Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testLists(self):
        """Make sure that lists of various lengths work for operations"""
        sys1 = ctrl.tf([1, 1], [1, 2])
        sys2 = ctrl.tf([1, 3], [1, 4])
        sys3 = ctrl.tf([1, 5], [1, 6])
        sys4 = ctrl.tf([1, 7], [1, 8])
        sys5 = ctrl.tf([1, 9], [1, 0])

        # Series
        sys1_2 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(zero(sys1_2)), [-3., -1.])
        sys1_3 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_4 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-7., -5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_5 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             [-9., -7., -5., -3., -1.])

        # Parallel 
        sys1_2 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2)))
        sys1_3 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + sys3)))
        sys1_4 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4)))

        sys1_5 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4 + sys5)))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testLists(self):
        """Make sure that lists of various lengths work for operations"""
        sys1 = ctrl.tf([1, 1], [1, 2])
        sys2 = ctrl.tf([1, 3], [1, 4])
        sys3 = ctrl.tf([1, 5], [1, 6])
        sys4 = ctrl.tf([1, 7], [1, 8])
        sys5 = ctrl.tf([1, 9], [1, 0])

        # Series
        sys1_2 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(zero(sys1_2)), [-3., -1.])
        sys1_3 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_4 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             [-7., -5., -3., -1.])
        sys1_5 = ctrl.series(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             [-9., -7., -5., -3., -1.])

        # Parallel 
        sys1_2 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sort(pole(sys1_2)), [-4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2)))
        sys1_3 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3);
                                             [-6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + sys3)))
        sys1_4 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4)))

        sys1_5 = ctrl.parallel(sys1, sys2, sys3, sys4, sys5);
                                             [-8., -6., -4., -2., -0.])
                                             sort(zero(sys1 + sys2 + 
                                                       sys3 + sys4 + sys5)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def Controlador(X):

    #Atribuição dos paramentros Kp, Ki e Kd
    Kp = Kpi + X[0] / 100
    Ki = Kii + X[1] / 100
    Kd = Kdi + X[2] / 100

    #Função Transferência dos termos do controlador
    P = Kp
    I = tf(Ki, [1, 0])
    D = tf([Kd, 0], [0.1 * Kd, 1])
    #União dos blocos PID
    C = parallel(P, I, D)

    # Função Transferência com o Controlador
    F = series(C, G)

    # Penalidade para o valor do sinal de Entrada na planta
    # ou seja penalidade para o sinal de Controle alto
    tc = feedback(C, G)
    _, yc = step_response(tc, time)
    if max(yc) > maxcontrolador:
        #SE1 = np.square(np.subtract(1,yc))
        ISE = tdiv + max(yc)
        # Realizando a Integral do erro quadrado
        t1 = feedback(F, 1)
        _, y1 = step_response(t1, time)
        SE = np.square(np.subtract(1, y1))
        ISE = np.sum(SE)

    return (ISE)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def classic():
    # PI controller
    Kp = 1.5
    Ki = 30.
    P = tf([Kp], [1])
    I = tf([Ki], [1, 0])
    Gc = parallel(P, I)
    # Power convertor
    Gpc = synthesize_2pole_filter(50, 0.707)
    # Plant
    Gp = tf([50], [1, 0])
    # Sensor
    # если выбросить из петли становится лучше
    # "remove sensor lag"
    Gs = synthesize_1pole_filter(20)
    # Openloop
    Gol = series(series(Gc, Gpc), Gp)
    # Closed loop
    Gcl = feedback(Gol)
    ts, xs = step_response( Gcl )
    plot(ts, xs)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def instantiate(self, specs=None):

        # Sobrepor a anterior:
        if specs is not None:
            self.specs = specs

        self.Kc = insert(1, self.specs, 'Kc')
        self.Ti = insert(np.inf, self.specs, 'Ti')
        self.Td = insert(0, self.specs, 'Td')

        self.b = insert(1.0, self.specs, 'b')
        self.c = insert(1.0, self.specs, 'c')
        self.N = insert(9.0, self.specs, 'N')

        num_p = self.Kc * self.b
        den_p = 1
        Cp = ctrl.tf(num_p, den_p)

        if (self.Ti != np.inf):
            num_i = self.Kc
            den_i = [self.Ti, 0]
            Ci = ctrl.tf(num_i, den_i)

        if (self.Td != 0):
            num_d = [self.Kc * self.Td * self.c, 0]
            den_d = [(self.Td / self.N), 0]
            Cd = ctrl.tf(num_d, den_d)

        self.tf = ctrl.parallel(Cp, Ci if 'Ci' in locals() else 0,
                                Cd if 'Cd' in locals() else 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def tr2(numG, denG, numH, denH):
    G = control.tf(numG, denG)
    H = control.tf(numH, denH)
    k = control.parallel(G, H)
    s1 = "("
    s2 = "("
    s = str(k)
    s = s.split('\n')
    s[1] = s[1].strip()
    s[3] = s[3].strip()
    s1 = s1 + s[1] + ')'
    s2 = s2 + s[3] + ')'
    t1, y1 = control.step_response(k)
    plt.plot(t1, y1, 'b', linewidth=1, label='G(s)')
    plt.title('Time response of Parallel Operation\n' + (s1) + '/' + (s2))
    if not os.path.isdir('static'):
        # Remove old plot files
        for filename in glob.glob(
                os.path.join('static', 'SeriesParallel', 'sp2.png')):

    sp2 = os.path.join('static', 'SeriesParallel', 'sp2.png')
    return sp2
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_bdalg_functions(self):
        """Test block diagram functions algebra on I/O systems"""
        # Set up parameters for simulation
        T = self.T
        U = [np.sin(T), np.cos(T)]
        X0 = 0

        # Set up systems to be composed
        linsys1 = self.mimo_linsys1
        linio1 = ios.LinearIOSystem(linsys1)
        linsys2 = self.mimo_linsys2
        linio2 = ios.LinearIOSystem(linsys2)

        # Series interconnection
        linsys_series = ct.series(linsys1, linsys2)
        iosys_series = ct.series(linio1, linio2)
        lin_t, lin_y, lin_x = ct.forced_response(linsys_series, T, U, X0)
        ios_t, ios_y = ios.input_output_response(iosys_series, T, U, X0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ios_y, lin_y, decimal=3)

        # Make sure that systems don't commute
        linsys_series = ct.series(linsys2, linsys1)
        lin_t, lin_y, lin_x = ct.forced_response(linsys_series, T, U, X0)
        self.assertFalse((np.abs(lin_y - ios_y) < 1e-3).all())

        # Parallel interconnection
        linsys_parallel = ct.parallel(linsys1, linsys2)
        iosys_parallel = ct.parallel(linio1, linio2)
        lin_t, lin_y, lin_x = ct.forced_response(linsys_parallel, T, U, X0)
        ios_t, ios_y = ios.input_output_response(iosys_parallel, T, U, X0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ios_y, lin_y, decimal=3)

        # Negation
        linsys_negate = ct.negate(linsys1)
        iosys_negate = ct.negate(linio1)
        lin_t, lin_y, lin_x = ct.forced_response(linsys_negate, T, U, X0)
        ios_t, ios_y = ios.input_output_response(iosys_negate, T, U, X0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ios_y, lin_y, decimal=3)

