Ejemplo n.º 1
def init():
    config = list(confparse.expand_config_path('domain.rc'))
    "Configuration filename."
    assert config, "Missing domain.rc"
    if len(config)> 1:
        print("XXX multiple rc", config)
    settings = confparse.load_path(config[0])
    "Static, persisted settings."
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def find_config_file(self, rc):
     rcfile = list(confparse.expand_config_path(rc))
     config_file = None
     if rcfile:
         config_file = rcfile.pop()
     # FIXME :if not config_file:
     assert config_file, \
             "Missing config-file for %s, perhaps use init_config_file" %( rc, )
     assert isinstance(config_file, str), config_file
     assert os.path.exists(config_file), \
             "Missing %s, perhaps use init_config_file"%config_file
     return config_file
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main(argv, doc=__doc__, usage=__usage__):

    Execute using docopt-mpe options.

    # Process environment
    db = os.getenv( 'VOLUME_DB', __db__ )
    if db is not __db__:
        usage = usage.replace(__db__, db)
    opts = util.get_opts(doc + usage, version=get_version(), argv=argv[1:])
    opts.flags.dbref = taxus.ScriptMixin.assert_dbref(opts.flags.dbref)

    # Load configuration
    config_file = list(confparse.expand_config_path(opts.flags.config)).pop()
    settings = confparse.load_path(config_file)

    for v, p in settings.volume.items():
        print v, p
    for v, s in settings.volumes.items():
        print v, s
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_1(self):
     rcfile = list(confparse.expand_config_path(self.name))
     self.assertEqual(rcfile, [self.realname])
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def confparse_test_func1_(self):
     conf = expand_config_path(self.NAME).next()
     #self.assertEqual(conf, self.name)
     settings = load(self.NAME)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def confparse_test_func1_find_config(self):
     rcs = list(expand_config_path('testrc'))
     self.assertEqual(rcs, [join(getcwd(), self.RC)])
     test_runcom = expand_config_path('testrc').next()
     return test_runcom
Ejemplo n.º 7
"""archive file - rewrite locator so that file is beneath archive-root,
adding a date tag.

Take a set of paths and assert that each real location is an archived path.
Move files and symlink to archive root if needed. 

Exceptions are when the files
are either too old or too large.
import os, sys, re, fnmatch, datetime, optparse, itertools

import confparse
from cmdline import log

config = confparse.expand_config_path('cllct.rc')
"Root configuration file."

settings = confparse.load_path(config.next())
"Static, persisted settings."

# Settings with hard-coded defaults

#volumes = settings.rsr.volumes#.getlist([ '%(home)/htdocs/' ])
#"Physically disjunct storage trees."
archive_root = settings.volume.cabinet.root
#archive_root = settings.rsr.volumes.archive #.getstr('%(volumes)')
"Root for current archive."
Ejemplo n.º 8
        facio: {}
        usr: {}
import datetime
import os
from pprint import pformat
import re
import socket
import sys

import yaml

import confparse

config = list(confparse.expand_config_path('domain.rc'))
"Configuration filename."
assert config, "Missing domain.rc"
if len(config)> 1:
	print "XXX multiple rc", config
settings = confparse.load_path(config[0])
"Static, persisted settings."

def reload():
    global settings
    settings = settings.reload()
    if 'dynamic' not in settings:
        settings['dynamic'] = []
    # Reparse interfaces
    settings['interfaces'] = confparse.Values({}, root=settings)
    for host in settings.node:
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main(argv, doc=__doc__, usage=__usage__):

    Execute using docopt-mpe options.

        prog [opts] [CTX] ( FILE... | DIR... )


    # Process environment
    db = os.getenv( 'FINFO_DB', __db__ )
    if db is not __db__:
        usage = usage.replace(__db__, db)

    ctx = confparse.Values(dict(
        opts = util.get_opts(doc + usage, version=get_version(), argv=argv[1:])
    ctx.opts.flags.dbref = taxus.ScriptMixin.assert_dbref(ctx.opts.flags.dbref)
    # Load configuration
    ctx.config_file = list(confparse.expand_config_path(ctx.opts.flags.config)).pop()
    ctx.settings = settings = confparse.load_path(ctx.config_file)
    # Load SA session
    ctx.sa = get_session(ctx.opts.flags.dbref)

    # DEBUG: pprint(ctx.settings.todict())

    # Process arguments
    dirs = []
    # Shift paths from ctx arg
    if ctx.opts.args.CTX and os.path.exists(ctx.opts.args.CTX):
        ctx.opts.args.CTX = None

    # Sort out dirs from files
    for arg in ctx.opts.args.FILE:
        if os.path.isdir(arg):
        elif os.path.isfile(arg):
            log.note("Unhandled path %r" % arg)
    ctx.opts.args.DIR = dirs

    # Set default path context
    if ctx.opts.flags.name:
        assert not ctx.opts.args.CTX
        ctx.opts.args.CTX = ctx.opts.flags.name

    elif not ctx.opts.args.CTX:
        ctx.opts.args.CTX = 'current'

    # XXX: create prefixes object on context
    ctx.prefixes = confparse.Values(dict(
        map= settings.finfo['prefix-map'],
    if 'homedir' not in ctx.prefixes.map:
        ctx.prefixes.map['homedir'] = 'HOME=%s' % os.path.expanduser('~')
    if 'current' not in ctx.prefixes.map:
        ctx.prefixes.map['current'] = '$PWD:$HOME'
    if 'pwd' not in ctx.prefixes.map:
        ctx.prefixes.map['pwd'] = 'PWD=%s' % os.path.abspath('.')

