def find_optimal_temperature(config): model_paths = glob.glob(config["model_glob"]) dwi_path_1 = config["inference"]["dwi_path"].format("") dwi_path_2 = config["inference"]["dwi_path"].format("retest") gpu_queue = SimpleQueue() for idx in get_gpus(): gpu_queue.put(str(idx)) procs = [] pred_manager = Manager() predictions = pred_manager.dict() try: for mp in model_paths: #if any(t in mp for t in []): model_config = config["inference"].copy() model_config["model_path"] = mp for j in [0, 1]: run_config = model_config.copy() parse(run_config, "dwi_path", j) parse(run_config, "prior_path", j) parse(run_config, "term_path", j) parse(run_config, "seed_path", j) while gpu_queue.empty(): sleep(10) p = Process(target=run_inference, args=(run_config, gpu_queue, predictions)) p.start() procs.append(p) print("Launched {}: {}".format(mp.split("/")[-1], j)) sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: for p in procs: p.join() while p.exitcode is None: sleep(0.1) pred_pairs = group_by_model(predictions) config["pred_pairs"] = pred_pairs save(config, name="opT_{}.yml".format(timestamp()), out_dir=os.path.dirname(config["model_glob"])) """
def set_config(): try: config = configs.from_request(request) result =, os.environ.get('DAC_CONFIG_PATH')) except Exception as e: return Response(str(e)) get_settings.cache_clear() get_price_settings.cache_clear() return Response(json.dumps(result))
def train(config=None, gpu_queue=None): try: gpu_idx = maybe_get_a_gpu() if gpu_queue is None else gpu_queue.get() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_idx except Exception as e: print(str(e)) day, hour = timestamp(separate=True) out_dir = os.path.join("models", config["model_name"], config.get("model_type", ""), day, hour) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) configs.deep_update(config, {"out_dir": out_dir}) configs.add(config, to=".running") model = MODELS[config["model_name"]](config) try: train_seq = model.get_sequence(config) eval_seq = model.get_sequence(config, istraining=False) configs.deep_update(config, { "train_seq": train_seq, "eval_seq": eval_seq }) checkpoints = out_dir + '/inter_model_{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.4f}.h5' if "RNN" in config["model_name"]: configs.deep_update(config, {"reset_batches": train_seq.reset_batches}) configs.deep_update(config, {"filepath": checkpoints}) if 'Trackifier' in config['model_name']: configs.deep_update(config, {"filepath": checkpoints}) callbacks = parse_callbacks(config["callbacks"]) optimizer = getattr(keras_optimizers, config["optimizer"])(**config["opt_params"]) model.compile(optimizer) if isinstance(config['train_path'], list): for i, subject in enumerate(config['train_path']): samples_config = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(subject), 'config.yml') samples_config = configs.load(samples_config) config['input_sampels_config_{0}'.format(i)] = samples_config else: samples_config = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(config['train_path']), 'config.yml') samples_config = configs.load(samples_config) config['input_sampels_config'] = samples_config repo = git.Repo(".") commit = repo.head.commit config['commit'] = str(commit) print("\nStart training...") no_exception = True model.keras.fit_generator( train_seq, callbacks=callbacks, validation_data=eval_seq, epochs=config["epochs"], shuffle=config["shuffle"], max_queue_size=2000, verbose=1, workers=5, use_multiprocessing=True, ) except KeyboardInterrupt: model.stop_training = True except Exception as e: shutil.rmtree(out_dir) no_exception = False raise e finally: configs.remove(config, _from=".running") if no_exception: configs.add(config, to=".archive") model_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "final_model.h5") print("\nSaving {}".format(model_path)) if gpu_queue is not None: gpu_queue.put(gpu_idx) return model.keras
def save_config(self, event):