        # Feedback interconnection
        linsys_feedback = ct.feedback(linsys1, linsys2)
        iosys_feedback = ct.feedback(linio1, linio2)
        lin_t, lin_y, lin_x = ct.forced_response(linsys_feedback, T, U, X0)
        ios_t, ios_y = ios.input_output_response(iosys_feedback, T, U, X0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(ios_y, lin_y, decimal=3)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def pid_controller(K_kr, T_kr):
    num = [10]
    den = [10, 25, 11, 2]
    G = ctl.tf(num, den)
    K_P = 0.6 * K_kr
    K_I = 1.2 * K_kr / T_kr
    K_D = 0.072 * K_kr * T_kr
    K_PID = ctl.parallel(ctl.tf([K_I], [1, 0]), ctl.tf([K_D, 0], [1]), K_P)
    G_0 = ctl.series(K_PID, G)
    return ctl.feedback(G_0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def get_TrFunc_pid_regulator(self):
        definition for calculating transmission function of complex PID regulator type
        :return: transmission function

        w1 = tf([0, self.k], [0, 1])
        w2 = tf([self.Td, 0], [0, 1])
        w3 = tf([0, 1], [self.Tu, 0])
        w = parallel(w1, w2, w3)

        return w
Ejemplo n.º 10
def f(X):

    sis = tf([2], [4, 1])  #tf do sistema 2/(4s + 1)

    sisp = tf([X[0]], [1])  # tf do controlador proporcional Kp
    sisi = tf([X[0] * X[1]], [1, 0])  # tf do controlador integral Kp*Ki/s
    sisd = tf([X[0] * X[2], 0], [1])  # tf do controlador diferencial Kd*s

    sis2 = crt.parallel(sisp, sisi, sisd)  # tf do PID
    sis3 = crt.series(sis, sis2)  # tf do sistema em série com o PID

    mf = feedback(sis3, 1)  # malha fechada do sistema

    time = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)  # tempo de simulação
    _, y1 = step_response(mf,
                          time)  # resposta do sistema em malha fechada com PID

    erro = sum(abs(np.array((y1 - 1) * time)))  # integral do erro

    return erro
Ejemplo n.º 11
def parallelize():
        Generates a system of transfer functions for
        a parallel block combination

    # Create arrays for G(s)
    numerator_g = np.array([1])
    denominator_g = np.array([500, 0, 0])

    # Create arrays for G(c)
    numerator_h = np.array([1, 1])
    denominator_h = np.array([1, 2])

    # Get transfer functions
    sys_g = ct.tf(numerator_g, denominator_g)
    sys_h = ct.tf(numerator_h, denominator_h)
    sys_tranfer_func = ct.parallel(sys_g, sys_h)

    td.ouput('Parallel TF',
             keys=['G(s)', 'G(c)', 'sys tf'],
             values=[sys_g, sys_h, sys_tranfer_func])
Ejemplo n.º 12
import control as co

s = co.tf('s')
g1 = 1 / ((s + 1) * (s - 1))
g2 = 1 / (s + 2)
g3 = (0.5 * s) / (3 * s**2 + 5 * s + 1)

g12 = co.parallel(g1, g2)
g123 = co.feedback(g12, g3, -1)
g = co.series(g123, g3)
gtot = co.series(co.feedback(co.parallel(g1, g2), g3, -1), g3)
print(g, gtot)
P = ctrl.tf([1],[1,2,0])

# Modelo del primer Controlador
#Kp = 2; Kd = 3; Ki = 0.000000001; pd = 1
#integ = ctrl.tf ([Ki],[1,0])
#deriv = ctrl.tf ([Kd, Kp], [1,pd])
#C = ctrl.parallel (integ, deriv)

# Modelo del Controlador
Kp = 4; Kd = 2; Ki = .1
integ = ctrl.tf ([Ki],[1,0])
deriv = ctrl.tf ([Kd, 0], [0.1,1])
prop  = Kp

# Interconección del controlador
C = ctrl.parallel (deriv + prop, integ)

#derivPuro = ctrl.tf ([Kd, Kp], [0,1])

# Serie del Controlador y la Planta
l = ctrl.series (C,P)
# Realimentación Unitaria
sys = ctrl.feedback(l,1)

# Respuesta al escalón unitario
y,t = ctrl.matlab.step(sys, T = np.arange(0, Ttotal, DT) )

# Gráfica del escalón unitario
Ejemplo n.º 14
# Import the required packages
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import control
from collections import namedtuple

# Define the parameters
r = 2
k = 1

# Generate the transfer functions for spring and damper
sys_spring = control.TransferFunction([k], [1])
sys_damper = control.TransferFunction([r, 0], [1])

# Combine these appropriately
voigt = 1 / (control.parallel(sys_spring, sys_damper))
serial = 1 / (control.series(sys_spring, sys_damper))
voigt_serial = control.series(voigt, voigt)

# Display the transfer functions

# Give the output simple names, and specify the time axis
Response = namedtuple('Response', ['t', 'x'])
t_out = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)

# Simulate a step response of these three systems
r_voigt = Response(*control.step_response(voigt, t_out))
r_serial = Response(*control.step_response(serial, t_out))
Ejemplo n.º 15
actuator = tf2ss(tf([20.2], [1, 20.2]))
k_alpha = -0.5
k_q = -0.25
k_i = 1.5
k_p = 0.5
lp_filter = tf2ss(tf([[[k_alpha * 10], [0]]], [[[1, 10], [1]]]))
ol_airplane = series(actuator, aircraft)
sys = feedback(ol_airplane, lp_filter)
q_sys = tf2ss(tf([[[0], [k_q]]], [[[1], [1]]]))
sas = feedback(sys, q_sys)

prop = tf2ss(tf([k_p / k_i], [1]))
integral = tf2ss(tf([1], [1, 0]))
ff = series(parallel(prop, integral), tf2ss(tf([k_i], [1])))

ol = series(ff, sas)
cas = feedback(ol, tf([[[1], [0]]], [[[1], [1]]]))

t_final = 6
dt = 0.01
t = array([0, 0.99, 1, 20])
u = array([0, 0, 1, 1])
t_out = linspace(0, t_final, int(t_final / dt + 1))
u_t = interp(t_out, t, u)

t, y, x = forced_response(sas, t_out, u_t)

plt.plot(t, y[0, :])
Ejemplo n.º 16

convergence = model.report
solution = model.output_dict

bKp = Kpi + solution['variable'][0] / 100
bKi = Kii + solution['variable'][1] / 100
bKd = Kdi + solution['variable'][2] / 100
bP = bKp
bI = tf(bKi, [1, 0])
bD = tf([bKd, 0], [0.1 * bKd, 1])
#União dos blocos PID
bC = parallel(bP, bI, bD)

# Função Transferência com o Controlador
bF = series(bC, G)
bt = feedback(bF, 1)
_, by = step_response(bt, time)

btc = feedback(bC, G)
_, bc = step_response(btc, time)

ts = feedback(G, 1)
_, ys = step_response(ts, time)

plt.axhline(y=1, color='r', linestyle='--', label='Entrada')
plt.plot(time, by, label='Sistema Controlado')
Ejemplo n.º 17

# Compute out the gain and phase margins
gm, pm, wcg, wcp = ct.margin(Li)

# Compute the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity functions
Si = ct.feedback(1, Li)
Ti = Li * Si

# Check to make sure that the specification is met
ct.gangof4(Pi, Ci)

# Compute out the actual transfer function from u1 to v1 (see L8.2 notes)
# Hi = Ci*(1-m*g*Pi)/(1+Ci*Pi)
Hi = ct.parallel(ct.feedback(Ci, Pi), -m * g * ct.feedback(Ci * Pi, 1))


# Now design the lateral control system
a, b, K = 0.02, 5, 2
Co = -K * ct.tf([1, 0.3], [1, 10])  # another lead compensator
Lo = -m * g * Po * Co

ct.bode_plot(Lo)  # margin(Lo)

# Finally compute the real outer-loop loop gain + responses
Ejemplo n.º 18
# A simple integrator transfer function with a discrete time step of 1.0 could be implemented as:

from scipy import signal
import control

tf = ([
], [1.0, -1.0], 1.0)
t_in = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
u = np.asarray([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])
t_out, y = signal.dlsim(tf, u, t=t_in)

print "tf: "
print tf

#num = [[[1., 2.], [3., 4.]], [[5., 6.], [7., 8.]]]
#den = [[[9., 8., 7.], [6., 5., 4.]], [[3., 2., 1.], [-1., -2., -3.]]]

