def make_security():
    for i, r in enumerate(topo.ROUTERS):
        print("    Firewall on", r)
        # Security with ip6tables
        # the ip6tables rules are splitted in 12 different files, located in template/security/iptable.
        # We made this repartition because some files will be used several time in for loops,
        # other will be used just one time, other will be used only on border routers
        # (where BGP is established) ...
        # Furthumore, the order of the files is important as as when scanning a packet, the firewall stops
        # soon as it founds a rule matching this packet.

        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"router": r})
        if r == "PYTH":
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/",
                   {"interface": "belnetb", "prefix": "fd00:0300:0001"})
        if r == "HALL":
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/",
                   {"interface": "belneta", "prefix": "fd00:0200:0001"})
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/")
        for interface in topo.get_interfaces(r):
            if "lan" in interface:
                append(startup(r), "security/iptables/",
                       {"interface": interface, "suffix": topo.IPS[interface]})
        if r == "PYTH":
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/",
                   {"interface": "belnetb", "prefix": "fd00:0300:0001", "router":r})
        if r == "HALL":
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/",
                   {"interface": "belneta", "prefix": "fd00:0200:0001", "router":r})
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/6_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)

        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/")
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/8_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/9_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/10_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/11_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/12_comments.txt", cr=False)
        for z in range(0x0, 0x10):
            z = format(z, 'x')
            append(startup(r), "security/iptables/", {"zone": z}, cr=False)
        append(startup(r), "security/iptables/")
def __router_advertisement(r):
    append(unshared(r, "/etc/bird/bird6.conf"), "addressing/router_advertisement/radvd_head.conf", {})

    for f in topo.get_interfaces(r):
        if "lan" in f:
            append(unshared(r, "/etc/bird/bird6.conf"), "addressing/router_advertisement/radvd_copy.conf", {
                "iface": f,
                "ip": topo.IPS[f].replace('::ff', '::0/64')

    append(unshared(r, "/etc/bird/bird6.conf"), "addressing/router_advertisement/radvd_foot.conf",
                   "dns": topo.IPS["[DNS1]-lo"]

    append(startup(r), "config_helpers/", {"script": "/var/"});
def __dhcp_relay(r):
    interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to = []
    interfaces_list_dhcp_listen_on = []

    dhcp_ip = topo.IPS["DHC1-eth0"]
    dhcp2_ip = topo.IPS["DHC2-eth0"]

    for interf_name in topo.get_interfaces(r):
        interfaces_list_dhcp_listen_on.append('-l ' + interf_name)
        if "eth" in interf_name:
            interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_A + ":" + dhcp_ip + "%" + interf_name)
            interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_B + ":" + dhcp_ip + "%" + interf_name)
            interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_A + ":" + dhcp2_ip + "%" + interf_name)
            interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_B + ":" + dhcp2_ip + "%" + interf_name)
        if "lan" in interf_name:
            if r == "CARN" and interf_name == "CARN-lan1":
                interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_A + ":" + dhcp_ip + "%" + interf_name)
                interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_B + ":" + dhcp_ip + "%" + interf_name)
                interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_A + ":" + dhcp2_ip + "%" + interf_name)
                interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to.append("-u " + topo.PREFIX_B + ":" + dhcp2_ip + "%" + interf_name)

    append(startup(r), "addressing/dhcp/",
           {"node": r, "forward_to": " ".join(interfaces_list_dhcp_forward_to),
            "listen_on": " ".join(interfaces_list_dhcp_listen_on)})
def make_qos():
    for i, r in enumerate(topo.ROUTERS):
        print("    Adding QOS to ", r)
        for interface in topo.get_interfaces(r):
            append(startup(r), "qos/", {"interface": interface})
def make_staticinit():
    Preinitialisation of the system: assigning static IPs, ...
    (everything that isn't routing, security, ...)

    # Adding global shared files across all nodes
    print("    Adding static files")
    global_files = [
        ("/var/www/html/chien/index.html", "services/http/chien/index.html"),
        ("/var/www/html/website/index.html", "services/http/website/index.html"),
        ("/var/www/html/grading/index.html", "services/http/grading/index.html"),
        ('/var/', 'addressing/router_advertisement/'),
        ('/var/', 'config_helpers/'),
    append(unshared("TEST", "/etc/resolv.conf"), "config_helpers/resolv_test.conf");

    for destfile, sourcefile in global_files:
        append(shared(destfile), sourcefile)

    # Adding static IPS to routers
    print("    Adding router static IPS")
    for m in topo.ROUTERS + ["DNS1", "DNS2"]:
        add_text(startup(m), banner("Static routes and ips"))

        # For every link
        for interface in topo.get_interfaces(m):
            prefix =  topo.IPS[interface]
            prefix_len = "/64"
            if interface in ["DNS1-eth0", "DNS2-eth0", "MICH-eth3", "CARN-eth3"]:
                prefix_len = "/127" # most restrained link for DNS

                {"interface": interface, "ip":prefix+ prefix_len}

        # And for loopback
        append(startup(m), "config_helpers/", {"ip": topo.IPS["[" + m + "]-lo"]})

    # Adding static IPS to services
    print("    Adding datacenter static IPS")
    for m in topo.STATIC_SERVICES:
        if not m in ["DNS1", "DNS2"]:
            for interface in topo.get_interfaces(m):
                append(startup(m), "config_helpers/",
                       {"interface": interface, "ip": topo.IPS[interface] + "/64"})

    # Adding static routes to services
    print("    Adding datacenter static routes")
    for m in topo.STATIC_SERVICES:
        if not m in ["DNS1", "DNS2"]:
            append(startup(m), "routing/static/", {"gateway": "via fd00:0200:0001:" + topo.IPS["CARN-lan0"]})

    # Adding a test host (external to the network)
    print("    Adding TEST node")
    #       ip address
    append(startup("TEST"), "config_helpers/",
           {"interface": "output", "ip": "fd00:face::b00c"});
    #       default route
    append(startup("TEST"), "routing/static/", {"target": "fd00:200::1", "dev": "output"})
    append(startup("TEST"), "routing/static/", {"gateway": "via fd00:0200::1"})
    #       additional route on PYTH
    append(startup("PYTH"), "routing/static/", {"target": "fd00:face::b00c", "dev": "belnetb"})

    # Adding link to BGP peers
    append(startup("PYTH"), "config_helpers/", {"interface": "belnetb", "ip": topo.IPS["belnetb"] + "/64"})
    append(startup("HALL"), "config_helpers/", {"interface": "belneta", "ip": topo.IPS["belneta"] + "/64"})

    # Adding automatic source selection on statically assigned IP machines
    print("    Setting source IP selection on routers & machines")
    for m in topo.ROUTERS + topo.STATIC_SERVICES:
        add_text(startup(m), banner("Automatic source selection"))
        append(startup(m), "config_helpers/", {"script": "/var/"})