Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_sent_attr_stats(sent_attrs, history, prediction):
    Update the sent_attrs dict with the attributes of a prediction with given history.

      sent_attrs: dictionary mapping each attr (a string) to a list of floats
        (the scores).
      history: a ConvAI2History
      prediction: string. the response text for which we measure sent attributes
    for attr in sent_attrs.keys():
        attr_score = eval_attr(prediction, history, attr)
    return sent_attrs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_dataset(opt):

    # Initialize control information so we can compute sentence attributes.
    # Here we set build_task=False so we don't download data/controllable_dialogue
    # (because we're trying to create it instead).
    initialize_control_information(opt, build_task=False)

    # Create repeat label agent and assign it to the specified task
    agent = RepeatLabelAgent(opt)
    world = create_task(opt, agent)
    ignorefields = opt.get('ignore_fields', '')
    outfile = opt['outfile']

    # Number of examples to process
    if opt['num_examples'] == -1:
        num_examples = world.num_examples()
        num_examples = opt['num_examples']

    # List of controls to include:
    controls = opt['controls'].split(',') if opt['controls'] != '' else []

    print('[ starting to convert.. ]')
    print('[ saving output to {} ]'.format(outfile))
    fw = open(outfile, 'w')
    log_timer = TimeLogger()

    for _ in range(num_examples):
        world.acts[0]['labels'] = world.acts[0].get(
            'labels', world.acts[0].pop('eval_labels', None))

        # Need to get history in order to compute control values
        hist = ConvAI2History(world.acts[0]['text'], assume_persontokens=False)
        response = world.acts[0]['labels'][0]

        # Compute control values
        for ctrl in controls:
            ctrl_val = eval_attr(response, hist, ctrl)
            if ctrl == 'avg_nidf':
                assert ctrl_val >= 0
                assert ctrl_val <= 1
            elif ctrl == 'question':
                assert ctrl_val in [0, 1]
            elif ctrl == 'lastuttsim':
                if ctrl_val is not None:
                    assert ctrl_val >= -1
                    assert ctrl_val <= 1
                raise Exception('unexpected ctrl name: %s' % ctrl)
            world.acts[0][ctrl] = ctrl_val  # add control value to act

        # Write to file
        txt = msg_to_str(world.acts[0], ignore_fields=ignorefields)
        fw.write(txt + '\n')
        if world.acts[0].get('episode_done', False):

        if log_timer.time() > opt['log_every_n_secs']:
            text, _log = log_timer.log(world.total_parleys,

        if world.epoch_done():
            print('EPOCH DONE')