def check_exists(self, table_name): # 如果存在先删除,表名,周期,库名 check_sql = "select id from tb_copy_data_count_check_log where table_name='%s' and db_name='%s'" % ( table_name, self.db_name) print 'check_sql:', check_sql check_result = print 'check_result:', check_result # 存在 if check_result: condition = '' if len(check_result) == 1: condition = "'%s'" % (check_result[0]) else: for j in check_result: condition = condition + ',' + "'%s'" % (j[0]) if condition[0] == ',': condition = condition[1:] print 'condition:', condition delete_sql = "delete from tb_copy_data_count_check_log where id in (%s)" % ( condition) print 'delete_sql:', delete_sql conn_db.insert(delete_sql)
def get_count_data(self, count_sql, id, table_name, partition_type): get_count_sh = self.conn_hive_sh + count_sql + '\' > %s%s.txt' % ( self.file_path, table_name) print 'get_count_sh', get_count_sh result = os.system(get_count_sh) check_error = '' # 同步失败,更新数据库 if result != 0: # 稽核失败,更新配置表,返回 check_error = '1' update_task_error_sql = "update tb_copy_data_count_check_task set check_status=%s where id ='%s'" % ( config.check_status_2, id) print 'update_task_error_sql:', update_task_error_sql # 失败更新mysql conn_db.insert(update_task_error_sql) return else: # 稽核成功 check_error = '0' self.insert_data(id, table_name, partition_type)
def copy_ok(self, table_name, partition_date, st_time, end_time): # 全量表 if self.table_type == '1': update_status_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status ='" + config.copy_status_2 + "',start_time='" + str( st_time)[0:19] + "',end_time='" + str(end_time)[ 0:19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) else: update_status_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status ='" + config.copy_status_2 + "',start_time='" + str( st_time )[0:19] + "',end_time='" + str( end_time )[0: 19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='" + partition_date + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) print '数据迁移同步,更新同步状态完成:', table_name, partition_date if str([11:13] == '06': print '到达早上6点,自动停止迁移任务,当前时间:', str([0:19] exit(0)
def read_table_name(self): while True: # 获取配置参数,带宽,map数 get_config_sql = "select network,map from tb_copy_data_config where migration_batch='" + input_batch + "'" get_config_result = self.bandwidth = get_config_result[0][0] self.map_num = get_config_result[0][1] print '获取配置参数', get_config_result, self.bandwidth, self.map_num # 获取可以稽核表名列表,表里获取分区键 get_task_sql = "select id, table_name ,partition_type,partition_time from tb_copy_get_partition_task where copy_status='0' and migration_batch='" + input_batch + "' order by partition_time asc limit 10" print '获取配置参数sql:', get_config_sql print '获取任务sql:', get_task_sql select_result = print '获取任务:', select_result # 取不到任务 if not select_result: print '无迁移任务' exit(0) # 遍历集合,更新此批次状态,status=1 update_sql = "update tb_copy_get_partition_task set copy_status='1'" in_condition = '' for i in select_result: in_condition = str(i[0]) + "," + in_condition update_sql = update_sql + "where id in (" + in_condition + "0)" print '更新此批次状态', update_sql result = conn_db.insert(update_sql) # 遍历表名,插日志 for i in select_result: table_name = i[1] partition_type = i[2] partition_time = i[3] # 当前时间 now_time = str([0:19] insert_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, partition_type, partition_time, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '') result = conn_db.insert(insert_sql) # 删除分区,添加分区 self.add_partition(table_name, partition_type, partition_time) # 拷贝数据 self.copy_data(table_name, partition_type, partition_time)
def check_date(self, table_name, partition_date): # 检测该表是否存在 check_table_sql = "select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "\'" print '检测该表是否存在:', check_table_sql check_table_result = # 当前时间 now_time = str([0:19] if not check_table_result: # 初始化mysql同步状态 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.partition_statis_date, partition_date, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录初始化:', insert_table_sql conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 测试 conn_db.insert("insert into test (id) values ('123')") print '完成初始化' # 检测该分区是否存在 check_partition_sql = "select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='%s\'" % ( partition_date) print check_partition_sql check_partition_result = if not check_partition_result: # 插入分区 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.partition_statis_date, partition_date, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录初始化:', insert_table_sql check_table_result = conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 检测同步状态 check_status_sql = " select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time= '" + partition_date + "' and copy_status = '" + config.copy_status_0 + "\'" print check_status_sql select_result = print '检测结果:', select_result # 结果判空 if select_result: return True else: return False
