def download(self): __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='') ### Alfa filetools.mkdir(self.dest_path) for libname in get_libname(self.platform): dest = os.path.join(self.dest_path, libname) log("try to fetch %s" % libname) url = "%s/%s/%s/" % (__libbaseurl__, self.platform['system'], self.platform['version'], libname) if libname!='': try: self.http = HTTP() self.http.fetch(url, download=dest + ".zip", progress=False) ### Alfa log("%s -> %s" % (url, dest)) xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Extract("","%s")' % (dest, self.dest_path), True) filetools.remove(dest + ".zip") except: text = 'Failed download %s!' % libname xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (__plugin__,text,750,__icon__)) else: filetools.copy(os.path.join(self.dest_path, ''), dest, silent=True) ### Alfa dest_alfa = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__settings__.getAddonInfo('Path')), \ 'lib', libname) ### Alfa filetools.copy(dest, dest_alfa, silent=True) ### Alfa dest_alfa = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath(__settings__.getAddonInfo('Profile')), \ 'custom_code', 'lib', libname) ### Alfa filetools.copy(dest, dest_alfa, silent=True) ### Alfa return True
def set_server_setting(name, value, server): # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = None if filetools.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( dict_settings = dict_file.get('settings', {}) except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) dict_settings[name] = value # comprobamos si existe dict_file y es un diccionario, sino lo creamos if dict_file is None or not dict_file: dict_file = {} dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)):"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) return None return value
def save_library_tvshow(item, episodelist): """ guarda en la libreria de series la serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type episodelist: list @param episodelist: listado de items que representan los episodios que se van a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de episodios insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de episodios sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de episodios fallidos o -1 si ha fallado toda la serie """ # logger.debug(item.tostring('\n')) path = "" # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo o tmdb_id, salimos if not (item.contentSerieName or item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) or not logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO contentSerieName NI tmdb_id") return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llame a uno u otro scraper_return = scraper.find_and_set_infoLabels(item) # Llegados a este punto podemos tener: # scraper_return = True: Un item con infoLabels con la información actualizada de la serie # scraper_return = False: Un item sin información de la peli (se ha dado a cancelar en la ventana) # item.infoLabels['code'] == "" : No se ha encontrado el identificador de IMDB necesario para continuar, salimos if not scraper_return or not item.infoLabels['code']: # TODO de momento si no hay resultado no añadimos nada, # aunq podriamos abrir un cuadro para introducir el identificador/nombre a mano logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO EN SCRAPER O NO TIENE IMDB_ID") return 0, 0, -1 _id = item.infoLabels['code'] if config.get_setting("original_title_folder", "biblioteca") == 1 and item.infoLabels['originaltitle']: base_name = item.infoLabels['originaltitle'] elif item.infoLabels['title']: base_name = item.infoLabels['title'] else: base_name = item.contentSerieName base_name = filetools.validate_path(base_name.replace('/', '-')).lower() for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(TVSHOWS_PATH): for c in subcarpetas: if c.endswith("[%s]" % _id): path = filetools.join(raiz, c) break if not path: path = filetools.join(TVSHOWS_PATH, ("%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id)).strip())"Creando directorio serie: " + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
def set_server_setting(name, value, server): # We create the folder if it does not exist if not filetools.exists(filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir(filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = None if filetools.exists(file_settings): # We get saved configuration from ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( dict_settings = dict_file.get('settings', {}) except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR when reading the file: %s" % file_settings) dict_settings[name] = value # we check if dict_file exists and it is a dictionary, if not we create it if dict_file is None or not dict_file: dict_file = {} dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # We create the file ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)): logger.error("ERROR saving file: %s" % file_settings) return None return value
def move_to_libray(item): try: from platformcode import library except: return # Copiamos el archivo a la biblioteca origen = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) destino = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(destino)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(destino)) if filetools.isfile(destino) and filetools.isfile(origen) : filetools.remove(destino) if filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.move(origen, destino) if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(origen))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(origen)) else: logger.error("No se ha encontrado el archivo: %s" % origen) if filetools.isfile(destino): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=destino) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=destino) tvshow = Item(channel= "descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels = {"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path and path == "librarypath": saved_path = search_library_path() if saved_path: set_setting(path, saved_path) if not saved_path: saved_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/" + default set_setting(path, saved_path) saved_path = xbmc.translatePath(saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) # Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4")
def setting(): # support.dbg() xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons') xbmc.sleep(1000) if filetools.isfile(elementum_setting_file): xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id":1, "method": "Addons.SetAddonEnabled", "params": { "addonid": "", "enabled": true }}' ) Continue = True while Continue: try: __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="") __settings__.setSetting('skip_burst_search', 'true') __settings__.setSetting('greeting_enabled', 'false') __settings__.setSetting('do_not_disturb', 'true') Continue = False except:'RIPROVO') xbmc.sleep(100) else: if not filetools.exists(elementum_path): filetools.mkdir(elementum_path) filetools.copy(kod_setting_file, elementum_setting_file) xbmc.sleep(1000) xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id":1, "method": "Addons.SetAddonEnabled", "params": { "addonid": "", "enabled": true }}' ) updater.refreshLang() if filetools.exists(filename): filetools.remove(filename)
def update_external_addon(addon_name): try: #Verificamos que el addon está instalado if xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon("")' % addon_name): #Path de actualizaciones de Alfa alfa_addon_updates_mig = filetools.join(config.get_runtime_path(), "lib") alfa_addon_updates = filetools.join(alfa_addon_updates_mig, addon_name) #Path de destino en addon externo __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id="" + addon_name) if addon_name.lower() in ['quasar', 'elementum']: addon_path_root = xbmc.translatePath(__settings__.getAddonInfo('Path')) addon_path_mig = filetools.join(addon_path_root, filetools.join("resources", "site-packages")) addon_path = filetools.join(addon_path_mig, addon_name) else: addon_path_root = '' addon_path_mig = '' addon_path = '' #Hay modificaciones en Alfa? Las copiamos al addon, incuidas las carpetas de migración a PY3 if filetools.exists(alfa_addon_updates) and filetools.exists(addon_path): for root, folders, files in filetools.walk(alfa_addon_updates_mig): if ('future' in root or 'past' in root) and not 'concurrent' in root: for file in files: alfa_addon_updates_mig_folder = root.replace(alfa_addon_updates_mig, addon_path_mig) if not filetools.exists(alfa_addon_updates_mig_folder): filetools.mkdir(alfa_addon_updates_mig_folder) if file.endswith('.pyo') or file.endswith('.pyd'): continue input_file = filetools.join(root, file) output_file = input_file.replace(alfa_addon_updates_mig, addon_path_mig) if not filetools.copy(input_file, output_file, silent=True): logger.error('Error en la copia de MIGRACIÓN: Input: %s o Output: %s' % (input_file, output_file)) return False for root, folders, files in filetools.walk(alfa_addon_updates): for file in files: input_file = filetools.join(root, file) output_file = input_file.replace(alfa_addon_updates, addon_path_mig) if file in ['addon.xml']: filetools.copy(input_file, filetools.join(addon_path_root, file), silent=True) continue if not filetools.copy(input_file, output_file, silent=True): logger.error('Error en la copia: Input: %s o Output: %s' % (input_file, output_file)) return False return True else: logger.error('Alguna carpeta no existe: Alfa: %s o %s: %s' % (alfa_addon_updates, addon_name, addon_path_mig)) # Se ha desinstalado Quasar, reseteamos la opción else: config.set_setting('addon_quasar_update', False) if filetools.exists(filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "%s.json" % addon_name)): filetools.remove(filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "%s.json" % addon_name)) return True except: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False
