Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_iosys_print(self):
        # Send the output to /dev/null
        import os
        f = open(os.devnull,"w")

        # Simple I/O system
        iosys = ct.ss2io(self.siso_linsys)
        print(iosys, file=f)

        # I/O system without ninputs, noutputs
        ios_unspecified = ios.NonlinearIOSystem(secord_update, secord_output)
        print(ios_unspecified, file=f)

        # I/O system with derived inputs and outputs
        ios_linearized = ios.linearize(ios_unspecified, [0, 0], [0])
        print(ios_linearized, file=f)

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_params(self):
        # Start with the default set of parameters
        ios_secord_default = ios.NonlinearIOSystem(
            secord_update, secord_output, inputs=1, outputs=1, states=2)
        lin_secord_default = ios.linearize(ios_secord_default, [0, 0], [0])
        w_default, v_default = np.linalg.eig(lin_secord_default.A)

        # New copy, with modified parameters
        ios_secord_update = ios.NonlinearIOSystem(
            secord_update, secord_output, inputs=1, outputs=1, states=2,
            params={'omega0':2, 'zeta':0})

        # Make sure the default parameters haven't changed
        lin_secord_check = ios.linearize(ios_secord_default, [0, 0], [0])
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_secord_check.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sort(w), np.sort(w_default))

        # Make sure updated system parameters got set correctly
        lin_secord_update = ios.linearize(ios_secord_update, [0, 0], [0])
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_secord_update.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sort(w), np.sort([2j, -2j]))

        # Change the parameters of the default sys just for the linearization
        lin_secord_local = ios.linearize(ios_secord_default, [0, 0], [0],
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_secord_local.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sort(w), np.sort([1j, -1j]))

        # Change the parameters of the updated sys just for the linearization
        lin_secord_local = ios.linearize(ios_secord_update, [0, 0], [0],
                                          params={'zeta':0, 'omega0':3})
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_secord_local.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.sort(w), np.sort([3j, -3j]))

        # Make sure that changes propagate through interconnections
        ios_series_default_local = ios_secord_default * ios_secord_update
        lin_series_default_local = ios.linearize(
            ios_series_default_local, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0])
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_series_default_local.A)
            np.sort(w), np.sort(np.concatenate((w_default, [2j, -2j]))))

        # Show that we can change the parameters at linearization
        lin_series_override = ios.linearize(
            ios_series_default_local, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0],
            params={'zeta':0, 'omega0':4})
        w, v = np.linalg.eig(lin_series_override.A)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(w, [4j, -4j, 4j, -4j])

        # Check for warning if we try to set params for LinearIOSystem
        linsys = self.siso_linsys
        iosys = ios.LinearIOSystem(linsys)
        T, U, X0 = self.T, self.U, self.X0
        lti_t, lti_y, lti_x = ct.forced_response(linsys, T, U, X0)
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warnval:
            # Turn off deprecation warnings
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

            # Trigger a warning
            ios_t, ios_y = ios.input_output_response(
                iosys, T, U, X0, params={'something':0})

            # Verify that we got a warning
            self.assertEqual(len(warnval), 1)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(warnval[-1].category, UserWarning))
            self.assertTrue("LinearIOSystem" in str(warnval[-1].message))
            self.assertTrue("ignored" in str(warnval[-1].message))

        # Check to make sure results are OK
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lti_t, ios_t)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(lti_y, ios_y, decimal=3)