Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(burn_type,
    # validate alternate loadings file if provide. Throws exception on invalid
    if fuel_loadings: validate_fuel_loadings(fuel_loadings)

    # obtain a FuelConsumption object
    consumer = consume.FuelConsumption(fccs_file=fuel_loadings, msg_level=msg_level) \
        if fuel_loadings else consume.FuelConsumption(msg_level=msg_level)

    # run the calculator and either pickle results for later output
    #  or output as specified
    consumer.burn_type = burn_type
    if consumer.load_scenario(csv_input, display=False):
        emissions = consume.Emissions(consumer)
        if no_sera:
            emissions.no_sera = True
            emissions.no_sera = False

        results = emissions.results()

        write_results(results, outfile, do_metric, col_cfg_file=col_cfg)
        if not pickle_output(col_cfg):
            print("\nSuccess!!! Results are in \"{}\"".format(outfile))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def _run_on_fuelbed(self, fb, season, location, burn_type):
        if 'consumption' not in fb:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing consumption data required for computing emissions")
        if 'heat' not in fb:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing heat data required for computing emissions")
        if 'pct' not in fb:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing fuelbed 'ptc' required for computing emissions")
        if 'ecoregion' not in location:
            raise ValueError(
                "Missing ecoregion required for computing emissions")

        fuel_loadings_csv_filename = self.fuel_loadings_manager.generate_custom_csv(
        # unlike with consume consumption results, emissions results reflect
        # how you set area and output_units
        area = (fb['pct'] / 100.0) * location['area']
        fc = FuelConsumptionForEmissions(fb["consumption"], fb['heat'],
            area, burn_type, fb['fccs_id'], season, location,

        e_fuel_loadings = self.fuel_loadings_manager.get_fuel_loadings(
            fb['fccs_id'], fc.FCCS)
        fb['emissions_fuel_loadings'] = e_fuel_loadings
        e = consume.Emissions(fuel_consumption_object=fc)
        e.output_units = 'tons'

        # Consume emissions prints out lines like
        #    Converting units: tons_ac -> tons
        # which we want to capture and ifnore
        with capture_stdout() as stdout_buffer:
            r = e.results()['emissions']

        fb['emissions'] = {f: {} for f in CONSUME_FIELDS}
        # r's key hierarchy is species > phase; we want phase > species
        for k in r:
            upper_k = 'PM2.5' if k == 'pm25' else k.upper()
            if k != 'stratum' and (not self.species or upper_k in self.species):
                for p in r[k]:
                    fb['emissions'][p][upper_k] = r[k][p]

        if self.include_emissions_details:
            # Note: consume gives details per fuel category, not per
            #  subcategory; to match what FEPS and Prichard/O'Neill calculators
            #  produce, put all per-category details under'summary'
            # The details are under key 'stratum'. the key hierarchy is:
            #    'stratum' > species > fuel category > phase
            #   we want phase > species:
            #     'summary' > fuel category > phase > species
            fb['emissions_details'] = { "summary": {} }
            for k in r.get('stratum', {}):
                upper_k = 'PM2.5' if k == 'pm25' else k.upper()
                if not self.species or upper_k in self.species:
                    for c in r['stratum'][k]:
                        fb['emissions_details']['summary'][c] = fb['emissions_details']['summary'].get(c, {})
                        for p in r['stratum'][k][c]:
                            fb['emissions_details']['summary'][c][p] = fb['emissions_details']['summary'][c].get(p, {})
                            fb['emissions_details']['summary'][c][p][upper_k] = r['stratum'][k][c][p]