Ejemplo n.º 1
def n_chi(chi):
    # Invert the distance redshift relation by interpolating.
    c = Cosmology()
    redshifts_s = np.linspace(0.01, 3, 50)
    chi_s = c.comoving_distance(redshifts_s)
    redshift_interp = interpolate.interp1d(chi_s, redshifts_s, kind='cubic')
    redshifts = redshift_interp(chi)

    # Calculate the source density at both redshifts.
    dL = c.luminosity_distance(redshifts)
    dL_star = c.luminosity_distance(Z_STAR)
    # Minimum detectable L/L*
    x_min = (dL / dL_star)**2
    # Get source density by integrating the luminocity function.
    n = []
    dndL_fun = lambda x : x**ALPHA * np.exp(-x)
    for x_m in x_min:
        this_n, err = integrate.quad(dndL_fun, x_m, np.inf)
    n = np.array(n)
    return n
Ejemplo n.º 2
def interpolator():
    c = Cosmology()
    chi = c.comoving_distance(REDSHIFTS)
    interpolator = interpolate.interp2d(K, chi, DATA, kind='cubic')
    return interpolator
Ejemplo n.º 3
class RedshiftCorrelation(object):
    r"""A class for calculating redshift-space correlations.

    The mapping from real to redshift space produces anisotropic
    correlations, this class calculates them within the linear
    regime. As a minimum the velocity power spectrum `ps_vv` must be
    specified, the statistics of the observable can be specified
    explicitly (in `ps_dd` and `ps_dv`), or as a `bias` relative to
    the velocity spectrum.

    As the integrals to calculate the correlations can be slow, this
    class can construct a table for interpolating them. This table can
    be saved to a file, and reloaded as need.

    ps_vv : function, optional
        A function which gives the velocity power spectrum at a
        wavenumber k (in units of h Mpc^{-1}).

    ps_dd : function, optional
        A function which gives the power spectrum of the observable.

    ps_dv : function, optional
        A function which gives the cross power spectrum of the
        observable and the velocity.

    redshift : scalar, optional
        The redshift at which the power spectra are
        calculated. Defaults to a redshift, z = 0.

    bias : scalar, optional
        The bias between the observable and the velocities (if the
        statistics are not specified directly). Defaults to a bias of

    ps_vv, ps_dd, ps_dv : function
        The statistics of the obserables and velocities (see Parameters).

    ps_redshift : scalar
        Redshift of the power spectra (see Parameters).

    bias : scalar
        Bias of the observable (see Parameters).

    cosmology : instance of Cosmology()
        An instance of the Cosmology class to allow mapping of
        redshifts to Cosmological distances.

    To allow more sophisticated behaviour the four methods
    `growth_factor`, `growth_rate`, `bias_z` and `prefactor` may be
    replaced. These return their respective quantities as functions of
    redshift. See their method documentation for details. This only
    really makes sense when using `_vv_only`, though the functions can
    be still be used to allow some redshift scaling of individual

    ps_vv = None
    ps_dd = None
    ps_dv = None

    ps_2d = False

    ps_redshift = 0.0
    bias = 1.0

    _vv_only = False

    _cached = False
    _vv0i = None
    _vv2i = None
    _vv4i = None

    _dd0i = None
    _dv0i = None
    _dv2i = None

    cosmology = Cosmology()

    def __init__(self, ps_vv=None, ps_dd=None, ps_dv=None, redshift=0.0, bias=1.0):
        self.ps_vv = ps_vv
        self.ps_dd = ps_dd
        self.ps_dv = ps_dv
        self.ps_redshift = redshift
        self.bias = bias
        self._vv_only = False if ps_dd and ps_dv else True

    def from_file_matterps(cls, fname, redshift=0.0, bias=1.0):
        r"""Initialise from a cached, single power spectrum, file.

        fname : string
            Name of the cache file.
        redshift : scalar, optional
            Redshift that the power spectrum is defined at (default z = 0).
        bias : scalar, optional
            The bias of the observable relative to the velocity field.

        rc = cls(redshift=redshift, bias=bias)
        rc._vv_only = True

        return rc

    def from_file_fullps(cls, fname, redshift=0.0):
        r"""Initialise from a cached, multi power spectrum, file.

        fname : string
            Name of the cache file.
        redshift : scalar, optional
            Redshift that the power spectra are defined at (default z = 0).

        rc = cls(redshift=redshift)
        rc._vv_only = False

        return rc

    def powerspectrum(self, kpar, kperp, z1=None, z2=None):
        r"""A vectorized routine for calculating the redshift space powerspectrum.

        kpar : array_like
            The parallel component of the k-vector.
        kperp : array_like
            The perpendicular component of the k-vector.
        z1, z2 : array_like, optional
            The redshifts of the wavevectors to correlate. If either
            is None, use the default redshift `ps_redshift`.

        ps : array_like
            The redshift space power spectrum at the given k-vector and redshift.
        if z1 == None:
            z1 = self.ps_redshift
        if z2 == None:
            z2 = self.ps_redshift

        b1 = self.bias_z(z1)
        b2 = self.bias_z(z2)
        f1 = self.growth_rate(z1)
        f2 = self.growth_rate(z2)
        D1 = self.growth_factor(z1) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        D2 = self.growth_factor(z2) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        pf1 = self.prefactor(z1)
        pf2 = self.prefactor(z2)

        k2 = kpar ** 2 + kperp ** 2
        k = k2 ** 0.5
        mu = kpar / k
        mu2 = kpar ** 2 / k2

        if self._vv_only:
            if self.ps_2d:
                ps = self.ps_vv(k, mu) * (b1 + mu2 * f1) * (b2 + mu2 * f2)
                ps = self.ps_vv(k) * (b1 + mu2 * f1) * (b2 + mu2 * f2)
            ps = (
                b1 * b2 * self.ps_dd(k)
                + mu2 * self.ps_dv(k) * (f1 * b2 + f2 * b1)
                + mu2 ** 2 * f1 * f2 * self.ps_vv(k)

        return D1 * D2 * pf1 * pf2 * ps

    def powerspectrum_1D(self, k_vec, z1, z2, numz):
        r"""A vectorized routine for calculating the real space powerspectrum.

        k_vec: array_like
            The magnitude of the k-vector
        redshift: scalar
            Redshift at which to evaluate other parameters

        ps: array_like
            The redshift space power spectrum at the given k-vector and redshift.

        Note that this uses the same ps_vv as the realisation generator until
        the full dd, dv, vv calculation is ready.

        TODO: evaluate this using the same weight function in z as the data.
        c1 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z1)
        c2 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z2)
        # Construct an array of the redshifts on each slice of the cube.
        comoving_inv = inverse_approx(self.cosmology.comoving_distance, z1, z2)
        da = np.linspace(c1, c2, numz + 1, endpoint=True)
        za = comoving_inv(da)

        # Calculate the bias and growth factors for each slice of the cube.
        mz = self.mean(za)
        bz = self.bias_z(za)
        fz = self.growth_rate(za)
        Dz = self.growth_factor(za) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        pz = self.prefactor(za)

        dfactor = np.mean(Dz * pz * bz)
        vfactor = np.mean(Dz * pz * fz)

        return self.ps_vv(k_vec) * dfactor * dfactor

    def redshiftspace_correlation(self, pi, sigma, z1=None, z2=None):
        """The correlation function in the flat-sky approximation.

        This is a vectorized function. The inputs `pi` and `sigma`
        must have the same shape (if arrays), or be scalars. This
        function will perform redshift dependent scaling for the
        growth and biases.

        pi : array_like
            The separation in the radial direction (in units of h^{-1} Mpc).
        sigma : array_like
            The separation in the transverse direction (in units of h^{-1} Mpc).
        z1 : array_like, optional
            The redshift corresponding to the first point.
        z2 : array_like, optional
            The redshift corresponding to the first point.

        corr : array_like
            The correlation function evaluated at the input values.

        If neither `z1` or `z2` are provided assume that both points
        are at the same redshift as the power spectrum. If only `z1`
        is provided assume the second point is at the same redshift as
        the first.

        r = (pi ** 2 + sigma ** 2) ** 0.5

        # Calculate mu with a small constant added to regularise cases
        # of pi = sigma = 0
        mu = pi / (r + 1e-100)

        if z1 == None and z2 == None:
            z1 = self.ps_redshift
            z2 = self.ps_redshift
        elif z2 == None:
            z2 = z1

        if self._cached:
            xvv_0 = self._vv0i(r)
            xvv_2 = self._vv2i(r)
            xvv_4 = self._vv4i(r)

            if self._vv_only:
                xdd_0 = xvv_0
                xdv_0 = xvv_0
                xdv_2 = xvv_2
                xdd_0 = self._dd0i(r)
                xdv_0 = self._dv0i(r)
                xdv_2 = self._dv2i(r)

            xvv_0 = _integrate(r, 0, self.ps_vv)
            xvv_2 = _integrate(r, 2, self.ps_vv)
            xvv_4 = _integrate(r, 4, self.ps_vv)

            if self._vv_only:
                xdd_0 = xvv_0
                xdv_0 = xvv_0
                xdv_2 = xvv_2
                xdd_0 = _integrate(r, 0, self.ps_dd)
                xdv_0 = _integrate(r, 0, self.ps_dv)
                xdv_2 = _integrate(r, 2, self.ps_dv)

        # if self._vv_only:
        b1 = self.bias_z(z1)
        b2 = self.bias_z(z2)
        f1 = self.growth_rate(z1)
        f2 = self.growth_rate(z2)

        xdd_0 *= b1 * b2
        xdv_0 *= 0.5 * (b1 * f2 + b2 * f1)
        xdv_2 *= 0.5 * (b1 * f2 + b2 * f1)

        xvv_0 *= f1 * f2
        xvv_2 *= f1 * f2
        xvv_4 *= f1 * f2

        D1 = self.growth_factor(z1) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        D2 = self.growth_factor(z2) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)

        pf1 = self.prefactor(z1)
        pf2 = self.prefactor(z2)

        pl0 = 1.0
        pl2 = _pl(2, mu)
        pl4 = _pl(4, mu)

        return (
                (xdd_0 + 2.0 / 3.0 * xdv_0 + 1.0 / 5.0 * xvv_0) * pl0
                - (4.0 / 3.0 * xdv_2 + 4.0 / 7.0 * xvv_2) * pl2
                + 8.0 / 35.0 * xvv_4 * pl4
            * D1
            * D2
            * pf1
            * pf2

    def angular_correlation(self, theta, z1, z2):
        r"""Angular correlation function (in a flat-sky approximation).

        theta : array_like
            The angle between the two points in radians.
        z1, z2 : array_like
            The redshift of the points.

        corr : array_like
            The correlation function at the points.

        za = (z1 + z2) / 2.0
        sigma = theta * self.cosmology.proper_distance(za)
        pi = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z2) - self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z1)

        return self.redshiftspace_correlation(pi, sigma, z1, z2)

    def _load_cache(self, fname):

        if not exists(fname):
            raise Exception("Cache file does not exist.")

        a = np.loadtxt(fname)
        ra = a[:, 0]
        vv0 = a[:, 1]
        vv2 = a[:, 2]
        vv4 = a[:, 3]
        if not self._vv_only:
            if a.shape[1] != 7:
                raise Exception("Cache file has wrong number of columns.")
            dd0 = a[:, 4]
            dv0 = a[:, 5]
            dv2 = a[:, 6]

        self._vv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv0)
        self._vv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv2)
        self._vv4i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv4)

        if not self._vv_only:
            self._dd0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dd0)
            self._dv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv0)
            self._dv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv2)

        self._cached = True

    def gen_cache(self, fname=None, rmin=1e-3, rmax=1e4, rnum=1000):
        r"""Generate the cache.

        Calculate a table of the integrals required for the
        correlation functions, and save them to a named file (if

        fname : filename, optional
            The file to save the cache into. If not set, the cache is
            generated but not saved.
        rmin : scalar
            The minimum r-value at which to generate the integrals (in
            h^{-1} Mpc)
        rmax : scalar
            The maximum r-value at which to generate the integrals (in
            h^{-1} Mpc)
        rnum : integer
            The number of points to generate (using a log spacing).
        ra = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), rnum)

        vv0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_vv)
        vv2 = _integrate(ra, 2, self.ps_vv)
        vv4 = _integrate(ra, 4, self.ps_vv)

