Ejemplo n.º 1
def reset_database(reddit, last_switcharoo: SwitcharooLog = None):
    if last_switcharoo:
    if os.path.exists(tests_folder / ".." /
        os.remove(tests_folder / ".." /
    return SwitcharooLog(reddit)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def double_check_link(reddit, last_switcharoo: SwitcharooLog, roo: Switcharoo):
    comment = roo.comment
    comment_url = parse.RedditURL(comment.permalink)
    comment_url.params['context'] = roo.context
    link = parse.parse_comment(comment.body)
    if not link.comment_id:
        if not comment:
            print(roo, f"https://reddit.com{comment.permalink}?context={roo.context}")
        new_link = parse.find_roo_comment(comment)
        if new_link:
            if new_link.comment_id:
                if comment_url.comment_id == new_link.comment_id:
                    new_link.params['context'] = str(int(comment_url.params.get('context', 0)) +
                                                     int(new_link.params.get('context', 0)))
                except ValueError:
                    print(f"Got {comment_url.params['context']} and {new_link.params['context']}, what should it be?")
                    new_link.params['context'] = int(input())
                print("Should", f"https://reddit.com{comment.permalink}?context={roo.context}", "be actually",
                      new_link.to_link(reddit), "?")
                option = input()
                if option == "n":
                elif option != "y":
                    new_link = parse.RedditURL(option)
                last_switcharoo.update(roo, thread_id=new_link.thread_id, comment_id=new_link.comment_id,
                                       context=new_link.params.get("context", link.params.get('context', 0)))
        print(roo, f"https://reddit.com{comment.permalink}?context={roo.context}")
        print("Paste in a new link to replace otherwise enter to continue")
        option = input()
        if option:
            new_link = parse.RedditURL(option)
            last_switcharoo.update(roo, thread_id=new_link.thread_id, comment_id=new_link.comment_id,
                                   context=new_link.params.get("context", link.params.get('context', 0)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reprocess(reddit, roo, last_switcharoo: SwitcharooLog, action, stage=ONLY_BAD, mute=True, verbose=True):
    # When scanning the chain with this, do this in two passes. First to re-update the status of each roo submission
    # and secondly to then give instructions to fix
    if stage == ALL_ROOS and verbose:
    old_tracker = last_switcharoo.get_issues(roo)

    # If this roo is currently being processed, don't touch it
    if old_tracker.submission_processing:
        if verbose:
            print("Roo {roo.id} is mid-processing, cannot be checked")
        return None

    if roo.submission:
        new_tracker = check_errors(reddit, last_switcharoo, roo, submission=roo.submission)
        new_tracker = check_errors(reddit, last_switcharoo, roo, comment=roo.comment)

    if not roo.link_post:
        # We're just updating a meta post with current removal status
        if old_tracker != new_tracker:
            last_switcharoo.update(roo, roo_issues=new_tracker, reset_issues=True)
        return new_tracker

    if new_tracker is None:
        if verbose:
            print(f"Roo {roo.id} cannot be processed at the moment")
        return new_tracker

    request = last_switcharoo.check_request(roo)
    reply_object = ReplyObject.from_roo(roo)

    # Scale cooldown time with age of roo
    grace_period = 3
    if roo.time < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=360):
        grace_period = 30
    if roo.time < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=180):
        grace_period = 14
    elif roo.time < datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30):
        grace_period = 7

    # If this roo has bad issues or it was marked for noncompliance,
    # it should be updated immediately to be removed from the chain
    if new_tracker.has_bad_issues() or old_tracker.user_noncompliance:
        if old_tracker.has_bad_issues():
            if verbose:
                print("Roo was already bad")
            if verbose:
                print("Roo has gone bad")
            action.process(new_tracker, ReplyObject.from_roo(roo), last_switcharoo.last_good(roo, offset=0), mute=mute)
            new_tracker.submission_deleted = True
        last_switcharoo.update(roo, roo_issues=new_tracker, reset_issues=True)
        return new_tracker
        # If this roo was miraculously cured of bad issues
        if old_tracker.has_bad_issues():
            # Then reinstate it.
            print(f"Roo {roo.id} was miraculously cured of bad issues")
            last_switcharoo.update(roo, roo_issues=new_tracker, reset_issues=True)
            return new_tracker

