Ejemplo n.º 1
def api_status():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-status
    username = check_login()
    outdata = {}
    if username:
        outdata["logged_in"] = True
        outdata["user"] = username
        outdata["logged_in"] = False
        outdata["user"] = None

    mbdata, mb_status_code = get_from_minebd('status')
    if mb_status_code == 200:
        outdata["minebd_running"] = True
        outdata["minebd_encrypted"] = mbdata["hasEncryptionKey"]
        outdata["minebd_storage_mounted"] = ismount(MINEBD_STORAGE_PATH)
        outdata["restore_running"] = mbdata["restoreRunning"]
        outdata["restore_progress"] = mbdata["completedRestorePercent"]
        outdata["minebd_running"] = False
        outdata["minebd_encrypted"] = None
        outdata["minebd_storage_mounted"] = False
        outdata["restore_running"] = False
        outdata["restore_progress"] = None

    hasusers = False
    for user in pwd.getpwall():
        if user.pw_uid >= 1000 and user.pw_uid < 65500 and user.pw_name != "sia":
            hasusers = True
    outdata["users_created"] = hasusers

    if 'DEMO' in environ:
        outdata["backup_type"] = "sia_demo"
        outdata["backup_type"] = "sia"
    consdata, cons_status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    if cons_status_code == 200:
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = True
        outdata["consensus_height"] = consdata["height"]
        outdata["consensus_synced"] = consdata["synced"]
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = False
        outdata["consensus_height"] = None
        outdata["consensus_synced"] = None
    walletdata, wallet_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet')
    if username and wallet_status_code == 200:
        outdata["wallet_unlocked"] = walletdata["unlocked"]
        outdata["wallet_encrypted"] = walletdata["encrypted"]
        outdata["wallet_confirmed_balance_sc"] = int(walletdata["confirmedsiacoinbalance"]) / H_PER_SC
        outdata["wallet_unconfirmed_delta_sc"] = (int(walletdata["unconfirmedincomingsiacoins"]) -
                                                  int(walletdata["unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins"])) / H_PER_SC