def save_library_tvshow(item, episodelist): """ guarda en la libreria de series la serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type episodelist: list @param episodelist: listado de items que representan los episodios que se van a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de episodios insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de episodios sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de episodios fallidos o -1 si ha fallado toda la serie """ # logger.debug(item.tostring('\n')) path = "" # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo o tmdb_id, salimos if not (item.contentSerieName or item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) or not logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO contentSerieName NI tmdb_id") return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llame a uno u otro scraper_return = scraper.find_and_set_infoLabels(item) # Llegados a este punto podemos tener: # scraper_return = True: Un item con infoLabels con la información actualizada de la serie # scraper_return = False: Un item sin información de la peli (se ha dado a cancelar en la ventana) # item.infoLabels['code'] == "" : No se ha encontrado el identificador de IMDB necesario para continuar, salimos if not scraper_return or not item.infoLabels['code']: # TODO de momento si no hay resultado no añadimos nada, # aunq podriamos abrir un cuadro para introducir el identificador/nombre a mano logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO EN SCRAPER O NO TIENE IMDB_ID") return 0, 0, -1 _id = item.infoLabels['code'] if config.get_setting("original_title_folder", "biblioteca") == 1 and item.infoLabels['originaltitle']: base_name = item.infoLabels['originaltitle'] elif item.infoLabels['title']: base_name = item.infoLabels['title'] else: base_name = item.contentSerieName base_name = filetools.validate_path(base_name).lower() for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(TVSHOWS_PATH): for c in subcarpetas: if c.endswith("[%s]" % _id): path = filetools.join(raiz, c) break if not path: path = filetools.join(TVSHOWS_PATH, ("%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id)).strip())"Creando directorio serie: " + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
def move_to_libray(item): download_path = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) library_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) final_path = download_path if config.get_setting("library_add", "descargas") == True and config.get_setting("library_move", "descargas") == True: if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(library_path)) if filetools.isfile(library_path) and filetools.isfile(download_path) : filetools.remove(library_path) if filetools.isfile(download_path): if filetools.move(download_path, library_path): final_path = library_path if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(download_path))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(download_path)) if config.get_setting("library_add", "descargas") == True: if filetools.isfile(final_path): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Descargado: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel= "descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=final_path) tvshow = Item(channel= "descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels = {"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def verify_directories_created(): from platformcode import logger from core import filetools config_paths = [["videolibrarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["bookmarkpath", "favorites"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), *default.split("/")) set_setting(path, saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) config_paths = [["folder_movies", "CINE"], ["folder_tvshows", "SERIES"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = default set_setting(path, saved_path) content_path = filetools.join(get_videolibrary_path(), saved_path) if not filetools.exists(content_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, content_path)) # si se crea el directorio filetools.mkdir(content_path)
def get_server_setting(name, server, default=None): """ Retorna el valor de configuracion del parametro solicitado. Devuelve el valor del parametro 'name' en la configuracion propia del servidor 'server'. Busca en la ruta \addon_data\\settings_servers el archivo server_data.json y lee el valor del parametro 'name'. Si el archivo server_data.json no existe busca en la carpeta servers el archivo server.json y crea un archivo server_data.json antes de retornar el valor solicitado. Si el parametro 'name' tampoco existe en el el archivo server.json se devuelve el parametro default. @param name: nombre del parametro @type name: str @param server: nombre del servidor @type server: str @param default: valor devuelto en caso de que no exista el parametro name @type default: any @return: El valor del parametro 'name' @rtype: any """ # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if filetools.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) if not dict_settings or name not in dict_settings: # Obtenemos controles del archivo ../servers/server.json try: list_controls, default_settings = get_server_controls_settings( server) except: default_settings = {} if name in default_settings: # Si el parametro existe en el server.json creamos el server_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)):"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) # Devolvemos el valor del parametro local 'name' si existe, si no se devuelve default return dict_settings.get(name, default)
def get_server_setting(name, server, default=None): """ Returns the configuration value of the requested parameter. Returns the value of the parameter 'name' in the own configuration of the server 'server'. Look in the path \addon_data\\settings_servers for the file server_data.json and read the value of the parameter 'name'. If the server_data.json file does not exist look in the servers folder for the file server.json and create a server_data.json file before returning the requested value. If the parameter 'name' also does not exist in the server.json file the default parameter is returned. @param name: parameter name @type name: str @param server: server name @type server: str @param default: return value in case the name parameter does not exist @type default: any @return: The parameter value 'name' @rtype: any """ # We create the folder if it does not exist if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = {} if filetools.exists(file_settings): # We get saved configuration from ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( if isinstance(dict_file, dict) and 'settings' in dict_file: dict_settings = dict_file['settings'] except EnvironmentError:"ERROR when reading the file: %s" % file_settings) if not dict_settings or name not in dict_settings: # We get controls from the file ../servers/server.json try: list_controls, default_settings = get_server_controls_settings( server) except: default_settings = {} if name in default_settings: # If the parameter exists in the server.json we create the server_data.json default_settings.update(dict_settings) dict_settings = default_settings dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # We create the file ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)):"ERROR saving file: %s" % file_settings) # We return the value of the local parameter 'name' if it exists, if default is not returned return dict_settings.get(name, default)
def set_channel_setting(name, value, channel): from core import filetools """ Sets the configuration value of the indicated parameter. Set 'value' as the value of the parameter 'name' in the own configuration of the channel 'channel'. Returns the changed value or None if the assignment could not be completed. If the name of the channel is specified, search in the path \addon_data\\settings_channels the channel_data.json file and set the parameter 'name' to the value indicated by 'value'. If the parameter 'name' does not exist, it adds it, with its value, to the corresponding file. @param name: parameter name @type name: str @param value: parameter value @type value: str @param channel: channel name @type channel: str @return: 'value' if the value could be set and None otherwise @rtype: str, None """ # We create the folder if it does not exist if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels", channel + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = None if filetools.exists(file_settings): # We get saved settings from ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( dict_settings = dict_file.get('settings', {}) except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR when reading the file: %s" % file_settings) dict_settings[name] = value # we check if dict_file exists and it is a dictionary, if not we create it if dict_file is None or not dict_file: dict_file = {} dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump(dict_file) if not filetools.write(file_settings, json_data, silent=True): logger.error("ERROR saving file: %s" % file_settings) return None return value
def set_channel_setting(name, value, channel): from core import filetools """ Fija el valor de configuracion del parametro indicado. Establece 'value' como el valor del parametro 'name' en la configuracion propia del canal 'channel'. Devuelve el valor cambiado o None si la asignacion no se ha podido completar. Si se especifica el nombre del canal busca en la ruta \addon_data\\settings_channels el archivo channel_data.json y establece el parametro 'name' al valor indicado por 'value'. Si el parametro 'name' no existe lo añade, con su valor, al archivo correspondiente. @param name: nombre del parametro @type name: str @param value: valor del parametro @type value: str @param channel: nombre del canal @type channel: str @return: 'value' en caso de que se haya podido fijar el valor y None en caso contrario @rtype: str, None """ # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_channels", channel + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = None if filetools.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( dict_settings = dict_file.get('settings', {}) except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) dict_settings[name] = value # comprobamos si existe dict_file y es un diccionario, sino lo creamos if dict_file is None or not dict_file: dict_file = {} dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json json_data = jsontools.dump(dict_file) if not filetools.write(file_settings, json_data, silent=True): logger.error("ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) return None return value
def download_thumb(filename, url): lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() folder = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'thumbs_kbagi') if not filetools.exists(folder): filetools.mkdir(folder) lock.release() if not filetools.exists(filename): downloadtools.downloadfile(url, filename, silent=True) return filename
