Ejemplo n.º 1
T = T / T_adv
dt = dt / T_adv

AmpF_nd = AmpF * g / (f0 * U**2)

# Note that gravity g and kinematic viscosity aren't scaled, but rather used to define some extra dimensionless parameters

# Forcing

    F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, Ftilde1, Ftilde2, Ftilde3, Ftilde4, Ftilde5, Ftilde6 = forcing.forcing_cts(
        x, y, K, y0, r0, N, FORCE1, AmpF_nd, f, U, L, rho1_nd, rho2_nd, dx, dy)
if FORCE_TYPE == 'CTS2':
    F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, Ftilde1, Ftilde2, Ftilde3, Ftilde4, Ftilde5, Ftilde6 = forcing.forcing_cts2(
        x, y, K, y0, r0, N, FORCE1, AmpF_nd, rho1_nd, rho2_nd, f, 1, bh, dx,
elif FORCE_TYPE == 'DCTS':
    F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, Ftilde1, Ftilde2, Ftilde3, Ftilde4, Ftilde5, Ftilde6 = forcing.forcing_dcts(
        x, y, K, y0, r0, N, FORCE1, AmpF_nd, f, U, L, rho1_nd, rho2_nd, dx, dy)
    F1, F2, F3, Ftilde1, Ftilde2, Ftilde3 = forcing.forcing_delta(
        AmpF_nd, y0_index, dx, N)
    sys.exit('ERROR: Invalid forcing option selected.')


# ======================================================

# Print essential parameters to the terminal
Ejemplo n.º 2

# Preamble before looping through function.

# Define BG flow set and number of processors.
pe = 4
nn = 61
U0_set = np.linspace(-0.1, 0.1, nn)

# Split U0_set into pe sets for parallelisation.
sets = parallelDiags.splitDomain(U0_set, nn, pe)

# Define forcing. This is constant throughout if only BG flow varies.
F1_nd, F2_nd, F3_nd, Ftilde1_nd, Ftilde2_nd, Ftilde3_nd = forcing.forcing_cts2(
    x_nd, y_nd, K_nd, y0_nd, r0_nd, N, FORCE, AmpF_nd, f_nd, f0_nd, bh, dx_nd,

# Initialise output arrays

# For each BG flow, for each wavenumber k, for each mode:
# initialise weights, eigenvalues, meridional wavenumber.
theta_array = np.zeros((nn, N, dim), dtype=complex)
val_array = np.zeros((nn, N, dim), dtype=complex)
count_array = np.zeros((nn, N, dim), dtype=int)

# Main function

if __name__ == '__main__':
Ejemplo n.º 3
def EIG_DECOMP_main(y0_set, pi):

    I = np.complex(0.0, 1.0)

    # Need to loop over a set of background states.
    Ny = len(y0_set)
    theta = np.zeros(
        (Ny, N, dim),
        dtype=complex)  # Initialise the set of weights; these will be complex.

    # Only theta will have Ny dimension. Only need one set of eigenmodes, so no dependence on forcing latitude.
    val = np.zeros((N, dim), dtype=complex)
    count = np.zeros((N, dim), dtype=int)
    count2 = np.zeros((N, dim), dtype=int)
    ratio = np.zeros((N, dim))

    # Find solution at every y0-value and for all i. Store it.

    # Coefficients - no dependence on y0
    a1, a2, a3, a4, b4, c1, c2, c3, c4 = solver.SOLVER_COEFFICIENTS(
        Ro, Re, K_nd, f_nd, U0_nd, H0_nd, omega_nd, gamma_nd, dy_nd, N)

    solution = np.zeros((Ny, dim, N), dtype=complex)

    # Start the loop.
    for yi in range(0, Ny):

        # Get forcing latitude.
        y0_nd = y0_set[yi]

        # Redefine forcing, moving one gridpoint each iteration.
        F1_nd, F2_nd, F3_nd, Ftilde1_nd, Ftilde2_nd, Ftilde3_nd = forcing.forcing_cts2(
            x_nd, y_nd, K_nd, y0_nd, r0_nd, N, FORCE, AmpF_nd, f_nd, f0_nd, bh,
            dx_nd, dy_nd)

        # The 1L SW solution.

        # Solver (free-slip)
        solution[yi, ] = solver.FREE_SLIP_SOLVER4(a1, a2, a3, a4, f_nd, b4, c1,
                                                  c2, c3, c4, Ro * Ftilde1_nd,
                                                  Ro * Ftilde2_nd, Ftilde3_nd,
                                                  N, N2)

        solution[yi, ] = eigDiagnostics.switchKsign(solution[yi, ], N)

    # Done finding solution.


    # Find eigenmodes and decompose solution.

    # Loop over desired wavenumbers (for tests, this may not be the full r'ange of wavenumbers)

    # Eig coefficients don't change. Define them just once.
    a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b4, c1, c2, c3, c4 = eigSolver.EIG_COEFFICIENTS2(
        Ro, Re, K_nd, f_nd, U0_nd, H0_nd, gamma_nd, dy_nd, N)

    for i in range(0, N):

        k = K_nd[i]

        #print('k = ' + str(k))

        # Eigenmodes, eigenvalues and count.

        # Use free-slip solver
        val[i, :], vec = eigSolver.FREE_SLIP_EIG(a1, a2, a3, a4, b1, b4, c1,
                                                 c2, c3, c4, N, N2, i, False)

        # Each eigenmode is currently a unit vector, but we normalise so that each mode contains unit energy.

        # Extract the three components.
        u_vec, v_vec, h_vec = eigDiagnostics.vec2vecs(vec, N, dim, BC)

        # Calculate the contained in each component.
        E = np.zeros(dim)
        for wi in range(0, dim):
            EE = energy.E_anomaly_EIG(u_vec[:, wi], v_vec[:, wi], h_vec[:, wi],
                                      H0_nd, U0_nd, Ro, y_nd, dy_nd)
            # Normalise each vector by the square root of the energy.
            u_vec[:, wi], v_vec[:, wi], h_vec[:, wi] = u_vec[:, wi] / np.sqrt(
                EE), v_vec[:, wi] / np.sqrt(EE), h_vec[:, wi] / np.sqrt(EE)
        # Rebuild the vector. This should have unit energy perturbation.
        # (There are more direct ways of executing this normalisation, but this method is the safest.)
        vec = eigDiagnostics.vecs2vec(u_vec, v_vec, h_vec, N, dim, BC)

        # Eigenmodes now have unit time-mean energy.

        # Meridional pseudo wavenumber (count).
        count[i, :], count2[i, :], ratio[
            i, :], i_count = eigDiagnostics.orderEigenmodes(
                u_vec, x_nd, k, N, dim)

        # Now decompose for each forcing latitude.
        for yi in range(0, Ny):

            # Decompose.
            theta[yi, i, :] = np.linalg.solve(vec, solution[yi, :, i])

    # End of eigenmode calculation and decomposition.

    np.save('theta_array' + str(pi), theta)
    np.save('val_array', val)
    np.save('count_array', count)
    np.save('count2_array', count2)
    np.save('ratio_array', count)

    # Don't return anything, arrays are saved instead.