def mark(config, gpu_queue=None): gpu_idx = -1 try: gpu_idx = maybe_get_a_gpu() if gpu_queue is None else gpu_queue.get() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_idx except Exception as e: print(str(e)) print("Loading DWI data ...") dwi_img = nib.load(config["dwi_path"]) dwi_img = nib.funcs.as_closest_canonical(dwi_img) dwi_aff = dwi_img.affine dwi_affi = np.linalg.inv(dwi_aff) dwi = dwi_img.get_data() def xyz2ijk(coords, snap=False): ijk = (coords.T).copy() ijk = np.vstack([ijk, np.ones([1, ijk.shape[1]])]), out=ijk) if snap: return (np.round(ijk, out=ijk).astype(int, copy=False).T)[:, :4] else: return (ijk.T)[:, :4] # ========================================================================== print("Loading fibers ...") trk_file = nib.streamlines.load(config["trk_path"]) tractogram = trk_file.tractogram if "t" in tractogram.data_per_point: print("Fibers are already resampled") tangents = tractogram.data_per_point["t"] else: print("Fibers are not resampled. Resampling now ...") tractogram = maybe_add_tangent(config["trk_path"], min_length=30, max_length=200) tangents = tractogram.data_per_point["t"] n_fibers = len(tractogram) fiber_lengths = np.array([len(t.streamline) for t in tractogram]) max_length = fiber_lengths.max() n_pts = fiber_lengths.sum() # ========================================================================== print("Loading model ...") model_name = config['model_name'] if hasattr(MODELS[model_name], "custom_objects"): model = load_model(config["model_path"], custom_objects=MODELS[model_name].custom_objects, compile=False) else: model = load_model(config["model_path"], compile=False) block_size = get_blocksize(model, dwi.shape[-1]) d = np.zeros([n_fibers, dwi.shape[-1] * block_size**3 + 1]) inputs = np.zeros([n_fibers, max_length, 3]) print("Writing to input array ...") for i, fiber_t in enumerate(tangents): inputs[i, :fiber_lengths[i], :] = fiber_t outputs = np.zeros([n_fibers, max_length, 4]) print("Starting iteration ...") step = 0 while step < max_length: t0 = time() xyz = inputs[:, step, :] ijk = xyz2ijk(xyz, snap=True) for ii, idx in enumerate(ijk): try: d[ii, :-1] = dwi[idx[0] - (block_size // 2):idx[0] + (block_size // 2) + 1, idx[1] - (block_size // 2):idx[1] + (block_size // 2) + 1, idx[2] - (block_size // 2):idx[2] + (block_size // 2) + 1, :].flatten() # returns copy except (IndexError, ValueError): pass d[:, -1] = np.linalg.norm(d[:, :-1], axis=1) + 10**-2 d[:, :-1] /= d[:, -1].reshape(-1, 1) if step == 0: vin = -inputs[:, step + 1, :] vout = -inputs[:, step, :] else: vin = inputs[:, step - 1, :] vout = inputs[:, step, :] model_inputs = np.hstack([vin, d]) chunk = 2**15 # 32768 n_chunks = np.ceil(n_fibers / chunk).astype(int) for c in range(n_chunks): fvm_pred, kappa_pred = model(model_inputs[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk]) log1p_kappa_pred = np.log1p(kappa_pred) log_prob_pred = fvm_pred.log_prob(vout[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk]) log_prob_map_pred = fvm_pred._log_normalization() + kappa_pred outputs[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk, step, 0] = kappa_pred outputs[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk, step, 1] = log1p_kappa_pred outputs[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk, step, 2] = log_prob_pred outputs[c * chunk:(c + 1) * chunk, step, 3] = log_prob_map_pred print("Step {:3d}/{:3d}, ETA: {:4.0f} min".format( step, max_length, (max_length - step) * (time() - t0) / 60), end="\r") step += 1 if gpu_queue is not None: gpu_queue.put(gpu_idx) kappa = [ outputs[i, :fiber_lengths[i], 0].reshape(-1, 1) for i in range(n_fibers) ] log1p_kappa = [ outputs[i, :fiber_lengths[i], 1].reshape(-1, 1) for i in range(n_fibers) ] log_prob = [ outputs[i, :fiber_lengths[i], 2].reshape(-1, 1) for i in range(n_fibers) ] log_prob_map = [ outputs[i, :fiber_lengths[i], 3].reshape(-1, 1) for i in range(n_fibers) ] log_prob_sum = [ np.ones_like(log_prob[i]) * (log_prob[i].sum() / log_prob_map[i].sum()) for i in range(n_fibers) ] log_prob_ratio = [ np.ones_like(log_prob[i]) * (log_prob[i] - log_prob_map[i]).mean() for i in range(n_fibers) ] other_data = {} for key in list(trk_file.tractogram.data_per_point.keys()): if key not in [ "kappa", "log1p_kappa", "log_prob", "log_prob_map", "log_prob_sum", "log_prob_ratio" ]: other_data[key] = trk_file.tractogram.data_per_point[key] data_per_point = PerArraySequenceDict(n_rows=n_pts, kappa=kappa, log_prob=log_prob, log_prob_sum=log_prob_sum, log_prob_ratio=log_prob_ratio, **other_data) tractogram = Tractogram(streamlines=tractogram.streamlines, data_per_point=data_per_point, affine_to_rasmm=np.eye(4)) out_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config["dwi_path"]), "marked_fibers", timestamp()) os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) marked_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "marked.trk") TrkFile(tractogram, trk_file.header).save(marked_path) config["out_dir"] = out_dir