def rename(File): jsonPath = xbmc.translatePath(config.get_setting('downloadlistpath')) json = jsontools.load(open(filetools.join(jsonPath, File), "r").read()) filePath = filetools.join(xbmc.translatePath(config.get_setting('downloadpath')), json['downloadFilename']) if json['infoLabels']['mediatype'] == 'movie': if filetools.isdir(filePath): extension = '' files = filetools.listdir(filePath) oldName = json['downloadFilename'] newName = json['backupFilename'] for f in files: ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1] if ext in extensions_list: extension = ext filetools.rename(filetools.join(filePath, f), f.replace(oldName, newName)) filetools.rename(filePath, newName) jsontools.update_node(filetools.join(newName, newName + extension), File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: oldName = json['downloadFilename'] newName = json['backupFilename'] + os.path.splitext(oldName)[-1] filetools.rename(filePath, newName) jsontools.update_node(newName, File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: sep = '/' if filePath.lower().startswith("smb://") else os.sep FolderName = json['backupFilename'].split(sep)[0] Title = re.sub(r'(\s*\[[^\]]+\])', '', FolderName) if filetools.isdir(filePath): files = filetools.listdir(filePath) file_dict = {} for f in files: title = process_filename(f, Title, ext=False) ext = os.path.splitext(f)[-1] name = os.path.splitext(f)[0] if title not in file_dict and ext in extensions_list: file_dict[title] = name for title, name in file_dict.items(): for f in files: if name in f: filetools.rename(filetools.join(filePath, f), f.replace(name, title)) filetools.rename(filePath, FolderName) jsontools.update_node(FolderName, File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath) else: filename = filetools.split(filePath)[-1] title = process_filename(filename, Title) NewFolder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), FolderName) if not filetools.isdir(NewFolder): filetools.mkdir(NewFolder) from_folder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), filename) to_folder = filetools.join(config.get_setting('downloadpath'), FolderName, title) filetools.move(from_folder, to_folder) jsontools.update_node(filetools.join(FolderName, title), File, 'downloadFilename', jsonPath)
def create_tvshows_from_xml():"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library_service create_tvshows_from_xml") fname = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), library.TVSHOW_FILE_OLD) if filetools.exists(fname): platformtools.dialog_ok("Biblioteca: Se va a actualizar al nuevo formato", "Seleccione el nombre correcto de cada serie, si no está seguro pulse 'Cancelar'.", "Hay nuevas opciones en 'Biblioteca' y en la 'configuración' del addon.") filetools.rename(library.TVSHOWS_PATH, "SERIES_OLD") if not filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): filetools.mkdir(library.TVSHOWS_PATH) if filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): try: data = for line in data.splitlines(): aux = line.rstrip('\n').split(",") tvshow = aux[0].strip() url = aux[1].strip() channel = aux[2].strip() serie = Item(contentSerieName=tvshow, url=url, channel=channel, action="episodios", title=tvshow, active=True) patron = "^(.+)[\s]\((\d{4})\)$" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(serie.contentSerieName) if matches: serie.infoLabels['title'] = matches[0][0] serie.infoLabels['year'] = matches[0][1] else: serie.infoLabels['title'] = tvshow library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) filetools.rename(fname, "series.xml.old") # Por ultimo limpia la libreria, por que las rutas anteriores ya no existen library.clean() except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: {0}".format(fname)) else:"ERROR, no se ha podido crear la nueva carpeta de SERIES") else:"ERROR, no se ha podido renombrar la antigua carpeta de SERIES") return True return False
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools from platformcode import xbmc_library config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) # Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4") if not saved_path: saved_path = xbmc_library.search_library_path() if saved_path: set_setting(path, saved_path) if not saved_path: saved_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/" + default set_setting(path, saved_path) if get_setting("library_set_content")== "true" and path in ["librarypath","downloadpath"]: xbmc_library.add_sources(saved_path) saved_path = xbmc.translatePath(saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) config_paths = [["folder_movies", "CINE"], ["folder_tvshows", "SERIES"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = default set_setting(path, saved_path) content_path = filetools.join(get_library_path(), saved_path) if not filetools.exists(content_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, content_path)) if filetools.mkdir(content_path) and get_setting("library_set_content")== "true": xbmc_library.set_content(default) elif get_setting("library_ask_set_content") == "active": xbmc_library.set_content(default)
def create_tvshows_from_xml():"streamondemand.platformcode.library_service create_tvshows_from_xml") fname = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), library.TVSHOW_FILE_OLD) if filetools.exists(fname): platformtools.dialog_ok("Libreria: Si aggiornerà al nuovo formato", "Selezionare il nome corretto di ogni serie, se non siete sicuri potete 'Annulla'.", "Ci sono nuove opzioni per la 'Libreria' in 'configurazione'.") filetools.rename(library.TVSHOWS_PATH, "SERIES_OLD") if not filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): filetools.mkdir(library.TVSHOWS_PATH) if filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): try: data = for line in data.splitlines(): aux = line.rstrip('\n').split(",") tvshow = aux[0].strip() url = aux[1].strip() channel = aux[2].strip() serie = Item(contentSerieName=tvshow, url=url, channel=channel, action="episodios", title=tvshow, active=True) patron = "^(.+)[\s]\((\d{4})\)$" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(serie.contentSerieName) if matches: serie.infoLabels['title'] = matches[0][0] serie.infoLabels['year'] = matches[0][1] else: serie.infoLabels['title'] = tvshow library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) filetools.rename(fname, "series.xml.old") # Por ultimo limpia la libreria, por que las rutas anteriores ya no existen library.clean() except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: {0}".format(fname)) else:"ERROR, no se ha podido crear la nueva carpeta de SERIES") else:"ERROR, no se ha podido renombrar la antigua carpeta de SERIES") return True return False
def create_tvshows_from_xml():"fusionse.platformcode.library_service create_tvshows_from_xml") fname = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), library.TVSHOW_FILE_OLD) if filetools.exists(fname): platformtools.dialog_ok("Libreria: Si aggiornerà al nuovo formato", "Selezionare il nome corretto di ogni serie, se non siete sicuri potete 'Annulla'.", "Ci sono nuove opzioni per la 'Libreria' in 'configurazione'.") filetools.rename(library.TVSHOWS_PATH, "SERIES_OLD") if not filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): filetools.mkdir(library.TVSHOWS_PATH) if filetools.exists(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): try: data = for line in data.splitlines(): aux = line.rstrip('\n').split(",") tvshow = aux[0].strip() url = aux[1].strip() channel = aux[2].strip() serie = Item(contentSerieName=tvshow, url=url, channel=channel, action="episodios", title=tvshow, active=True) patron = "^(.+)[\s]\((\d{4})\)$" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(serie.contentSerieName) if matches: serie.infoLabels['title'] = matches[0][0] serie.infoLabels['year'] = matches[0][1] else: serie.infoLabels['title'] = tvshow library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) filetools.rename(fname, "series.xml.old") # Por ultimo limpia la libreria, por que las rutas anteriores ya no existen library.clean() except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: {0}".format(fname)) else:"ERROR, no se ha podido crear la nueva carpeta de SERIES") else:"ERROR, no se ha podido renombrar la antigua carpeta de SERIES") return True return False
def download_from_url(url, item):"Intentando descargar: %s" % (url)) if url.lower().endswith(".m3u8") or url.lower().startswith("rtmp"): save_server_statistics(item.server, 0, False) return {"downloadStatus": STATUS_CODES.error} # Obtenemos la ruta de descarga y el nombre del archivo item.downloadFilename = item.downloadFilename.replace('/','-') download_path = filetools.dirname(filetools.join(DOWNLOAD_PATH, item.downloadFilename)) file_name = filetools.basename(filetools.join(DOWNLOAD_PATH, item.downloadFilename)) # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists(download_path): filetools.mkdir(download_path) # Lanzamos la descarga d = Downloader(url, download_path, file_name, max_connections=1 + int(config.get_setting("max_connections", "downloads")), block_size=2 ** (17 + int(config.get_setting("block_size", "downloads"))), part_size=2 ** (20 + int(config.get_setting("part_size", "downloads"))), max_buffer=2 * int(config.get_setting("max_buffer", "downloads"))) d.start_dialog(config.get_localized_string(60332)) # Descarga detenida. Obtenemos el estado: # Se ha producido un error en la descarga if d.state == d.states.error:"Error al intentar descargar %s" % (url)) status = STATUS_CODES.error # La descarga se ha detenifdo elif d.state == d.states.stopped:"Descarga detenida") status = STATUS_CODES.canceled # La descarga ha finalizado elif d.state == d.states.completed:"Descargado correctamente") status = STATUS_CODES.completed if item.downloadSize and item.downloadSize != d.size[0]: status = STATUS_CODES.error save_server_statistics(item.server, d.speed[0], d.state != d.states.error) dir = os.path.dirname(item.downloadFilename) file = filetools.join(dir, d.filename) if status == STATUS_CODES.completed: move_to_libray(item.clone(downloadFilename=file)) return {"downloadUrl": d.download_url, "downloadStatus": status, "downloadSize": d.size[0], "downloadProgress": d.progress, "downloadCompleted": d.downloaded[0], "downloadFilename": file}
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools from platformcode import xbmc_library config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) # Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4") if not saved_path: saved_path = xbmc_library.search_library_path() if saved_path: set_setting(path, saved_path) if not saved_path: saved_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/" + default set_setting(path, saved_path) if get_setting("library_set_content") == "true" and path in [ "librarypath", "downloadpath" ]: xbmc_library.add_sources(saved_path) saved_path = xbmc.translatePath(saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) config_paths = [["folder_movies", "CINE"], ["folder_tvshows", "SERIES"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = default set_setting(path, saved_path) content_path = filetools.join(get_library_path(), saved_path) if not filetools.exists(content_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, content_path)) if filetools.mkdir(content_path) and get_setting( "library_set_content") == "true": xbmc_library.set_content(default) elif get_setting("library_ask_set_content") == "active": xbmc_library.set_content(default)
