class ContextAggregator(object):
    """database class"""

    MAX_TAU = "max_tau"
    PM = "propagation_mode"
    defaults = {MAX_TAU:0, PM:AGGREGATION_MODE}

    def is_single_only_mode(self):
        return self.configuration(ContextAggregator.PM) == ContextAggregator.SINGLE_ONLY_MODE

    def is_aggregation_mode(self):
        return self.configuration(ContextAggregator.PM) == ContextAggregator.AGGREGATION_MODE
    # Initialization and Reset

    def __init__(self, id = -1, config = None): = id

        # inner data structure
        self.input = Input()
        self.context_database = ContextDatabase()
        self.assorted_context_database = AssortedContextDatabase()
        self.output = Output()
        self.context_history = ContextHistory()

        # instance variables for debugging purposes
        self.new_aggregate = None
        self.filtered_singles = None = None
        self.average = None

    def get_data(self):

    def __reset(self):

    def reset(self):
        """reset is for garbage collection in multiple data simulation.
        This is done for releasing memory for another simulation.

    # Sample
    def get_sample(self):
        return self.configuration("sample")

    def get_sample_data(self):
        sample = self.get_sample()
        if sample is None:
            return None # sampled_value = -2 # default value is -1
        # [] works as an API
        return sample[]

    # Input
    def get_input_dictionary(self):
        return self.input.dictionary

    def initalize_before_iteration(self):
        """initialization is needed for starting execution of dataflow

    # Configuration methods

    def get_config(self):
        return self.config

    def set_config(self, config):
        self.config = process_default_values(config, ContextAggregator.defaults)
        return self.config

    def get_current_sample(self):
        return self.current_sample

    def configuration(self, key):
        if key in self.config:
            return self.config[key]
            return None

    # Database

    def set_database(self, singles, aggregates, timestamp = 0):
        """TODO: update information based on the time stamp
        self.context_database.set(singles, aggregates, timestamp)

    def get_database_singles(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.context_database.get_singles(timestamp)

    def get_database_aggregates(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.context_database.get_aggregates(timestamp)

    def get_singles(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.context_database.get_singles(timestamp)
        #return self.assorted_context_database.get_singles(timestamp)

    def get_aggregates(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.context_database.get_aggregates(timestamp)

    def get_primes(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.assorted_context_database.get_primes(timestamp)

    def get_non_primes(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.assorted_context_database.get_non_primes(timestamp)

    def get_selected_non_primes(self, timestamp=0):
        return self.assorted_context_database.get_selected_non_primes(timestamp)

    def get_new_aggregate(self):
        return self.new_aggregate

    def get_filtered_singles(self):
        return self.filtered_singles


    def create_new_aggregate(contexts, timestamp=0):
        """Given contexts (a list of a set of contexts, create a context that collects all
        the information in them)

        Things to consider: we pack the single context with Context.SPECIAL_CONTEXT (let's say it as x), because
        1. We can recover the aggregate without the x, whenever x is available.
        2. We can cover larger aggregate even when x is lost (or unavailable with any reason).

        >>> s1 = set([Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[0])])
        >>> c1 = set([Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[1,2])])
        >>> c = ContextAggregator.create_new_aggregate([c1,s1])
        >>> c.value
        >>> c.get_cohorts_as_set() == set([0,1,2])
        >>> c = ContextAggregator.create_new_aggregate([s1, c1, set(), set()])
        >>> c.value
        sum = 0.0
        elements = set()
        for context_set in contexts:
            for c in context_set:
                sum += c.value * len(c)
                elements = elements.union(c.get_cohorts_as_set())
        value = sum / len(elements)

        c = Context(value=value, cohorts=elements, hopcount=Context.AGGREGATED_CONTEXT, timestamp=timestamp)
        return c

    def remove_same_id_singles(singles):

        >>> singles = {Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1}, hopcount=1), Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1}, hopcount=2), Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1}, hopcount=3)}
        >>> c = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_singles(singles)
        >>> len(c)
        >>> s = list(c)[0]
        >>> s.hopcount == 1
        # It can happen that the same context with a change in hopcount can exist
        singles_dictionary = {}
        for s in singles:
            key = s.get_id()
            if key not in singles_dictionary:
                singles_dictionary[key] = []

        result = set()
        for key, values in singles_dictionary.items():
            if len(values) == 1:
                result.add(sorted(values, key=lambda m: m.hopcount)[0])
        return result

    def remove_same_id_aggregates(aggregates):

