def viewProblem(request, *args, **kwargs): problem = Problem.get(kwargs.get('id')) user = User.getCurrent(request) contest = Contest.getCurrent() if not problem: return JsonResponse(data='', safe=False) if not user.isAdmin(): # Hide the problems till the contest begins for non-admin users if not Contest.getCurrent(): return JsonResponse(data='', safe=False) if problem not in Contest.getCurrent().problems: return JsonResponse(data='', safe=False) contents = [] if contest == None or contest.showProblInfoBlocks == "On": contents = [ Card("Problem Statement", formatMD(problem.statement), cls="stmt"), Card("Input Format", formatMD(problem.input), cls="inp"), Card("Output Format", formatMD(problem.output), cls="outp"), Card("Constraints", formatMD(problem.constraints), cls="constraints"), ] contents.append( div(cls="samples", contents=list( map(lambda x: getSample(x[0], x[1]), zip(problem.sampleData, range(problem.samples)))))) return HttpResponse( Page( h.input(type="hidden", id="problem-id",, h2(problem.title, cls="page-title"), div(cls="problem-description", contents=contents), CodeEditor(), div(cls="stmt card ui-sortable-handle blk-custom-input", contents=[ div(cls="card-header", contents=[h2("Custom Input", cls="card-title")]), div(cls="card-contents", contents=[h.textarea(id="custom-input", cls="col-12")]) ]), div(cls="align-right", id="custom-code-text", contents=[ h.input("Custom Input", type="checkbox", id="use-custom-input"), h.button("Test Code", cls="button test-samples button-white"), h.button("Submit Code", cls="button submit-problem") ])))
def __init__(self, prob: Problem, user: User): probpath = f"/problems/{}" btn = f"rejudgeAll('{}')" if user.isAdmin() else None title = prob.title if not user.isAdmin(): # Compute problem status icon = '' result = '' for sub in Submission.all(): if sub.problem != prob or sub.user != user or sub.status == Submission.STATUS_REVIEW: continue if sub.user == user and "ok" == sub.result: icon = "check" break else: icon = "times" if icon != '': result = f'<i class="fa fa-{icon}"></i> ' title = result + title self.html = Card(title, prob.description, probpath, rejudge=btn)
def __init__(self, contest: Contest): self.html = Card(, div( h.span(contest.start, cls='time-format', data_timestamp=contest.start), " - ", h.span(contest.end, cls='time-format', data_timestamp=contest.end)), link=f"/contests/{}", delete=f"deleteContest('{}')",
def __init__(self, msglist, user): msg = msglist[0] msgType = "Announcement" if msg.isGeneral else "Message" body = msg.message for reply in msglist[1:]: body += f"""\n<br><br>Reply from {formatFrom(reply.fromUser, user)} at <span class='time-format'>{reply.timestamp}</span>:<br> {reply.message}""" self.html = Card( f"{msgType} from {formatFrom(msg.fromUser, user)} at <span class='time-format'>{msg.timestamp}</span>", body, reply=f"reply('{}', '{}')" if msg.isAdmin and user.isAdmin() else None)
def getSample(datum, num: int) -> Card: if datum.input == None: datum.input = "" if datum.output == None: datum.output = "" return Card( "Sample #{}".format(num), div(cls="row", contents=[ div(cls="col-12", contents=[ h.p("Input:", cls="no-margin"), h.code(code_encode(datum.input)) ]), div(cls="col-12", contents=[ h.p("Output:", cls="no-margin"), h.code(code_encode(datum.output)) ]) ]))
def __init__(self, user: User): cls = "blue" if user.isAdmin() else "" self.html = div(cls="col-3", contents=[ Card(div( h.strong(h.i("Username:"******"username-hidden"),"username-hidden"), h.p(""", cls="username-hidden"), h2(user.username, cls="card-title"), h.p(""", cls="username-hidden")), div(h.strong(h.i("Fullname:")),, f""{user.fullname}"",, h.strong(h.i("Password:"******""{user.password}""), delete=f"deleteUser('{user.username}')", cls=cls) ])
