Ejemplo n.º 1
class VarEnv(object):
    Allow to load the available variables in a file 
    def __init__(self, file):
        'file' to read
        self._cp = SafeConfigParser()

    def defaults(self):
        Return a dictionary containing the instance-wide defaults.
        return self._cp.defaults()

    def has_section(self, section):
        Indicate whether the named section is present in the configuration.
        return self._cp.has_section(section)

    def items(self, section):
        Return a list of tuples with (name, value) for each option in the section.
        return self._cp.items(section)

    def sections(self):
        Return a list of section names, excluding [DEFAULT] section.
        return self._cp.sections()

    def write(self, dest_file):
        Write an ini-format representation of the configuration

    def set_var(self, section, name, value):
        Set an option
        self._cp.set(section, option, value)

    def get_var(self, var_name, default='', section='DEFAULT'):
        Get a value for given section. The default section will be 'DEFAULT'. 
            value = dict(self._cp.items(section))[var_name.lower()]
            if value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"'):
                value = value[1:-1]
            return value
        except (KeyError, IOError):
            return default
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _loadini(self, baseini, defaultsett):
        """Parse master ini configuration file ``baseini`` and ini files
        refered by `baseini`. Construct a dictionary of settings for special
        sections and plugin sections."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import pluginnames, plugin_info

        if not baseini or (not isfile(baseini)):
            return deepcopy(defaultsett)

        # Initialize return dictionary.
        settings = {}

        # context for parsing ini files.
        _vars = {"here": abspath(dirname(baseini))}

        # Read master ini file.
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # [DEFAULT] overriding global def.
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett["DEFAULT"])
        settings["DEFAULT"] = normalize_defaults(s)

        # [pluggdapps]
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett["pluggdapps"])
        if cp.has_section("pluggdapps"):
            s.update(dict(cp.items("pluggdapps", vars=_vars)))
            s.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            settings["pluggdapps"] = normalize_pluggdapps(s)

        # Override plugin's package default settings with [DEFAULT] settings.
        for pluginsec, sett in defaultsett.items():
            if not pluginsec.startswith("plugin:"):
            sett = h.mergedict(sett, settings["DEFAULT"])
            if cp.has_section(pluginsec):
                sett.update(dict(cp.items(pluginsec, vars=_vars)))
                sett.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(pluginsec))["cls"]
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, "normalize_settings"):
                    sett = b.normalize_settings(sett)
            settings[pluginsec] = sett
        return settings
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def _loadini(self, baseini, defaultsett):
        """Parse master ini configuration file ``baseini`` and ini files
        refered by `baseini`. Construct a dictionary of settings for special
        sections and plugin sections."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import pluginnames, plugin_info

        if not baseini or (not isfile(baseini)):
            return deepcopy(defaultsett)

        # Initialize return dictionary.
        settings = {}

        # context for parsing ini files.
        _vars = {'here': abspath(dirname(baseini))}

        # Read master ini file.
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # [DEFAULT] overriding global def.
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett['DEFAULT'])
        settings['DEFAULT'] = normalize_defaults(s)

        # [pluggdapps]
        s = deepcopy(defaultsett['pluggdapps'])
        if cp.has_section('pluggdapps'):
            s.update(dict(cp.items('pluggdapps', vars=_vars)))
            s.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            settings['pluggdapps'] = normalize_pluggdapps(s)

        # Override plugin's package default settings with [DEFAULT] settings.
        for pluginsec, sett in defaultsett.items():
            if not pluginsec.startswith('plugin:'): continue
            sett = h.mergedict(sett, settings['DEFAULT'])
            if cp.has_section(pluginsec):
                sett.update(dict(cp.items(pluginsec, vars=_vars)))
                sett.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(pluginsec))['cls']
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, 'normalize_settings'):
                    sett = b.normalize_settings(sett)
            settings[pluginsec] = sett
        return settings
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _loadinstance(self, appsett, instanceini):
        """Load configuration settings for a web application's instance."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import plugin_info
        _vars = {'here': abspath(dirname(instanceini))}
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # Update appsett with [DEFAULT] section of instanceini
        defaultsett = normalize_defaults(dict(cp.defaults()))
        [sett.update(appsett['DEFAULT']) for key, sett in appsett.items()]

        # Update plugin sections in appsett from instanceini
        for sec in cp.sections():
            if not sec.startswith('plugin:'): continue
            sett = dict(cp.items(sec, vars=_vars))
            sett.pop('here', None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(sec))['cls']
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, 'normalize_settings'):
                    appsett[sec] = b.normalize_settings(appsett[sec])
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def _loadinstance(self, appsett, instanceini):
        """Load configuration settings for a web application's instance."""
        from pluggdapps.plugin import plugin_info

        _vars = {"here": abspath(dirname(instanceini))}
        cp = SafeConfigParser()

        # Update appsett with [DEFAULT] section of instanceini
        defaultsett = normalize_defaults(dict(cp.defaults()))
        [sett.update(appsett["DEFAULT"]) for key, sett in appsett.items()]

        # Update plugin sections in appsett from instanceini
        for sec in cp.sections():
            if not sec.startswith("plugin:"):
            sett = dict(cp.items(sec, vars=_vars))
            sett.pop("here", None)  # TODO : how `here` gets populated ??
            cls = plugin_info(h.sec2plugin(sec))["cls"]
            for b in reversed(cls.mro()):
                if hasattr(b, "normalize_settings"):
                    appsett[sec] = b.normalize_settings(appsett[sec])
Ejemplo n.º 6
def merge_configs(cfgs, forprint=True, raw=True):
    """Merge configurations

    Options of the last config overrides options of the other ones,
    except for config file names (values then end with .ini or .cfg)
    that are store as a tuple.

    .. warning::

        This makes output config incompatible with
        :meth:`~ConfigParser.ConfigParser.getint`, etc.
    # Init
    if not isinstance(cfgs, (list, tuple)):
        cfgs = [cfgs]
    cfg = SafeConfigParser()

    # Loop on configs
    kwget = get_dir_dict()
    kwget['mod_dir'] = '%%(mod_dir)s'
    pending = {}
    for cfgi in cfgs:
        #        print '-'*50
        #        S = StringIO.StringIO()
        #        cfgi.write(S)
        #        s = S.getvalue()
        #        S.close()
        #        print s

        if not isinstance(cfgi, SafeConfigParser):
            cfgfiles = cfgi
            cfgi = SafeConfigParser()


        for section in cfgi.sections():

            if section not in cfg.sections():
            pending.setdefault(section, {})

            for option, rvali in cfgi.items(section, raw=raw):

                if option in pending[
                        section]:  # already identified as an option of config files
                    if rvali not in pending[section][option]:
                        pending[section][option] = tuple(
                            pending[section][option]) + (rvali, )
                elif _re_cfgfile(cfgi.get(section, option, vars=kwget)):
                    pending[section][option] = rvali,
                    cfg.set(section, option, rvali)

    # Convert pending options
    for section, options in list(pending.items()):
        for option, value in list(options.items()):
            if forprint:
                if len(value) == 1:
                    value = value[0]
                    value = '(%s)' % ', '.join(value)
                value = '(%s)' % '|'.join(value)

#            print section, option, value
            cfg.set(section, option, value)

    return cfg
Ejemplo n.º 7
    if len(args.secret) == 0 :
        print("Enter valid text and try again")

    if len(args.key) == 0:
        print("Enter valid key/passphrase")

conf_file = SafeConfigParser()
CONF = conf_file.defaults()

if len(CONF) == 0:
    print("please Check the hpe.conf file on /etc/hpedockerplugin/ path")

host_etcd_ip_address = CONF.get('host_etcd_ip_address')
host_etcd_port_number = int(CONF.get('host_etcd_port_number'))
host_etcd_client_cert = CONF.get('host_etcd_client_cert')
host_etcd_client_key = CONF.get('host_etcd_client_key')

if host_etcd_ip_address == None or host_etcd_port_number == None:
    print("Please check hpe.conf for host_etcd_ip_address or host_etcd_port_number")
Ejemplo n.º 8
class ConfigSection(object):
    Wraps SafeConfigParser with static section handling

    :param defaults: dict-like containing default keys/values
    :param section: name of section to initially bind to

    :note: Not an exact interface reproduction, some functionality
           left out!
    def __init__(self, defaults, section):
        self._section = section
        # SafeConfigParser is old-style, and we're changing method parameters
        self._scp = SafeConfigParser(defaults)

    def defaults(self):
        Returns dictionary of default options
        return self._scp.defaults()

    def sections(self):
        Returns a list containing this instances section-name
        return [self._section]

    def add_section(self, section):
        Not written, do not use!