        >>> aggregates = {Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1,2,3}, hopcount=1), Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1,2,3}, hopcount=2), Context(value=1.0, cohorts={1,2,3}, hopcount=3)}
        >>> c = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_aggregates(aggregates)
        >>> len(c)
        >>> print list(c)[0]
        # It can happen that the same context with a change in hopcount can exist
        aggr_dictionary = {}
        for s in aggregates:
            key = frozenset(s.get_cohorts_as_set())
            if key in aggr_dictionary:
                hopcount = aggr_dictionary[key].hopcount
                # only the newest (smallest number) wins
                if s.hopcount < hopcount:
                    aggr_dictionary[key] = s
                aggr_dictionary[key] = s

        result = set(aggr_dictionary.values())
        return result

    def filter_singles_by_hopcount(singles, configuration):
        """Out of many input/stored singles, filter out the singles to send
        based on configuration.

        max_tau = configuration(ContextAggregator.MAX_TAU)
        results = set()
        for s in singles:
            if s.hopcount == Context.SPECIAL_CONTEXT or 0 <= s.hopcount <= max_tau:
            if configuration("propagate_recovered_singles"):
                if s.hopcount == Context.RECOVERED_CONTEXT:
                    context = copy(s)
                    context.hopcount = 0
        return results

    def sample(samples=None, timestamp=0):
        """Sampling means read (acuquire) data at timestamp, and create a single context out of the data
        #samples = self.get_sample_data()

        if samples is None:
            return -1, False
            #samples = self.config["sample"][]
            if type(samples) is tuple:
                # the order is important as samples are modified into a tuple to a list
                special_flags = samples[1]
                samples = samples[0] # now it's list
                special_flags = [False] * len(samples)

            length = len(samples)
            if length > timestamp:
                sampled_value = samples[timestamp]
                special_flag = special_flags[timestamp]
                special_flag = False

        #self.current_sample = sampled_value
        return sampled_value, special_flag

    def get_score(cohorts, sent_history_as_set):
        """Returns the number of elements cohorts - sent_history_as_set

        >>> a = {1,2,3,4}
        >>> b = {4,5,6,7}
        >>> ContextAggregator.get_score(a, b)
        return len(cohorts - sent_history_as_set)

    def get_output_from_nps(aggregates, history, neighbors):
        """Find the aggregate that has the largest set of contexts that are not sent to neighbors

        >>> a = {Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[1,2,3]), Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[1,2,3,4]), Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[1,2,3,4,5])}
        >>> h = {1:[[],[1,3]], 2:[[],[1,3]]}
        >>> neighbors = [1,2]
        >>> r = ContextAggregator.get_output_from_nps(a, h, neighbors)
        >>> same(r[1], [[],[1,2,3,4,5]])
        if len(aggregates) == 0: return {}
        if len(neighbors) == 0: return {}

        result = {}
        for n in neighbors:
            # get the aggregation
            sent_history_as_set = set(history[n][1])
            scores = {}
            for a in aggregates:
                cohorts = a.get_cohorts_as_set()
                key = str(list(cohorts))
                scores[key] = ContextAggregator.get_score(cohorts, sent_history_as_set)

            keys = sorted(scores, key=lambda e: -scores[e])

            # when sending only one context
            if scores[keys[0]] > 0:
                winner = eval(keys[0])
                result[n] = [[],winner]
                result[n] = [[],[]]

        return result
        #self.context_database.aggregates, self.context_history.get(timestamp), neighbors)


    def application_disseminate_when_above_average(self, new_aggregate, filtered_singles, timestamp, iteration):

        Given average, compare the average with the sensor data to create and replace the single context

        Side effect: filtered_singles are modified when necessary
        average = new_aggregate.value
        variation = self.get_data() - average
        percentage_variation = abs(variation)/average*100.0
        if "threshold" not in self.config:
            threshold = sys.maxint
            threshold = self.config["threshold"]

        if percentage_variation > threshold: # Threshold is 50 as now
            context = Context(value=self.get_data(), cohorts=[], hopcount=Context.SPECIAL_CONTEXT, timestamp=timestamp)
            print "Weird, diesseminate myself %d %d" % (, iteration)
            # it just compares the id and hopcount is ignored in comparison
            remove_if_in(context, filtered_singles)
            # WARINING! Side effect here!
            # the single context in the db should be updated
            self.context_database.update_context_hopcount(, Context.SPECIAL_CONTEXT)
        return filtered_singles

    def get_new_info(self, singles, filtered_singles, primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp, iteration):
        """Given singles/primes/non_primes return new_info in standard form, and newly created new_aggregates