        if not self._vv_only:
            dd0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_dd)
            dv0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_dv)
            dv2 = _integrate(ra, 2, self.ps_dv)

        if fname and not exists(fname):
            if self._vv_only:
                np.savetxt(fname, np.dstack([ra, vv0, vv2, vv4])[0])
                np.savetxt(fname, np.dstack([ra, vv0, vv2, vv4, dd0, dv0, dv2])[0])

        self._cached = True

        self._vv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv0)
        self._vv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv2)
        self._vv4i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv4)

        if not self._vv_only:
            self._dd0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dd0)
            self._dv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv0)
            self._dv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv2)

    def bias_z(self, z):
        r"""The linear bias at redshift z.

        The bias relative to the matter as a function of
        redshift. In this simple version the bias is assumed
        constant. Inherit, and override to use a more complicated

        z : array_like
            The redshift to calculate at.

        bias : array_like
            The bias at `z`.
        return self.bias * np.ones_like(z)

    def growth_factor(self, z):
        r"""The growth factor D_+ as a function of redshift.

        The linear growth factor at a particular
        redshift, defined as:
        .. math:: \delta(k; z) = D_+(z; z_0) \delta(k; z_0)

        Normalisation can be arbitrary. For the moment
        assume that \Omega_m ~ 1, and thus the growth is linear in the
        scale factor.

        z : array_like
            The redshift to calculate at.

        growth_factor : array_like
            The growth factor at `z`.
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + z)

    def growth_rate(self, z):
        r"""The growth rate f as a function of redshift.

        The linear growth rate at a particular redshift defined as:
        .. math:: f = \frac{d\ln{D_+}}{d\ln{a}}

        For the moment assume that \Omega_m ~ 1, and thus the growth rate is

        z : array_like
            The redshift to calculate at.

        growth_rate : array_like
            The growth factor at `z`.
        return 1.0 * np.ones_like(z)

    def prefactor(self, z):
        r"""An arbitrary scaling multiplying on each perturbation.

        This factor can be redshift dependent. It results in scaling
        the entire correlation function by prefactor(z1) *

         z : array_like
            The redshift to calculate at.

        prefactor : array_like
            The prefactor at `z`.

        return 1.0 * np.ones_like(z)

    def mean(self, z):
        r"""Mean value of the field at a given redshift.

        z : array_like
            redshift to calculate at.

        mean : array_like
            the mean value of the field at each redshift.
        return np.ones_like(z) * 0.0

    _sigma_v = 0.0

    def sigma_v(self, z):
        """Return the pairwise velocity dispersion at a given redshift.
        This is stored internally as `self._sigma_v` in units of km/s
        Note that e.g. WiggleZ reports sigma_v in h km/s
        print("using sigma_v (km/s): " + repr(self._sigma_v))
        sigma_v_hinvMpc = self._sigma_v / 100.0
        return np.ones_like(z) * sigma_v_hinvMpc

    def velocity_damping(self, kpar):
        """The velocity damping term for the non-linear power spectrum."""
        return (1.0 + (kpar * self.sigma_v(self.ps_redshift)) ** 2.0) ** -1.0

    def _realisation_dv(self, d, n):
        """Generate the density and line of sight velocity fields in a
        3d cube.

        if not self._vv_only:
            raise Exception(
                "Doesn't work for independent fields, I need to think a bit more first."

        def psv(karray):
            """Assume k0 is line of sight"""
            k = (karray ** 2).sum(axis=3) ** 0.5
            return self.ps_vv(k) * self.velocity_damping(karray[..., 0])

        # Generate an underlying random field realisation of the
        # matter distribution.

        print("Gen field.")
        rfv = gaussianfield.RandomField(npix=n, wsize=d)
        rfv.powerspectrum = psv

        vf0 = rfv.getfield()

        # Construct an array of \mu^2 for each Fourier mode.
        print("Construct kvec")
        spacing = rfv._w / rfv._n
        kvec = fftutil.rfftfreqn(rfv._n, spacing / (2 * math.pi))
        print("Construct mu2")
        mu2arr = kvec[..., 0] ** 2 / (kvec ** 2).sum(axis=3)
        mu2arr.flat[0] = 0.0
        del kvec

        df = vf0

        print("FFT vel")
        # Construct the line of sight velocity field.
        # TODO: is the s=rfv._n the correct thing here?
        vf = fftutil.irfftn(mu2arr * fftutil.rfftn(vf0))

        # return (df, vf, rfv, kvec)
        return (df, vf)  # , rfv)

    def realisation(
        r"""Simulate a redshift-space volume.

        Generates a 3D (angle-angle-redshift) volume from the given
        power spectrum. Currently only works with simply biased power
        spectra (i.e. vv_only). This routine uses a flat sky
        approximation, and so becomes inaccurate when a large volume
        of the sky is simulated.

        z1, z2 : scalar
            Lower and upper redshifts of the box.
        thetax, thetay : scalar
            The angular size (in degrees) of the box.
        numz : integer
            The number of bins in redshift.
        numx, numy : integer
            The number of angular pixels along each side.
        zspace : boolean, optional
            If True (default) redshift bins are equally spaced in
            redshift. Otherwise space equally in the scale factor
            (useful for generating an equal range in frequency).
        density_only: boolean
            no velocity contribution
        no_mean: boolean
            do not add the mean temperature
        no_evolution: boolean
            do not let b(z), D(z) etc. evolve: take their mean
        pad: integer
            number of pixels over which to pad the physical region for
            interpolation onto freq, ra, dec; match spline order?

        cube : np.ndarray
            The volume cube.

        d1 = self.cosmology.proper_distance(z1)
        d2 = self.cosmology.proper_distance(z2)
        c1 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z1)
        c2 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z2)
        c_center = (c1 + c2) / 2.0

        # Make cube pixelisation finer, such that angular cube will
        # have sufficient resolution on the closest face.
        d = np.array([c2 - c1, thetax * d2 * units.degree, thetay * d2 * units.degree])
        # Note that the ratio of deltas in Ra, Dec in degrees may
        # be different than the Ra, Dec in physical coordinates due to
        # rounding onto this grid
        n = np.array([numz, int(d2 / d1 * numx), int(d2 / d1 * numy)])

        # Fix padding such the n + pad is even in the last element
        if (n[-1] + pad) % 2 != 0:
            pad += 1

        # Enlarge cube size by pad in each dimension, so raytraced cube
        # sits exactly within the gridded points.
        d = d * (n + pad).astype(float) / n.astype(float)
        c1 = c_center - (c_center - c1) * (n[0] + pad) / float(n[0])
        c2 = c_center + (c2 - c_center) * (n[0] + pad) / float(n[0])
        n = n + pad

        # now multiply by scaling for a finer sub-grid.
        n = refinement * n

            "Generating cube: (%f to %f) x %f x %f (%d, %d, %d) (h^-1 cMpc)^3"
            % (c1, c2, d[1], d[2], n[0], n[1], n[2])

        cube = self._realisation_dv(d, n)
        # TODO: this is probably unnecessary now (realisation used to change
        # shape through irfftn)
        n = cube[0].shape

        # Construct an array of the redshifts on each slice of the cube.
        comoving_inv = inverse_approx(self.cosmology.comoving_distance, z1, z2)
        da = np.linspace(c1, c2, n[0], endpoint=True)
        za = comoving_inv(da)

        # Calculate the bias and growth factors for each slice of the cube.
        mz = self.mean(za)
        bz = self.bias_z(za)
        fz = self.growth_rate(za)
        Dz = self.growth_factor(za) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        pz = self.prefactor(za)

        # Construct the observable and velocity fields.
        if not no_evolution:
            df = cube[0] * (Dz * pz * bz)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
            vf = cube[1] * (Dz * pz * fz)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
            df = cube[0] * np.mean(Dz * pz * bz)
            vf = cube[1] * np.mean(Dz * pz * fz)

        # Construct the redshift space cube.
        rsf = df
        if not density_only:
            rsf += vf

        if not no_mean:
            rsf += mz[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

        # Find the distances that correspond to a regular redshift
        # spacing (or regular spacing in a).
        if zspace:
            za = np.linspace(z1, z2, numz, endpoint=False)
            za = (
                / np.linspace(1.0 / (1 + z2), 1.0 / (1 + z1), numz, endpoint=False)[
                - 1.0

        da = self.cosmology.proper_distance(za)
        xa = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(za)

        print("Constructing mapping..")
        # Construct the angular offsets into cube
        tx = np.linspace(-thetax / 2.0, thetax / 2.0, numx) * units.degree
        ty = np.linspace(-thetay / 2.0, thetay / 2.0, numy) * units.degree