        :raises NotImplementedError: DO NOT USE!
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def has_section(self, section):
        Returns True if instance-section == ``section``

        :param section: Name of section to check.
        :returns: True/False if section exists.
        return section == self._section

    def options(self):
        Returns dictionary of all options keys/values
        return self._scp.options(self._section)

    def has_option(self, option):
        Returns True if key-named ``option`` exists

        :param option: Name of the option (key) to check.
        :returns: True/False if option (key) exists.
        return self._scp.has_option(self._section, option)

    # Private method doesn't need docstring
    def _prune_sections(self):  # pylint: disable=C0111
        for section in self._scp.sections():
            if section != self._section:

    def read(self, filenames):
        Replace current contents with content from filename(s)/list

        :param filenames: Same as for ``SafeConfigParser.read`` method
        :return: List of successfully parsed filenames.
        result = self._scp.read(filenames)  # Changes self._scp
        return result

    # Short name 'fp' mirrors use in ConfigParser module
    def readfp(self, fp, filename=None):  # pylint: disable=C0103
        Replace current contents with content from file

        :param fp: Same as for ``SafeConfigParser.readfp`` method
        :param filename: Same as for ``SafeConfigParser.readfp`` method
        :return:  Same as for ``SafeConfigParser.readfp`` method
        result = self._scp.readfp(fp, filename)  # Changes self._scp
        return result

    def get(self, option):
        Return value assigned to key named ``option``

        :param option: Name of the ``option`` (key) to check.
        :returns: The value assigned to ``option``
        return self._scp.get(self._section, option)

    def getint(self, option):
        Convert/Return value assigned to key named ``option``

        :param option: Name of the ``option`` (key) to check.
        :return: Value assigned to ``option`` converted to an integer.
        return self._scp.getint(self._section, option)

    def getfloat(self, option):
        Convert/Return value assigned to key named ``option``

        :param option: Name of the ``option`` (key) to check.
        :return: Value assigned to ``option`` converted to a float.
        return self._scp.getfloat(self._section, option)

    def getboolean(self, option):
        Convert/Return value assigned to key named ``option``

        :param option: Name of the ``option`` (key) to check.
        :return: ``True``: if value is ``yes``, ``true``. ``False`` if ``no``
                           or ``false``.
            value = self._scp.get(self._section, option).lower().strip()
            positives = ("yes", "true")
            negatives = ("no", "false")
            if value in positives:
                return True
            if value in negatives:
                return False
            # try regular way
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # try regular way
        return self._scp.getboolean(self._section, option)

    def set(self, option, value):
        Set value assigned to key named ``option``

        :param option: Name of the ``option`` (key) to set.
        :param value: Content to assign to ``option``.
        :return: Same as for ``SafeConfigParser.set`` method.
        return self._scp.set(self._section, option, str(value))

    def write(self, fileobject):
        Overwrite current contents of ``fileobject.name``
        return self._scp.write(open(fileobject.name, "w"))

    def merge_write(self, fileobject):
        Update section contents of ``fileobject.name`` by section only.
        scp = SafeConfigParser()
        # Safe if file doesn't exist
        # N/B: This won't work with DEFAULTS
        if not scp.has_section(self._section):
        for key, value in list(self.items()):
            scp.set(self._section, key, value)
        scp.write(open(fileobject.name, "w+b"))  # truncates file first

    def remove_option(self, option):
        Remove option-key ``option``
        return self._scp.remove_option(self._section, option)

    def remove_section(self):
        Not implemented, do not use!

        :raises NotImplementedError: DO NOT USE!
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def items(self):
        Return list of ``key``/``value`` tuples for contents
        return self._scp.items(self._section)
Ejemplo n.º 9
class XYZBathyBank(object):
    """Bank of XYZ bathymetry infos

    .. seealso::



    >>> xyzb = XYZBathyBank()

    def __init__(self, cfgfile=None):

        # Guess file name
        if cfgfile is None:
            f = ConfigParser()
            f.read(get_config_value(__name__, 'cfgfile_xyz'))
            if f.has_option('banks', 'main'):
                cfgfile = f.get('banks', 'main')
            #    raise Exception, 'Cannot read config file to guess bank file name'
        # Read file
        self.cfg = SafeConfigParser()
        self.cfgfile = cfgfile
        if cfgfile and os.path.exists(cfgfile): self.cfg.read(cfgfile)
        self._clients = {}
        for id in self.cfg.sections():
            self._clients[id] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id)
        self._order = None

    def ids(self):
        """Return the list of bathy ids"""
        return self.cfg.sections()

    def __str__(self):
        if not len(self):
            return 'No bathymetry'
        for id in self.ids():
        return '\n'.join(infos)
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cfg.sections())

    def add(self, xyzfile, id=None, force=False, **kwargs):
        """Add a bathy to the bank