        * singles are needed to make maximal aggregates
        * filtered_singles are needed to identify what singles are to sent

        new_aggregate is None when there is no new aggregates created
        if len(singles) == 1 and primes == set() and selected_non_primes == set(): # there is only one single context
            singles = contexts_to_standard(singles)
            new_info = add_standards(singles, [[],[]]) # standard operation
            new_aggregate = None
            # from singles/primes/non_primes get new aggregated contexts
            new_aggregate = ContextAggregator.create_new_aggregate(contexts=[singles, primes, selected_non_primes], timestamp=timestamp)
            filtered_singles = self.application_disseminate_when_above_average(new_aggregate, filtered_singles, timestamp, iteration)
            # we need to generate the new_info in the form of standard
            a = contexts_to_standard({new_aggregate})
            s = contexts_to_standard(filtered_singles)
            new_info = add_standards(a, s)

        return new_info, new_aggregate

    def set_database_and_return(self, result, new_aggregates, singles, aggregates, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp):
        self.new_aggregate = new_aggregates
        self.set_database(singles, aggregates, timestamp=timestamp)
        self.assorted_context_database.set(singles, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp)
        return result, singles, aggregates, new_aggregates

    def dataflow_aggregations_mode(self, neighbors, timestamp, iteration):
        # 1. collect all the contexts
        input_contexts = self.get_received_data()
        db_singles = self.get_database_singles(timestamp)
        db_aggregates = self.get_database_aggregates(timestamp)
        input_singles, input_aggregates = separate_single_and_group_contexts(input_contexts)
        history = self.context_history.get(timestamp)
        inputs_in_standard_form = self.input.get_in_standard_from()

        unique_singles = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_singles(input_singles.union(db_singles))
        unique_aggregates = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_aggregates(input_aggregates.union(db_aggregates))

        union_contexts = unique_aggregates | unique_singles
        disaggregator = Disaggregator(union_contexts)

        # 3. Run disaggregator
        try_count = 0
        disaggregated_aggregates_set = set()

        # It tries 10 times with different disaggregation setup, and give up
        # giving up means that it does not find the output
        while True:
            try_count += 1
            if try_count > 5:
                #print "Did my best node(%d) - %d" % (, try_count)
                #if try_count > 1:
                #    print "(host %d) try count %d" % (, try_count)

            # It's in the while loop, and it means that it tries to find different aggregation.
            # It again tries to find 10 times to find a new set of aggregation data

            attempt_count = 10
            found_new = False
            for i in range(attempt_count):

                disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates =
                if not disaggregated_aggregates:
                    found_new = True # Not technically correct, but it will not cause an error due to just breaking out
                aggregates_token = str(aggregated_contexts_to_list_of_standard(disaggregated_aggregates))
                if aggregates_token not in disaggregated_aggregates_set:
                    found_new = True
                    #if i > 0:
                    #    print "Host (%d): trying %d(th) with token %s" % (, i, aggregates_token, )

            if not found_new:
                #print "Host (%d): Not found the new aggregates history (%d)" % (, len(disaggregated_aggregates_set))

            # remove generated redundancies
            disaggregated_singles = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_singles(disaggregated_singles)
            disaggregated_aggregates = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_aggregates(disaggregated_aggregates)

            filtered_singles = ContextAggregator.filter_singles_by_hopcount(disaggregated_singles, self.configuration)

            if not disaggregated_aggregates: # no aggregates and treat the same as singles only case
                # 3. The code is the same as singles except the singles are filtered out
                primes = set()
                non_primes = set()
                selected_non_primes = set()
                param = {
                new_info, new_aggregates = self.get_new_info(**param)
                selector_result = OutputSelector(inputs=inputs_in_standard_form, context_history=history, new_info=new_info, neighbors=neighbors).run()
                return self.set_database_and_return(selector_result, new_aggregates, disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp)

            primes, non_primes = get_prime(disaggregated_aggregates)

            if not non_primes: # only primes
                assert primes is not None, "No primes and non-primes, it's an error condition"

                non_primes = set()
                selected_non_primes = set()
                param = {
                new_info, new_aggregates = self.get_new_info(**param)
                selector_result = OutputSelector(inputs=inputs_in_standard_form, context_history=history, new_info=new_info, neighbors=neighbors).run()
                res_val = self.set_database_and_return(selector_result, new_aggregates, disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp)
                if not is_empty_dictionary(selector_result):
                    return res_val
                # try again if there is no output

