def find_docking_points_to_rotate(box_current_pose, box_goal_pose, box_length, box_width):
    """Find the docking points on the perimeter of the box required
    by the robots in order to rotate the box.

        box_current_pose (float[]): current box pose
        box_goal_pose (float[]): goal box pose
        length (float): box length in meters
        width (float): box width in meters

        A list containing the docking points and the normal directions, one for each robot,
        and the best angular position of the box required to push it.
    box_pose = [box_current_pose[0], box_current_pose[1]]
    box_theta = box_current_pose[2]
    # Create a box geometry object
    box_geometry = BoxGeometry(box_length, box_width, box_pose, box_theta)
    p0_pg = np.array(box_goal_pose) - np.array(box_pose)
    los_angle = np.arctan2(p0_pg[1], p0_pg[0])
    references = [angle_normalization(los_angle + np.pi / 4),\
                  angle_normalization(los_angle - np.pi / 4),
                  angle_normalization(los_angle + np.pi /4 + np.pi / 2),
                  angle_normalization(los_angle - np.pi /4 - np.pi / 2)]

    differences = [angle_normalization(reference - box_theta) for reference in references]
    edges = [box_geometry.edge(1,2), box_geometry.edge(0, 1), box_geometry.edge(2, 3)]
    normals = [edge.normal() for edge in edges]

    for angle in [0, np.pi/2, -np.pi/2, np.pi]:
        if np.allclose(differences[0], angle):
            results = [{'point' : 0, 'normal' : normals[i]} for i in range(3)]
            return False, 0, 0, results

    abs_differences = np.array([abs(difference) for difference in differences])
    argmin_differences = np.argmin(abs_differences)

    direction = 0
    if differences[argmin_differences] < 0:
        # Clockwise rotation
        point_position = [1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 4, 1.0 / 4]
        points = [edges[i].point(point_position[i]) for i in range(3)]
        direction = - 1
        # Counterclockwise rotation
        point_position = [1.0 / 2, 3.0 / 4, 3.0 / 4]
        points = [edges[i].point(point_position[i]) for i in range(3)]
        direction = + 1
    results = [{'point' : points[i], 'normal' : normals[i]} for i in range(3)]

    return True, references[argmin_differences], direction, results
def find_docking_points_to_rotate(box_current_pose, box_goal_pose, box_length,
    """Find the docking points on the perimeter of the box required
    by the robots in order to rotate the box.

        box_current_pose (float[]): current box pose
        box_goal_pose (float[]): goal box pose
        length (float): box length in meters
        width (float): box width in meters

        A list containing the docking points and the normal directions, one for each robot,
        and the best angular position of the box required to push it.
    box_pose = [box_current_pose[0], box_current_pose[1]]
    box_theta = box_current_pose[2]

    # Create a box geometry object
    box_geometry = BoxGeometry(box_length, box_width, box_pose, box_theta)

    p0_pg = np.array(box_goal_pose) - np.array(box_pose)
    los_angle = np.arctan2(p0_pg[1], p0_pg[0])
    references = [angle_normalization(los_angle + np.pi / 4),\
                  angle_normalization(los_angle - np.pi / 4),
                  angle_normalization(los_angle + np.pi /4 + np.pi / 2),
                  angle_normalization(los_angle - np.pi /4 - np.pi / 2)]

    differences = [
        angle_normalization(reference - box_theta) for reference in references

    edges = [
        box_geometry.edge(1, 2),
        box_geometry.edge(0, 1),
        box_geometry.edge(2, 3)
    normals = [edge.normal() for edge in edges]

    for angle in [0, np.pi / 2, -np.pi / 2, np.pi]:
        if np.allclose(differences[0], angle):
            results = [{'point': 0, 'normal': normals[i]} for i in range(3)]
            return False, 0, 0, results

    abs_differences = np.array([abs(difference) for difference in differences])
    argmin_differences = np.argmin(abs_differences)

    direction = 0
    if differences[argmin_differences] < 0:
        # Clockwise rotation
        point_position = [1.0 / 2, 1.0 / 4, 1.0 / 4]
        points = [edges[i].point(point_position[i]) for i in range(3)]
        direction = -1
        # Counterclockwise rotation
        point_position = [1.0 / 2, 3.0 / 4, 3.0 / 4]
        points = [edges[i].point(point_position[i]) for i in range(3)]
        direction = +1

    results = [{'point': points[i], 'normal': normals[i]} for i in range(3)]

    return True, references[argmin_differences], direction, results
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def control_law(self, robot_state, robot_velocity, obstacle_avoidance = False, robots_state = [], robots_velocity = [], controller_index = 0):
        """Return controller output

            robot_state (float[]): robot state (x, y, theta)
            robot_velocity (float): forward robot velocity
            obstacle_avoidance (boolean): enable obstacle avoidance mode
            robots_state (float[[]]): other robots state necessary in obstacle avoidance mode
            robots_velocity (float[]): other forward robots velocity necessary in obstacle avoidance mode

        xr = robot_state[0]
        yr = robot_state[1]
        theta = robot_state[2]
        vr = robot_velocity

        k = 1

        rho_rg = np.sqrt((xr - self.xg) ** 2 + (yr - self.yg) ** 2)
        phi_rg = np.arctan2((self.yg - yr), (self.xg - xr))
        phi_rg_dot = -(vr * np.sin(theta - phi_rg)) / rho_rg