def copy_ok(self, table_name, partition_date, st_time, end_time): update_status_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status ='" + config.copy_status_2 + "',start_time='" + str( st_time)[ 0:19] + "',end_time='" + str( end_time)[0:19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='" + partition_date + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) # 修复表 self.repair_table(table_name)
def copy_data(self, table_name, partition_type, partition_date): print '迁移过程参数', self.bandwidth, self.map_num # 记录开始迁移时间172.19.168.100 st_time = print "[info]" + str( st_time), ":表数据迁移开始:", table_name, "分区:", partition_date # hadoop distcp -i hdfs:// hdfs:// distcp_sh = "hadoop distcp -bandwidth " + self.bandwidth + " -m " + self.map_num + " -pb -i hdfs://" + table_name + "/" + partition_type + "=" + partition_date + " hdfs://" + table_name + "/" # distcp_sh = "hadoop distcp -bandwidth " + self.bandwidth + " -m " + self.map_num + " -pb -i hdfs://" + table_name + "/* hdfs://" + table_name + "/" result = os.system(distcp_sh) print '#迁移命令:', distcp_sh print '###################' print '##### 迁移信息', result, type(result) print '###################' end_time = # 同步失败,更新数据库 if result != 0: update_status_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set remark1='" + str( result ) + "', copy_status ='" + config.copy_status_3 + "',start_time='" + str( st_time )[0:19] + "',end_time='" + str( end_time )[0: 19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='" + partition_date + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) return else: print "[info]" + str( end_time), ":表数据迁移结束:", table_name, "分区:", partition_date print '共耗时:', end_time - st_time, 'S' self.copy_ok(table_name, partition_date, st_time, end_time)
def main(policy_type, database, table_name): # 策略类型 if policy_type == '1': result_policy_json = row_policy_json else: result_policy_json = policy_json # 定义策略名 now_time = str([0:19].replace('-', '').replace( ' ', '').replace(':', '') if policy_type == '1': result_policy_json['name'] = 'row_' + table_name + '_' + now_time else: result_policy_json['name'] = table_name + '_' + now_time # 库名 result_policy_json['resources']['database']['values'] = [database] # 表名 result_policy_json['resources']['table']['values'] = [table_name] response = requests.request("POST", url, data=json.dumps(row_policy_json), headers=headers) create_status = '' # 策略生成失败 if response.status_code != 200: print '策略创建失败' print response.text print response.status_code create_status = '1' else: print '策略创建成功', result_policy_json['name'], result_policy_json['resources']['database']['values'], \ result_policy_json['resources']['table']['values'] create_status = '0' # 更新mysql ranger_sql = "insert into tb_ranger_policy (policy_name,db_name,table_name,create_status,policy_type,create_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( result_policy_json['name'], database, table_name, create_status, policy_type, now_time) print 'ranger_sql:', ranger_sql conn_db.insert(ranger_sql)
def insert_data(self, id, table_name, partition_type): # 清理数据 self.check_exists(table_name) count_result = open(self.file_path + table_name + '.txt', 'r').readlines() for i in count_result: table_info = i.replace('\n', '').split('\t') partition_time, count_num = table_info[0], table_info[1] insert_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_count_check_log (table_name,partition_type,partition_time,db_name,count_num,update_time) values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s',now())" % ( table_name, partition_type, partition_time, self.db_name, count_num) # print 'insert_sql:', insert_sql conn_db.insert(insert_sql)
def read_table_name(self): while True: # 获取可以稽核表名列表,表里获取分区键,只稽核分区表 # get_task_sql = "select id, table_name ,partition_type from tb_copy_data_count_check_task where " + self.check_status + "='0' and batch_num ='" + self.batch_num + "' limit 10" # get_task_sql = "select id,table_name,partition_type,partition_time from tb_copy_data_log where remark3 is null and start_time >'2020-08-13 10:00:51' and copy_status='2' and (%s is NULL or %s ='') order by partition_time desc,start_time asc limit 1000;" % ( # # self.count_col, self.count_col) get_task_sql = "select id,table_name,partition_type,partition_time from tb_copy_data_log where remark3 is null and start_time >'2020-08-13 10:00:51' and copy_status='2' and (%s is NULL or %s ='') limit 1000;" % ( self.count_col, self.count_col) print '获取任务sql:', get_task_sql select_result = # print '获取任务:', select_result # 取不到任务 if not select_result: print '无稽核任务' exit(0) # # 遍历集合,更新此批次状态,status=1 update_status_list = [] update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set remark3='checked' " in_condition = '' for i in select_result: in_condition = str(i[0]) + "," + in_condition update_sql = update_sql + "where id in (" + in_condition + "0)" # print '更新此批次状态', update_sql result = conn_db.insert(update_sql) self.start_time = time.time() # 遍历表名,插日志 for i in select_result: id, table_name, partition_type, partition_time = i[0], i[1], i[ 2], i[3] # count_sql = "select %s,count(*) from %s group by %s " % (partition_type, table_name, partition_type) count_sql = "select partition_type,partition_time,count_num from tb_copy_data_count_check_log where db_name='%s' and table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s' " % ( self.db_name, table_name, partition_time) # print 'count_sql', count_sql # 获取稽核结果 self.get_count_data(count_sql, id, table_name, partition_type, partition_time) # 更新mysql # print 'update_sql_list', self.update_sql_list conn_db.insert_batch(self.update_sql_list) print 'sleep 5s,更新数据量:', len( self.update_sql_list), '耗时:', time.time() - self.start_time self.update_sql_list = [] time.sleep(3)
def get_task(self): while True: # 获取可以稽核表名列表,表里获取分区键 get_task_sql = "select id, table_name ,batch_num from tb_close_lock_get_task where copy_status='0' and batch_num='" + self.input_batch + "' order by id asc limit 1" print '获取任务sql:', get_task_sql select_result = print '获取任务:', select_result # 取不到任务 if not select_result: print '无迁移任务' exit(0) # 遍历集合,更新此批次状态,status=1 update_sql = "update tb_close_lock_get_task set copy_status='1'" in_condition = '' for i in select_result: in_condition = str(i[0]) + "," + in_condition update_sql = update_sql + "where id in (" + in_condition + "0)" print '更新此批次状态', update_sql result = conn_db.insert(update_sql) # 遍历表名,插日志,开始执行任务 for i in select_result: table_name = i[1] # 当前时间 now_time = str([0:19] insert_sql = "insert into tb_close_lock_log (table_name,rename_status,create_status,insert_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( table_name, config.rename_status_0, config.create_status_0, config.insert_status_0, now_time, '') result = conn_db.insert(insert_sql) self.check_name(table_name) print '无任务'
def copy_ok(table_name, partition_date, st_time, end_time): update_status_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status ='" + copy_status_2 + "',start_time='" + str(st_time)[ 0:19] + "',end_time='" + str( end_time)[0:19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='" + partition_date + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) # 更新now_date update_task_sql = "update tb_copy_get_task set now_partition ='" + partition_date + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "\'" print '更新sql:', update_task_sql conn_db.insert(update_task_sql) print '数据迁移同步,更新同步状态完成:', table_name, partition_date if str([11:13] == '06': print '到达早上6点,自动停止迁移任务,当前时间:', str([0:19] exit(0)
def copy_data(self, table_name): print '### 复制数据' update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set insert_status='" + str( config.insert_status_1 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) new_table_name = table_name + "_bakup" insert_sql = "insert overwrite table " + table_name + " select * from " + new_table_name insert_sql_sh = new_hive + insert_sql + "\"" print 'insert_sql_sh: ', insert_sql_sh result = os.system(insert_sql_sh) if result != 0: # 失败 print '### error' update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set insert_status='" + str( config.insert_status_3 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) else: # 成功 update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set insert_status='" + str( config.insert_status_2 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql)
def read_table_name(self): while True: # 获取可以稽核表名列表,表里获取分区键,只稽核分区表 get_task_sql = "select id, table_name ,partition_type from tb_copy_data_count_check_task where " + self.check_status + "='0' and batch_num ='" + self.batch_num + "' limit 1" print '获取任务sql:', get_task_sql select_result = print '获取任务:', select_result # 取不到任务 if not select_result: print '无稽核任务' exit(0) # 遍历集合,更新此批次状态,status=1 update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_count_check_task set %s='1'" % ( self.check_status) in_condition = '' for i in select_result: in_condition = str(i[0]) + "," + in_condition update_sql = update_sql + "where id in (" + in_condition + "0)" print '更新此批次状态', update_sql result = conn_db.insert(update_sql) # 遍历表名,插日志 for i in select_result: id, table_name, partition_type = i[0], i[1], i[2] count_sql = "select %s,count(*) from %s group by %s " % ( partition_type, table_name, partition_type) print 'count_sql', count_sql # 获取稽核结果 self.get_count_data(count_sql, id, table_name, partition_type)