        - **xyzfile**: xyz file.
        - *id*: Id of the bank. If ``None``, it is guessed from the file name:
           ``xyzfile="/path/toto.xyz"`` ->  ``id="toto"``
        if id is None:
            id = os.path.basename(xyzfile)
            if id.endswith('.xyz'): id = id[:-4]
        if self.cfg.has_section(id):
            if force:
                raise KeyError('Bathymetry %s already exists'%id)
        self.cfg.set(id, 'xyzfile', xyzfile)
        self._clients[id] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id, **kwargs)
#       self._save_()
    def __iadd__(self, d):
        return self

    def remove(self, id):
        """Remove a bathy from the bank

        *id*: A bathy id or :class:`XYZBathyBankClient` instance.
        if isinstance(id, XYZBathyBankClient):
            id = id.id
        if not self.cfg.has_section(id):
            warn('No such bathymetry %s'%id)
        del self._clients[id]
#       self._save_()
    def __isub__(self, d):
        return self

    def copy(self, id1, id2):
        """Copy bathy infos to another"""
        assert self.cfg.has_section(id1), 'No such bathymetry %s'%id1
        if not self.cfg.has_section(id2):
        for opt in self.cfg.options(id1):
            self.cfg.set(id2, self.cfg.get(id1, opt))
        self._clients[id2] = XYZBathyBankClient(self, id2)
##      self._save_()

    def __getitem__(self, id):
        assert self.cfg.has_section(id), 'No such bathymetry %s'%id
        return self._clients[id]
    def __setitem__(self, id, xyzfile):
        self.add(id, xyzfile)
    def __deltiem__(self, id):

    def load(self, id):
        """Load a bathymetry as a :class:`XYZBathy` instance"""
        assert self.cfg.has_section(id), 'No such bathymetry '+id
        return self._clients[id].load()

    def list(self):
        """Get all clients of the bank as a list"""
        return list(self._clients.values())

    def select(self, xmin=None, xmax=None, ymin=None, ymax=None, load=True, margin=None, ordered=None):
        """Return a list of bathymetries relevant to the specified region

        - *margin*: Margin for loading xyz bathies:

            - if None, the whole bathy is loaded from the bank,
            - else it should be a value relative to the approximative resolution (see :meth:`XYZBathy.resol`)
        res = []
        for id in self.ids():
            b = self._clients[id]
            if   (None not in (xmin, b.xmax) and xmin > b.xmax) or \
                (None not in (xmax, b.xmin) and xmax < b.xmin) or \
                (None not in (ymin, b.ymax) and ymin > b.ymax) or \
                (None not in (ymax, b.ymin) and ymax > b.ymin): continue
            if load:
                b = b.load(zone=(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), margin=margin)
        if self.get_order() is not None and ordered != False:
            ids = [b.id for b in res]
            order = [id for id in self.get_order() if id in ids]
            res.sort(cmp=lambda b1, b2: cmp(self.get_order().index(b1), self.get_order().index(b2)))
        return res

    def set_order(self, order):
        """Set a list of ids to define the order"""
        if order is None:
            del self.cfg.defaults()['order']
            self.cfg.defaults()['order'] = str([id for id in order if id in self.ids()])
    def get_order(self,):
        """Get a list of ids that define the order"""
        return eval(self.cfg.defaults().get('order', 'None'))

    def _update_order_(self):
        if self.get_order() is None: return
        self.cfg.defaults()['order'] = str([id for id in self.get_order() if id in self.ids()])

    def save(self, cfgfile=None):
        if cfgfile is None:
            cfgfile = self.cfgfile
            self.cfgfile = cfgfile
        if cfgfile is None:
            raise VACUMMError('You must provide a valid file name')
        f = open(cfgfile, 'w')

    def merger(self, **kwargs):
        """Return a :class:`XYZBathyMerger` instance using the current bank

        Keywords are passed to :meth:`select`
        merger = XYZBathyMerger()
        merger += self.select(**kwargs)
        return merger

    def plot(self, **kwargs):
        """Plot current bathies using a :class:`XYZBathyMerger` instance"""

        return self.merger(**kwfilter(kwargs, 'merger')).plot(**kwargs)