Ejemplo n.º 1
def try_to_autoupgrade():
    """The gatekeeper of the upgrade_endaga method.

    Autoupgrades can be configured to run as soon as new software is available
    via the autoupgrade.in_window configdb key.  This method will invoke
    upgrade_endaga if autoupgrades are enabled.  If windowed upgrades are
    enabled, this will check if it's the right time and if an upgrade hasn't
    been run recently (default for "recently" is the last ten minutes).
    conf = ConfigDB()
    window_duration = 10 * conf.get('registration_interval', 60)
    last_upgrade_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    # Do nothing if autoupgrades are disabled.
    if not conf.get('autoupgrade.enabled', False):
    # Also do nothing if there is no new metapackage available.  This info is
    # propagated for the beta and stable channels via the checkin response.
    channel = conf.get('autoupgrade.channel', 'stable')
    key = 'autoupgrade.latest_%s_version' % channel
    available_version = sortable_version(conf.get(key, '0.3.29'))
    installed_version = sortable_version(conf['endaga_version'])
    if available_version <= installed_version:
    # If we're configured to only upgrade in a window (as opposed to as soon as
    # a new package is available), we need some additional checks.
    if conf.get('autoupgrade.in_window', False):
        # Do nothing if we've already performed an upgrade recently.
        last_upgrade = conf.get('autoupgrade.last_upgrade',
                                '2015-07-14 02:30:15')
        last_upgrade = datetime.strptime(last_upgrade, last_upgrade_format)
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        delta = (now - last_upgrade).total_seconds()
        if delta < window_duration:
        # See if we're in the upgrade window.  Get the current time and the
        # window_start time as datetimes.  These are weird "date-less"
        # datetimes -- both dates will be 1-1-1900 but the part that we care
        # about, the times, will be comparable.
        window_format = '%H:%M:%S'
        now = datetime.strptime(now.strftime(window_format), window_format)
        window_start = conf.get('autoupgrade.window_start', '02:30:00')
        window_start = datetime.strptime(window_start, window_format)
        # Fail if we're currently before or after the window.
        if now < window_start:
        if now > window_start + timedelta(seconds=window_duration):
    # All checks pass, perform the upgrade and save the last upgraded time.
    upgrade_endaga(conf.get('autoupgrade.channel', 'stable'))
    conf['autoupgrade.last_upgrade'] = datetime.strftime(
        datetime.utcnow(), last_upgrade_format)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_vpn_ip():
    Gets the system VPN IP, or returns None if no VPN is up.
        # Pylint gets confused about the contents of this package for some
        # reason.
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        conf = ConfigDB()
        ifname = conf.get('external_interface')  # vpn_interface?
        assert ifname is not None, \
            "VPN interface ('external_interface') not configured"
        return netifaces.ifaddresses(ifname)[netifaces.AF_INET][0]['addr']
    except Exception:
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
class EndagaD(object):
    Thin wrapper around the main loop that communicates with the cloud
    service. Manages registration, checkin and associated responses.
    def __init__(self):
        self._conf = ConfigDB()
        # initialise logging level from DB (if set - otherwise 'warning')
        # NB - this is the ONLY time changes to the log level are actually
        # passed to the logging framework
        log_level = self._conf.get("logger.global.log_level", "warning")
        logger.notice("EndagaD started")

    def _reset_bts_config(self):
        logger.notice("Performing set_factory")
            if bts.set_factory_config():
                logger.notice("Restarting BTS")
        except BSSError as e:
            logger.error("bts is probably down: %s" % e)
        except Exception as e:
            # OSError, IOError or whatever envoy will raise
            logger.critical("something unexpected happened: %s" % e)

    def run(self):
        Main loop for endagad. This moves the system through the various
        states of operation -- it should be a state machine really!