def import_videolibrary(item): zip_file = platformtools.dialog_browse(1, config.get_localized_string(80005)) if zip_file == "": return if not platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80006)): return p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress_bg( config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80007)) p_dialog.update(0) if filetools.exists(temp_path): filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) filetools.mkdir(temp_path) unzipper = ziptools.ziptools() unzipper.extract(zip_file, temp_path) p_dialog.update(25) filetools.rmdirtree(videolibrarytools.VIDEOLIBRARY_PATH) p_dialog.update(50) if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc.sleep(5000) xbmc_videolibrary.clean() config.verify_directories_created() if filetools.exists(movies_path): copy_tree(movies_path, videolibrarytools.MOVIES_PATH) p_dialog.update(70) if filetools.exists(tvshows_path): copy_tree(tvshows_path, videolibrarytools.TVSHOWS_PATH) p_dialog.update(90) filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) p_dialog.update(100) xbmc.sleep(2000) p_dialog.close() platformtools.dialog_ok(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80008)) if platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80009)): import service service.check_for_update(overwrite=True) if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc_videolibrary.update()
def import_videolibrary(item): zip_file = unicode( platformtools.dialog_browse(1, config.get_localized_string(80005), mask=".zip")) if zip_file == "": return if not platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80006)): return p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress_bg( config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80007)) # p_dialog.update(0) if filetools.exists(temp_path): shutil.rmtree(temp_path) filetools.mkdir(videolibrary_temp_path) unzip(videolibrary_temp_path, zip_file) p_dialog.update(20) if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc_videolibrary.clean() p_dialog.update(30) shutil.rmtree(videolibrary_movies_path) shutil.rmtree(videolibrary_tvshows_path) p_dialog.update(50) config.verify_directories_created() if filetools.exists(movies_path): copy_tree(movies_path, videolibrary_movies_path) p_dialog.update(70) if filetools.exists(tvshows_path): copy_tree(tvshows_path, videolibrary_tvshows_path) p_dialog.update(90) shutil.rmtree(temp_path) p_dialog.update(100) xbmc.sleep(1000) p_dialog.close() platformtools.dialog_notification(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80008), time=5000, sound=False) videolibrary.update_videolibrary() if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc_videolibrary.update()
def download_thumb(filename, url): from core import downloadtools lock = threading.Lock() lock.acquire() folder = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'thumbs_copiapop') if not filetools.exists(folder): filetools.mkdir(folder) lock.release() if not filetools.exists(filename): downloadtools.downloadfile(url, filename, silent=True) return filename
def move_to_libray(item): if not config.get_setting("library_move", "descargas") == True: return try: from core import library except: return # Copiamos el archivo a la biblioteca origen = filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename) destino = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), *filetools.split(item.downloadFilename)) if not filetools.isdir(filetools.dirname(destino)): filetools.mkdir(filetools.dirname(destino)) if filetools.isfile(destino) and filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.remove(destino) if filetools.isfile(origen): filetools.move(origen, destino) if len(filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(origen))) == 0: filetools.rmdir(filetools.dirname(origen)) else: logger.error("No se ha encontrado el archivo: %s" % origen) if filetools.isfile(destino): if item.contentType == "movie" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Scaricato: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=item.downloadFilename) library.save_library_movie(library_item) elif item.contentType == "episode" and item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]: library_item = Item(title="Scaricato: %s" % item.downloadFilename, channel="descargas", action="findvideos", infoLabels=item.infoLabels, url=item.downloadFilename) tvshow = Item(channel="descargas", contentType="tvshow", infoLabels={"tmdb_id": item.infoLabels["tmdb_id"]}) library.save_library_tvshow(tvshow, [library_item])
def savecurrenthash(_hash, file): if " OR " in _hash: _hash = _hash.split(" OR ", 1)[0] _hash = unicode(_hash, "utf-8", errors="replace").encode("utf-8") media_dict = {"hash": _hash} if not filetools.exists(file): if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'matchcenter')): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'matchcenter')) filetools.write(file, jsontools.dump_json(media_dict)) return
def set_server_setting(name, value, server): global alfa_caching, alfa_servers # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")): filetools.mkdir( filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers")) file_settings = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "settings_servers", server + "_data.json") dict_settings = {} dict_file = None if kodi: alfa_caching = bool(window.getProperty("alfa_caching")) alfa_servers = json.loads(window.getProperty("alfa_servers")) if alfa_caching and alfa_servers.get(server): dict_settings = alfa_servers[server].copy() elif filetools.exists(file_settings): # Obtenemos configuracion guardada de ../settings/channel_data.json try: dict_file = jsontools.load( dict_settings = dict_file.get('settings', {}) except EnvironmentError:"ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % file_settings) dict_settings[name] = value if alfa_caching: alfa_caching = bool(window.getProperty("alfa_caching")) if alfa_caching: alfa_servers[server] = dict_settings.copy() window.setProperty("alfa_servers", json.dumps(alfa_servers)) else: alfa_servers = {} window.setProperty("alfa_servers", json.dumps(alfa_servers)) # comprobamos si existe dict_file y es un diccionario, sino lo creamos if dict_file is None or not dict_file: dict_file = {} dict_file['settings'] = dict_settings # Creamos el archivo ../settings/channel_data.json if not filetools.write(file_settings, jsontools.dump(dict_file)):"ERROR al salvar el archivo: %s" % file_settings) return None return value
def save_library_tvshow(item, episodelist): """ guarda en la libreria de series la serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type episodelist: list @param episodelist: listado de items que representan los episodios que se van a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de episodios insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de episodios sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de episodios fallidos o -1 si ha fallado toda la serie """"streamondemand.platformcode.library save_library_tvshow") # Itentamos obtener el titulo correcto: # 1. contentSerieName: Este deveria ser el sitio correcto # 2. show titulo = item.contentSerieName if not titulo: titulo = # Colocamos el titulo en su sitio para que tmdb lo localize item.contentSerieName = titulo # establecemos "active" para que se actualice cuando se llame a library_service = True # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo, salimos if not item.contentSerieName or not return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llame a uno u otro tmdb.find_and_set_infoLabels_tmdb( item, config.get_setting("scrap_ask_name") == "true") path = filetools.join( TVSHOWS_PATH, "{0} [{1}]".format(item.contentSerieName.strip().lower(), if not filetools.exists(path): "streamondemand.platformcode.library save_library_tvshow Creando directorio serie:" + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
def import_videolibrary(item): zip_file = platformtools.dialog_browse(1, config.get_localized_string(80005)) if zip_file == "": return if not platformtools.dialog_yesno(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80006)): return p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress_bg(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80007)) p_dialog.update(0) if filetools.exists(temp_path): filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) filetools.mkdir(temp_path) unzipper = ziptools.ziptools() unzipper.extract(zip_file, temp_path) p_dialog.update(20) if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc_videolibrary.clean() p_dialog.update(30) filetools.rmdirtree(videolibrarytools.MOVIES_PATH) filetools.rmdirtree(videolibrarytools.TVSHOWS_PATH) p_dialog.update(50) config.verify_directories_created() if filetools.exists(movies_path): copy_tree(movies_path, videolibrarytools.MOVIES_PATH) p_dialog.update(70) if filetools.exists(tvshows_path): copy_tree(tvshows_path, videolibrarytools.TVSHOWS_PATH) p_dialog.update(90) filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) p_dialog.update(100) xbmc.sleep(1000) p_dialog.close() platformtools.dialog_notification(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80008), time=5000, sound=False) videolibrary.update_videolibrary() if config.is_xbmc() and config.get_setting("videolibrary_kodi"): xbmc_videolibrary.update()
def save_library_tvshow(item, episodelist): """ guarda en la libreria de series la serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type episodelist: list @param episodelist: listado de items que representan los episodios que se van a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de episodios insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de episodios sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de episodios fallidos o -1 si ha fallado toda la serie """"streamondemand.platformcode.library save_library_tvshow") # Itentamos obtener el titulo correcto: # 1. contentSerieName: Este deveria ser el sitio correcto # 2. show titulo = item.contentSerieName if not titulo: titulo = # Colocamos el titulo en su sitio para que tmdb lo localize item.contentSerieName = titulo # establecemos "active" para que se actualice cuando se llame a library_service = True # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo, salimos if not item.contentSerieName or not return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llame a uno u otro tmdb.find_and_set_infoLabels_tmdb(item, config.get_setting("scrap_ask_name") == "true") path = filetools.join(TVSHOWS_PATH, "{0} [{1}]".format(item.contentSerieName.strip().lower(), if not filetools.exists(path):"streamondemand.platformcode.library save_library_tvshow Creando directorio serie:" + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