def get_error_log(): global start_time try: get_error_sql = "select id,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status from tb_copy_data_log where remark2 is null and remark5 ='' and partition_type<>'all' and ( copy_status='3' or sy_count<>ocdp_count or sy_count is null or ocdp_count is null) limit 200" print 'get_error_sql', get_error_sql get_error_result = start_time = time.time() # # 遍历集合,更新此批次状态,status=1 update_status_list = [] update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set remark5='checked' " in_condition = '' for i in get_error_result: in_condition = str(i[0]) + "," + in_condition update_sql = update_sql + "where id in (" + in_condition + "0)" # print '更新此批次状态', update_sql result = conn_db.insert(update_sql) for i in get_error_result: try: table_name, partition_type, partition_time, copy_status = i[ 1], i[2], i[3], i[4] check_partition(table_name, partition_type, partition_time, copy_status) except Exception as e: print e print '异常2' # 批量更新mysql update_mysql_batch() except Exception as e: print e print '异常1'
def ssh_check_sy_data(self, table_name, partition_type, partition_time): check_sh = config.sy_ssh_sh + "select count(%s) from %s where %s='%s' ; \' \" > /home/ocdp/hyn/copy_hdfs_data/copy_data_sy_count/table_count/%s_%s.txt " % ( partition_type, table_name, partition_type, partition_time, table_name, partition_time) print 'check_sh:', check_sh result = os.system(check_sh) f = open( '/home/ocdp/hyn/copy_hdfs_data/copy_data_sy_count/table_count/%s_%s.txt' % (table_name, partition_time), 'r') table_info = f.readlines() f.close() # table_info = open('./table_count/%s_%s.txt' % (table_name, partition_time), 'r').readlines() print '### table_info', table_info # 判断是否为空 if len(table_info) == 0: # 不存在 print 'sy库不存在' update_sql = "update tb_tmp_copy_data_log set result_not_exist='no' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return False else: table_count = int(table_info[0].replace('\n', '')) if table_count > 0: print '#sy库有数据', table_count update_sql = "update tb_tmp_copy_data_log set sy_count='%s',result_not_exist='%s' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( table_count, table_count, table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return True else: # 老库为0,是否更新到mysql print 'sy库数量为0' update_sql = "update tb_tmp_copy_data_log set result_not_exist='0' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return False
def rename_table(self, table_name): print '重命名' now_time = # 开始重命名 update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set rename_status='" + str( config.rename_status_1) + "', start_time='" + str( now_time) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) new_table_name = table_name + "_bakup" rename_sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table_name + " RENAME TO " + new_table_name + ";" rename_sql_sh = new_hive + rename_sql + "\"" print 'rename_sql_sh', rename_sql_sh result = os.system(rename_sql_sh) if result != 0: # 失败 print '### error' update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set rename_status='" + str( config.rename_status_3) + "', start_time='" + str( now_time) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) else: # 成功 update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set rename_status='" + str( config.rename_status_2) + "', start_time='" + str( now_time) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) self.create_table_like(table_name)
def check_sy_data(self, table_name, partition_type, partition_time): # 检测老hive库数据量是为0 count_sql = "select count_num from tb_copy_data_count_check_log where table_name ='%s' and db_name='old' and partition_time='%s' " % ( table_name, partition_time) result = print 'result:', result if result: # 不为空 result_count = int(result[0][0]) if result_count > 0: update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set sy_count='%s',result_not_exist='%s' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( result_count,result_count,table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return True else: # 老库为0,是否更新到mysql print 'sy库数量为0' update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set result_not_exist='0' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return False else: # 不存在 print 'sy库不存在' update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set result_not_exist='no' where table_name='%s' and partition_time='%s'" % ( table_name, partition_time) conn_db.insert(update_sql) return False