def agreement(model_path, dwi_path_1, trk_path_1, dwi_path_2, trk_path_2, wm_path, fixel_cnt_path, cluster_thresh, centroid_size, fixel_thresh, bundle_min_cnt, gpu_queue=None): try: gpu_idx = maybe_get_a_gpu() if gpu_queue is None else gpu_queue.get() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu_idx except Exception as e: print(str(e)) temperature = np.round(float(re.findall("T=(.*)\.h5", model_path)[0]), 6) model = load_model(model_path) print("Load data ...") dwi_img_1 = nib.load(dwi_path_1) dwi_img_1 = nib.funcs.as_closest_canonical(dwi_img_1) affine_1 = dwi_img_1.affine dwi_1 = dwi_img_1.get_data() dwi_img_2 = nib.load(dwi_path_2) dwi_img_2 = nib.funcs.as_closest_canonical(dwi_img_2) affine_2 = dwi_img_2.affine dwi_2 = dwi_img_2.get_data() wm_img = nib.load(wm_path) wm_data = wm_img.get_data() n_wm = (wm_data > 0).sum() fixel_cnt = nib.load(fixel_cnt_path).get_data()[:, :, :, 0] fixel_cnt = fixel_cnt[wm_data > 0] k_fixels = np.unique(fixel_cnt) max_fixels = k_fixels.max() n_fixels_gt = np.sum(k * (fixel_cnt == k).sum() for k in k_fixels) img_shape = dwi_1.shape[:-1] #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- tractogram_1 = maybe_add_tangent(trk_path_1) tractogram_2 = maybe_add_tangent(trk_path_2) streamlines_1 = tractogram_1.streamlines streamlines_2 = tractogram_2.streamlines n_streamlines_1 = len(streamlines_1) n_streamlines_2 = len(streamlines_2) tractogram_1.extend(tractogram_2) ############################################################################ print("Clustering streamlines.") feature = ResampleFeature(nb_points=centroid_size) qb = QuickBundles(threshold=cluster_thresh, metric=AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric(feature)) bundles = qb.cluster(streamlines_1) bundles.refdata = tractogram_1 n_bundles = len(bundles) print("Found {} bundles.".format(n_bundles)) print("Computing bundle masks...") direction_masks_1 = np.zeros((n_bundles, ) + img_shape + (3, ), np.float16) direction_masks_2 = np.zeros((n_bundles, ) + img_shape + (3, ), np.float16) count_masks_1 = np.zeros((n_bundles, ) + img_shape, np.uint16) count_masks_2 = np.zeros((n_bundles, ) + img_shape, np.uint16) marginal_bundles = 0 for i, b in enumerate(bundles.clusters): is_from_1 = np.argwhere( np.array(b.indices) < n_streamlines_1).squeeze().tolist() is_from_2 = np.argwhere( np.array(b.indices) >= n_streamlines_1).squeeze().tolist() if (np.sum(is_from_1) > bundle_min_cnt and np.sum(is_from_2) > bundle_min_cnt): bundle_map(b[is_from_1], affine_1, img_shape, dir_out=direction_masks_1[i], cnt_out=count_masks_1[i]) bundle_map(b[is_from_2], affine_2, img_shape, dir_out=direction_masks_2[i], cnt_out=count_masks_2[i]) else: marginal_bundles += 1 assert == "float16" assert == "float16" assert == "uint16" assert == "uint16" print("Computed bundle {:3d}.".format(i), end="\r") #gc.collect() overlap = ((count_masks_1 > 0) * (count_masks_2 > 0) * np.expand_dims(wm_data > 0, 0)) print("Calculating Fixels...") fixel_directions_1 = [] fixel_directions_2 = [] fixel_cnts_1 = [] fixel_cnts_2 = [] fixel_ijk = [] n_fixels = [] no_overlap = 0 for vox in np.argwhere(wm_data > 0): matched = overlap[:, vox[0], vox[1], vox[2]] > 0 if matched.sum() > 0: dir_1 = direction_masks_1[matched, vox[0], vox[1], vox[2], :] cnts_1 = count_masks_1[matched, vox[0], vox[1], vox[2]] dir_2 = direction_masks_2[matched, vox[0], vox[1], vox[2], :] cnts_2 = count_masks_2[matched, vox[0], vox[1], vox[2]] fixels1, fixels2, f_cnts_1, f_cnts_2 = cluster_fixels( dir_1, dir_2, cnts_1, cnts_2, threshold=np.cos(np.pi / fixel_thresh)) n_f = len(fixels1) fixel_directions_1.append(fixels1) fixel_directions_2.append(fixels2) fixel_cnts_1.append(f_cnts_1) fixel_cnts_2.append(f_cnts_2) fixel_ijk.append(np.tile(vox, (n_f, 1))) n_fixels.append(n_f) else: no_overlap += 1 fixel_directions_1 = np.vstack(fixel_directions_1) fixel_directions_2 = np.vstack(fixel_directions_2) fixel_cnts_1 = np.vstack(fixel_cnts_1).reshape(-1) fixel_cnts_2 = np.vstack(fixel_cnts_2).reshape(-1) fixel_ijk = np.vstack(fixel_ijk) #gc.collect() ############################################################################ print("Computing agreement ...") n_fixels_sum = np.sum(n_fixels) block_size = get_blocksize(model, dwi_1.shape[-1]) d_1 = np.zeros( [n_fixels_sum, block_size, block_size, block_size, dwi_1.shape[-1]]) d_2 = np.zeros( [n_fixels_sum, block_size, block_size, block_size, dwi_1.shape[-1]]) i, j, k = fixel_ijk.T for idx in range(block_size**3): ii, jj, kk = np.unravel_index(idx, (block_size, block_size, block_size)) d_1[:, ii, jj, kk, :] = dwi_1[i + ii - 1, j + jj - 1, k + kk - 1, :] d_2[:, ii, jj, kk, :] = dwi_2[i + ii - 1, j + jj - 1, k + kk - 1, :] d_1 = d_1.reshape(-1, dwi_1.shape[-1] * block_size**3) d_2 = d_2.reshape(-1, dwi_2.shape[-1] * block_size**3) dnorm_1 = np.linalg.norm(d_1, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 10**-2 dnorm_2 = np.linalg.norm(d_2, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 10**-2 d_1 /= dnorm_1 d_2 /= dnorm_2 model_inputs_1 = np.hstack([fixel_directions_1, d_1, dnorm_1]) model_inputs_2 = np.hstack([fixel_directions_2, d_2, dnorm_2]) fixel_agreements, fixel_kappa_1, fixel_kappa_2, fixel_mu_1, fixel_mu_2 = \ agreement_for( model, model_inputs_1, model_inputs_2, fixel_cnts_1, fixel_cnts_2 ) agreement = {"temperature": temperature} agreement["model_path"] = model_path agreement["n_bundles"] = n_bundles agreement["value"] = fixel_agreements.sum() / n_fixels_gt agreement["min"] = fixel_agreements.min() agreement["mean"] = fixel_agreements.mean() agreement["max"] = fixel_agreements.max() agreement["std"] = fixel_agreements.std() agreement["n_fixels_sum"] = n_fixels_sum agreement["n_wm"] = n_wm agreement["n_fixels_gt"] = n_fixels_gt agreement["marginal_bundles"] = marginal_bundles agreement["no_overlap"] = no_overlap agreement["dwi_1"] = dwi_path_1 agreement["trk_1"] = trk_path_1 agreement["dwi_2"] = dwi_path_2 agreement["trk_2"] = trk_path_2 agreement["fixel_cnt_path"] = fixel_cnt_path agreement["cluster_thresh"] = cluster_thresh agreement["centroid_size"] = centroid_size agreement["fixel_thresh"] = fixel_thresh agreement["bundle_min_cnt"] = bundle_min_cnt agreement["wm_path"] = wm_path agreement["ideal"] = ideal_agreement(temperature) for k, cnt in zip(*np.unique(n_fixels, return_counts=True)): agreement["n_vox_with_{}_fixels".format(k)] = cnt for i in [1, 5, 10]: agreement["le_{}_fibers_per_fixel_1".format(i)] = np.mean( fixel_cnts_1 < i) agreement["mean_fibers_per_fixel_1"] = np.mean(fixel_cnts_1) agreement["median_fibers_per_fixel_1"] = np.median(fixel_cnts_1) agreement["mean_fibers_per_fixel_2"] = np.mean(fixel_cnts_2) agreement["median_fibers_per_fixel_2"] = np.median(fixel_cnts_2) agreement["std_fibers_per_fixel"] = np.std(fixel_cnts_1) agreement["max_fibers_per_fixel"] = np.max(fixel_cnts_1) agreement["min_fibers_per_fixel"] = np.min(fixel_cnts_1) fixel_angles = (fixel_directions_1 * fixel_directions_2).sum(axis=1) agreement["mean_fixel_angle"] = fixel_angles.mean() agreement["median_fixel_angle"] = np.median(fixel_angles) agreement["std_fixel_angle"] = fixel_angles.std() agreement["negative_fixel_angles"] = (fixel_angles < 0).mean() save(agreement, "agreement_T={}.yml".format(temperature), os.path.dirname(model_path)) np.savez( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(model_path), "data_T={}".format(temperature)), fixel_cnts_1=fixel_cnts_1, fixel_cnts_2=fixel_cnts_2, fixel_mu_1=fixel_mu_1, fixel_mu_2=fixel_mu_2, fixel_kappa_1=fixel_kappa_1, fixel_kappa_2=fixel_kappa_2, fixel_directions_1=fixel_directions_1, fixel_directions_2=fixel_directions_2, fixel_agreements=fixel_agreements, ) K.clear_session() if gpu_queue is not None: gpu_queue.put(gpu_idx)