        # tgridx, tgridy = np.meshgrid(tx, ty)
        tgridy, tgridx = np.meshgrid(ty, tx)
        tgrid2 = np.zeros((3, numx, numy))
        acube = np.zeros((numz, numx, numy))

        # Iterate over redshift slices, constructing the coordinates
        # and interpolating into the 3d cube. Note that the multipliers scale
        # from 0 to 1, or from i=0 to i=N-1
        for i in range(numz):
            # print "Slice:", i
            tgrid2[0, :, :] = (xa[i] - c1) / (c2 - c1) * (n[0] - 1.0)
            tgrid2[1, :, :] = (tgridx * da[i]) / d[1] * (n[1] - 1.0) + 0.5 * (
                n[1] - 1.0
            tgrid2[2, :, :] = (tgridy * da[i]) / d[2] * (n[2] - 1.0) + 0.5 * (
                n[2] - 1.0

            # if(zi > numz - 2):
            # TODO: what order here?; do end-to-end P(k) study
            # acube[i,:,:] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(rsf, tgrid2, order=2)
            acube[i, :, :] = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(rsf, tgrid2, order=1)

        if report_physical:
            return acube, rsf, (c1, c2, d[1], d[2])
            return acube

    def angular_powerspectrum_full(self, la, za1, za2):
        r"""The angular powerspectrum C_l(z1, z2). Calculate explicitly.

        l : array_like
            The multipole moments to return at.
        z1, z2 : array_like
            The redshift slices to correlate.

        arr : array_like
            The values of C_l(z1, z2)

        from ..util import sphfunc

        def _ps_single(l, z1, z2):
            if not self._vv_only:
                raise Exception("Only works for vv_only at the moment.")

            b1, b2 = self.bias_z(z1), self.bias_z(z2)
            f1, f2 = self.growth_rate(z1), self.growth_rate(z2)
            pf1, pf2 = self.prefactor(z1), self.prefactor(z2)
            D1 = self.growth_factor(z1) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
            D2 = self.growth_factor(z2) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)

            x1 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z1)
            x2 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(z2)

            d1 = math.pi / (x1 + x2)

            def _int_lin(k):
                return (
                    k ** 2
                    * self.ps_vv(k)
                    * (b1 * sphfunc.jl(l, k * x1) - f1 * sphfunc.jl_d2(l, k * x1))
                    * (b2 * sphfunc.jl(l, k * x2) - f2 * sphfunc.jl_d2(l, k * x2))

            def _int_log(lk):
                k = np.exp(lk)
                return k * _int_lin(k)

            def _int_offset(k):
                return (
                    + 4 * _int_lin(k + d1)
                    + 6 * _int_lin(k + 2 * d1)
                    + 4 * _int_lin(k + 3 * d1)
                    + _int_lin(k + 4 * d1)
                ) / 16.0

            def _int_taper(k):
                return (
                    15.0 * _int_lin(k)
                    + 11.0 * _int_lin(k + d1)
                    + 5.0 * _int_lin(k + 2 * d1)
                    + _int_lin(k + 3 * d1)
                ) / 16.0

            def _integrator(f, a, b):
                return integrate.chebyshev(f, a, b, epsrel=1e-8, epsabs=1e-10)

            mink = 1e-2 * l / (x1 + x2)
            cutk = 2e0 * l / (x1 + x2)
            cutk2 = 20.0 * l / (x1 + x2)
            maxk = 1e2 * l / (x1 + x2)

            i1 = _integrator(_int_log, np.log(mink), np.log(cutk))
            i2 = _integrator(_int_taper, cutk, cutk + d1)
            i3 = _integrator(_int_offset, cutk, cutk2)
            i4 = _integrator(_int_offset, cutk2, maxk)

            cl = (i1 + i2 + i3 + i4) * D1 * D2 * pf1 * pf2 * (2 / np.pi)

            return cl

        bobj = np.broadcast(la, za1, za2)

        if not bobj.shape:
            # Broadcast from scalars
            return _ps_single(la, za1, za2)
            # Broadcast from arrays
            cla = np.empty(bobj.shape)
            cla.flat = [_ps_single(l, z1, z2) for (l, z1, z2) in bobj]

            return cla

    _aps_cache = False

    def save_fft_cache(self, fname):
        """Save FFT angular powerspecturm cache."""
        if not self._aps_cache:
                np.array([100]), np.array([1.0]), np.array([1.0])

        np.savez(fname, dd=self._aps_dd, dv=self._aps_dv, vv=self._aps_vv)

    def load_fft_cache(self, fname):
        """Load FFT angular powerspectrum cache."""
        a = np.load(fname)

        self._aps_dd = a["dd"]
        self._aps_dv = a["dv"]
        self._aps_vv = a["vv"]

        self._aps_cache = True

    _freq_window = 0.0

    def angular_powerspectrum_fft(self, la, za1, za2):
        """The angular powerspectrum C_l(z1, z2) in a flat-sky limit.

        Uses FFT based method to generate a lookup table for fast computation.

        l : array_like
            The multipole moments to return at.
        z1, z2 : array_like
            The redshift slices to correlate.

        arr : array_like
            The values of C_l(z1, z2)

        kperpmin = 1e-4
        kperpmax = 40.0
        nkperp = 500
        kparmax = 20.0
        nkpar = 32768

        if not self._aps_cache:

            kperp = np.logspace(np.log10(kperpmin), np.log10(kperpmax), nkperp)[
                :, np.newaxis
            kpar = np.linspace(0, kparmax, nkpar)[np.newaxis, :]

            k = (kpar ** 2 + kperp ** 2) ** 0.5
            mu = kpar / k
            mu2 = kpar ** 2 / k ** 2

            if self.ps_2d:
                self._dd = (
                    self.ps_vv(k, mu)
                    * np.sinc(kpar * self._freq_window / (2 * np.pi)) ** 2
                self._dd = (
                    self.ps_vv(k) * np.sinc(kpar * self._freq_window / (2 * np.pi)) ** 2

            self._dv = self._dd * mu2
            self._vv = self._dd * mu2 ** 2

            self._aps_dd = scipy.fftpack.dct(self._dd, type=1) * kparmax / (2 * nkpar)
            self._aps_dv = scipy.fftpack.dct(self._dv, type=1) * kparmax / (2 * nkpar)
            self._aps_vv = scipy.fftpack.dct(self._vv, type=1) * kparmax / (2 * nkpar)

            self._aps_cache = True

        xa1 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(za1)
        xa2 = self.cosmology.comoving_distance(za2)

        b1, b2 = self.bias_z(za1), self.bias_z(za2)
        f1, f2 = self.growth_rate(za1), self.growth_rate(za2)
        pf1, pf2 = self.prefactor(za1), self.prefactor(za2)
        D1 = self.growth_factor(za1) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)
        D2 = self.growth_factor(za2) / self.growth_factor(self.ps_redshift)

        xc = 0.5 * (xa1 + xa2)
        rpar = np.abs(xa2 - xa1)

        # Bump anything that is zero upwards to avoid a log zero warning.
        la = np.where(la == 0.0, 1e-10, la)

        x = (
            (np.log10(la) - np.log10(xc * kperpmin))
            / np.log10(kperpmax / kperpmin)
            * (nkperp - 1)
        y = rpar / (math.pi / kparmax)

        def _interp2d(arr, x, y):
            x, y = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y)
            sh = x.shape

            x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten()
            v = np.zeros_like(x)
            bilinearmap.interp(arr, x, y, v)

            return v.reshape(sh)

        psdd = _interp2d(self._aps_dd, x, y)
        psdv = _interp2d(self._aps_dv, x, y)
        psvv = _interp2d(self._aps_vv, x, y)

        return (D1 * D2 * pf1 * pf2 / (xc ** 2 * np.pi)) * (
            (b1 * b2) * psdd + (f1 * b2 + f2 * b1) * psdv + (f1 * f2) * psvv

    ## By default use the flat sky approximation.
    # angular_powerspectrum = profile(angular_powerspectrum_fft)
    angular_powerspectrum = angular_powerspectrum_fft