        General flow is:
        1) Tries to get configuration from server to produce VPN keys
        2) Generates keys locally.
        3) Sends CSR for signing, returns that.
        4) Starts system services (FS, BTS, etc) and configures them
        appropriately. Note configuration can change depending on registration
        and VPN state of the system.
        5) Runs checkin periodically.
        eapi = interconnect.endaga_ic(self._conf)
        if 'registration_interval' not in self._conf:
            self._conf['registration_interval'] = 60

        UNHEALTHY_THRESH = self._conf.get('bts.unhealthy_threshold', 3)
        unhealthy_count = UNHEALTHY_THRESH  # fail quickly on first pass
        while True:
            # Retrieve keys/tokens, or do nothing if we have them.
            logger.notice("Performing gen_keys")

            # generate_keys() loads auth token on success. Need to update the
            # interconnect client's token if so.
            if eapi.token is None:
                eapi.token = self._conf['endaga_token']

            # Try to register/get VPN credentials.  Tries forever if fails.
            logger.notice("Performing register")

            # Registered, start services and tries to start VPN.  Stop
            # everything otherwise.
            logger.notice("Performing clear_pid")
            logger.notice("Performing update_vpn")

            # At this point, all services should be up, so we can perform
            # additional configuration.

            # Update the inbound_url if the VPN is up.
            if system_utilities.get_vpn_ip() is not None:
                logger.notice("Performing register_update")
                logger.notice("Performing ensure_fs_external_bound")

            # Send checkin to cloud
                # Sends events, tries to get config info. Can proceed w/o VPN.
                logger.notice("Performing checkin.")
                checkin_data = eapi.checkin(timeout=30)
                logger.notice("Performing system health check.")
                if not registration.system_healthcheck(checkin_data):
                    unhealthy_count += 1
                    logger.notice("System unhealthy: %d" % unhealthy_count)
                    unhealthy_count = 0
            except (ConnectionError, Timeout):
                    "checkin failed due to connection error or timeout.")
            except BSSError as e:
                logger.error("bts exception: %s" % e)

            if unhealthy_count > UNHEALTHY_THRESH:
                logger.notice("BTS seems unhealthy, restarting BTS services.")

            # Upgrade the endaga metapackage, when appropriate and only if that
            # feature is enabled.
            logger.notice("Performing autoupgrade")

            # Sleep for some amount of time before retrying
            logger.notice("Performing sleep")
Ejemplo n.º 4
class FakeBTS(BaseBTS):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conf = ConfigDB()
        self.defaults = {
            'sddch': 8,
            'tchf': 4,
            'pch': 2,
            'agch': 2,
            'pdch': 2,
            'mnc': "001",
            'mnc': "01",
            'c0': 51,
            'band': "GSM900",
            'shortName': "fakeBTS",
            'openRegistration': ".*",
            'timer.3212': 6,
            'camped': json.dumps([]),

    def __get(self, name):
        db_name = "fakebts." + name
        if name in self.defaults:
            return self.conf.get(db_name, default=self.defaults[name])
            return self.conf.get(db_name)

    def __set(self, name, value):
        self.conf['fakebts.' + name] = value

    def set_factory_config(self):
        """ Done. """

    def get_camped_subscribers(self, access_period=0, auth=1):
        #camped is serialized
        camped = json.loads(self.__get('camped'))
        #not a real user, but we always need one
        camped += ['IMSI001010000000000']
        res = []
        for camp in camped:
                'IMSI': camp,
                'ACCESSED': time.time(),
        return res

    def get_load(self):
        return {
            'sdcch_load': random.choice(range(0, self.__get('sddch'))),
            'sdcch_available': self.__get('sddch'),
            'tchf_load': random.choice(range(0, self.__get('tchf'))),
            'tchf_available': self.__get('tchf'),
            'pch_active': random.choice(range(0, self.__get('pch'))),
            'pch_total': self.__get('pch'),
            'agch_active': random.choice(range(0, self.__get('agch'))),
            'agch_pending': 0,
            'gprs_current_pdchs': random.choice(range(0, self.__get('pdch'))),
            #probably should math this
            'gprs_utilization_percentage': .4,

    def get_noise(self):
        return {
            'noise_rssi_db': 60,
            'noise_ms_rssi_target_db': 80,

    def set_mcc(self, mcc):
        self.__set('mcc', mcc)

    def set_mnc(self, mnc):
        self.__set('mnc', mnc)

    def set_short_name(self, short_name):
        self.__set('shortName', short_name)

    def set_open_registration(self, expression):
        self.__set('openRegistration', expression)