num = [1]
den = [1, 1]
sys1 = control.tf(num, den)

print "tf in series with tf: "
print control.series(sys1, sys1)

print "tf in parallel with tf: "
print control.parallel(sys1, sys1)

print "tf in feedback with tf: "
print control.feedback(sys1, sys1)
Ejemplo n.º 19
X = model.best_variable
erro = model.best_function

print(f'Kp = {X[0]}')
print(f'Ki = {X[1]}')
print(f'Kd = {X[2]}')
print(f'erro = {erro}')

sis = tf([2], [4, 1])  #tf do sistema 2/(4s + 1)

sisp = tf([X[0]], [1])  # tf do controlador proporcional Kp
sisi = tf([X[0] * X[1]], [1, 0])  # tf do controlador integral Kp*Ki/s
sisd = tf([X[0] * X[2], 0], [1])  # tf do controlador diferencial Kd*s

sis2 = crt.parallel(sisp, sisi, sisd)  # tf do PID
sis3 = crt.series(sis, sis2)  # tf do sistema em série com o PID

mf = feedback(sis3, 1)  # malha fechada do sistema
mf_sem_PID = feedback(sis, 1)  # malha fechada do sistema sem PID

time = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)  # tempo de simulação
_, y1 = step_response(mf, time)  # resposta do sistema em malha fechada com PID
_, y2 = step_response(mf_sem_PID,
                      time)  # resposta do sistema em malha fechada sem PID
_, y3 = step_response(sis, time)  # resposta do sistema em malha aberta

plt.plot(time, y1, label='$y_1(t)$')
plt.ylim([-0.1, 3])
plt.xlim([0, 20])
Ejemplo n.º 20
import control as co

s = co.tf('s')
g1 = 1 / ((s + 1) * (s - 1))
g2 = 1 / (s + 2)
g3 = (0.5 * s) / (3 * s ** 2 + 5 * s + 1)

g12 = co.parallel(g1, g2)
g123 = co.feedback(g12, g3, 1)
gtot = co.series(g123, g3)
Ejemplo n.º 21
import control as co
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

s = co.tf('s')

a = 1 / (s - 3)
b = (s + 2) / (s - 2)
c = (s + 3) / (s + 4)
e = 1 / (s * ((s**2) + 1))

acp = co.parallel(c, a)
bap = co.parallel(b, a)
acbas = co.series(acp, bap)
acbaef = co.feedback(acbas, e, +1)


g_poles = co.pole(acbaef)
print("G poles")
for elem in g_poles:
    print(f'{elem: .2f}')

g_zeros = co.zero(acbaef)
print("G zeros")
for elem in g_zeros:
    print(f'{elem: .2f}')

g1_map = co.pzmap(acbaef, plot=True)

t = np.linspace(0, 25, 100)
Ejemplo n.º 22
import control as co
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

s = co.tf('s')
g1 = (s + 2) / (5 * s**3 + 7 * s - 3)
g2 = 1 / ((s**2 - 3 * s + 4) * (s + 8))

g12s = co.series(g1, g2)
g12p = co.parallel(g1, g2)
g12f = co.feedback(g1, g2, -1)
print(g12s, g12p, g12f)

# G1(s)
g1_poles = co.pole(g1)
print("g1 poles")
for elem in g1_poles:
    print(f'{elem: .2f}')

g1_zeros = co.zero(g1)
print("g1 zero")
for elem in g1_zeros:
    print(f'{elem: .2f}')

# G2(s)
g2_poles = co.pole(g2)
print("g2 poles")
for elem in g2_poles:
    print(f'{elem: .2f}')

g2_zeros = co.zero(g2)
print("g2 zero")