        outdata["wallet_unlocked"] = None
        outdata["wallet_encrypted"] = None
        outdata["wallet_confirmed_balance_sc"] = None
        outdata["wallet_unconfirmed_delta_sc"] = None
    return jsonify(outdata), 200
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_sia_config():
    settings = get_sia_config()
    # Renting settings
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter")
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        # If we can't get the current settings, no use in comparing to new ones.
        return False
    renter_params = {}
    # If new settings values differ by at least 10% from currently set values,
    # only then update Sia with the new settings.
    if _absdiff(settings["renter"]["allowance_funds"],
                int(siadata["settings"]["allowance"]["funds"])) > 0.1:
        renter_params["funds"] = str(settings["renter"]["allowance_funds"])
    if _absdiff(settings["renter"]["allowance_period"],
                int(siadata["settings"]["allowance"]["period"])) > 0.1:
        renter_params["period"] = str(settings["renter"]["allowance_period"])
    if renter_params:
        current_app.logger.info("Updating Sia renter/allowance settings.")
        siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia("renter", renter_params)
        if sia_status_code >= 400:
            current_app.logger.error("Sia error %s: %s" %
                                     (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
            return False
    # Hosting settings
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('host')
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        # If we can't get the current settings, no use in comparing to new ones.
        return False
    if (not siadata["internalsettings"]["acceptingcontracts"]
            and not settings["minebox_sharing"]["enabled"]):
        # If hosting is deactivated, pings will call setup_sia_system()
        # This will care about settings so we don't do anything here.
        return True
    host_params = {}
    if settings["minebox_sharing"]["enabled"] != siadata["internalsettings"][
        host_params["acceptingcontracts"] = settings["minebox_sharing"][
    for var in [
            "mincontractprice", "mindownloadbandwidthprice", "minstorageprice",
            "minuploadbandwidthprice", "collateral", "collateralbudget",
            "maxcollateral", "maxduration"
        if _absdiff(settings["host"][var], int(
                siadata["internalsettings"][var])) > 0.1:
            host_params[var] = str(settings["host"][var])
    if host_params:
        current_app.logger.info("Updating Sia host settings.")
        siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia("host", host_params)
        if sia_status_code >= 400:
            current_app.logger.error("Sia error %s: %s" %
                                     (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
            return False
    # We're done here :)
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def api_contracts():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-contracts
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(
            message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('renter/contracts')
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
    # Create a summary similar to what `siac renter contracts` presents.
    # We could expose the full details of a contract in a different route, e.g. /contract/<id>.
    contractlist = []
    for contract in siadata["contracts"]:
            int(contract["renterfunds"]) / H_PER_SC,
            (int(contract["StorageSpending"]) + int(contract["uploadspending"])
             + int(contract["downloadspending"])) / H_PER_SC,
            int(contract["fees"]) / H_PER_SC,
            int(contract["totalcost"]) / H_PER_SC,
    return jsonify(contractlist), 200
Ejemplo n.º 4
def api_consensus():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-consensus
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    siadata, status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    # For now, just return the info from Sia directly.
    return jsonify(siadata), status_code
Ejemplo n.º 5
def api_wallet_status():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-walletstatus
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(
            message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet')
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
    walletdata = {
        int(siadata["confirmedsiacoinbalance"]) / H_PER_SC,
        int(siadata["unconfirmedincomingsiacoins"]) / H_PER_SC,
        int(siadata["unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins"]) / H_PER_SC,
        int(siadata["siacoinclaimbalance"]) / H_PER_SC,
        int(siadata["siafundbalance"]) / H_PER_SC,
    return jsonify(walletdata), 200
Ejemplo n.º 6
def api_wallet_address():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-walletaddress
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet/address')
    # Just return the info from Sia directly as it's either an error
    # or the address in a field called "address", so pretty straight forward.
    return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
Ejemplo n.º 7
def api_transactions():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-transactions
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    consdata, cons_status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    if cons_status_code == 200:
        consensus_height = consdata["height"]
        return jsonify(consdata), cons_status_code
    blocks_per_day = 24 * 3600 / SEC_PER_BLOCK
    offset = int(request.args.get('offsetdays') or 0) * blocks_per_day
    endheight = int(consensus_height - offset)
    startheight = int(endheight - blocks_per_day)
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("wallet/transactions?startheight=%s&endheight=%s" % (startheight, endheight))
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
    # For now, just return the info from Sia directly.
    return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_sia_sync():
    # Check if sia is running and in sync before doing other sia actions.
    consdata, cons_status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    if cons_status_code == 200:
        if not consdata["synced"]:
            return False, "ERROR: sia seems not to be synced. Please try again when the consensus is synced."
        return False, "ERROR: sia daemon needs to be running before you can work with it."
    return True, ""
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run_sia_setup(startevent, walletdata, hostdata):
    # The routes have implicit Flask application context, but the thread needs an explicit one.
    # See http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/appcontext/#creating-an-application-context
    with app.app_context():
        threading.current_thread().name = "sia.setup"
        # Tell main thread we are set up.
        # Do the initial setup of the sia system, so uploading and hosting files works.
        # 0) Check if sia is running and consensus in sync.
        # If wallet is not unlocked:
        #   1) Get wallet seed from MineBD.
        #   2) If the wallet is not encrypted yet, init the wallet with that seed.
        #   3) Unlock the wallet, using the seed as password.
        # 4) Fetch our initial allotment of siacoins from Minebox (if applicable).
        # 5) Set an allowance for renting, so that we can start uploading backups.
        # 6) Set up sia hosting.
        success, errmsg = check_sia_sync()
        if not success:
                "Exiting sia setup because sia is not ready, will try again on next ping."
        if not walletdata["unlocked"]:
            seed = get_seed()
            if not seed:
                    "Did not get a useful seed, cannot initialize the sia wallet."
            if not walletdata["encrypted"]:
                if not init_wallet(seed):
            if not unlock_wallet(seed):
        if (walletdata["confirmedsiacoinbalance"] == "0"
                and walletdata["unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins"] == "0"
                and walletdata["unconfirmedincomingsiacoins"] == "0"):
            # We have an empty wallet, let's try to fetch some siacoins.
