Ejemplo n.º 1
 def _reset(self, other=None):
     if other is not None:
         self._instructionsStack = list(other._instructionsStack)
         self._dummyContext = other._dummyContext
         self._width = other._width
         self._height = other._height
         self._tempInstalledFonts = dict(other._tempInstalledFonts)
         self._requiresNewFirstPage = other._requiresNewFirstPage
         self._hasPage = other._hasPage
         self._instructionsStack = []
         self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
         self._width = None
         self._height = None
         self._requiresNewFirstPage = False
         self._hasPage = False
         if not hasattr(self, "_tempInstalledFonts"):
             self._tempInstalledFonts = dict()
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _reset(self, other=None):
     if other is not None:
         self._instructionsStack = list(other._instructionsStack)
         self._dummyContext = other._dummyContext
         self._width = other._width
         self._height = other._height
         self._installedFontPaths = set(other._installedFontPaths)
         self._instructionsStack = []
         self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
         self._width = None
         self._height = None
         self._installedFontPaths = set()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def _reset(self, other=None):
     if other is not None:
         self._instructionsStack = list(other._instructionsStack)
         self._dummyContext = other._dummyContext
         self._width = other._width
         self._height = other._height
         self._tempInstalledFonts = dict(other._tempInstalledFonts)
         self._instructionsStack = []
         self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
         self._width = None
         self._height = None
         if not hasattr(self, "_tempInstalledFonts"):
             self._tempInstalledFonts = dict()
Ejemplo n.º 4
class DrawBotDrawingTool(object):
    def __init__(self):

    def _get__all__(self):
        return [i
                for i in dir(self) if not i.startswith("_")] + ["__version__"]

    __all__ = property(_get__all__)

    def _get_version(self):
            import drawBotSettings
            return drawBotSettings.__version__
            # DrawBot is installed as a module
            import pkg_resources
            return pkg_resources.require("drawBot")[0].version
        return ""

    __version__ = property(_get_version)

    def _addToNamespace(self, namespace):
        namespace.update(_getmodulecontents(self, self.__all__))
            _getmodulecontents(random, ["random", "randint", "choice"]))

    def _addInstruction(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._requiresNewFirstPage and not self._hasPage:
            self._hasPage = True
                ("newPage", [self.width(), self.height()], {}))
        self._instructionsStack.append((callback, args, kwargs))

    def _drawInContext(self, context):
        if not self._instructionsStack:
        for callback, args, kwargs in self._instructionsStack:
            attr = getattr(context, callback)
            attr(*args, **kwargs)

    def _reset(self, other=None):
        if other is not None:
            self._instructionsStack = list(other._instructionsStack)
            self._dummyContext = other._dummyContext
            self._width = other._width
            self._height = other._height
            self._tempInstalledFonts = dict(other._tempInstalledFonts)
            self._requiresNewFirstPage = other._requiresNewFirstPage
            self._hasPage = other._hasPage
            self._instructionsStack = []
            self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
            self._width = None
            self._height = None
            self._requiresNewFirstPage = False
            self._hasPage = False
            if not hasattr(self, "_tempInstalledFonts"):
                self._tempInstalledFonts = dict()

    def _copy(self):
        new = self.__class__()
        new._instructionsStack = list(self._instructionsStack)
        new._dummyContext = self._dummyContext
        new._width = self._width
        new._height = self._height
        new._tempInstalledFonts = dict(self._tempInstalledFonts)
        return new

    def newDrawing(self):
        Reset the drawing stack to the clean and empty stack.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/newDrawing.py

    def endDrawing(self):
        Explicitly tell drawBot the drawing is done.
        This is advised when using drawBot as a standalone module.