def copy_file(item): from core import filetools MIS_TORRENT_FOLDER = filetools.join( config.get_setting('downloadpath', default=''), 'Mis_Torrents') MIS_TORRENT_BTDIGG_FOLDER = filetools.join(MIS_TORRENT_FOLDER, 'BTDigg - resultados') if not filetools.exists(MIS_TORRENT_BTDIGG_FOLDER): filetools.mkdir(MIS_TORRENT_BTDIGG_FOLDER) path = filetools.join(MIS_TORRENT_BTDIGG_FOLDER, filetools.validate_path(item.copytitle) + '.magnet') filetools.write(path, item.url, silent=True) platformtools.dialog_notification( 'Copiando MAGNET', filetools.validate_path(item.copytitle) + '.magnet')
def export_videolibrary(item): zip_file_folder = platformtools.dialog_browse(3, config.get_localized_string(80002)) if zip_file_folder == "": return zip_file = xbmc.translatePath(zip_file_folder + "KoD_video_library-" + str( + ".zip") p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress_bg(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80003)) p_dialog.update(0) if filetools.exists(temp_path): filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) filetools.mkdir(temp_path) p_dialog.update(25) filetools.mkdir(movies_path) copy_tree(videolibrarytools.MOVIES_PATH, movies_path) p_dialog.update(50) filetools.mkdir(tvshows_path) copy_tree(videolibrarytools.TVSHOWS_PATH, tvshows_path) p_dialog.update(75) zipper = ziptools.ziptools(), zip_file) filetools.rmdirtree(temp_path) p_dialog.update(100) xbmc.sleep(1000) p_dialog.close() platformtools.dialog_notification(config.get_localized_string(20000), config.get_localized_string(80004), time=5000, sound=False)
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["bookmarkpath", "favorites"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), *default.split("/")) set_setting(path, saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) #Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4")
def extract(self, file, dir, folder_to_extract="", overwrite_question=False, backup=False):"file= %s" % file)"dir= %s" % dir) if not dir.endswith(':') and not filetools.exists(dir): filetools.mkdir(dir) zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filetools.file_open(file, vfs=False)) if not folder_to_extract: self._createstructure(file, dir) num_files = len(zf.namelist()) for nameo in zf.namelist(): name = nameo.replace(':', '_').replace('<', '_').replace('>', '_').replace('|', '_').replace('"', '_').replace('?', '_').replace('*', '_')"name=%s" % nameo) if not name.endswith('/'):"it's not a directory") try: (path, filename) = filetools.split(filetools.join(dir, name))"path=%s" % path)"name=%s" % name) if folder_to_extract: if path != filetools.join(dir, folder_to_extract): break else: filetools.mkdir(path) except: pass if folder_to_extract: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, filename) else: outfilename = filetools.join(dir, name)"outfilename=%s" % outfilename) try: if filetools.exists(outfilename) and overwrite_question: from platformcode import platformtools dyesno = platformtools.dialog_yesno("File already exists "," File %s to unzip already exists, do you want to overwrite it?" % filetools.basename(outfilename)) if not dyesno: break if backup: import time hora_folder = "Backup [%s]" % time.strftime("%d-%m_%H-%M", time.localtime()) backup = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), 'backups', hora_folder, folder_to_extract) if not filetools.exists(backup): filetools.mkdir(backup) filetools.copy(outfilename, filetools.join(backup, filetools.basename(outfilename))) if not filetools.write(outfilename,, silent=True, vfs=VFS): #TRUNCA en FINAL en Kodi 19 con VFS logger.error("File error " + nameo) except: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("File error " + nameo) try: zf.close() except:"Error closing .zip " + file)
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = "special://profile/plugin_data/video/pelisalacarta/" + default set_setting(path, saved_path) saved_path = xbmc.translatePath(saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) # Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4")
def verify_directories_created(): from core import logger from core import filetools config_paths = [["librarypath", "library"], ["downloadpath", "downloads"], ["downloadlistpath", "downloads/list"], ["bookmarkpath", "favorites"], ["settings_path", "settings_channels"]] for path, default in config_paths: saved_path = get_setting(path) if not saved_path: saved_path = filetools.join(get_data_path() , *default.split("/")) set_setting(path, saved_path) if not filetools.exists(saved_path): logger.debug("Creating %s: %s" % (path, saved_path)) filetools.mkdir(saved_path) #Biblioteca if path == "librarypath": set_setting("library_version", "v4")
# Make sure "Allow control of XBMC via HTTP" is set to ON in Settings -> # Services -> Webserver xbmc_host = config.get_setting("xbmc_host") # Configured in Settings -> Services -> Webserver -> Port xbmc_port = int(config.get_setting("xbmc_port")) # Base URL of the json RPC calls. For GET calls we append a "request" URI # parameter. For POSTs, we add the payload as JSON the the HTTP request body xbmc_json_rpc_url = "http://" + xbmc_host + ":" + str(xbmc_port) + "/jsonrpc" DEBUG = config.get_setting("debug") FOLDER_LIBRARY = "/library" LIBRARY_PATH = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + FOLDER_LIBRARY) if not filetools.exists(LIBRARY_PATH):"streamondemand.platformcode.library Library path doesn't exist:" + LIBRARY_PATH) filetools.mkdir(LIBRARY_PATH) # TODO permitir cambiar las rutas y nombres en settings para 'cine' y 'series' FOLDER_MOVIES = "CINE" # config.get_localized_string(30072) MOVIES_PATH = filetools.join(LIBRARY_PATH, FOLDER_MOVIES) if not filetools.exists(MOVIES_PATH):"streamondemand.platformcode.library Movies path doesn't exist:" + MOVIES_PATH) filetools.mkdir(MOVIES_PATH) FOLDER_TVSHOWS = "SERIES" # config.get_localized_string(30073) TVSHOWS_PATH = filetools.join(LIBRARY_PATH, FOLDER_TVSHOWS) if not filetools.exists(TVSHOWS_PATH):"streamondemand.platformcode.library Tvshows path doesn't exist:" + TVSHOWS_PATH) filetools.mkdir(TVSHOWS_PATH) TVSHOW_FILE = "series.json"
def establecer_contenido(content_type, silent=False): if config.is_xbmc(): continuar = False msg_text = "Cartella Libreria personalizzata" librarypath = config.get_setting("librarypath") if librarypath == "": continuar = True if content_type == FOLDER_MOVIES: if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The Movie Database", "TheMovieDB. non presente.", "Installare adesso?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True)"Instalado el Scraper de películas de TheMovieDB") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = "The Movie Database non installato." else: # SERIES # Instalar The TVDB if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The TVDB", "The TVDB non presente.", "Installare adesso?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True)"Instalado el Scraper de series de The TVDB") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = "The TVDB non installato." # Instalar TheMovieDB if continuar and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): continuar = False if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The Movie Database", "TheMovieDB non presente.", "Installare adesso?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar # 1º Probar desde el repositorio ... xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True) if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): # no funciona descargar e instalar desde la web url = "" path_down = xbmc.translatePath( "special://home/addons/packages/") path_unzip = xbmc.translatePath("special://home/addons/") header = ("User-Agent", "Kodi/15.2 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) App_Bitness/32 Version/15.2-Git:20151019-02e7013") from core import downloadtools from core import ziptools downloadtools.downloadfile(url, path_down, continuar=True, headers=[header]) unzipper = ziptools.ziptools() unzipper.extract(path_down, path_unzip) xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.UpdateLocalAddons') strSettings = '<settings>\n' \ ' <setting id="fanart" value="true" />\n' \ ' <setting id="keeporiginaltitle" value="false" />\n' \ ' <setting id="language" value="it" />\n' \ '</settings>' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/") tv_themoviedb_addon_path = filetools.dirname(path_settings) if not filetools.exists(tv_themoviedb_addon_path): filetools.mkdir(tv_themoviedb_addon_path) if filetools.write(path_settings,strSettings): continuar = True except: pass continuar = (install and continuar) if not continuar: msg_text = "The Movie Database non installato." idPath = 0 idParentPath = 0 strPath = "" if continuar: continuar = False librarypath = "special://home/userdata/addon_data/" + config.PLUGIN_NAME + "/library/" # Buscamos el idPath sql = 'SELECT MAX(idPath) FROM path' nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idPath = records[0][0] + 1 # Buscamos el idParentPath sql = 'SELECT idPath, strPath FROM path where strPath LIKE "%s"' % \ librarypath.replace('/profile/', '/%/').replace('/home/userdata/', '/%/') nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idParentPath = records[0][0] librarypath = records[0][1] continuar = True else: # No existe librarypath en la BD: la insertamos sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, noUpdate, exclude) VALUES ' \ '(%s, "%s", 0, 0, 0, 0)' % (idPath, librarypath) nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True idParentPath = idPath idPath += 1 else: msg_text = "Impossibile impostare librarypath in BD" if continuar: continuar = False # Fijamos strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive y strSettings if content_type == FOLDER_MOVIES: strContent = 'movies' strScraper = '' scanRecursive = 2147483647 strSettings = "<settings><setting id='RatingS' value='TMDb' /><setting id='certprefix' value='Rated ' />" \ "<setting id='fanart' value='true' /><setting