Ejemplo n.º 1
import requests

from core import constants, itemdata
from util.printutil import ProgressBar
import time
from core.config import Config
from core.itemdata import Category
from requests.exceptions import Timeout
from util import utils
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

# _config
_config = Config()

_section_market = _config.addSection("Warframe Market")
_section_market.addEntry("BATCH_INTERVAL", 30,
                         "How long to wait between two batches (in seconds)")
    "BATCH_SIZE", 200,
    "The size of each batch (the number of items/urls) when requesting market.market data"
    "The maximum number of simultaneous threads for http-requests")
    "MAX_ORDER_AGE", 4,
    "Only include orders of players that are either in-game, or that have been updated in the last X hours"
    "MAX_UPDATE_AGE", 8,
Ejemplo n.º 2
from _io import StringIO
import ctypes
import platform
import sys
import traceback
import os

from core.config import Config, FunctionBlock
from core import constants
from market import instance

config = Config()

section_funcs = config.addSection("Functions")
        r'''if not prices["buy"]:
    sell_repr = calc_sell_repr(prices)
    return sell_repr * 3 // 4 if sell_repr else None
    # for buying only include the most expensive 10%
    n = int(len(prices["buy"]) * 0.1 + 0.95)
    return sum(prices["buy"][:n]) // n''', "prices"),
    "calculates a buy-price-representative from price-data for a single component"

        r'''if not prices["sell"]: