get(sec, k, fallback=v)
        return  sett
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def load_profile_settings(self):
        config = confparser()

        # for now, just turn the config parser into a dict and return it;
        # the checks below should deal with most of the conversions we'd need
        # to worry about
        sett = {}
        for sec, sub in self.__default_settings.items():
            sett[sec] = {}
            for k, v in sub.items():
                if isinstance(v, bool):
                    # fallback to default vals if key or section is missing
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getboolean(sec, k, fallback=v)
                elif isinstance(v, int):
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getint(sec, k, fallback=v)
                elif isinstance(v, float):
                    sett[sec][k] = config.getfloat(sec, k, fallback=v)
                    # strings for everyone else
                    sett[sec][k] = config.get(sec, k, fallback=v)
        return sett
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self,

        :param Path profiles_dir:
        :param str name:
        :param Profile copy_profile:
        :param bool create_on_enoent: Whether to create the profile folder if it does not already exist

        self.name = name
        self._overrides = {}  # type: dict [str, dir_override]

        ## Path checks/creation

        # todo: pull 'profiles_dir' from ModManager's profile AppFolder dynamically (so that the profiles directory can be changed without having to update the 'folder' attribute of every Profile as well).
        self.folder = profiles_dir / name  # type: Path

        if not self.folder.exists():
            if create_on_enoent:
                # create the directory if it doesn't exist

                # since we're creating a new profile, check to see if
                # we're cloning an already existing one
                if copy_profile is not None:
                    import shutil
                    for fpath in (copy_profile.folder / fname
                                  for fname in ProfileFiles):
                        #copy the other profile's files to our new profile dir
                        shutil.copy(str(fpath), str(self.folder))
                    del shutil
                raise exceptions.ProfileDoesNotExistError(name)

        for f in [self.folder / p for p in ProfileFiles]:

            if not f.exists():
                # if the file doesn't exist (perhaps because this is a new profile)
                # create empty placeholder for it
                if f.name == SETTINGS:
                    # put default vals in the ini file
                    c = confparser()
                    with f.open('w') as ini:

        ## Load config

        # we don't worry about the json files, but we need to load in
        # the values from the ini file and store it.
        self._config = self.load_profile_settings()
        # self.LOGGER << "Loaded profile-specific settings: {}".format(self.settings)

        ## Extract overrides

        for k in Profile.__default_settings[kstr_section.OVERRIDES]:
            self._overrides[k] = dir_override(
                self.get_setting(kstr_section.OVERRIDES, k),
                self.get_setting(kstr_section.OVR_ENABLED, k))