    for prefix, path in ctx.prefixes.map.items():
        if '=' in path:
            envvar, path = path.split('=')
            if envvar in ctx.prefixes.env:
                assert ctx.prefixes.env[envvar] == prefix, (
                        ctx.prefixes.env[envvar], prefix )
            ctx.prefixes.env[envvar] = prefix

    # Pre-pocess binds from env flags

    if not isinstance(ctx.opts.flags.env, list):
        ctx.opts.flags.env = [ ctx.opts.flags.env ]

    for env_map in ctx.opts.flags.env:
        envvar, prefix = env_map.split('=')
        if envvar in ctx.prefixes.env:
            assert prefix == ctx.prefixes.env[envvar]
            ctx.prefixes.env[envvar] = prefix

        envvalue = os.getenv(envvar, None)
        if envvalue:
            ctx.prefixes.map[prefix] = "%s=%s" % ( envvar, envvalue )
            #ctx.prefixes.map_[prefix] = envvalue.split(':')

    # Post-process prefixes after passed flags, and resolve all values
    for prefix, spec in ctx.prefixes.map.items():
        if '=' in spec:
            envvar, spec = spec.split('=')
            if envvar in ctx.prefixes.env:
                assert ctx.prefixes.env[envvar] == prefix, (
                        ctx.prefixes.env[envvar], prefix )
            ctx.prefixes.env[envvar] = prefix

        specs = spec.split(':')
        set_ = []

        for idx, path in enumerate(specs):
            path = os.path.expanduser(path)
            if varname.match(path):
                refpref = ctx.prefixes.env[path[1:]]
                #refpath = ctx.prefixes.map[]
                path = '#prefixes/'+refpref

            elif '$' in path:
            #    path = '#prefixes/'+prefix+':'+str(idx)


        ctx.prefixes.map_[prefix] = set_

    ctx.pathrefs = ctx.prefixes.map_[ctx.opts.args.CTX]

    #print ctx.opts.todict()
    #print pformat(ctx.prefixes.todict())
    #print pformat(ctx.pathrefs)

    # Preprocess filters to regex
    if 'FILTER' not in ctx.opts.args:
        ctx.opts.args.FILTER = []

    if not ctx.opts.args.FILTER:
        ctx.opts.args.FILTER = default_filters
    if ctx.opts.flags.documents:
        ctx.opts.args.FILTER = doc_filters + ctx.opts.args.FILTER
    for idx, filter in enumerate(ctx.opts.args.FILTER):
        if isinstance(filter, str):
            ctx.opts.args.FILTER[idx] = fnmatch.translating(filter)

    # Resolve FILE/DIR arguments
    files, dirs = [], []
    for arg in ctx.opts.args.FILE + ctx.opts.args.DIR:
        r = find_local(arg, search_path(ctx.pathrefs, ctx))
        if not r: continue
        prefix, file, dir = r
        if not dir:
            raise Exception("No path for %s" % arg)
        elif file:
            files.append((prefix, file))
            dirs.append((prefix, dir))

    print("Resolved arguments to %s dirs, %s files" % ( len(dirs), len(files) ))

    # XXX: if not ctx.opts.flags.directories:

    if ctx.opts.flags.recurse:
        # Resolve all dirs to file lists
        for p, d in dirs:
            for top, path_dirs, path_files in os.walk(os.path.join(p, d)):
                for path_dir in list(path_dirs):
                    for filter in ctx.opts.args.FILTER:
                        if not filter.match(os.path.basename(path_dir)):

                if top.startswith('./'):
                    top = top[2:]

                for path_file in list(path_files):
                    filter = None
                    for filter in ctx.opts.args.FILTER:
                        if filter.match(os.path.basename(path_file)):
                    if not filter.match(os.path.basename(path_file)):
                    if path_file not in path_files:
                    files.append((p, os.path.join(top, path_file)))

    print("Continue with %s files" % len(files))

    mfadapter = None
    res.persistence.PersistedMetaObject.stores['metafile'] = mfadapter

    prefix = None
    for p, f in files:

        if ctx.opts.flags.auto_prefix:

            prefixes = find_prefixes(p, ctx)
            assert prefixes # FIXME: how come only use first??
            prefix = prefixes.next()
            assert len(ctx.prefixes.map_[prefix]) == 1, prefix
            name = f[len(ctx.prefixes.map_[prefix][0])+1:]

            prefix = ctx.opts.args.CTX
            name = f[len(p)+1:]

        ref = prefix+':'+name

        if ctx.opts.flags.names_only:
            print ref

            # TODO: get INode through context? Also add mediatype & parameters
            # resolver. But needs access to finfo ctx..
            record = taxus.INode.get_instance(name=ref, _sa=ctx.sa)

            # GNU/Linux: -bi = --brief --mime
            # Darwin/BSD: -bI = --brief --mime
            #mediatype = lib.cmd('file --brief --mime "%s"', path).strip()
            # XXX: see basename-reg?

            #if ctx.opts.flags.update == True:

            # TODO: repopulate metadata;

            mf = res.metafile.Metafile(f)

            assert mf.date_accessed
            record.date_accessed = mf.date_accessed
            assert mf.date_modified
            record.date_modified = mf.date_modified

            if not record.node_id:

            print record, record.date_updated, record.date_modified

            if ctx.opts.flags.update: