def run(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, group_feature_sizes, pooled=True):
    start = time.time()

    if pooled:
        problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)
        init_regularizations = [1,1]
        # Note: this is really slow
        init_regularizations = np.ones(len(group_feature_sizes) + 1)
        problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapper(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)

    def get_validation_cost(regularization):
        if np.any(regularization < 0):
            return 10000

        betas = problem_wrapper.solve(regularization)

        validation_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, betas)
        return validation_cost

    res = minimize(get_validation_cost, (init_regularizations), method='nelder-mead')

    runtime = time.time() - start

    best_beta = problem_wrapper.solve(res.x)

    return best_beta, runtime
def run(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, group_feature_sizes):
    infty_norm = 0
    start_feature = 0
    for group_feature_size in group_feature_sizes:
        infty_norm = max(infty_norm, np.linalg.norm(X_train[:, start_feature : start_feature + group_feature_size].T * y_train, 2))
        start_feature += group_feature_size

    num_lambdas = 10
    max_power = np.log(infty_norm)
    min_power = np.log(LAMBDA_MIN_FACTOR * max_power)
    lambda_guesses = np.power(np.e, np.arange(min_power, max_power, (max_power - min_power - 0.01) / (num_lambdas - 1)))
    print "gridsearch: lambda_guesses", lambda_guesses

    problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)

    best_cost = 1e5
    best_betas = []
    best_regularization = [lambda_guesses[0], lambda_guesses[0]]

    for l1 in lambda_guesses:
        for l2 in lambda_guesses:
            betas = problem_wrapper.solve([l1, l2], high_accur=False)
            current_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, betas)
            if best_cost > current_cost:
                best_cost = current_cost
                best_betas = betas
                best_regularization = [l1, l2]
                print "best_cost so far", best_cost, "best_regularization", best_regularization

    print "gridsearch: best_validation_error", best_cost
    print "gridsearch: best lambdas:", best_regularization

    return best_betas, best_cost
def run(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, group_feature_sizes):
    infty_norm = 0
    start_feature = 0
    for group_feature_size in group_feature_sizes:
        infty_norm = max(infty_norm, np.linalg.norm(X_train[:, start_feature : start_feature + group_feature_size].T * y_train, 2))
        start_feature += group_feature_size

    num_lambdas = 10
    max_power = np.log(infty_norm)
    min_power = np.log(LAMBDA_MIN_FACTOR * max_power)
    lambda_guesses = np.power(np.e, np.arange(min_power, max_power, (max_power - min_power - 0.01) / (num_lambdas - 1)))
    print "gridsearch: lambda_guesses", lambda_guesses

    problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)

    best_cost = 1e5
    best_betas = []
    best_regularization = [lambda_guesses[0], lambda_guesses[0]]

    for l1 in lambda_guesses:
        for l2 in lambda_guesses:
            betas = problem_wrapper.solve([l1, l2], high_accur=False)
            current_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, betas)
            if best_cost > current_cost:
                best_cost = current_cost
                best_betas = betas
                best_regularization = [l1, l2]
                print "best_cost so far", best_cost, "best_regularization", best_regularization

    print "gridsearch: best_validation_error", best_cost
    print "gridsearch: best lambdas:", best_regularization

    return best_betas, best_cost
class SGL_Nelder_Mead_Simple(Nelder_Mead_Algo):
    method_label = "SGL_Nelder_Mead_simple"
    MAX_COST = 100000

    def _create_problem_wrapper(self):
        self.problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(

    def get_validation_cost(self, lambdas):
        # if any are not positive, then just return max value
        for l in lambdas:
            if l <= 0:
                return self.MAX_COST

        model_params = self.problem_wrapper.solve(lambdas, quick_run=True)
        validation_cost = testerror_grouped(
        self.log("validation_cost %f" % validation_cost)
        return validation_cost
Ejemplo n.º 5
class SGL_Nelder_Mead_Simple(Nelder_Mead_Algo):
    method_label = "SGL_Nelder_Mead_simple"
    MAX_COST = 100000

    def _create_problem_wrapper(self):
        self.problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(

    def get_validation_cost(self, lambdas):
        # if any are not positive, then just return max value
        for l in lambdas:
            if l <= 0:
                return self.MAX_COST

        model_params = self.problem_wrapper.solve(lambdas, quick_run=True)
        validation_cost = testerror_grouped(,
                                  , model_params)
        self.log("validation_cost %f" % validation_cost)
        return validation_cost
 def _create_problem_wrapper(self):
     self.problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(,,
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _create_problem_wrapper(self):
     self.problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(,,
def run_nesterov(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, group_feature_sizes, initial_lambda1=DEFAULT_LAMBDA):
    def _get_accelerated_lambdas(curr_lambdas, prev_lambdas, iter_num):
        return np.maximum(
            curr_lambdas + (iter_num - 2) / (iter_num + 1.0) * (curr_lambdas - prev_lambdas),
            np.minimum(curr_lambdas, MIN_LAMBDA)

    method_label = "HillclimbGroupedLasso Nesterov"

    curr_regularizations = np.array([initial_lambda1] * 2)
    acc_regularizations = curr_regularizations
    problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)
    betas = problem_wrapper.solve(acc_regularizations)
    best_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, betas)