    if new_tracker.has_issues():
        # If this is after they were supposed to fix something, gently ask them again
        # If this was long after they were supposed to fix something and nothing happened, delete the post
        # if parse.has_responded_to_post(roo.submission) and not request:
        #     print("Have previously responded, adding to DB")
        #     request = last_switcharoo.update_request(roo, requests=1)
        # Has the issue set changed since last time
        if old_tracker == new_tracker:
            print("Issues unchanged")
            if not request:
                request = last_switcharoo.update_request(roo, requests=0)
            # If we are within cooldown, remind them and increase remind count
            action.act_again(reply_object, new_tracker, request, grace_period, stage, last_switcharoo.last_good(roo, offset=0))
        elif stage == ALL_ROOS:
            print("Roo issues have changed")
            # New situation, reset the request if it's there
            if request:
                request = last_switcharoo.reset_request(request=request)
            request = last_switcharoo.update_request(roo, requests=0)
            # Something has changed. Did we previously have issues too?
            # If we are within cooldown, remind them and increase remind count
            if old_tracker.has_issues():
                # Either they fixed and a new issue came up or it's a new issue
                action.act_again(reply_object, new_tracker, request, grace_period, stage,
                                 last_switcharoo.last_good(roo, offset=0))
                # This was working before, the chain might have just changed around them.
                action.act_again(reply_object, new_tracker, request, grace_period, stage,
                                 last_switcharoo.last_good(roo, offset=0))
    elif stage == ALL_ROOS:
        # If this is after they fixed something, say thank you
        if old_tracker.has_issues():
            increment_user_fixes(last_switcharoo, reply_object)
            # If the old one didn't have issues, then nothing has changed, it's fine
        if request:

    # After action has been taken on the roo, update the database with the new issue status
    if stage == ALL_ROOS:
        last_switcharoo.update(roo, roo_issues=new_tracker, reset_issues=True)

    return new_tracker
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_errors(reddit, last_switcharoo: SwitcharooLog, roo, init_db=False, submission=None, comment=None):
    Check the submission to make sure it is correct
    :param comment:
    :param init_db:
    :param last_switcharoo:
    :param reddit: PRAW reddit instance
    :param submission: post to check
    tracker = IssueTracker()

    if submission:
        # Ignore announcements
        if submission.distinguished:
            return tracker

        # Verify it is a link post (not a self post)
        if submission.is_self:
            # If meta, determine if it was incorrectly submitted as meta
            if not parse.is_meta_title(submission.title):
                if parse.only_reddit_url(submission.title, submission.selftext):
                    tracker.submission_is_meta = True
                    return tracker
            # Removed self submissions should be kept track of as well
            if submission.removed_by_category is not None or submission.banned_at_utc is not None \
                    or submission.selftext == "[deleted]":
                tracker.submission_deleted = True
            return tracker

        # Verify it is a link to a reddit thread
        # If not, assume it's a faulty submission and delete.
        if submission.domain[-10:] != "reddit.com":
            tracker.submission_not_reddit = True
            return tracker

        if init_db:
            print(f"Roo: {submission.title} by {submission.author}")

        # It's a roo, add it to the list of all roos

        submission_url = parse.RedditURL(submission.url)

        if submission.removed_by_category is not None or submission.banned_at_utc is not None \
                or submission.selftext == "[deleted]":
            tracker.submission_deleted = True

            # Temporary check
            # Forgive automoderator removals if they mean not sending a fix message
            if submission.banned_by == "AutoModerator":
                previous_roo = last_switcharoo.next_good(roo)
                if previous_roo:
                    previous_link = parse.parse_comment(previous_roo.comment.body)
                    # previous_link = parse.RedditURL(previous_link)
                    submission_url = parse.RedditURL(submission.url)
                    if previous_link.thread_id == submission_url.thread_id \
                            and previous_link.comment_id == submission_url.comment_id:
                        print(f"{roo.id} Previous comment was linked to this one, which was removed by automod")
                        tracker.submission_deleted = False
                            f"{roo.id} Banned by automoderator but previous comment isn't linked to it so leaving as is")