id='keeporiginaltitle' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='language' value='it' /><setting id='tmdbcertcountry' value='us' />" \ "<setting id='trailer' value='true' /></settings>" strActualizar = "Configurare lo scraper per i film in italiano?" else: strContent = 'tvshows' strScraper = '' scanRecursive = 0 strSettings = "<settings><setting id='RatingS' value='TheTVDB' />" \ "<setting id='absolutenumber' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='dvdorder' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='fallback' value='true' />" \ "<setting id='fanart' value='true' />" \ "<setting id='language' value='it' /></settings>" strActualizar = "Configurare lo scraper per le serie in italiano?" # Fijamos strPath strPath = librarypath + content_type + "/""%s: %s" % (content_type, strPath)) # Comprobamos si ya existe strPath en la BD para evitar duplicados sql = 'SELECT idPath FROM path where strPath="%s"' % strPath nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) sql = "" if nun_records == 0: # Insertamos el scraper sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, ' \ 'strSettings, noUpdate, exclude, idParentPath) VALUES (%s, "%s", "%s", "%s", %s, 0, ' \ '"%s", 0, 0, %s)' % ( idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idParentPath) else: if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos configurar como opcion por defecto actualizar = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The TVDB", strActualizar) else: actualizar = True if actualizar: # Actualizamos el scraper idPath = records[0][0] sql = 'UPDATE path SET strContent="%s", strScraper="%s", scanRecursive=%s, strSettings="%s" ' \ 'WHERE idPath=%s' % (strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idPath) if sql: nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True if not continuar: msg_text = "Error al configurar el scraper en la BD." if not continuar: heading = "Libreria non %s configurata" % content_type #msg_text = "Assicurarsi di aver installato l'add-on The Movie Database" elif content_type == FOLDER_TVSHOWS and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): heading = "Libreria %s configurata" % content_type msg_text = "Kodi deve essere riavviato affinché le modifiche abbiano effetto." else: heading = "Libreria %s configurata" % content_type msg_text = "Complimenti la libreria di Kodi è stata configurata correttamente." platformtools.dialog_notification(heading, msg_text, icon=1, time=10000)"%s: %s" % (heading,msg_text))
def convert_old_to_v4(): path_series_xml = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "series.xml") path_series_json = filetools.join(config.get_data_path(), "series.json") series_insertadas = 0 series_fallidas = 0 version = 'v?' # Renombrar carpeta Series y crear una vacia import time new_name = str(time.time()) path_series_old = filetools.join(library.LIBRARY_PATH, "SERIES_OLD_" + new_name) if filetools.rename(library.TVSHOWS_PATH, "SERIES_OLD_" + new_name): if not filetools.mkdir(library.TVSHOWS_PATH): logger.error("ERROR, no se ha podido crear la nueva carpeta de SERIES") return False else: logger.error("ERROR, no se ha podido renombrar la antigua carpeta de SERIES") return False path_cine_old = filetools.join(library.LIBRARY_PATH, "CINE_OLD_" + new_name) if filetools.rename(library.MOVIES_PATH, "CINE_OLD_" + new_name): if not filetools.mkdir(library.MOVIES_PATH): logger.error("ERROR, no se ha podido crear la nueva carpeta de CINE") return False else: logger.error("ERROR, no se ha podido renombrar la antigua carpeta de CINE") return False # Convertir libreria de v1(xml) a v4 if filetools.exists(path_series_xml): try: data = for line in data.splitlines(): try: aux = line.rstrip('\n').split(",") tvshow = aux[0].strip() url = aux[1].strip() channel = aux[2].strip() serie = Item(contentSerieName=tvshow, url=url, channel=channel, action="episodios", title=tvshow, active=True) patron = "^(.+)[\s]\((\d{4})\)$" matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(serie.contentSerieName) if matches: serie.infoLabels['title'] = matches[0][0] serie.infoLabels['year'] = matches[0][1] else: serie.infoLabels['title'] = tvshow insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos = library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) if fallidos == 0: series_insertadas += 1 platformtools.dialog_notification("Serie actualizada", serie.infoLabels['title']) else: series_fallidas += 1 except: series_fallidas += 1 filetools.rename(path_series_xml, "series.xml.old") version = 'v4' except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % path_series_xml) return False # Convertir libreria de v2(json) a v4 if filetools.exists(path_series_json): try: data = jsontools.load_json( for tvshow in data: for channel in data[tvshow]["channels"]: try: serie = Item(contentSerieName=data[tvshow]["channels"][channel]["tvshow"], url=data[tvshow]["channels"][channel]["url"], channel=channel, action="episodios", title=data[tvshow]["name"], active=True) if not tvshow.startswith("t_"): serie.infoLabels["tmdb_id"] = tvshow insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos = library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) if fallidos == 0: series_insertadas += 1 platformtools.dialog_notification("Serie actualizada", serie.infoLabels['title']) else: series_fallidas += 1 except: series_fallidas += 1 filetools.rename(path_series_json, "series.json.old") version = 'v4' except EnvironmentError: logger.error("ERROR al leer el archivo: %s" % path_series_json) return False # Convertir libreria de v3 a v4 if version != 'v4': # Obtenemos todos los tvshow.json de la biblioteca de SERIES_OLD recursivamente for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(path_series_old): for f in ficheros: if f == "tvshow.json": try: serie = Item().fromjson(, f))) insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos = library.save_library_tvshow(serie, list()) if fallidos == 0: series_insertadas += 1 platformtools.dialog_notification("Serie actualizada", serie.infoLabels['title']) else: series_fallidas += 1 except: series_fallidas += 1 movies_insertadas = 0 movies_fallidas = 0 for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(path_cine_old): for f in ficheros: if f.endswith(".strm.json"): try: movie = Item().fromjson(, f))) insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos = library.save_library_movie(movie) if fallidos == 0: movies_insertadas += 1 platformtools.dialog_notification("Película actualizada", movie.infoLabels['title']) else: movies_fallidas += 1 except: movies_fallidas += 1 config.set_setting("library_version", 'v4') platformtools.dialog_notification("Biblioteca actualizada al nuevo formato", "%s series convertidas y %s series descartadas.\n" "%s peliculas convertidas y %s peliculas descartadas." "A continuación se va a obtener la información de todos los episodios" % (series_insertadas, series_fallidas, movies_insertadas, movies_fallidas), time=12000) # Por ultimo limpia la libreria, por que las rutas anteriores ya no existen if config.is_xbmc(): from platformcode import xbmc_library xbmc_library.clean() return True
def download_from_url(url, item):"pelisalacarta.channels.descargas download_from_url - Intentando descargar: %s" % (url)) if url.lower().endswith(".m3u8") or url.lower().startswith("rtmp"): save_server_statistics(item.server, 0, False) return {"downloadStatus": STATUS_CODES.error} # Obtenemos la ruta de descarga y el nombre del archivo download_path = filetools.dirname(filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename)) file_name = filetools.basename(filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadpath"), item.downloadFilename)) # Creamos la carpeta si no existe if not filetools.exists(download_path): filetools.mkdir(download_path) # Mostramos el progreso progreso = platformtools.dialog_progress("Descargas", "Iniciando descarga...") # Lanzamos la descarga d = Downloader(url, filetools.encode(download_path), filetools.encode(file_name)) d.start() # Monitorizamos la descarga hasta que se termine o se cancele while d.state == d.states.downloading and not progreso.iscanceled(): time.sleep(0.1) line1 = "%s" % (filetools.decode(d.filename)) line2 = "%.2f%% - %.2f %s de %.2f %s a %.2f %s/s (%d/%d)" % ( d.progress, d.downloaded[1], d.downloaded[2], d.size[1], d.size[2], d.speed[1], d.speed[2], d.connections[0], d.connections[1]) line3 = "Tiempo restante: %s" % (d.remaining_time) progreso.update(int(d.progress), line1, line2, line3) # Descarga detenida. Obtenemos el estado: # Se ha producido un error en la descarga if d.state == d.states.error:"pelisalacarta.channels.descargas download_video - Error al intentar descargar %s" % (url)) d.stop() progreso.close() status = STATUS_CODES.error # Aun está descargando (se ha hecho click en cancelar) elif d.state == d.states.downloading:"pelisalacarta.channels.descargas download_video - Descarga detenida") d.stop() progreso.close() status = STATUS_CODES.canceled # La descarga ha finalizado elif d.state == d.states.completed:"pelisalacarta.channels.descargas download_video - Descargado correctamente") progreso.close() status = STATUS_CODES.completed if item.downloadSize and item.downloadSize != d.size[0]: status = STATUS_CODES.error save_server_statistics(item.server, d.speed[0], d.state != d.states.error) if progreso.iscanceled(): status = STATUS_CODES.canceled dir = os.path.dirname(item.downloadFilename) file = filetools.join(dir, filetools.decode(d.filename)) if status == STATUS_CODES.completed: move_to_libray(item.clone(downloadFilename = file)) return {"downloadUrl": d.download_url, "downloadStatus": status, "downloadSize": d.size[0], "downloadProgress": d.progress, "downloadCompleted": d.downloaded[0], "downloadFilename": file}