def create_table_like(self, table_name): print '### 创建新表' update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set create_status='" + str( config.create_status_1 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) new_table_name = table_name + "_bakup" create_table_like_sql = "create table " + table_name + " like " + new_table_name create_table_like_sql_sh = new_hive + create_table_like_sql + '\"' print 'create_table_like_sql_sh', create_table_like_sql_sh result = os.system(create_table_like_sql_sh) if result != 0: # 失败 print '### error' update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set create_status='" + str( config.create_status_3 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) else: # 成功 update_status_sql = "update tb_close_lock_log set create_status='" + str( config.create_status_2 ) + "' where table_name= '" + table_name + "\' " print '更新sql:', update_status_sql conn_db.insert(update_status_sql) self.copy_data(table_name)
def check_date(self, table_name, partition_date, error): print '初始化检测,更新同步状态' # 检测该表是否存在日志表里,初始化准备 check_table_sql = "select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "\'" print '检测该表是否存在:', check_table_sql check_table_result = print '检查结果:', check_table_result # 当前时间 now_time = str([0:19] # 如果表不存在,返回true,初始化,状态改为正在迁移,执行迁移 if not check_table_result: # 全量表,检测是否在日志表里,日志表里状态是否已同步完成 if self.table_type == '1': if not error: # 初始化mysql同步状态 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.all_table, partition_date, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录初始化:', insert_table_sql conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 测试 conn_db.insert("insert into test (id) values ('123')") print '完成初始化' # 同步失败 else: # 初始化mysql同步状态 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.all_table, partition_date, config.copy_status_3, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录同步失败:', insert_table_sql conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 测试 conn_db.insert("insert into test (id) values ('123')") print '完成失败状态同步' # 非全量表,todo else: pass return True # 表存在日志表里,检测分区,判断是否已迁移 else: # 全量表,检测是否在日志表里,日志表里状态是否已同步完成 if self.table_type == '1': if not error: # 获取迁移状态 copy_status_sql = "select * from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "';" copy_status = # 已同步完成 if copy_status[0][0] == '2': return False # 同步失败 else: return True # 更新失败同步状态 else: # 更新失败同步状态 update_table_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status='" + config.copy_status_3 + "' ,end_time='" + str( ))[0:19] + "' where table_name='" + table_name + "\'" print '插入记录同步失败:', update_table_sql conn_db.insert(update_table_sql) # 测试 conn_db.insert("insert into test (id) values ('123')") print '完成失败状态同步' # 非全量表,todo else: # 检测分区是否已存在 if not check_table_result: # 初始化mysql同步状态 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.partition_statis_date, partition_date, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录初始化:', insert_table_sql conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 测试 conn_db.insert("insert into test (id) values ('123')") print '完成初始化' # 检测该分区是否存在 check_partition_sql = "select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='%s\'" % ( partition_date) print check_partition_sql check_partition_result = if not check_partition_result: # 插入分区 insert_table_sql = "insert into tb_copy_data_log (data_source,table_name,partition_type,partition_time,copy_status,chk_status,start_time,end_time) values('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s')" % ( config.data_source, table_name, config.partition_statis_date, partition_date, config.copy_status_1, config.chk_status_0, now_time, '0') print '插入记录初始化:', insert_table_sql check_table_result = conn_db.insert(insert_table_sql) # 检测同步状态 check_status_sql = " select table_name from tb_copy_data_log where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time= '" + partition_date + "' and copy_status = '" + config.copy_status_0 + "\'" print check_status_sql select_result = print '检测结果:', select_result # 结果判空 if select_result: return True else: return False
def update_mysql(table_name, partition_time): update_sql = "update tb_copy_data_log set copy_status ='2' ,remark2='partition not exist' where table_name='" + table_name + "' and partition_time='" + partition_time + "\'" conn_db.insert(update_sql) print 'update_sql', update_sql