        # Some URLs may not pass the stricter check, probably because they did something wrong
        if not submission_url.is_reddit_url:
            tracker.submission_bad_url = True
            return tracker

        # Verify it contains context param
        if "context" not in submission_url.params:
            tracker.submission_lacks_context = True
            return tracker

        # Try to get the context value
            context = int(submission_url.params['context'])
        except (KeyError, ValueError):  # context is not in URL params or not a number
            tracker.submission_lacks_context = True
            return tracker

        # If we are in the middle of adding this to the db, add the context amount
        if init_db:
            last_switcharoo.update(roo, context=context)

        # Check if it has multiple ? in it (like "?st=JDHTGB67&sh=f66dbbbe?context=3)
        if submission.url.count("?") > 1:
            tracker.submission_multiple_params = True
            return tracker

        # Verify it doesn't contain a slash at the end (which ignores the URL params) (Issue #5)
        if submission.url.count("?"):
            if "/" in submission.url[submission.url.index("?"):]:
                tracker.submission_link_final_slash = True

        # If there was a comment in the link, make the comment object
        if submission_url.comment_id:
            comment = reddit.comment(submission_url.comment_id)
        else:  # If there was no comment in the link, take action
            tracker.submission_linked_thread = True
            return tracker

        # Todo: Make sure there is not already a good roo older than this one with these thread and comment ids

        # If we are in the middle of adding this to the db, add the thread and comment ids now
        if init_db:
            roo = last_switcharoo.update(roo, thread_id=submission_url.thread_id, comment_id=submission_url.comment_id,

        # Not sure why this was happening every time
        # roo = last_switcharoo.update(roo, comment_id=comment.id)
        if init_db:
            roo = last_switcharoo.update(roo, comment_id=comment.id)

    # If comment was deleted, this will make an error. The try alleviates that
    except (praw.exceptions.ClientException, praw.exceptions.PRAWException):
        s = reddit.submission(roo.thread_id)
            subreddit = s.subreddit
        except prawcore.exceptions.Forbidden:
            print("Forbidded from post, is the subreddit privated?")
            # If this hasn't even been added to the database yet, we have no idea what subreddit
            # To even make this kind of decision on. Reject it
            if init_db:
                tracker.subreddit_privated = True
                return tracker
            # Otherwise, attempt to check the database for this subreddit's status
            allowed = decide_subreddit_privated(reddit, last_switcharoo, roo.subreddit)
            if allowed is None or allowed is True:  # If we are awaiting a response or allowing, pass judgement for now
                return None
            else:   # Mods marked this subreddit as been permanently privated, mark broken
                tracker.subreddit_privated = True
                return tracker
            tracker.comment_deleted = True
            return tracker

    # Deleted comments sometimes don't generate errors
    if comment.body == "[removed]" or comment.body == "[deleted]":
        tracker.comment_deleted = True
        return tracker

    # Good date info to have on hand in the upcoming checks
    created = submission if submission else comment
    created = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(created.created_utc)

    # Get link in comment
    comment_url = parse.parse_comment(comment.body)

    # If there is no link, report it
    if not comment_url.is_reddit_url:
        At this point, we need to decide if the roo is salvageable. We need to search the comments
        to see if there is an actual roo here and request a correction to it's link (and make it 
        the new last_good_submission). Otherwise if there is no roo, skip it by returning the current 
        last_good_submission and yell at them for linking something that isn't a roo.
        tracker.comment_has_no_link = True
        return tracker

    if created > datetime(year=2021, month=3, day=1):
        if submission and comment:
            if comment.author != submission.author:
                tracker.user_mismatch = True
                return tracker

    # If the comment url links to the switcharoo subreddit, report it
    if comment_url.subreddit == "switcharoo":
        tracker.submission_linked_post = True
        return tracker

    # We'll need the last verified good switcharoo from here on
    last_good_submission = last_switcharoo.last_good(before_roo=roo, offset=0)