            # If we succeeded, we need to wait for the coins to arrive,
            # and if we failed, we have no balance and can't set an allowance
            # or host files, so in any case, we return here.
        renterdata, renter_status_code = get_from_sia('renter')
        if renter_status_code == 200 and renterdata["settings"]["allowance"][
                "funds"] == "0":
            # No allowance, let's set one.
            if not set_allowance():
        if not hostdata["internalsettings"]["acceptingcontracts"]:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def fetch_siacoins():
    current_app.logger.info("Fetching base allotment of coins from Minebox.")
    # Fetch a wallet address to send the siacoins to.
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("wallet/address")
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        current_app.logger.error("Sia error %s: %s" %
                                 (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
        return False
    # Use the address from above to request siacoins from the faucet.
    fsdata, fs_status_code = post_to_faucetservice(
        "getCoins", {"address": siadata["address"]})
    if fs_status_code >= 400:
        current_app.logger.error("Faucet error %s: %s" %
                                 (fs_status_code, fsdata["message"]))
        return False
    return True
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_backup_prerequisites():
    # Check if prerequisites are met to make backups.
    success, errmsg = check_sia_sync()
    if not success:
        return False, errmsg
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter/contracts")
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return False, siadata["message"]
    if not siadata["contracts"]:
        return False, "No Sia renter contracts, so uploading is not possible."
    mbdata, mb_status_code = get_from_minebd('status')
    if mb_status_code >= 400:
        return False, mbdata["message"]
    if mbdata["restoreRunning"] and mbdata["completedRestorePercent"] < 100:
        return False, "MineBD is running an incomplete restore, so creating a backup is not possible."
    # Potentially check things other than sia.
    return True, ""
Ejemplo n.º 12
def api_contractstats():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-contractstats
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(
            message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('renter/contracts')
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
    # List stats about the contracts.
    statdata = {
        "contract_count": 0,
        "data_size": 0,
        "totalcost_sc": 0,
        "funds_remaining_sc": 0
    for contract in siadata["contracts"]:
        statdata["contract_count"] += 1
        statdata["data_size"] += contract["size"]
        statdata["totalcost_sc"] += int(contract["totalcost"]) / H_PER_SC
        statdata["funds_remaining_sc"] += int(
            contract["renterfunds"]) / H_PER_SC
    return jsonify(statdata), 200
Ejemplo n.º 13
def api_sia_status():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-siastatus
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(
            message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    bytes_per_tb = 1e12  # not 2 ** 40 as Sia uses SI TB, see https://github.com/NebulousLabs/Sia/blob/v1.2.2/modules/host.go#L14
    blocks_per_month = 30 * 24 * 3600 / SEC_PER_BLOCK
    sctb_per_hb = H_PER_SC / bytes_per_tb  # SC / TB -> hastings / byte
    sctbmon_per_hbblk = sctb_per_hb / blocks_per_month  # SC / TB / month -> hastings / byte / block
    outdata = {}
    consdata, cons_status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    if cons_status_code == 200:
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = True
        outdata["consensus"] = {
            "height": consdata["height"],
            "synced": consdata["synced"],
        if consdata["synced"]:
            outdata["consensus"]["sync_progress"] = 100
            outdata["consensus"]["sync_progress"] = (100 *
                                                     consdata["height"] //
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = False
        outdata["consensus"] = {
            "height": None,
            "synced": None,
            "sync_progress": None,
    verdata, ver_status_code = get_from_sia("daemon/version")
    if ver_status_code == 200:
        outdata["sia_version"] = verdata["version"]
        outdata["sia_version"] = None
    walletdata, wallet_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet')
    if wallet_status_code == 200:
        outdata["wallet"] = {
            int(walletdata["confirmedsiacoinbalance"]) / H_PER_SC,
            (int(walletdata["unconfirmedincomingsiacoins"]) -
             int(walletdata["unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins"])) / H_PER_SC,
        outdata["wallet"] = {
            "unlocked": None,
            "encrypted": None,
            "confirmed_balance_sc": None,
            "unconfirmed_delta_sc": None,
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter/contracts")
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        outdata["renting"] = {
            len(siadata["contracts"]) if siadata["contracts"] else 0
        outdata["renting"] = {"contracts": None}
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter/files")
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        if siadata["files"]:
            outdata["renting"]["uploaded_files"] = len(siadata["files"])
            upsize = 0
            for fdata in siadata["files"]:
                upsize += fdata["filesize"] * fdata["redundancy"]
            outdata["renting"]["uploaded_size"] = upsize
            outdata["renting"]["uploaded_files"] = 0
            outdata["renting"]["uploaded_size"] = 0
        outdata["renting"]["uploaded_files"] = None
        outdata["renting"]["uploaded_size"] = None
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter")
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        outdata["renting"]["allowance_funds_sc"] = int(
            siadata["settings"]["allowance"]["funds"]) / H_PER_SC
        outdata["renting"]["allowance_months"] = siadata["settings"][
            "allowance"]["period"] / blocks_per_month
        outdata["renting"]["siacoins_spent"] = (
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["contractspending"]) +
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["downloadspending"]) +
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["storagespending"]) +
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["uploadspending"])) / H_PER_SC
        outdata["renting"]["siacoins_unspent"] = int(
            siadata["financialmetrics"]["unspent"]) / H_PER_SC
        outdata["renting"]["allowance_funds_sc"] = None
        outdata["renting"]["allowance_months"] = None
        outdata["renting"]["siacoins_spent"] = None
        outdata["renting"]["siacoins_unspent"] = None
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('host')
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        outdata["hosting"] = {
            siadata["internalsettings"]["maxduration"] / blocks_per_month,
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["collateral"]) / sctbmon_per_hbblk,
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["collateralbudget"]) / H_PER_SC,
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["maxcollateral"]) / H_PER_SC,
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["mincontractprice"]) / H_PER_SC,
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["mindownloadbandwidthprice"]) /
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["minstorageprice"]) /
            int(siadata["internalsettings"]["minuploadbandwidthprice"]) /
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["lockedstoragecollateral"]) /
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["loststoragecollateral"]) /
            int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["riskedstoragecollateral"]) /
            (int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["storagerevenue"]) +
             int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["downloadbandwidthrevenue"]) +
             int(siadata["financialmetrics"]["uploadbandwidthrevenue"])) /
        outdata["hosting"] = {
            "enabled": None,