    def set_timer(self, timer, value):
        self.__set('timer.' + timer, value)

    def set_band(self, band):
        self.__set('band', band)

    def set_arfcn_c0(self, arfcn):
        self.__set('c0', arfcn)

    def get_mcc(self):
        return self.__get('mcc')

    def get_mnc(self):
        return self.__get('mnc')

    def get_short_name(self):
        return self.__get('shortName')

    def get_open_registration(self):
        return self.__get('openRegistration')

    def get_timer(self, timer):
            return self.__get('timer.' + timer)
        except Exception as e:
            exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace = sys.exc_info()
            raise BSSError, "%s: %s" % (exc_type, exc_value), exc_trace

    def get_available_bands(self):
        return [self.get_band()]

    def get_available_arfcns(self):
        return [self.get_arfcn_c0()]

    def get_band(self):
        return self.__get('band')

    def get_arfcn_c0(self):
        return self.__get('c0')

    def get_versions(self):
        #custom keys for this BTS type
        versions = BaseBTS.get_versions(self)
        versions['fakebts'] = self.conf['gsm_version']
        return versions
Ejemplo n.º 5
class CheckinHandler(object):

    CONFIG_SECTION = "config"
    EVENTS_SECTION = "events"
    SUBSCRIBERS_SECTION = "subscribers"

    # NOTE: Keys in section_ctx dictionary below must match the keys of
    # optimized checkin sections: "config", "events", "subscribers", etc.
    section_ctx = {
        CONFIG_SECTION: delta.DeltaProtocolCtx(),
        # Note: EVENTS_SECTION is not optimized
        SUBSCRIBERS_SECTION: delta.DeltaProtocolCtx(),

    def __init__(self, response):
        self.conf = ConfigDB()
        self.eventstore = EventStore()
        r = self.validate(response)

    def process(self, resp_dict):
        """Process sections of a checkin response.

        Right now we have three sections: config, events, and subscribers.
        if 'status' in resp_dict and resp_dict['status'] == 'deregistered':
        for section in resp_dict:
            if section == CheckinHandler.CONFIG_SECTION:
            elif section == CheckinHandler.EVENTS_SECTION:
            elif section == CheckinHandler.SUBSCRIBERS_SECTION:
            elif section != 'status':
                logger.error("Unexpected checkin section: %s" % section)

    def validate(self, response):
        """Validates a response.

          response: decoded json response from the server as a python

        Returns: a python dictionary containing the checkin response, otherwise
                 throws errors.
        r = json.loads(response)
        return r['response']

    @delta.DeltaCapable(section_ctx['config'], True)
    def process_config(self, config_dict):
        for section in config_dict:
            if section == "endaga":
            # TODO cloud should use generic key names not openbts specific
            elif section == "openbts":
            elif section == "prices":
                process_prices(config_dict['prices'], self.conf)
            elif section == "autoupgrade":

    # wrap the subscriber method in order to keep delta context encapsulated
    @delta.DeltaCapable(section_ctx['subscribers'], True)
    def process_subscribers(self, data_dict):

    def process_events(self, data_dict):
        """Process information about events.

        Right now, there should only be one value here: seqno, which denotes
        the highest seqno for this BTS for which the server has ack'd.
        if "seqno" in data_dict:
            seqno = int(data_dict['seqno'])

    def process_autoupgrade(self, data):
        """Process information about autoupgrade preferences.

          data: a dict of the form {
            'enabled': True,
            'channel': 'dev',
            'in_window': True,  # whether to upgrade in a window or not.  If
                                # not, this means we should upgrade as soon as
                                # new packages are available.
            'window_start': '02:45:00'
            'latest_stable_version': '1.2.3',
            'latest_beta_version': '5.6.7',

        The configdb keys are prefixed with "autoupgrade." (e.g.
        for key in ('enabled', 'channel', 'in_window', 'window_start',
                    'latest_stable_version', 'latest_beta_version'):
            configdb_key = 'autoupgrade.%s' % key
            # Set the value if it's not already in the config db or if it's
            # changed.
            existing_value = self.conf.get(configdb_key, None)
            if existing_value != data[key]:
                self.conf[configdb_key] = data[key]