def verify_directories_created(): import logger from core import filetools # Force download path if empty download_path = get_setting("downloadpath") if download_path == "": if is_xbmc(): download_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/downloads" else: download_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), "downloads") set_setting("downloadpath", download_path) # Force download list path if empty download_list_path = get_setting("downloadlistpath") if download_list_path == "": if is_xbmc(): download_list_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/downloads/list" else: download_list_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), "downloads", "list") set_setting("downloadlistpath", download_list_path) # Force bookmark path if empty bookmark_path = get_setting("bookmarkpath") if bookmark_path == "": if is_xbmc(): bookmark_path = "special://profile/addon_data/" + PLUGIN_NAME + "/downloads/list" else: bookmark_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), "bookmarks") set_setting("bookmarkpath", bookmark_path) # Create data_path if not exists if not os.path.exists(get_data_path()): logger.debug("Creating data_path " + get_data_path()) filetools.mkdir(get_data_path()) if is_xbmc(): # xbmc.log("Es una plataforma XBMC") if download_path.startswith("special://"): # Translate from special and create download_path if not exists download_path = xbmc.translatePath(download_path) texto = "(from special)" else: texto = "" # TODO si tiene smb se debería poder dejar que cree? filetools permite crear carpetas para SMB if not download_path.lower().startswith("smb") and not filetools.exists(download_path): logger.debug("Creating download_path" + texto + ": " + download_path) filetools.mkdir(download_path) if download_list_path.startswith("special://"): # Create download_list_path if not exists download_list_path = xbmc.translatePath(download_list_path) texto = "(from special)" else: texto = "" # TODO si tiene smb se debería poder dejar que cree? filetools permite crear carpetas para SMB if not download_list_path.lower().startswith("smb") and not filetools.exists(download_list_path): logger.debug("Creating download_list_path" + texto + ": " + download_list_path) filetools.mkdir(download_list_path) if bookmark_path.startswith("special://"): # Create bookmark_path if not exists bookmark_path = xbmc.translatePath(bookmark_path) texto = "(from special)" else: texto = "" # TODO si tiene smb se debería poder dejar que cree? filetools permite crear carpetas para SMB if not bookmark_path.lower().startswith("smb") and not filetools.exists(bookmark_path): logger.debug("Creating bookmark_path" + texto + ": " + bookmark_path) filetools.mkdir(bookmark_path) # Create library_path if not exists # TODO si tiene smb se debería poder dejar que cree? filetools permite crear carpetas para SMB if not get_library_path().lower().startswith("smb") and not os.path.exists(get_library_path()): librarypath = get_library_path() logger.debug("Creating library_path " + librarypath) if filetools.mkdir(librarypath): set_setting("library_version", "v4") # Create settings_path is not exists settings_path = filetools.join(get_data_path(), "settings_channels") if not filetools.exists(settings_path): logger.debug("Creating settings_path " + settings_path) filetools.mkdir(settings_path) # Checks that a directory "xbmc" is not present on platformcode old_xbmc_directory = os.path.join(get_runtime_path(), "platformcode", "xbmc") if os.path.exists(old_xbmc_directory): logger.debug("Removing old platformcode.xbmc directory") filetools.rmdirtree(old_xbmc_directory)
def set_content(content_type, silent=False): """ Procedimiento para auto-configurar la biblioteca de kodi con los valores por defecto @type content_type: str ('CINE' o 'SERIES') @param content_type: tipo de contenido para configurar, series o peliculas """ if config.is_xbmc(): continuar = True msg_text = "" librarypath = config.get_setting("librarypath") if content_type == 'CINE': if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The Movie Database", "TheMovieDB non presente.", "Installare ora?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True)"Instalado el Scraper de películas de TheMovieDB") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = "The Movie Database no instalado." else: # SERIES # Instalar The TVDB if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The TVDB", "The TVDB non presente.", "Installare ora?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True)"Instalado el Scraper de series de The TVDB") except: pass continuar = (install and xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon(')) if not continuar: msg_text = "The TVDB no instalado." # Instalar TheMovieDB if continuar and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): continuar = False if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos instalar install = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The Movie Database", "TheMovieDB non presente.", "Installare ora?") else: install = True if install: try: # Instalar # 1º Probar desde el repositorio ... xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.installaddon(', True) if not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): # no funciona descargar e instalar desde la web url = "" path_down = xbmc.translatePath( "special://home/addons/packages/") path_unzip = xbmc.translatePath("special://home/addons/") header = ("User-Agent", "Kodi/15.2 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) App_Bitness/32 Version/15.2-Git:20151019-02e7013") from core import downloadtools from core import ziptools downloadtools.downloadfile(url, path_down, continuar=True, headers=[header]) unzipper = ziptools.ziptools() unzipper.extract(path_down, path_unzip) xbmc.executebuiltin('UpdateLocalAddons') strSettings = '<settings>\n' \ ' <setting id="fanart" value="true" />\n' \ ' <setting id="keeporiginaltitle" value="false" />\n' \ ' <setting id="language" value="it" />\n' \ '</settings>' path_settings = xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/addon_data/") tv_themoviedb_addon_path = filetools.dirname(path_settings) if not filetools.exists(tv_themoviedb_addon_path): filetools.mkdir(tv_themoviedb_addon_path) if filetools.write(path_settings,strSettings): continuar = True except: pass continuar = (install and continuar) if not continuar: msg_text = "The Movie Database non installato." idPath = 0 idParentPath = 0 strPath = "" if continuar: continuar = False # Buscamos el idPath sql = 'SELECT MAX(idPath) FROM path' nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idPath = records[0][0] + 1 sql_librarypath = librarypath if sql_librarypath.startswith("special://"): sql_librarypath = sql_librarypath.replace('/profile/', '/%/').replace('/home/userdata/', '/%/') sep = '/' elif sql_librarypath.startswith("smb://"): sep = '/' else: sep = os.sep if not sql_librarypath.endswith(sep): sql_librarypath += sep # Buscamos el idParentPath sql = 'SELECT idPath, strPath FROM path where strPath LIKE "%s"' % sql_librarypath nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: idParentPath = records[0][0] librarypath = records[0][1][:-1] continuar = True else: # No existe librarypath en la BD: la insertamos sql_librarypath = librarypath if not sql_librarypath.endswith(sep): sql_librarypath += sep sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, noUpdate, exclude) VALUES ' \ '(%s, "%s", 0, 0, 0, 0)' % (idPath, sql_librarypath) nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True idParentPath = idPath idPath += 1 else: msg_text = "Omesso di impostare LibraryPath in BD" if continuar: continuar = False # Fijamos strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive y strSettings if content_type == 'CINE': strContent = 'movies' strScraper = '' scanRecursive = 2147483647 strSettings = "<settings><setting id='RatingS' value='TMDb' /><setting id='certprefix' value='Rated ' />" \ "<setting id='fanart' value='true' /><setting id='keeporiginaltitle' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='language' value='it' /><setting id='tmdbcertcountry' value='us' />" \ "<setting id='trailer' value='true' /></settings>" strActualizar = "Si desidera configurare questo scraper in italiano come opzione predefinita per i film ?" if not librarypath.endswith(sep): librarypath += sep strPath = librarypath + config.get_setting("folder_movies") + sep else: strContent = 'tvshows' strScraper = '' scanRecursive = 0 strSettings = "<settings><setting id='RatingS' value='TheTVDB' />" \ "<setting id='absolutenumber' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='dvdorder' value='false' />" \ "<setting id='fallback' value='true' />" \ "<setting id='fanart' value='true' />" \ "<setting id='language' value='it' /></settings>" strActualizar = "Si desidera configurare questo scraper in italiano come opzione predefinita per le serie ?" if not librarypath.endswith(sep): librarypath += sep strPath = librarypath + config.get_setting("folder_tvshows") + sep"%s: %s" % (content_type, strPath)) # Comprobamos si ya existe strPath en la BD para evitar duplicados sql = 'SELECT idPath FROM path where strPath="%s"' % strPath nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) sql = "" if nun_records == 0: # Insertamos el scraper sql = 'INSERT INTO path (idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, useFolderNames, ' \ 'strSettings, noUpdate, exclude, idParentPath) VALUES (%s, "%s", "%s", "%s", %s, 0, ' \ '"%s", 0, 0, %s)' % ( idPath, strPath, strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idParentPath) else: if not silent: # Preguntar si queremos configurar como opcion por defecto actualizar = platformtools.dialog_yesno("The TVDB", strActualizar) else: actualizar = True if actualizar: # Actualizamos el scraper idPath = records[0][0] sql = 'UPDATE path SET strContent="%s", strScraper="%s", scanRecursive=%s, strSettings="%s" ' \ 'WHERE idPath=%s' % (strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idPath) if sql: nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True if not continuar: msg_text = "Omesso impostare LibraryPath in BD" if not continuar: heading = "Biblioteca %s no configurada" % content_type elif content_type == 'SERIES' and not xbmc.getCondVisibility('System.HasAddon('): heading = "Biblioteca %s configurata" % content_type msg_text = "Riavviare Kodi per attuare le modifiche." else: heading = "Biblioteca %s configurata" % content_type msg_text = "Libreria di Kodi configurata correttamente." platformtools.dialog_notification(heading, msg_text, icon=1, time=10000)"%s: %s" % (heading,msg_text))