def editContest(request, *args, **kwargs): id = kwargs.get('id') contest = Contest.get(id) title = "New Contest" chooseProblem = "" existingProblems = [] start = time.time() * 1000 end = (time.time() + 3600) * 1000 scoreboardOff = end displayFullname = False showProblInfoBlocks = "" showProblInfoBlocks_option = [ h.option("On", value="On"), h.option("Off", value="Off") ] tieBreaker = False if contest: title = start = contest.start end = contest.end scoreboardOff = contest.scoreboardOff displayFullname = contest.displayFullname showProblInfoBlocks = contest.showProblInfoBlocks if showProblInfoBlocks == "Off": showProblInfoBlocks_option = [ h.option("Off", value="Off"), h.option("On", value="On") ] tieBreaker = contest.tieBreaker chooseProblem = div(cls="actions", contents=[ h.button("+ Choose Problem", cls="button", onclick="chooseProblemDialog()") ]) problems = [ProblemCard(prob) for prob in contest.problems] problemOptions = [ h.option(prob.title, for prob in Problem.all() if prob not in contest.problems ] existingProblems = [ Modal( "Choose Problem","form-control problem-choice", contents=[h.option("-"), *problemOptions]), div( h.button( "Cancel", **{ "type": "button", "class": "button button-white", "data-dismiss": "modal" }), h.button( "Add Problem", **{ "type": "button", "class": "button", "onclick": "chooseProblem()" }))), div(cls="problem-cards", contents=problems) ] return HttpResponse( Page( h.input(type="hidden", id="contest-id", value=id), h.input(type="hidden", id="pageId", value="Contest"), h2(title, cls="page-title"), chooseProblem, Card( "Contest Details", div( cls="contest-details", contents=[ h.form( cls="row", contents=[ div(cls="form-group col-12", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-name", "contents": "Name" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="contest-name", id="contest-name", value=title) ]), h.input(type="hidden", id="start", value=start), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-start-date", "contents": "Start Date" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="contest-start-date", id="contest-start-date", type="date") ]), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-start-time", "contents": "Start Time" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="contest-start-time", id="contest-start-time", type="time") ]), h.input(type="hidden", id="end", value=end), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-end-date", "contents": "End Date" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="contest-end-date", id="contest-end-date", type="date") ]), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-end-time", "contents": "End Time" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="contest-end-time", id="contest-end-time", type="time") ]), h.input(type="hidden", id="showProblInfoBlocks", value=showProblInfoBlocks), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "show-problem-info-blocks", "contents": "Show Problem Info Blocks" }), cls="form-control custom-select", name="show-problem-info-blocks", id="show-problem-info-blocks", contents=showProblInfoBlocks_option ) ]), h.input(type="hidden", id="scoreboardOff", value=scoreboardOff), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "scoreboard-off-time", "contents": "Turn Scoreboard Off Time" }), h.input(cls="form-control", name="scoreboard-off-time", id="scoreboard-off-time", type="time") ]), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "scoreboard-tie-breaker", "contents": "Sample Data Breaks Ties" }), cls="form-control", name="scoreboard-tie-breaker", id="scoreboard-tie-breaker", contents=[ *[ h.option( text, value=val, selected="selected") if tieBreaker == val else h.option(text, value=val) for text, val in zip( ("On", "Off"), (True, False)) ] ]) ]), # Option to display a users' fullname h.input(type="hidden", id="displayFullname", value=displayFullname), div(cls="form-group col-6", contents=[ h.label( **{ "for": "contest-display-fullname", "contents": "Show Full Name" }), cls="form-control", name="contest-display-fullname", id="contest-display-fullname", contents=[ *[ h.option( text, value=val, selected="selected") if displayFullname == val else h.option(text, value=val) for text, val in zip( ("On", "Off"), (True, False)) ] ]) ]), ]), div(cls="align-right col-12", contents=[ h.button("Save", cls="button", onclick="editContest()") ]) ])), *existingProblems))
def __init__(self, prob: Problem): self.html = Card(prob.title, prob.description, link=f"/problems/{}/edit", delete=f"deleteContestProblem('{}')",