            # for non-prime cases
            previous_selection = self.assorted_context_database.get_selected_non_primes(timestamp)
            selected_non_primes_list = GreedyMaxCover().run(non_primes, previous_selection)

            # the greedy max cover can return multiple candidates for the case when
            # there is nothing to send to the neighboring nodes
            for i, selected_non_primes in enumerate(selected_non_primes_list):
                param = {
                if not selected_non_primes:
                    #print "SHOOT %s" % aggregated_contexts_to_list_of_standard(selected_non_primes)

                if i > 0:
                    print "(host %d) %d try with %s" % (, i, aggregated_contexts_to_list_of_standard(selected_non_primes))

                new_info, new_aggregates = self.get_new_info(**param)
                selector_result = OutputSelector(inputs=inputs_in_standard_form, context_history=history, new_info=new_info, neighbors=neighbors).run()
                res_val = self.set_database_and_return(selector_result, new_aggregates, disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp)

                if not is_empty_dictionary(selector_result):
                    return res_val

            # try to send the NP that has the largest unsent data
            result = ContextAggregator.get_output_from_nps(self.context_database.get_aggregates(timestamp), self.context_history.get(timestamp), neighbors)
            if result:
                return result, disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates, new_aggregates

        # with all my efforts, no output found just return none
        return self.set_database_and_return(dict(), new_aggregates, disaggregated_singles, disaggregated_aggregates, primes, non_primes, selected_non_primes, timestamp)

    def dataflow_singles_mode(self, neighbors, timestamp, iteration):
        Assumption: 1. there exist input_contexts
        # 1. collect all the contexts
        input_contexts = self.get_received_data()
        db_singles = self.get_database_singles(timestamp)
        inputs_in_standard_form = self.input.get_in_standard_from()
        history = self.context_history.get(timestamp)

        # 2. union, remove the redundancies
        combined_singles = ContextAggregator.remove_same_id_singles(input_contexts.union(db_singles))

        # 3. Run the selector with proper inputs
        new_info = contexts_to_standard(combined_singles)

        selector_result = OutputSelector(inputs=inputs_in_standard_form, context_history=history, new_info=new_info, neighbors=neighbors).run()
        return self.set_database_and_return(
            result = selector_result,
            new_aggregates = None,
            singles = combined_singles,
            aggregates = set(), primes = set(), non_primes = set(), selected_non_primes = set(), timestamp = timestamp)

    def is_this_new_timestamp(self, timestamp=0):
        """Checks if this is the start of timestamp, initially context database has {} in it,
        when it has any kind of data, it implies it's not new timestamp anymore

        >>> c = ContextAggregator()
        >>> c.is_this_new_timestamp()
        >>> c.set_database(set(), set())
        >>> c.is_this_new_timestamp()

        if timestamp not in self.context_database.timestamp: return True
            return self.context_database.timestamp[timestamp] == {}

    def get_received_data(self, from_node = None):
        """Returns the received data from node_index

        >>> d = ContextAggregator()
        >>> d.receive(1, {Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[0,1,2]), Context(value=4.0, cohorts=[3], hopcount = 1)})
        >>> d.receive(2, {Context(value=2.0, cohorts=[0], hopcount=1), Context(value=4.0, cohorts=[4], hopcount = 10)})
        >>> r = d.get_received_data()
        >>> r = contexts_to_standard(r)
        >>> same(r, [[0,3,4], [0,1,2]])
        if from_node is not None:
            return self.input[from_node]

        result = set()
        for i in self.input.get_senders():
            result |= self.input[i]

        return result

    def available_input_contexts(self):
        """Returns the received data from node_index
        >>> d = ContextAggregator()
        >>> d.receive(1, {Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[0,1,2]), Context(value=4.0, cohorts=[3], hopcount = 1)})
        >>> d.receive(2, {Context(value=2.0, cohorts=[0], hopcount=1), Context(value=4.0, cohorts=[4], hopcount = 10)})
        >>> d.available_input_contexts()
        >>> d = ContextAggregator()
        >>> d.available_input_contexts()
        return len(self.get_received_data()) > 0

    # API

    def is_nothing_to_send(self):
        return is_empty_dictionary(self.output.dictionary)

    def send(self, neighbor = None, timestamp=0):