def save_library_movie(item): """ guarda en la libreria de peliculas el elemento item, con los valores que contiene. @type item: item @param item: elemento que se va a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de elementos insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de elementos sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de elementos fallidos o -1 si ha fallado todo """"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library save_library_movie") # logger.debug(item.tostring('\n')) insertados = 0 sobreescritos = 0 fallidos = 0 path = "" # Itentamos obtener el titulo correcto: # 1. contentTitle: Este deberia ser el sitio correcto, ya que title suele contener "Añadir a la biblioteca..." # 2. fulltitle # 3. title if not item.contentTitle: # Colocamos el titulo correcto en su sitio para que tmdb lo localize if item.fulltitle: item.contentTitle = item.fulltitle else: item.contentTitle = item.title # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo, salimos if not item.contentTitle or not logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO contentTitle") return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llamara a uno u otro tmdb_return = tmdb.find_and_set_infoLabels_tmdb(item) # Llegados a este punto podemos tener: # tmdb_return = True: Un item con infoLabels con la información actualizada de la peli # tmdb_return = False: Un item sin información de la peli (se ha dado a cancelar en la ventana) # item.infoLabels['imdb_id'] == "" : No se ha encontrado el identificador de IMDB necesario para continuar, salimos if not tmdb_return or not item.infoLabels['imdb_id']: # TODO de momento si no hay resultado no añadimos nada, # aunq podriamos abrir un cuadro para introducir el identificador/nombre a mano logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO EN TMDB O NO TIENE IMDB_ID") return 0, 0, -1 _id = item.infoLabels['imdb_id'] # progress dialog p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress('pelisalacarta', 'Añadiendo película...') base_name = filetools.text2filename(item.contentTitle) for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(MOVIES_PATH): for c in subcarpetas: if c.endswith("[%s]" % _id): path = filetools.join(raiz, c) break if not path: # Crear carpeta path = filetools.join(MOVIES_PATH, ("%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id)).strip())"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library save_library_movie Creando directorio pelicula:" + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
def save_library_tvshow(item, episodelist): """ guarda en la libreria de series la serie con todos los capitulos incluidos en la lista episodelist @type item: item @param item: item que representa la serie a guardar @type episodelist: list @param episodelist: listado de items que representan los episodios que se van a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de episodios insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de episodios sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de episodios fallidos o -1 si ha fallado toda la serie """"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library save_library_tvshow") # logger.debug(item.tostring('\n')) path = "" ''''# Itentamos obtener el titulo correcto: # 1. contentSerieName: Este deberia ser el sitio correcto # 2. show if not item.contentSerieName: # Colocamos el titulo en su sitio para que tmdb lo localize item.contentSerieName =''' # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo o tmdb_id, salimos if not (item.contentSerieName or item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) or not logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO contentSerieName NI tmdb_id") return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar # TODO configurar para segun el scraper se llame a uno u otro tmdb_return = tmdb.find_and_set_infoLabels_tmdb(item) # Llegados a este punto podemos tener: # tmdb_return = True: Un item con infoLabels con la información actualizada de la serie # tmdb_return = False: Un item sin información de la peli (se ha dado a cancelar en la ventana) # item.infoLabels['imdb_id'] == "" : No se ha encontrado el identificador de IMDB necesario para continuar, salimos if not tmdb_return or not item.infoLabels['imdb_id']: # TODO de momento si no hay resultado no añadimos nada, # aunq podriamos abrir un cuadro para introducir el identificador/nombre a mano logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO EN TMDB O NO TIENE IMDB_ID") return 0, 0, -1 _id = item.infoLabels['imdb_id'] if item.infoLabels['title']: base_name = item.infoLabels['title'] else: base_name = item.contentSerieName base_name = filetools.text2filename(base_name) for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(TVSHOWS_PATH): for c in subcarpetas: if c.endswith("[%s]" % _id): path = filetools.join(raiz, c) break if not path: path = filetools.join(TVSHOWS_PATH, ("%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id)).strip())"Creando directorio serie: " + path) try: filetools.mkdir(path) except OSError, exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
idPath = records[0][0] sql = 'UPDATE path SET strContent="%s", strScraper="%s", scanRecursive=%s, strSettings="%s" ' \ 'WHERE idPath=%s' % (strContent, strScraper, scanRecursive, strSettings, idPath) if sql: nun_records, records = execute_sql_kodi(sql) if nun_records == 1: continuar = True"Biblioteca %s configurada" % content_type) if not continuar: heading = "Biblioteca no configurada" msg_text = "Asegurese de tener instalado el scraper de The Movie Database" platformtools.dialog_notification(heading, msg_text, icon=1, time=8000)"%s: %s" % (heading,msg_text)) ''' Main ''' if not filetools.exists(MOVIES_PATH):"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library Movies path doesn't exist:" + MOVIES_PATH) if filetools.mkdir(MOVIES_PATH): establecer_contenido(FOLDER_MOVIES) if not filetools.exists(TVSHOWS_PATH):"pelisalacarta.platformcode.library Tvshows path doesn't exist:" + TVSHOWS_PATH) if filetools.mkdir(TVSHOWS_PATH): establecer_contenido(FOLDER_TVSHOWS)
def save_library_movie(item): """ guarda en la libreria de peliculas el elemento item, con los valores que contiene. @type item: item @param item: elemento que se va a guardar. @rtype insertados: int @return: el número de elementos insertados @rtype sobreescritos: int @return: el número de elementos sobreescritos @rtype fallidos: int @return: el número de elementos fallidos o -1 si ha fallado todo """ # logger.debug(item.tostring('\n')) insertados = 0 sobreescritos = 0 fallidos = 0 path = "" # Itentamos obtener el titulo correcto: # 1. contentTitle: Este deberia ser el sitio correcto, ya que title suele contener "Añadir a la biblioteca..." # 2. fulltitle # 3. title if not item.contentTitle: # Colocamos el titulo correcto en su sitio para que scraper lo localize if item.fulltitle: item.contentTitle = item.fulltitle else: item.contentTitle = item.title # Si llegados a este punto no tenemos titulo, salimos if not item.contentTitle or not logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO contentTitle") return 0, 0, -1 # Salimos sin guardar scraper_return = scraper.find_and_set_infoLabels(item) # Llegados a este punto podemos tener: # scraper_return = True: Un item con infoLabels con la información actualizada de la peli # scraper_return = False: Un item sin información de la peli (se ha dado a cancelar en la ventana) # item.infoLabels['code'] == "" : No se ha encontrado el identificador de IMDB necesario para continuar, salimos if not scraper_return or not item.infoLabels['code']: # TODO de momento si no hay resultado no añadimos nada, # aunq podriamos abrir un cuadro para introducir el identificador/nombre a mano logger.debug("NO ENCONTRADO EN SCRAPER O NO TIENE code") return 0, 0, -1 _id = item.infoLabels['code'][0] # progress dialog p_dialog = platformtools.dialog_progress('streamondemand', 'Aggiunta film...') if config.get_setting("original_title_folder", "biblioteca") == 1 and item.infoLabels['originaltitle']: base_name = item.infoLabels['originaltitle'] else: base_name = item.contentTitle base_name = unicode(filetools.validate_path(base_name.replace('/', '-')), "utf8").lower().encode("utf8") for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(MOVIES_PATH): for c in subcarpetas: code = scrapertools.find_single_match(c, '\[(.*?)\]') if code and code in item.infoLabels['code']: path = filetools.join(raiz, c) _id = code break if not path: # Crear carpeta path = filetools.join(MOVIES_PATH, ("%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id)).strip())"Creando directorio pelicula:" + path) if not filetools.mkdir(path): logger.debug("No se ha podido crear el directorio") return 0, 0, -1 nfo_path = filetools.join(path, "%s [%s].nfo" % (base_name, _id)) strm_path = filetools.join(path, "%s.strm" % base_name) json_path = filetools.join(path, ("%s [%s].json" % (base_name, nfo_exists = filetools.exists(nfo_path) strm_exists = filetools.exists(strm_path) json_exists = filetools.exists(json_path) if not nfo_exists: # Creamos .nfo si no existe"Creando .nfo: " + nfo_path) head_nfo = scraper.get_nfo(item) item_nfo = Item(title=item.contentTitle, channel="biblioteca", action='findvideos', library_playcounts={"%s [%s]" % (base_name, _id): 0}, infoLabels=item.infoLabels, library_urls={}) else: # Si existe .nfo, pero estamos añadiendo un nuevo canal lo abrimos head_nfo, item_nfo = read_nfo(nfo_path) if not strm_exists: # Crear base_name.strm si no existe item_strm = Item(channel='biblioteca', action='play_from_library', strm_path=strm_path.replace(MOVIES_PATH, ""), contentType='movie', contentTitle = item.contentTitle) strm_exists = filetools.write(strm_path, '%s?%s' % (addon_name, item_strm.tourl())) item_nfo.strm_path = strm_path.replace(MOVIES_PATH, "") # Solo si existen item_nfo y .strm continuamos if item_nfo and strm_exists: if json_exists:"El fichero existe. Se sobreescribe") sobreescritos += 1 else: insertados += 1 if filetools.write(json_path, item.tojson()): p_dialog.update(100, 'Aggiunta film...', item.contentTitle) item_nfo.library_urls[] = item.url if filetools.write(nfo_path, head_nfo + item_nfo.tojson()): # actualizamos la biblioteca de Kodi con la pelicula if config.is_xbmc(): from platformcode import xbmc_library xbmc_library.update(FOLDER_MOVIES, filetools.basename(path) + "/") p_dialog.close() return insertados, sobreescritos, fallidos # Si llegamos a este punto es por q algo ha fallado logger.error("No se ha podido guardar %s en la biblioteca" % item.contentTitle) p_dialog.update(100, 'Aggiunta fallita...', item.contentTitle) p_dialog.close() return 0, 0, -1"LIBRARY_PATH (RAW): " + LIBRARY_PATH) #"MOVIES_PATH (RAW): " + MOVIES_PATH) #"TVSHOWS_PATH (RAW): " + TVSHOWS_PATH)"FOLDER_MOVIES (RAW): " + FOLDER_MOVIES)"FOLDER_TVSHOWS (RAW): " + FOLDER_TVSHOWS) addon_name = "plugin://" # TODO: mover todo esto a config.verify_directories_created() if not filetools.exists(LIBRARY_PATH):"Library path doesn't exist:" + LIBRARY_PATH) config.verify_directories_created() if not filetools.exists(MOVIES_PATH):"Movies path doesn't exist:" + MOVIES_PATH) if filetools.mkdir(MOVIES_PATH) and config.is_xbmc(): if config.is_xbmc(): from platformcode import xbmc_library xbmc_library.establecer_contenido(FOLDER_MOVIES) if not filetools.exists(TVSHOWS_PATH):"Tvshows path doesn't exist:" + TVSHOWS_PATH) if filetools.mkdir(TVSHOWS_PATH) and config.is_xbmc(): if config.is_xbmc(): from platformcode import xbmc_library xbmc_library.establecer_contenido(FOLDER_TVSHOWS) def read_nfo(path_nfo, item=None):