Ejemplo n.º 1
def update_task_status_description( task , description, user, result_picture = None):
    if user is None:
        return None, 'no user provided'
    if description is None:
        return None, 'no description'

    if user != task.responsible:
        return None, 'only the responsible can update the description'
    poll_for_task_complition( task)
    if( task.final_state):
        return None, 'target date passed'
    task.status_description = description
    task.result_picture = result_picture
    task.parent.save()#verify that the entire disscusion is considered updated
    t = Template("""
    {{task.responsible.get_full_name|default:task.responsible.username}} הודיע/ה ש :\n
    "{{task.get_status_description}} "\n
    trunkated_subject_and_detailes = t.render(Context({"task": task}))
    return task, None
Ejemplo n.º 2
def update_task_state( task , new_state , user ):

    if new_state != Task.STARTED and new_state != Task.CLOSED and new_state != Task.ABORTED:
        return None, 'unknown task state ' + str(new_state)
    if not task.parent.can_user_access_discussion( user):
        return None, 'user cannot access discussion'

    if user == task.responsible:
        return None, 'responsible can not update task status'

    poll_for_task_complition( task)

    if task.final_state:
        return None, 'target date passed'
    if (task.status != new_state):
        task.status = new_state
        task.closed_at = timezone.now()
        task.closed_by = user
        task.parent.save() #verify that the entire discussion is considered updated            

        success, error_string = start_discussion_following( task.parent, user)
        if success == False:
            return None, error_string
        if new_state == task.STARTED:
            task_state_change_update( task,  u" עדיין לא השלים/ה את ")
        if new_state == task.ABORTED:
            task_state_change_update( task,  u" ביטל/ה את ")
        if new_state == task.CLOSED:
            task_state_change_update( task,  u" השלימ/ה את ")

    return task, None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def task_get_status( task):

    poll_for_task_complition( task)
    return task.status