Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setComputedIds(self, dimension, rangeStart, rangeEnd = None, binSize = 'minutes'):
        """ set the ids which indicated which data was already computed 
        self.conn.cursor.execute("USE " + config_global.cassandra_default_keyspace)
        key = self.dimensionName + "_by_" + binSize + "_done"
        timerange = getTimestamp.convertTimeStampsPairToRange(rangeStart, rangeEnd, binSize, binSize )

        """ TODO make one query out of this """
        for dimension_id in timerange:
            cql_query = """UPDATE :table SET :dimension_id = :dimension_id WHERE dimension_name = :dimension_name """
                                                      dimension_name = key,
                                                      dimension_id = dimension_id
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getByTime(self, timestampStart, timestampEnd = None, binSize = 'seconds', renew = False):
        """ grab all entries for the dimensions
        @param: timeStampStart start of range or single point 
        @param: timeStampEnd end of the range
        @param: binSize default ist seconds otherwise aggregated data is requested """
        self.conn.cursor.execute("USE " + config_global.cassandra_default_keyspace)
        if (binSize == 'seconds'):
            """ we access the raw data """
            """ if the binsize is not seconds, there is a chance it is already computed and therefore doesn'have to 
            be computed again """
            r = self.getComputedIds(self.dimensionName, timestampStart, timestampEnd, binSize)
            """ according to the result we might need to compute something """
            #print r

            requestIdRange = list(xrange(timestampStart,timestampEnd+1))
            if (not renew):
                for rIR in requestIdRange:
                    if (rIR in r):
            for i in requestIdRange:
                self.binify(binSize, i, i+1)

        if ( timestampStart != None and timestampEnd != None ) :
            # origin = 'seconds'
            origin = binSize
            ids = getTimestamp.convertTimeStampsPairToRange(timestampStart, timestampEnd, binSize, origin)
            basekey = self.dimensionName + "_by_" + binSize + "_"
            if len(ids) > 1 :
                """ check for the lists """
                ids = [basekey + str(id) for id in ids]
                ids = tuple(ids)
                self.conn.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM :table WHERE dimension_name in :ids", 
                                                      ids = ids
                """ in case there is only one result """
                ids = ids[0]
                ids = basekey + str(ids)
                self.conn.cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM :table WHERE dimension_name = :ids", 
                                                      ids = ids

        """ interpret the result since the format suck """
        self.dict = {}
        r = self.conn.cursor.fetchone()
        d = self.conn.cursor.description
        while r :
            if ( len(r) > 1):
                self.dict[ r[0] ] = []
                for i in xrange(1, len(r)):
                    self.dict[ r[0] ].append( d[i][0] )
            r = self.conn.cursor.fetchone()
            d = self.conn.cursor.description
        return self.dict