    return jsonify(outdata), 200
Ejemplo n.º 14
def api_status():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-status
    username = check_login()
    outdata = {}
    outdata["hostname"] = uname()[1]
    if username:
        outdata["logged_in"] = True
        outdata["user"] = username
        outdata["logged_in"] = False
        outdata["user"] = None

    mbdata, mb_status_code = get_from_minebd('status')
    if mb_status_code == 200:
        outdata["minebd_running"] = True
        outdata["minebd_encrypted"] = mbdata["hasEncryptionKey"]
        outdata["minebd_storage_mounted"] = ismount(MINEBD_STORAGE_PATH)
        ST_RDONLY = 1  # In Python >= 3.2, we could use os.ST_RDONLY directly instead.
        outdata["minebd_storage_mount_readonly"] = bool(
            os.statvfs(MINEBD_STORAGE_PATH).f_flag & ST_RDONLY)
        outdata["restore_running"] = mbdata["restoreRunning"]
        outdata["restore_progress"] = mbdata["completedRestorePercent"]
        outdata["minebd_running"] = False
        outdata["minebd_encrypted"] = None
        outdata["minebd_storage_mounted"] = False
        outdata["minebd_storage_mount_readonly"] = None
        outdata["restore_running"] = False
        outdata["restore_progress"] = None

    hasusers = False
    for user in pwd.getpwall():
        if (user.pw_uid >= 1000 and user.pw_uid < 65500
                and user.pw_name != "sia" and not user.pw_name.endswith("$")):
            hasusers = True
    outdata["users_created"] = hasusers
    # Only used by minebox-ui which requires minebox-rockstor
    if is_rockstor_system():
        outdata["user_setup_complete"] = rockstor_user_setup()

    if 'DEMO' in environ:
        outdata["backup_type"] = "sia_demo"
        outdata["backup_type"] = "sia"
    consdata, cons_status_code = get_from_sia('consensus')
    if cons_status_code == 200:
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = True
        outdata["consensus_height"] = consdata["height"]
        outdata["consensus_synced"] = consdata["synced"]
        outdata["sia_daemon_running"] = False
        outdata["consensus_height"] = None
        outdata["consensus_synced"] = None
    walletdata, wallet_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet')
    if username and wallet_status_code == 200:
        outdata["wallet_unlocked"] = walletdata["unlocked"]
        outdata["wallet_encrypted"] = walletdata["encrypted"]
        outdata["wallet_confirmed_balance_sc"] = int(
            walletdata["confirmedsiacoinbalance"]) / H_PER_SC
        outdata["wallet_unconfirmed_delta_sc"] = (
            int(walletdata["unconfirmedincomingsiacoins"]) -
            int(walletdata["unconfirmedoutgoingsiacoins"])) / H_PER_SC

        outdata["wallet_unlocked"] = None
        outdata["wallet_encrypted"] = None
        outdata["wallet_confirmed_balance_sc"] = None
        outdata["wallet_unconfirmed_delta_sc"] = None
    return jsonify(outdata), 200
Ejemplo n.º 15
def get_upload_status(backupfileinfo, uploadfiles, is_archived=False):
    sia_filedata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("renter/files")
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        current_app.logger.error("Error %s getting Sia files: %s",
                                 sia_status_code, sia_filedata["message"])
        return False