    # check if there is a last good submission to verify against
    if last_good_submission:
        # Is this switcharoo comment linked to the last good switcharoo?
        if comment_url.thread_id == last_good_submission.thread_id and \
                comment_url.comment_id == last_good_submission.comment_id:
            # Hooray! Linked to correct comment. Now check for context param

            # Verify it contains context param
            if "context" not in comment_url.params:
                if datetime(year=2021, month=3, day=10) < created:
                    tracker.comment_lacks_context = True
                # else:
                #     print("Ignoring bad context cause it's old")

            # Try to get the context value
                context = int(comment_url.params['context'])
            except (KeyError, ValueError):  # context is not a number
                thing = submission if submission else comment
                if datetime(year=2021, month=3, day=10) < created:
                    tracker.comment_lacks_context = True  # Should be a different error
                # else:
                #     print("Ignoring bad context cause it's old")

            if tracker.submission_deleted:
                if datetime(year=2021, month=3, day=10) > created:
                    # Check if previous comment is linked to it
                    previous_roo = last_switcharoo.next_good(roo)
                    if previous_roo:
                        previous_link = parse.parse_comment(previous_roo.comment.body)
                        submission_url = parse.RedditURL(submission.url)
                        if previous_link.thread_id == submission_url.thread_id \
                                and previous_link.comment_id == submission_url.comment_id:
                            print(f"{roo.id} Previous comment links to it and it's not causing trouble, keeping")
                            tracker.submission_deleted = False
                            print(f"{roo.id} Could be alright but previous roo is not linked to it so keeping deleted")

            # Was this linked correctly linked to another roo?
            linked_roo = last_switcharoo.search(comment_url.thread_id, comment_url.comment_id)
            if linked_roo:
                # User correctly linked, the roo was just bad
                # If this is a problematic old roo, don't touch it unless we have to
                if datetime(year=2021, month=3, day=10) > created:
                    linked_issues = last_switcharoo.get_issues(linked_roo)
                    if linked_issues.comment_deleted or linked_issues.comment_has_no_link \
                            or linked_issues.user_noncompliance:
                        tracker.comment_linked_bad_roo = True
                        print(f"{roo.id} is linked to the wrong roo but it's OK so I'm ignoring it")
                        if tracker.submission_deleted:
                            # Check if previous comment is linked to it
                            previous_roo = last_switcharoo.next_good(roo)
                            if previous_roo:
                                previous_link = parse.parse_comment(previous_roo.comment.body)
                                # previous_link = parse.RedditURL(previous_link)
                                submission_url = parse.RedditURL(submission.url)
                                if previous_link.thread_id == submission_url.thread_id \
                                        and previous_link.comment_id == submission_url.comment_id:
                                    print("Previous comment was linked to this one so I'm leaving that intact as well")
                                    tracker.submission_deleted = False
                                    print("However, it was skipped over in the chain so I'm keeping it removed")
                            print("However, the previous roo isn't linked to it so it'll stay deleted")
                    tracker.comment_linked_bad_roo = True
                # Extra check: Is this from before roo logging? Then allow roos that at least get the thread right
                # However, roos that aren't from this time get no such special privilege and are marked wrong
                if not (datetime(year=2019, month=2, day=23) > created and
                        comment_url.thread_id == last_good_submission.thread_id):
                    # I dunno what the user linked but they didn't link any switcharoo from the database
                    tracker.comment_linked_wrong = True
        print("Didn't have a last submission to check against")

    return tracker
Ejemplo n.º 5

from core.credentials import get_credentials, CredentialsLoader
credentials = CredentialsLoader.get_credentials("../credentials.ini")['reddit']

from core.history import SwitcharooLog
from core import constants as consts

reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=credentials["client_id"],

switcharoo = reddit.subreddit("switcharoo")

last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

print("SwitcharooHelper Flair Sync v{} Ctrl+C to stop".format(consts.version))

for flair in switcharoo.flair():
    current_count = last_switcharoo.stats.num_of_good_roos(user=flair['user'].name)
    badge_count = 0
    if flair['flair_css_class']:
        if flair['flair_css_class'][:6] == "badge-":
            badge_count = int(flair['flair_css_class'][6:])
        if badge_count > current_count:
            last_switcharoo.update_user_flair(flair['user'].name, badge_count - current_count)