        # Obstacle avoidance mode
        if obstacle_avoidance:
            rho_ros = [np.sqrt((robot_state[0] - xr) ** 2 + (robot_state[1] - yr) ** 2) for robot_state in robots_state]

            # Nearest obstacle
            index_min = np.argmin(rho_ros)
            rho_ro = rho_ros[index_min]
            x_ob = robots_state[index_min][0]
            y_ob =  robots_state[index_min][1]
            theta_ob = robots_state[index_min][2]
            v_ob = robots_velocity[index_min]

            phi_ro = np.arctan2((yr - y_ob), (xr - x_ob))
            phi_ro_dot = (-(v_ob * np.sin(theta_ob - phi_ro)) +\
                          (vr * np.sin(theta - phi_ro))) / rho_ro

            if rho_ro < 2 * self.robot_radius + 0.2:
                delta = utils.angle_normalization(theta - phi_ro)+ phi_ro_dot

                forward_velocity = 0
                if abs(delta) < np.pi / 18:
                    forward_velocity = 0.1

                angular_velocity = -k * delta + phi_ro_dot
                saturated_forward_velocity = utils.saturation(forward_velocity, self.max_forward_velocity)
                saturated_angular_velocity = utils.saturation(angular_velocity, self.max_angular_velocity)
                return False, saturated_forward_velocity, saturated_angular_velocity

        if rho_rg > 0.01:
            forward_velocity = rho_rg
            if obstacle_avoidance:
                forward_velocity = 0.2
                if controller_index == 2:
                    forward_velocity = 0.16
                if rho_rg < 0.2:
                    forward_velocity = rho_rg
            angular_velocity = -k * utils.angle_normalization(theta - phi_rg) + phi_rg_dot

            saturated_forward_velocity = utils.saturation(forward_velocity, self.max_forward_velocity)
            saturated_angular_velocity = utils.saturation(angular_velocity, self.max_angular_velocity)
            return False, saturated_forward_velocity, saturated_angular_velocity

        return True, 0, 0
    def control_law(self,
        """Return controller output

            robot_state (float[]): robot state (x, y, theta)
            robot_velocity (float): forward robot velocity
            obstacle_avoidance (boolean): enable obstacle avoidance mode
            robots_state (float[[]]): other robots state necessary in obstacle avoidance mode
            robots_velocity (float[]): other forward robots velocity necessary in obstacle avoidance mode

        xr = robot_state[0]
        yr = robot_state[1]
        theta = robot_state[2]
        vr = robot_velocity

        k = 1

        rho_rg = np.sqrt((xr - self.xg)**2 + (yr - self.yg)**2)
        phi_rg = np.arctan2((self.yg - yr), (self.xg - xr))
        phi_rg_dot = -(vr * np.sin(theta - phi_rg)) / rho_rg

        # Obstacle avoidance mode
        if obstacle_avoidance:
            rho_ros = [
                np.sqrt((robot_state[0] - xr)**2 + (robot_state[1] - yr)**2)
                for robot_state in robots_state

            # Nearest obstacle
            index_min = np.argmin(rho_ros)
            rho_ro = rho_ros[index_min]

            x_ob = robots_state[index_min][0]
            y_ob = robots_state[index_min][1]
            theta_ob = robots_state[index_min][2]
            v_ob = robots_velocity[index_min]

            phi_ro = np.arctan2((yr - y_ob), (xr - x_ob))
            phi_ro_dot = (-(v_ob * np.sin(theta_ob - phi_ro)) +\
                          (vr * np.sin(theta - phi_ro))) / rho_ro

            if rho_ro < 2 * self.robot_radius + 0.2:
                delta = utils.angle_normalization(theta - phi_ro) + phi_ro_dot

                forward_velocity = 0
                if abs(delta) < np.pi / 18:
                    forward_velocity = 0.1

                angular_velocity = -k * delta + phi_ro_dot

                saturated_forward_velocity = utils.saturation(
                    forward_velocity, self.max_forward_velocity)
                saturated_angular_velocity = utils.saturation(
                    angular_velocity, self.max_angular_velocity)

                return False, saturated_forward_velocity, saturated_angular_velocity

        if rho_rg > 0.01:
            forward_velocity = rho_rg
            if obstacle_avoidance:
                forward_velocity = 0.2
                if controller_index == 2:
                    forward_velocity = 0.16
                if rho_rg < 0.2:
                    forward_velocity = rho_rg
            angular_velocity = -k * utils.angle_normalization(
                theta - phi_rg) + phi_rg_dot

            saturated_forward_velocity = utils.saturation(
                forward_velocity, self.max_forward_velocity)
            saturated_angular_velocity = utils.saturation(
                angular_velocity, self.max_angular_velocity)

            return False, saturated_forward_velocity, saturated_angular_velocity

        return True, 0, 0