Ejemplo n.º 1
def networkx_cooccurrence_graph( nC, v, labels, max_edges = 10 ) :
    Returns a Networkx-like undirected graph, to eventually be used for analysis and display
    Result = nx.Graph()
    nv = v.astype( float32 ) / v.max()

    cutoff = cooccur_cutoff( nC, max_edges );

    coords = zip(*(nC >= cutoff).nonzero())

    # make a dict of all nodes which are mentioned in the coords
    nodes = {}
    index = 1
    # explicitly cast everything so that gexf and other files can convert correctly
    for coord in set(chain.from_iterable(coords)) :
        if not nodes.has_key( coord ) :
            Result.add_node( str(index), label=str(index), coord=str(coord), labelval=str(labels[coord]), index = str(index), width=float(nv[coord]) )
            nodes[ coord ] = str(index)
        index = index + 1

    for coord in coords :
        Result.add_edge( nodes[coord[0]], nodes[coord[1]], weight = float(nC[coord]), penwidth = float(nC[coord]) )

    return Result
Ejemplo n.º 2
def doi_legend( nC, v, labels, max_edges = 10 ) :
    cutoff = cooccur_cutoff( nC, max_edges )
    coords = zip(*(nC >= cutoff).nonzero())
    dois = [labels[x] for x in set(chain.from_iterable(coords))]
    b = Crossref_browser()
    result = [legend_line( dois.index(doi) + 1, doi, b ) for doi in dois]
    return result
Ejemplo n.º 3
def neato_cooccurrence_graph( nC, v, labels, max_edges = 10, fnam_stem = "test", label_nodes_directly = False, scale=1.0, min_node_size = 0.1 ): 
    makes a neato-style undirected graph from the given cooccurrence matrix, vector of 
    total occurrences,  and labels.  Assume C is normalized as desired and that
    all is pruned as desired!
    nv = v.astype( float32 ) / v.max()

    cutoff = cooccur_cutoff( nC, max_edges );

    graph = pydot.Dot( graph_type = 'graph' )
    coords = zip(*(nC >= cutoff).nonzero())

    # make a dict of all nodes which are mentioned in the coords
    nodes = {}
    index = 1
    for coord in set(chain.from_iterable(coords)) :
        if not nodes.has_key( coord ) :
            node =  pydot.Node( str(coord) )
            if v != None :
                #print coord
                label = labels[coord]
                if label_nodes_directly :
                    node.set_label( label )
                else :
                    node.set_label( str(index) )
                #node.set_penwidth( nv[ coord ] )
                node.set_width( max(min_node_size,scale *nv[ coord ]) )
            nodes[ coord ] = node
            graph.add_node( node )
        index = index + 1

    for coord in coords :
        edge = pydot.Edge( nodes[coord[0]], nodes[coord[1]] )
        edge.set_weight( nC[coord] )
        edge.set_penwidth( nC[coord]*5 )
        #edge.set_label( str(int(m[coord]) ))

    if not label_nodes_directly : 
        legend = pydot.Node( "legend" )
        nodelist = nodes.items()
        nodelist.sort( lambda a,b : cmp(node_index(a[1].get_label()),node_index(b[1].get_label())) )
        legend.set_label(  "\l".join([x[1].get_label()+":"+labels[x[0]] for x in nodelist])+"\l" )

    #print graph.to_string()
    graph.write_dot(fnam_stem+'.dot', prog='neato' )
    graph.write_png(fnam_stem+'.png', prog='neato' )