Ejemplo n.º 1
	def patch(request):
		path = get_path(request)
		if path:
			document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
			full_path = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
			log.debug('add full path for %s path: %s , fullpath: %s' % (fn, path, full_path))
			return fn(request, contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path))
		return fn(request)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def uploadFolderToRemote(folder_content, virtual_path, document_root, ctx, url, name):
	for file_ in folder_content:
		file_path = os.path.join(virtual_path, file_)
		rel_path = contrib.get_relative_clean_path(file_path)
		fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, file_path)
		result = uploadContentToRemote(url, fullpath, rel_path, ctx)
		log.info("%s %s is saved: %s" % (name, file_path, result))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def saveAllLibraries(document_root, virtual_root, url, path, ctx):
	for lib in contrib.get_libraries(path, ctx):
		lib_relpath = contrib.get_lib_path_by_name(document_root, lib, ctx)
		if lib_relpath:
			lib_path = os.path.join(virtual_root, lib_relpath)
			fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, lib_path)
			result = uploadContentToRemote(url, fullpath, lib_relpath, ctx)
			log.info("library %s is saved: %s" % (lib_relpath, result))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def saveToolsAllScripts(url, document_root, virtual_root, ctx):
	tools_dirs = contrib.get_context_tools_folders(ctx)
	for tools_dir in tools_dirs:
		log.info('save tools folder: %s' % tools_dir)
		virtual_path = os.path.join(virtual_root, tools_dir)
		tools_dir_fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, virtual_path)
		files = contrib.enum_files_in_folders(tools_dir_fullpath)
		uploadFolderToRemote(files, virtual_path, document_root, ctx, url, 'tools script')
Ejemplo n.º 5
def show_context(request, path):
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
	log.debug('show context of %s (%s %s)' % (fullpath, document_root, path))

	result = ""

	sections = config.sections(context.get(fullpath).inifile)
	for section_name in sections:
		ctx = context.get(fullpath, section=section_name)
		context_ini = context.render_ini(path, ctx, request.get_host(), section_name)
		result += context_ini

	return HttpResponse(result)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def search_view_ext(request, path=None, search_pattern=None, as_json=False, global_search=True):
	path = request.GET.get('path', path)
	search_pattern = request.GET.get('search_pattern',search_pattern)
	as_json = request.GET.get('as_json', as_json)
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	if global_search:
		path = contrib.get_virtual_root(path)
		full_path = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
		print path, full_path, document_root
	folders = [ full_path ]
	if os.path.isfile(full_path):
		folders = [ os.path.dirname(full_path) ]
		path = os.path.dirname( path )
	return search_view(request, folders, path, search_pattern, as_json)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def serve(request, path, show_indexes=False):
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
	log.debug('show index of %s(%s %s)' % (fullpath, document_root, path))
	if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
		if 'history' in request.REQUEST:
			import reporting
			context = request.REQUEST.get('context')
			date = request.REQUEST.get('history', None)
			asxml = request.REQUEST.get('xml', None)
			asjson = request.REQUEST.get('json', None)
			if not date:
				results = reporting.getSuiteHistoryResults(path, context)
				return  _render_to_response('history_list.html', locals())

			if asxml:
				tests_list = reporting.getResultsAsXml(path, context, date, request)
				return HttpResponse(tests_list)

			tests_list = reporting.getResults(path, context, date)

			if asjson:
				url = reporting.getTestResultsUrl(path, context, date, request)
				result = { 'url': url, 'data': tests_list }
				return HttpResponse(json.dumps(result))

			return _render_to_response('history.html', locals())

		if request.path and request.path[-1:] != '/':
			return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path + '/')
		if show_indexes:
			template = load_index_template()
			descriptor = get_dir_index(document_root, path, fullpath)
			return HttpResponse(template.render(descriptor))

	if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
		if 'editor' in request.REQUEST:
			#open(fullpath, 'w').close() # creating file if not exists by editor opening it first time
			raise Http404('"%s" does not exist' % fullpath)

	if 'editor' in request.REQUEST:
		descriptor = get_file_content_to_edit(path, fullpath, is_stubbed(path, request))
		stub(path, request)
		return _render_to_response('editor.html', descriptor, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

	return get_file_content(fullpath)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def breadcrumbs(path):
	>>> breadcrumbs('')
	>>> breadcrumbs('/')
	>>> breadcrumbs('/path1/')
	'<a href="/">&#8226;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a>path1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="//"><img height="11" src="/static/img/up.png" /></a>'
	path = path.replace('\\','/')
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
	type = dir_index_tools.get_type(fullpath)
	if document_root and document_root != '/':
		html = '<a href="/">&#8226;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;'
		root = '/'
		lastpath = root
		i = 0
		crumbs = path.rstrip('/').split('/')
		for p in crumbs:
			i += 1
			if p:
				lastpath += p 
				lastpath += '/'
				if i < len(crumbs):
					html += '<a href="%s">%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&#8227;&nbsp;&nbsp;' % ( lastpath, p )
					html += '<a>%s</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;' % ( p )
		if type != 'test':
			html += '<a href="%s%s"><img height="11" src="/static/img/up.png" /></a>' % (root, above(path))
		html = ''
	return mark_safe(html)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def serve(request, path, show_indexes=False):
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	fullpath = contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path)
	log.debug('show index of %s(%s %s)' % (fullpath, document_root, path))
	if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
		if request.path and request.path[-1:] != '/':
			return HttpResponseRedirect(request.path + '/')
		if show_indexes:
			template = load_index_template()
			descriptor = get_dir_index(document_root, path, fullpath)
			return HttpResponse(template.render(descriptor))

	if not os.path.exists(fullpath):
		if 'editor' in request.REQUEST:
			open(fullpath, 'w').close() # creating file if not exists by editor opening it first time
			raise Http404('"%s" does not exist' % fullpath)

	if 'editor' in request.REQUEST:
		descriptor = get_file_content_to_edit(path, fullpath, is_stubbed(path, request))
		stub(path, request)
		return _render_to_response('editor.html', descriptor, context_instance=RequestContext(request))

	return get_file_content(fullpath)
Ejemplo n.º 10
	def get_descriptor(title):
		fullpath = os.path.join(path, title)
		return { 'title': title, 'type': tools.get_type(contrib.get_full_path(document_root, fullpath)) }
Ejemplo n.º 11
def saveSuiteAllTests(url, path, ctx):
	document_root = contrib.get_document_root(path)
	tests = contrib.enum_suite_tests( contrib.get_full_path(document_root, path) )
	log.info('save suite tests for: %s' % path)
	uploadFolderToRemote(tests, path, document_root, ctx, url, 'test')