    # track progression
    cost_path = [best_cost]

    method_step_size = STEP_SIZE
    lambda_derivatives = _get_lambda_derivatives(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, betas, acc_regularizations)
    prev_regularizations = curr_regularizations

    # Perform Nesterov with adaptive restarts
    i_max = 3
    i_total = 0
    while i_max > 2 and i_total < NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS:
        print "restart! with i_max", i_max

        # curr_regularizations = acc_regularizations

        potential_cost = best_cost * 10
        while potential_cost > best_cost and method_step_size > MIN_METHOD_STEP:
            pot_regularizations = _get_updated_lambdas(acc_regularizations, method_step_size, lambda_derivatives, use_boundary=True)
            pot_betas = problem_wrapper.solve(pot_regularizations)
            potential_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, pot_betas)
            if potential_cost > best_cost:
                method_step_size *= SHRINK_SHRINK

        if potential_cost > best_cost and method_step_size <= MIN_SHRINK:

        print "Nesterov: found good step size", method_step_size

        for i in range(2, NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS + 1):
            i_max = i
            i_total += 1

            if i != 2:
                lambda_derivatives = _get_lambda_derivatives(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, betas, acc_regularizations)
                if np.array_equal(lambda_derivatives, np.array([0] * lambda_derivatives.size)):
                    print method_label, "derivatives zero. break."

            curr_regularizations = _get_updated_lambdas(acc_regularizations, method_step_size, lambda_derivatives, use_boundary=True)
            pot_acc_regularizations = _get_accelerated_lambdas(curr_regularizations, prev_regularizations, i)
            prev_regularizations = curr_regularizations

            potential_betas = problem_wrapper.solve(pot_acc_regularizations)
            current_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, potential_betas)
            is_decreasing_significantly = best_cost - current_cost > DECREASING_ENOUGH_THRESHOLD
            if current_cost < best_cost:
                best_cost = current_cost
                betas = potential_betas
                acc_regularizations = pot_acc_regularizations

            if not is_decreasing_significantly:
                if best_cost < current_cost:
                    print method_label, "Cost going up!", best_cost - current_cost
                    print method_label, "decreasing too slow", best_cost - current_cost

            print method_label, "iter", i, "current cost", best_cost, "lambdas:", acc_regularizations

    print method_label, "best cost", best_cost, "best lambdas:", acc_regularizations

    return betas, cost_path
def run(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, group_feature_sizes, initial_lambda1=DEFAULT_LAMBDA):
    method_step_size = STEP_SIZE
    method_label = HC_GROUPED_LASSO_LABEL

    curr_regularizations = np.array([initial_lambda1] * 2)
    problem_wrapper = GroupedLassoProblemWrapperSimple(X_train, y_train, group_feature_sizes)
    betas = problem_wrapper.solve(curr_regularizations)
    best_beta = betas
    best_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, betas)

    print "first regularization", curr_regularizations, "first cost", best_cost

    # track progression
    cost_path = [best_cost]

    shrink_factor = 1
    for i in range(0, NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS):
        lambda_derivatives = _get_lambda_derivatives(X_train, y_train, X_validate, y_validate, betas, curr_regularizations)

        # do the gradient descent!
        pot_lambdas = _get_updated_lambdas(curr_regularizations, shrink_factor * method_step_size, lambda_derivatives)

        # get corresponding beta
        pot_betas = problem_wrapper.solve(pot_lambdas)

            pot_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, pot_betas)
        except ValueError as e:
            print "value error", e
            pot_cost = 1e10

        while pot_cost > best_cost - BACKTRACK_ALPHA * shrink_factor * method_step_size * np.linalg.norm(lambda_derivatives)**2 and shrink_factor > MIN_SHRINK:
            shrink_factor *= SHRINK_SHRINK
            pot_lambdas = _get_updated_lambdas(curr_regularizations, shrink_factor * method_step_size, lambda_derivatives)
            pot_betas = problem_wrapper.solve(pot_lambdas)
                pot_cost = testerror_grouped(X_validate, y_validate, pot_betas)
            except ValueError as e:
                print "value error", e
                pot_cost = 1e10
            print "shrink!", shrink_factor, "pot_cost", pot_cost, "pot_lambdas", pot_lambdas

        is_decreasing_signficantly = best_cost - pot_cost > DECREASING_ENOUGH_THRESHOLD

        betas = pot_betas
        curr_regularizations = pot_lambdas
        if pot_cost < best_cost:
            best_cost = pot_cost
            best_beta = betas

        if not is_decreasing_signficantly:
            print "is_decreasing_signficantly NO!", pot_cost - best_cost

        if shrink_factor <= MIN_SHRINK:
            print method_label, "shrink factor too small"

        # track progression

        print method_label, "iter", i, "best cost", best_cost, "lambdas:", curr_regularizations

    print method_label, "best cost", best_cost, "lambdas:", curr_regularizations
    return best_beta, cost_path