    upstatus = {
        "filecount": 0,
        "backupsize": 0,
        "uploadsize": 0,
        "total_uploaded_size": 0,
        "uploaded_size": 0,
        "fully_available": True,
    redundancy = []
    expiration = []
    # create a dict generated from the JSON response.
    sia_map = dict((d["siapath"], index)
                   for (index, d) in enumerate(sia_filedata["files"]))
    for finfo in backupfileinfo:
        if not is_archived and finfo["siapath"] in sia_map:
            upstatus["filecount"] += 1
            fdata = sia_filedata["files"][sia_map[finfo["siapath"]]]
            upstatus["backupsize"] += fdata["filesize"]
            upstatus["total_uploaded_size"] += (fdata["filesize"] *
                                                fdata["uploadprogress"] /
            if fdata["siapath"] in uploadfiles:
                upstatus["uploadsize"] += fdata["filesize"]
                upstatus["uploaded_size"] += (fdata["filesize"] *
                                              fdata["uploadprogress"] / 100.0)
            if not fdata["available"]:
                upstatus["fully_available"] = False
        elif re.match(r".*\.dat$", finfo["siapath"]):
            upstatus["filecount"] += 1
            upstatus["backupsize"] += finfo["size"]
            if finfo["siapath"] in uploadfiles:
                upstatus["uploadsize"] += finfo["size"]
            if not is_archived:
                upstatus["fully_available"] = False
                current_app.logger.warn("File %s not found on Sia!",
                'File "%s" not on Sia and not matching watched names.',

    # If size is 0, we report 100% progress.
    # This is really needed for upload as otherwise a backup with no
    # new uploadfiles would never go to 100%.
    upstatus["uploadprogress"] = (100.0 * upstatus["uploaded_size"] /
                                  if upstatus["uploadsize"] else 100)
    upstatus["totalprogress"] = (100.0 * upstatus["total_uploaded_size"] /
                                 if upstatus["backupsize"] else 100)
    upstatus["min_redundancy"] = min(redundancy) if redundancy else 0
    upstatus["earliest_expiration"] = min(expiration) if expiration else 0
    return upstatus
Ejemplo n.º 16
def remove_old_backups(status, activebackups):
    status["message"] = "Cleaning up old backups"
    status["step"] = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name.replace("_", " ")
    status["starttime_step"] = time.time()
    restartset = get_backups_to_restart()
    allbackupnames = get_list()
    sia_filedata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('renter/files')
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        sia_map = dict((d["siapath"], index)
                       for (index, d) in enumerate(sia_filedata["files"]))
        return False, "ERROR: Sia daemon needs to be running for any uploads."
    keepfiles = []
    keepset_complete = False
    for backupname in allbackupnames:
        keep_this_backup = False
        if not keepset_complete:
            # We don't have all files to keep yet, see if this is our "golden"
            # backup, an active or to-restart one - otherwise, schedule removal.
            backupfiles, is_finished = get_files(backupname)
            if backupname in activebackups or backupname in restartset:
                keep_this_backup = True
                # If we have an active backup that has metadata uploaded,
                # we can consider it "golden".
                if (backupname in activebackups
                        and "metadata_uploaded" in status
                        and status["metadata_uploaded"]):
                    current_app.logger.info("Backup %s is complete!" %
                    keepset_complete = True
            elif backupfiles and is_finished:
                files_missing = False
                for bfile in backupfiles:
                    if (not bfile in sia_map or not sia_filedata["files"][
                        files_missing = True
                        current_app.logger.info("%s is not fully available!" %
                if not files_missing:
                    # Yay! A finished backup with all files available!
                    # Keep this and everything we already collected, but that's it.
                    current_app.logger.info("Backup %s is fully complete!" %
                    keep_this_backup = True
                    keepset_complete = True
            if keep_this_backup:
                    "Keeping %s backup %s" %
                    ("finished" if is_finished else "unfinished", backupname))
                # Note that extend does not return anything.
                # Converting to a set eliminates duplicates.
                # Convert back to list for type consistency.
                keepfiles = list(set(keepfiles))
        if not keep_this_backup:
            # We already have all files to keep, any older backup can be discarded.
            current_app.logger.info("Discard old backup %s" % backupname)
            zipname = join(METADATA_BASE, "backup.%s.zip" % backupname)
            dirname = join(METADATA_BASE, "backup.%s" % backupname)
            if path.isfile(zipname):
                    join(METADATA_BASE, "old.backup.%s.zip" % backupname))
                          join(METADATA_BASE, "old.backup.%s" % backupname))