    # magic variables

    def width(self):
        Returns the width of the current page.
        if self._width is None:
            return 1000
        return self._width

    def _get_width(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.width()

    WIDTH = property(_get_width)

    def height(self):
        Returns the height of the current page.
        if self._height is None:
            return 1000
        return self._height

    def _get_height(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.height()

    HEIGHT = property(_get_height)

    def sizes(self, paperSize=None):
        Returns the width and height of a specified canvas size.
        If no canvas size is given it will return the dictionary containing all possible page sizes.
        _paperSizes["screen"] = tuple(
        if paperSize:
            return _paperSizes[paperSize]
        return _paperSizes

    def pageCount(self):
        Returns the current page count.
        pageCount = 0
        for i in self._instructionsStack:
            if i[0] == "newPage":
                pageCount += 1
        return pageCount

    def _get_pageCount(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.pageCount()

    PAGECOUNT = property(_get_pageCount)

    _magicVariables = ["WIDTH", "HEIGHT", "PAGECOUNT"]

    # ====================
    # = public callbacks =
    # ====================

    # size and pages

    def size(self, width, height=None):
        Set the width and height of the canvas.
        Without calling `size()` the default drawing board is 1000 by 1000 points.

        Alternatively `size('A4')` with a supported papersizes or `size('screen')` setting the current screen size as size, can be used.

        Afterwards the functions `width()` and `height()` can be used for calculations.

        It is advised to use `size()` always at the top of the script and not use `size()`
        in a multiple page document use `newPage(w, h)` to set the correct dimentions directly.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/size.py

        All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
        if width in _paperSizes:
            width, height = _paperSizes[width]
        if width == "screen":
            width, height = AppKit.NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size
        if height is None:
            width, height = width
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        if not self._instructionsStack:
            self.newPage(width, height)
            raise DrawBotError(
                "It is advised to use 'size()' at the top of a script.")

    def newPage(self, width=None, height=None):
        Create a new canvas to draw in.
        This will act like a page in a pdf or a frame in a mov.

        Optionally a `width` and `height` argument can be provided to set the size.
        If not provided the default size will be used.

        Alternatively `size('A4')` with a supported papersizes or `size('screen')` setting the current screen size as size, can be used.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/newPage.py

        All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
        if width in _paperSizes:
            width, height = _paperSizes[width]
        if width == "screen":
            width, height = AppKit.NSScreen.mainScreen().frame().size
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._hasPage = True
        self._addInstruction("newPage", width, height)

    def newpage(self, width=None, height=None):
        _deprecatedWarningLowercase("newPage(%s, %s)" % (width, height))
        self.newPage(width, height)

    def saveImage(self, paths, multipage=None):
        Save or export the canvas to a specified format.
        The argument `paths` can either be a single path or a list of paths.

        The file extension is important because it will determine the format in which the image will be exported.

        All supported file extensions: `pdf`, `svg`, `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `tiff`, `tif`, `gif`, `bmp` and `mov`.

        * A `pdf` can be multipage. If `multipage` is `False` only the current page is saved.
        * A `mov` will use each page as a frame.
        * A `gif` can be animated when there are multiple pages and it will use each page as a frame.
        * All images and `svg` formats will only save the current page. If `multipage` is `True` all pages are saved to disk (a page index will be added to the file name).

        .. showcode:: /../examples/saveImage.py
        if isinstance(paths, (str, unicode)):
            paths = [paths]
        for rawPath in paths:
            path = optimizePath(rawPath)
            dirName = os.path.dirname(path)
            if not os.path.exists(dirName):
                raise DrawBotError("Folder '%s' doesn't exists" % dirName)
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
            ext = ext.lower()[1:]
            if not ext:
                ext = rawPath
            context = getContextForFileExt(ext)
            if context is None:
                raise DrawBotError(
                    "Did not found a supported context for: '%s'" % ext)
            context.saveImage(path, multipage)

    def saveimage(self, paths):

    def printImage(self, pdf=None):
        Export the canvas to a printing dialog, ready to print.