        1. update the history
        2. returns contexts in Context object

        >>> c0 = ContextAggregator(0)
        >>> r = c0.process_to_set_output(neighbors=[1], timestamp = 0)
        >>> same(r, {1: [[0], []]})
        >>> c1 = ContextAggregator(1)
        >>> r = c1.process_to_set_output(neighbors=[0], timestamp = 0)
        >>> same(r, {0: [[1], []]})
        >>> r0 = c0.send(timestamp=0)
        >>> same(contexts_to_standard(r0[1]), [[0], []])
        >>> r1 = c1.send(neighbor=0, timestamp=0)
        >>> same(contexts_to_standard(r1[0]), [[1], []])

        result = {}
        output_dictionary = self.output.dictionary
        # if neighbor is None:
        #     for o in output_dictionary:
        #         single_contexts = self.output.generate_single_contexts(o=o, single_contexts=self.get_database_singles(timestamp))
        #         aggregate_context = self.output.generate_aggregate_contexts(o=o, aggregate_contexts={self.new_aggregate} | self.get_database_aggregates(timestamp))
        #         result[o] = single_contexts | aggregate_context
        #         self.context_history.add_to_history(node_number=o, value=output_dictionary[o], timestamp=timestamp)
        # else:
        assert type(neighbor) in [int, long]
        assert neighbor in output_dictionary
        #assert self.new_aggregate is not None, "aggregate is None"

        # TODO
        # Duplication of code
        o = neighbor
        single_contexts = self.output.generate_single_contexts(o=o, single_contexts=self.get_database_singles(timestamp))
        #print self.get_database_aggregates(timestamp)

        if not self.new_aggregate:
            new_aggregate = set()
            new_aggregate = {self.new_aggregate}
        aggregate_context = self.output.generate_aggregate_contexts(o=o, aggregate_contexts= (new_aggregate  | self.get_database_aggregates(timestamp)))
        result[o] = single_contexts | aggregate_context
        self.context_history.add_to_history(node_number=o, value=output_dictionary[o], timestamp=timestamp)

        return result

    def receive(self, from_node, contexts, timestamp=0):
        1. Stores the information who sent what
        2. Increase the hopcount when the context is a single context

        >>> d = ContextAggregator()
        >>> # two contexts are received
        >>> r = d.receive(1, {Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[0,1,2]), Context(value=1.0, cohorts=[0,1,3])})
        >>> same(d.get_received_data(1), [[0,1,2],[0,1,3]])
        contexts = Context.increase_hop_count(contexts)
        self.input[from_node] = contexts

        received_info = contexts_to_standard(contexts)
        self.context_history.add_to_history(node_number=from_node, value=received_info, timestamp=timestamp)

    def process_to_set_output(self, neighbors=None, timestamp=0, iteration=0):
        """Process method is a generalized code for propagating contexts.

            * neighbors : a dictionary that maps id -> standard contexts
            * timestamp : currrent timestamp

            * output dictionary: a dictionary that maps id -> standard contexts

        1. When it is the first time of the propagation at timestamp, it samples the data
        2. When it is not the first, it invokes the run() method

        >>> a = ContextAggregator(1) # id == 1
        >>> same(a.process_to_set_output(neighbors=[10,20,30]), {10: [[1], []], 20: [[1], []], 30: [[1], []]})
        >>> same(contexts_to_standard(a.get_database_singles()), [[1],[]])
        >>> same(a.get_database_aggregates(), [])
        >>> a.get_input_dictionary() == {}
        if self.is_this_new_timestamp(timestamp):
            sampled_data, special_flag = ContextAggregator.sample(self.get_sample_data(), timestamp)
            # store the sampled data for comparison purposes
   = sampled_data

            hopcount = 0
            if special_flag:
                hopcount = Context.SPECIAL_CONTEXT
            context = Context(value=sampled_data, cohorts=[], hopcount=hopcount, timestamp=timestamp)
            self.set_database(singles={context}, aggregates=set(), timestamp=timestamp)

            # store the context in the history and process
            result = {}
            for h in neighbors:
                result[h] = [[],[]]
            # process the early return
            result = {}
            if self.available_input_contexts(): # input_contexts: # if there is no inputs
                if self.is_aggregation_mode():
                    result, combined_singles, combined_aggregates, new_aggregates = self.dataflow_aggregations_mode(neighbors, timestamp, iteration)
                    result, combined_singles, combined_aggregates, new_aggregates = self.dataflow_singles_mode(neighbors, timestamp, iteration)

        # this also reset the actual_sent_dictionary

        # WARNING! Don't forget the input is cleared after the process_to_set_output() call
        return result