    rinfo = _get_repair_paths()
    keepsnaps = []

    if keepfiles and sia_filedata["files"]:
        current_app.logger.info("Removing unneeded files from Sia network")
        for siafile in sia_filedata["files"]:
            if siafile["siapath"] in keepfiles:
                # Get snapname from local paths like
                # /mnt/lowerX/data/snapshots/<snapname>/<id>/minebox_v1_<num>.dat
                src_snap = rinfo[siafile["siapath"]]["RepairPath"].split(
                # Keep snapshots that are the source of all files to keep, as
                # they could still be uploading and therefore need the source.
                if not src_snap in keepsnaps:
                siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia(
                    "renter/delete/%s" % siafile["siapath"], "")
                if sia_status_code != 204:
                    return False, "ERROR: sia delete error %s: %s" % (
                        sia_status_code, siadata['message'])

        "The following snapshots need to be kept for potential uploads: %s",
        "Removing possibly unneeded old lower-level data snapshots")
    for snap in glob(path.join(DATADIR_MASK, "snapshots", "*")):
        snapname = path.basename(snap)
        zipname = join(METADATA_BASE, "backup.%s.zip" % snapname)
        dirname = join(METADATA_BASE, "backup.%s" % snapname)
        if (not path.isfile(zipname) and not path.isdir(dirname)
                and not snapname in activebackups
                and not snapname in keepsnaps):
            subprocess.call([BTRFS, 'subvolume', 'delete', snap])
    return True, ""
Ejemplo n.º 17
def initiate_uploads(status):
    current_app.logger.info('Starting uploads.')
    status["message"] = "Starting uploads"
    status["step"] = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name.replace("_", " ")
    status["starttime_step"] = time.time()
    snapname = status["snapname"]
    backupname = status["backupname"]

    metadir = path.join(METADATA_BASE, backupname)
    bfinfo_path = path.join(metadir, INFO_FILENAME)
    if path.isfile(bfinfo_path):
    sia_filedata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia('renter/files')
    if sia_status_code == 200:
        siafiles = sia_filedata["files"]
        return False, "ERROR: sia daemon needs to be running for any uploads."

    # We have a randomly named subdirectory containing the .dat files.
    # The subdirectory matches the serial number that MineBD returns.
    mbdata, mb_status_code = get_from_minebd('serialnumber')
    if mb_status_code == 200:
        mbdirname = mbdata["message"]
        return False, "ERROR: Could not get serial number from MineBD."

    status["backupfileinfo"] = []
    status["backupfiles"] = []
    status["uploadfiles"] = []
    status["backupsize"] = 0
    status["uploadsize"] = 0
    status["min_redundancy"] = None
    status["earliest_expiration"] = None
    for filepath in glob(
            path.join(DATADIR_MASK, 'snapshots', snapname, mbdirname,
        fileinfo = stat(filepath)
        # Only use files of non-zero size.
        if fileinfo.st_size:
            filename = path.basename(filepath)
            (froot, fext) = path.splitext(filename)
            sia_fname = '%s.%s%s' % (froot, int(fileinfo.st_mtime), fext)
            if sia_fname in status["backupfiles"]:
                # This file is already in the list, and we probably have
                # multiple lower disks, so omit this file.
            status["backupsize"] += fileinfo.st_size
            if (siafiles and any(sf["siapath"] == sia_fname and sf["available"]
                                 and sf["redundancy"] > REDUNDANCY_LIMIT
                                 for sf in siafiles)):
                    "%s is part of the set and already uploaded." % sia_fname)
            elif (siafiles
                  and any(sf["siapath"] == sia_fname for sf in siafiles)):
                status["uploadsize"] += fileinfo.st_size
                    "%s is part of the set and the upload is already in progress."
                    % sia_fname)
                status["uploadsize"] += fileinfo.st_size
                    "%s has to be uploaded, starting that." % sia_fname)
                siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia(
                    'renter/upload/%s' % sia_fname, {'source': filepath})
                if sia_status_code != 204:
                    return False, ("ERROR: sia upload error %s: %s" %
                                   (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
                "siapath": sia_fname,
                "size": fileinfo.st_size

    if not status["backupfiles"]:
        return False, "ERROR: The backup set has no files, that's impossible."
    with open(bfinfo_path, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(status["backupfileinfo"], outfile)
    return True, ""
Ejemplo n.º 18
def _rebalance_hosting_to_ratio():
    settings = get_sia_config()
    folderdata = {}
    if not settings["minebox_sharing"]["enabled"]:
            "Sharing not enabled, cannot rebalance hosting space.")
        return False
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia("host/storage")
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        current_app.logger.error("Sia error %s: %s" %
                                 (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
        return False
    used_space = 0
    if siadata["folders"]:
        for folder in siadata["folders"]:
            folderdata[folder["path"]] = folder
            used_space += (folder["capacity"] - folder["capacityremaining"])

    success = True

    for basepath in glob(HOST_DIR_BASE_MASK):
        hostpath = os.path.join(basepath, HOST_DIR_NAME)
        if not os.path.isdir(hostpath):
                ['/usr/sbin/btrfs', 'subvolume', 'create', hostpath])
        # Make sure the directory is owned by the sia user and group.
        uid = pwd.getpwnam("sia").pw_uid
        gid = grp.getgrnam("sia").gr_gid
        os.chown(hostpath, uid, gid)
        hostspace = _get_btrfs_space(hostpath)
        if hostspace:
            # We need to add already used hosting space to free space in this
            # calculation, otherwise hosted files would reduce the hosting
            # capacity!
            raw_size = ((hostspace["free_est"] + used_space) *
            # The actual share size must be a multiple of the granularity.
            share_size = int(
                (raw_size // SIA_HOST_GRANULARITY) * SIA_HOST_GRANULARITY)
            share_size = 0
        if hostpath in folderdata:
            # Existing folder, (try to) resize it if necessary.
            if folderdata[hostpath]["capacity"] != share_size:
                    "Resize Sia hosting space at %s to %s MB.", hostpath,
                    int(share_size // 2**20))
                siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia(
                    "host/storage/folders/resize", {
                        "path": hostpath,
                        "newsize": share_size
                if sia_status_code >= 400:
                        "Sia error %s: %s" %
                        (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
                    success = False
            # New folder, add it.
            current_app.logger.info("Add Sia hosting space at %s with %s MB.",
                                    hostpath, int(share_size // 2**20))
            siadata, sia_status_code = post_to_sia("host/storage/folders/add",
                                                       "path": hostpath,
                                                       "size": share_size
            if sia_status_code >= 400:
                current_app.logger.error("Sia error %s: %s" %
                                         (sia_status_code, siadata["message"]))
                success = False
    return success
Ejemplo n.º 19
def api_wallet_transactions():
    # Doc: https://bitbucket.org/mineboxgmbh/minebox-client-tools/src/master/doc/mb-ui-gateway-api.md#markdown-header-get-wallettransactions
    if not check_login():
        return jsonify(
            message="Unauthorized access, please log into the main UI."), 401
    # Do something similar to |siac wallet transactions|, see
    # https://github.com/NebulousLabs/Sia/blob/master/cmd/siac/walletcmd.go#L443
    siadata, sia_status_code = get_from_sia(
        "wallet/transactions?startheight=%s&endheight=%s" % (0, 10000000))
    if sia_status_code >= 400:
        return jsonify(siadata), sia_status_code
    showsplits = bool(strtobool(request.args.get("showsplits") or "false"))
    onlyconfirmed = bool(
        strtobool(request.args.get("onlyconfirmed") or "false"))
    tdata = []
    alltypes = ["confirmed"]
    if not onlyconfirmed:
    for ttype in alltypes:
        for trans in siadata["{0}transactions".format(ttype)]:
            # Note that inputs into a transaction are outgoing currency and outputs
            # are incoming, actually.
            txn = {
                "type": ttype,
                "height": trans["confirmationheight"],
                "timestamp": trans["confirmationtimestamp"],
                "transactionid": trans["transactionid"],
                "incoming": {},
                "outgoing": {},
                "change": 0,
                "fundschange": 0,
            for t_input in trans["inputs"]:
                if t_input["walletaddress"]:
                    # Only process the rest if the address is owned by the wallet.
                    if t_input["fundtype"] in txn["outgoing"]:
                        txn["outgoing"][t_input["fundtype"]] += int(
                        txn["outgoing"][t_input["fundtype"]] = int(
                    if t_input["fundtype"].startswith("siafund"):
                        txn["fundschange"] -= int(t_input["value"])
                        txn["change"] -= int(t_input["value"])
            for t_output in trans["outputs"]:
                if t_output["walletaddress"]:
                    # Only process the rest if the address is owned by the wallet.
                    if t_output["fundtype"] in txn["incoming"]:
                        txn["incoming"][t_output["fundtype"]] += int(
                        txn["incoming"][t_output["fundtype"]] = int(
                    if t_input["fundtype"].startswith("siafund"):
                        txn["fundschange"] += int(t_output["value"])
                        txn["change"] += int(t_output["value"])
            # Convert into data that can be put into JSON properly.
            # This also adds _sc values for anything in hastings (not siafunds).
            txndata = {
                "confirmed": txn["type"] == "confirmed",
                "height": txn["height"],
                "timestamp": txn["timestamp"],
                "transactionid": txn["transactionid"],
                "incoming": {},
                "outgoing": {},
                "incoming_sc": {},
                "outgoing_sc": {},
                "change": str(txn["change"]),
                "change_sc": txn["change"] / H_PER_SC,
                "fundschange": str(txn["fundschange"]),
            for tdirection in ["outgoing", "incoming"]:
                for ftype in txn[tdirection]:
                    txndata[tdirection][ftype] = str(txn[tdirection][ftype])
                    if not ftype.startswith("siafund"):
                        txndata["%s_sc" % tdirection][
                            ftype] = txn[tdirection][ftype] / H_PER_SC
            # Only add transaction to display if it either has an actual change or
            # we want to show splits.
            if txn["change"] or txn["fundschange"] or showsplits:
    return jsonify(tdata), sia_status_code
Ejemplo n.º 20
def api_ping():
    # This can be called to just have the service run something.
    # For example, we need to do this early after booting to restart backups
    # if needed (via @app.before_first_request).