        Optionally a `pdf` object can be provided.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/printImage.py
        context = getContextForFileExt("pdf")
        if pdf is None:

    def pdfImage(self):
        Return the image as a pdf document object.
        from context.drawBotContext import DrawBotContext
        context = DrawBotContext()
        return context.getNSPDFDocument()

    # graphic state

    def save(self):
        Save the current state.
        This will save the state of the canvas (with all the transformations)
        but also the state of the colors, strokes...
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True

    def restore(self):
        Restore from a previously saved state.
        This will restore the state of the canvas (with all the transformations)
        but also the state of colors, strokes...
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True

    # basic shapes

    def rect(self, x, y, w, h):
        Draw a rectangle from position x, y with the given width and height.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/rect.py
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True
        self._addInstruction("rect", x, y, w, h)

    def oval(self, x, y, w, h):
        Draw an oval from position x, y with the given width and height.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/oval.py
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True
        self._addInstruction("oval", x, y, w, h)

    # path

    def newPath(self):
        Create a new path.
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True

    def newpath(self):

    def moveTo(self, (x, y)):
        Move to a point `x`, `y`.
        self._requiresNewFirstPage = True
        self._addInstruction("moveTo", (x, y))
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def _reset(self):
     self._instructionsStack = []
     self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
     self._width = None
     self._height = None
 def _reset(self):
     self._instructionsStack = []
     self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
     self._width = None
     self._height = None
class DrawBotDrawingTool(object):

    def __init__(self):

    def _get__all__(self):
        return [i for i in dir(self) if not i.startswith("_")] + ["__version__"]

    __all__ = property(_get__all__)

    def _get_version(self):
        return drawBotSettings.__version__

    __version__ = property(_get_version)

    def _addToNamespace(self, namespace):
        namespace.update(_getmodulecontents(self, self.__all__))
        namespace.update(_getmodulecontents(random, ["random", "randint", "choice"]))

    def _addInstruction(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
        self._instructionsStack.append((callback, args, kwargs))

    def _drawInContext(self, context):
        if not self._instructionsStack:
        if self._instructionsStack[0][0] != "newPage":
            self._instructionsStack.insert(0, ("newPage", [self.width(), self.height()], {}))
        for callback, args, kwargs in self._instructionsStack:
            attr = getattr(context, callback)
            attr(*args, **kwargs)

    def _reset(self):
        self._instructionsStack = []
        self._dummyContext = DummyContext()
        self._width = None
        self._height = None

    def newDrawing(self):
        Reset the drawing stack to the clean and empty stack.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/newDrawing.py

    ## magic variables

    def width(self):
        Returns the width of the current page.
        if self._width is None:
            return 1000
        return self._width

    def _get_width(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.width()

    WIDTH = property(_get_width)

    def height(self):
        Returns the height of the current page.
        if self._height is None:
            return 1000
        return self._height

    def _get_height(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.height()

    HEIGHT = property(_get_height)

    def sizes(self, paperSize=None):
        Returns the width and height of a specified canvas size.
        If no canvas size is given it will return the dictionary containing all possible page sizes.
        if paperSize:
            return _paperSizes[paperSize]
        return _paperSizes

    def pageCount(self):
        Returns the current page count.
        pageCount = 1
        if self._instructionsStack and self._instructionsStack[0][0] == "newPage":
            pageCount = 0
        for i in self._instructionsStack:
            if i[0] == "newPage":
                pageCount += 1
        return pageCount

    def _get_pageCount(self):
        warnings.warn("Magic variables are deprecated.'")
        return self.pageCount()

    PAGECOUNT = property(_get_pageCount)

    _magicVariables = ["WIDTH", "HEIGHT", "PAGECOUNT"]

    ## public callbacks

    # size and pages

    def size(self, width, height=None):
        Set the width and height of the canvas.
        Without calling `size()` the default drawing board is 1000 by 1000 points.

        Alternatively `size('A4')` can be used.

        Afterwards the functions `width()` and `height()` can be used for calculations.

