def main(): try: path_func = '\033[94m' + "lse" + '\033[93m' + "> " terminal = input(path_func).lower() if terminal == "help": help.home() main() elif terminal == "scan": sc.scan_choose() scan() elif terminal == "exploit": exploit() elif terminal == "clr": os.system("clear") main() elif terminal == "clean": try: shutil.rmtree("{}/log".format(os.getcwd())) print("-> Clean logs successfully!") except FileNotFoundError: print("-> No logs to clean!") elif terminal == "exit": print("Existing....!") time.sleep(1) sys.exit(0) else: print("Command not found") main() main() # except IndexError: # print("Option cannot empty") except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') return main()
def exploit(): path_func = '\033[94m' + "lse" + '\033[91m' + "(exploit)" + '\033[93m' + "> " try: terminal = input(path_func).lower() if terminal == "help": help.exploit() elif terminal[0:4] == "show": if terminal[5:] == "all": help.payload_list() elif terminal[5:].strip().isdigit(): payload_order = int(terminal[5:]) if >= payload_order > 0: ex.get_detail_payload(payload_order) else: print("Order of Payload is not correct") exploit() else: print("Command not found") exploit() elif terminal[0:3] == "use": if terminal[3:].strip().isdigit(): payload_order = int(terminal[3:]) latest_url = "http(s)://" ex.payload_choose(payload_order) use_payload() elif terminal == "back": main() elif terminal == "clean": try: shutil.rmtree("{}/log".format(os.getcwd())) print("-> Clean logs successfully!") except FileNotFoundError: print("-> No logs to clean!") elif terminal == "exit": sys.exit(0) elif terminal == "clr": os.system("clear") exploit() else: print("Command not found") exploit() exploit() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') return exploit()
def use_payload(): try: path_func = '\033[94m' + "lse" + '\033[91m' + "(exploit/payload)" + '\033[93m' + "> " terminal = input(path_func) if terminal == "help": help.use_payload() elif terminal[0:3] == "set": list_input = terminal.split(" ") vul_option = list_input[1].strip() vul_method = vul_option + '_gs' if ex.check_exist_option(vul_option): option_value = list_input[2].strip() setattr(ex.vul, vul_method, option_value) else: print("Option is not defined") use_payload() elif terminal == "show options": ex.vul.show_options() elif terminal == "execute": ex.vul.execute() elif terminal == "clr": os.system("clear") elif terminal == "back": exploit() elif terminal == "clean": try: shutil.rmtree("{}/log".format(os.getcwd())) print("-> Clean logs successfully!") except FileNotFoundError: print("-> No logs to clean!") elif terminal == "exit": sys.exit(0) else: print("Command not found") use_payload() use_payload() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') return use_payload()
def scan(): path_func = '\033[94m' + "lse" + '\033[91m' + "(scan)" + '\033[93m' + "> " terminal = input(path_func).lower() if terminal == "help": help.scan() elif terminal[0:3] == "set": list_input = terminal.split(" ") scan_option = list_input[1].strip() scan_method = scan_option + '_gs' if sc.check_exist_option(scan_option): option_value = list_input[2].strip() setattr(sc.scan, scan_method, option_value) else: print("Option is not defined") scan() elif terminal == "execute": sc.scan.main() elif terminal == "show options": sc.scan.show_options() elif terminal == "back": main() elif terminal == "clr": os.system("clear") scan() elif terminal == "clean": try: shutil.rmtree("{}/log".format(os.getcwd())) print("-> Clean logs successfully!") except FileNotFoundError: print("-> No logs to clean!") elif terminal == "exit": print("Existing....!") time.sleep(1) sys.exit(0) else: print("Command not found") scan() scan() main() elif terminal == "clean": try: shutil.rmtree("{}/log".format(os.getcwd())) print("-> Clean logs successfully!") except FileNotFoundError: print("-> No logs to clean!") elif terminal == "exit": print("Existing....!") time.sleep(1) sys.exit(0) else: print("Command not found") main() main() # except IndexError: # print("Option cannot empty") except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') return main() if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.geteuid() == 0: sys.exit("LifeRaz requires root privileges!") logging_config() pre_main() main()