Ejemplo n.º 6
from core.credentials import get_credentials, CredentialsLoader
credentials = CredentialsLoader.get_credentials("../credentials.ini")['reddit']

from core.history import SwitcharooLog
from core import constants as consts
from core.arguments import check_up as argparser

reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=credentials["client_id"],

args = argparser.parse_args()

last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

print("SwitcharooHelper Migrate v{} Ctrl+C to stop".format(consts.version))

start = args.starting_roo
if not start:
    print("Give starting ID")
    start = input()
        start = int(start)
        start = None
        start = int(start)
Ejemplo n.º 7
credentials = CredentialsLoader.get_credentials(tools_folder / "../credentials.ini")['reddit']

import praw
import prawcore.exceptions
from core.history import SwitcharooLog
from core import constants as consts

reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=credentials["client_id"],

switcharoo = reddit.subreddit("switcharoo")

last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

def pad_zeros(number, zeros):
    string = str(number)
    return "".join(["0" for i in range(max(zeros - len(string), 0))]) + string

def remove_deleted_users(flairs):
    delete_list = []
    # Double check that the users exist before committing changes
    for i, flair in enumerate(flairs):
            redditor = reddit.redditor(flair['user'])
            status = redditor.is_suspended
        except prawcore.exceptions.NotFound:
Ejemplo n.º 8
from core import constants as consts
from core import parse
from core.history import SwitcharooLog
from core.arguments import tracer as argparser

reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id=credentials["client_id"],

pushshift = psaw.PushshiftAPI(reddit)

switcharoo = reddit.subreddit("switcharoo")

log = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

args = argparser.parse_args()

def get_newest_id(subreddit, index=0):
    """Retrieves the newest post's id. Used for starting the last switcharoo history trackers"""
    return [i for i in subreddit.new(params={"limit": "1"})][index].url

if args.discover:
    starting_roo = log.oldest_good()
    print("Starting with", starting_roo)
    url = f"https://reddit.com{starting_roo.comment.permalink}"
Ejemplo n.º 9
    action = ModAction(reddit)
elif mode == 'development':
    action = PrintAction(reddit)
    print("No mode defined in credentials")

# LastData keeps track of data from the last time the helper was run so we can restore state
# last_data = LastData()

# LastSwitcharoo keeps a log of all switcharoos, used to help users relink their roo
# LastSwitcharoo also keeps track of switcharoos so we can do a final settling a few days later (after things get
#   removed and moderators shift things around)
# last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit, last_data.get("last_switcharoo", None))
# old_last_switcharoo = OldSwitcharooLog(last_switcharoo)
last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

def get_newest_id(subreddit, index=0):
    """Retrieves the newest post's id. Used for starting the last switcharoo history trackers"""
    return [i for i in subreddit.new(params={"limit": "1"})][index].id

# Save last_data to file
# def save_last_data(last_data, last_switcharoo):
#     last_data.data["last_switcharoo"] = last_switcharoo.save()
#     last_data.save()

print("SwitcharooHelper v{} using {} Ctrl+C to stop".format(consts.version, action.__class__.__name__))

while True:
Ejemplo n.º 10
args = argparser.parse_args()

# Action object tracks switcharoo and performs a final action (delete/comment)
mode = CredentialsLoader.get_credentials()['general']['mode']
operator = CredentialsLoader.get_credentials()['general']['operator']

# if mode == 'production':
action = ModAction(reddit)
# elif mode == 'development':
#     action = PrintAction(reddit)
# else:
#     print("No mode defined in credentials")
#     exit(1)

last_switcharoo = SwitcharooLog(reddit)

def get_newest_id(subreddit, index=0):
    """Retrieves the newest post's id. Used for starting the last switcharoo history trackers"""
    return [i for i in subreddit.new(params={"limit": "1"})][index].id

print("SwitcharooHelper Check-up v{} using {} Ctrl+C to stop".format(consts.version, action.__class__.__name__))

start = args.starting_roo
if not start:
    print("Give starting ID")
    start = input()