    if not os.path.isfile(MACHINE_AUTH_FILE):
            "Submit machine authentication to Minebox admin service.")
        success, errmsg = submit_machine_auth()
        if not success:

    # Look if we need to run some system maintenance tasks.
    # Do this here so it runs even if Sia and upper storage are down.
    # Note that in the case of updates being available for backup-service,
    # this results in a restart and the rest of the ping will not be executed.
    success, errmsg = system_maintenance()
    if not success:

    # Check for synced sia consensus as a prerequisite to everything else.
    success, errmsg = check_sia_sync()
    if not success:
        # Return early, we need a synced consensus to do anything.
            "Exiting because sia is not ready, let's check again on next ping."
        return "", 204

    if not os.path.ismount(MINEBD_STORAGE_PATH):
            "Upper storage is not mounted (yet), let's check again on next ping."
        return "", 204

    # See if sia is fully set up and do init tasks if needed.
    # Setting up hosting is the last step, so if that is not active, we still
    # need to do something.
    walletdata, wallet_status_code = get_from_sia('wallet')
    hostdata, host_status_code = get_from_sia('host')
    if wallet_status_code == 200 and host_status_code == 200:
        if not hostdata["internalsettings"]["acceptingcontracts"]:
            # We need to seed the wallet, set up allowances and hosting, etc.
            setup_sia_system(walletdata, hostdata)
        elif not walletdata["unlocked"]:
            # We should unlock the wallet so new contracts can be made.

    # Trigger a backup if the latest is older than 24h.
    timenow = int(time.time())
    latestbackup = get_latest()
    timelatest = int(latestbackup) if latestbackup else 0
    if timelatest < timenow - 24 * 3600:
        success, errmsg = check_backup_prerequisites()
        if success:
            bthread = start_backup_thread()

    # If no backup is active but the most recent one is not finished,
    # perform a restart of backups.
    active_backups = get_running_backups()
    if not active_backups:
        snapname = get_latest()
        if snapname:
            if not is_finished(snapname):
        # If the upload step is stuck (taking longer than 30 minutes),
        # we should restart the sia service.
        # See https://github.com/NebulousLabs/Sia/issues/1605
        for tname in threadstatus:
            if (threadstatus[tname]["snapname"] in active_backups
                    and threadstatus[tname]["step"] == "initiate uploads"
                    and threadstatus[tname]["starttime_step"] <
                    time.time() - 30 * 60):
                # This would return True for success but already logs errors.
        # If the list of unfinished backups is significantly larger than active
        # backups, we very probably have quite a few backups hanging around
        # that we need to cleanup but don't get to routine cleanup (which
        # happens only when a backup finishes).
        unfinished_backups = get_list()
        if len(unfinished_backups) > len(active_backups) + 3:
                "We have %s unfinished backups but only %s active ones, let's clean up."
                % (len(unfinished_backups), len(active_backups)))

    # Update Sia config if more than 10% off.

    # See if we need to rebalance the disk space.

    return "", 204