        It is advised to use `size()` always at the top of the script and not use `size()`
        in a multiple page document as a `newPage(w, h)` set the correct dimentions directly.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/size.py

        All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
        if width in _paperSizes:
            width, height = _paperSizes[width]
        if height is None:
            width, height = width
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        if not self._instructionsStack:
            self.newPage(width, height)
            self._addInstruction("size", width, height)

    def newPage(self, width=None, height=None):
        Create a new canvas to draw in.
        This will act like a page in a pdf or a frame in a mov.

        Optionally a `width` and `height` argument can be provided to set the size.
        If not provided the default size will be used.

        Alternatively `size('A4')` can be used.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/newPage.py

        All supported papersizes: 10x14, 10x14Landscape, A0, A0Landscape, A1, A1Landscape, A2, A2Landscape, A3, A3Landscape, A4, A4Landscape, A4Small, A4SmallLandscape, A5, A5Landscape, B4, B4Landscape, B5, B5Landscape, Executive, ExecutiveLandscape, Folio, FolioLandscape, Ledger, LedgerLandscape, Legal, LegalLandscape, Letter, LetterLandscape, LetterSmall, LetterSmallLandscape, Quarto, QuartoLandscape, Statement, StatementLandscape, Tabloid, TabloidLandscape.
        if width in _paperSizes:
            width, height = _paperSizes[width]
        self._width = width
        self._height = height
        self._addInstruction("newPage", width, height)

    def newpage(self, width=None, height=None):
        _deprecatedWarningLowercase("newPage(%s, %s)" % (width, height))
        self.newPage(width, height)

    def saveImage(self, paths, multipage=None):
        Save or export the canvas to a specified format.
        The argument `paths` can either be a single path or a list of paths.

        The file extension is important because it will determine the format in which the image will be exported.

        All supported file extensions: `pdf`, `svg`, `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `tiff`, `tif`, `gif`, `bmp` and `mov`.

        * A `pdf` can be multipage. If `multipage` is `False` only the current page is saved.
        * A `mov` will use each page as a frame.
        * A `gif` can be animated when there are multiple pages and it will use each page as a frame.
        * All images and `svg` formats will only save the current page. If `multipage` is `True` all pages are saved to disk (a page index will be added to the file name).

        .. showcode:: /../examples/saveImage.py
        if isinstance(paths, (str, unicode)):
            paths = [paths]
        for path in paths:
            path = optimizePath(path)
            dirName = os.path.dirname(path)
            if not os.path.exists(dirName):
                raise DrawBotError, "Folder '%s' doesn't exists" % dirName
            base, ext = os.path.splitext(path)
            ext = ext.lower()[1:]
            context = getContextForFileExt(ext)
            context.saveImage(path, multipage)

    def saveimage(self, paths):

    def printImage(self, pdf=None):
        Export the canvas to a printing dialog, ready to print.

        Optionally a `pdf` object can be provided.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/printImage.py
        context = getContextForFileExt("pdf")
        if pdf is None:

    def pdfImage(self):
        Return the image as a pdf document object.
        from context.drawBotContext import DrawBotContext
        context = DrawBotContext()
        return context.getNSPDFDocument()

    # graphic state

    def save(self):
        Save the current state.
        This will save the state of the canvas (with all the transformations)
        but also the state of the colors, strokes...

    def restore(self):
        Restore from a previously saved state.
        This will restore the state of the canvas (with all the transformations)
        but also the state of colors, strokes...

    # basic shapes

    def rect(self, x, y, w, h):
        Draw a rectangle from position x, y with the given width and height.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/rect.py
        self._addInstruction("rect", x, y, w, h)

    def oval(self, x, y, w, h):
        Draw an oval from position x, y with the given width and height.

        .. showcode:: /../examples/oval.py
        self._addInstruction("oval", x, y, w, h)

    # path

    def newPath(self):
        Create a new path.

    def newpath(self):

    def moveTo(self, (x, y)):
        Move to a point `x`, `y`.
        self._addInstruction("moveTo", (x, y))