Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_process_batch_with_identifier_mapping(self):
        """Test that internal identifiers are mapped to and from the form used
        by the external service.

        # Unlike other tests in this class, we are using a real
        # implementation of OPDSImportCoverageProvider.process_batch.
        class TestProvider(OPDSImportCoverageProvider):
            SERVICE_NAME = "Test provider"

            # Mock the identifier mapping
            def create_identifier_mapping(self, batch):
                return self.mapping

        # This means we need to mock the lookup client instead.
        lookup = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(self._url)

        # And create an ExternalIntegration for the metadata_client object.

        provider = TestProvider(self._default_collection, lookup)

        # Create a hard-coded mapping. We use id1 internally, but the
        # foreign data source knows the book as id2.
        id1 = self._identifier()
        id2 = self._identifier()
        provider.mapping = {id2: id1}

        feed = (
            "<feed><entry><id>%s</id><title>Here's your title!</title></entry></feed>"
            % id2.urn
        headers = {"content-type": OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE}
        lookup.queue_response(200, headers=headers, content=feed)
        [identifier] = provider.process_batch([id1])

        # We wanted to process id1. We sent id2 to the server, the
        # server responded with an <entry> for id2, and it was used to
        # modify the Edition associated with id1.
        assert id1 == identifier

        [edition] = id1.primarily_identifies
        assert "Here's your title!" == edition.title
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_process_batch_with_identifier_mapping(self):
        """Test that internal identifiers are mapped to and from the form used
        by the external service.

        # Unlike other tests in this class, we are using a real
        # implementation of OPDSImportCoverageProvider.process_batch.
        class TestProvider(OPDSImportCoverageProvider):
            SERVICE_NAME = "Test provider"

            # Mock the identifier mapping
            def create_identifier_mapping(self, batch):
                return self.mapping

        # This means we need to mock the lookup client instead.
        lookup = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(self._url)

        # And create an ExternalIntegration for the metadata_client object.
            goal=ExternalIntegration.METADATA_GOAL, url=self._url

        provider = TestProvider(self._default_collection, lookup)

        # Create a hard-coded mapping. We use id1 internally, but the
        # foreign data source knows the book as id2.
        id1 = self._identifier()
        id2 = self._identifier()
        provider.mapping = { id2 : id1 }

        feed = "<feed><entry><id>%s</id><title>Here's your title!</title></entry></feed>" % id2.urn
        headers = {"content-type" : OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE}
        lookup.queue_response(200, headers=headers, content=feed)
        [identifier] = provider.process_batch([id1])

        # We wanted to process id1. We sent id2 to the server, the
        # server responded with an <entry> for id2, and it was used to
        # modify the Edition associated with id1.
        eq_(id1, identifier)

        [edition] = id1.primarily_identifies
        eq_("Here's your title!", edition.title)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_process_batch_with_identifier_mapping(self):
        """Test that internal identifiers are mapped to and from the form used
        by the external service.

        # Unlike other tests in this class, we are using a real
        # implementation of OPDSImportCoverageProvider.process_batch.
        class TestProvider(OPDSImportCoverageProvider):

            # Mock the identifier mapping
            def create_identifier_mapping(self, batch):
                return self.mapping

        # This means we need to mock the lookup client instead.
        lookup = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup(self._url)

        source = DataSource.lookup(self._db, DataSource.OA_CONTENT_SERVER)
        provider = TestProvider("test provider", [], source, lookup=lookup)

        # Create a hard-coded mapping. We use id1 internally, but the
        # foreign data source knows the book as id2.
        id1 = self._identifier()
        id2 = self._identifier()
        provider.mapping = {id2: id1}

        feed = "<feed><entry><id>%s</id><title>Here's your title!</title></entry></feed>" % id2.urn
        headers = {"content-type": OPDSFeed.ACQUISITION_FEED_TYPE}
        lookup.queue_response(200, headers=headers, content=feed)
        [identifier] = provider.process_batch([id1])

        # We wanted to process id1. We sent id2 to the server, the
        # server responded with an <entry> for id2, and it was used to
        # modify the Edition associated with id1.
        eq_(id1, identifier)

        [edition] = id1.primarily_identifies
        eq_("Here's your title!", edition.title)
        eq_(id1, edition.primary_identifier)
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TestContentServerCoverageProvider(DatabaseTest):

    def setup(self):
        super(TestContentServerCoverageProvider, self).setup()
        self.lookup = MockSimplifiedOPDSLookup("http://url/")
        self.provider = ContentServerCoverageProvider(
            self._db, content_server=self.lookup
        base_path = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
        self.resource_path = os.path.join(base_path, "files", "opds")

    def sample_data(self, filename):
        path = os.path.join(self.resource_path, filename)
        return open(path).read()

    def test_success(self):
        data = self.sample_data("content_server_lookup.opds")
            200, {"content-type": "application/atom+xml"},
        identifier = self._identifier(identifier_type=Identifier.GUTENBERG_ID)

        # Make the Identifier match the book the queued-up response is
        # talking about
        identifier.identifier = "20201"
        success = self.provider.process_item(identifier)
        eq_(success, identifier)

        # The book was imported and turned into a Work.
        work = identifier.licensed_through.work
        eq_("Mary Gray", work.title)

        # It's not presentation-ready yet, because we are the metadata
        # wrangler and our work is not yet done.
        eq_(False, work.presentation_ready)

    def test_no_such_work(self):
        data = self.sample_data("no_such_work.opds")
            200, {"content-type": "application/atom+xml"},
        identifier = self._identifier(identifier_type=Identifier.GUTENBERG_ID)

        # Make the Identifier match the book the queued-up response is
        # talking about
        identifier.identifier = "2020110"
        failure = self.provider.process_item(identifier)
        eq_(identifier, failure.obj)
        eq_("404: I've never heard of this work.", failure.exception)
        eq_(DataSource.OA_CONTENT_SERVER, failure.data_source.name)

        # Most of the time this is a persistent error but it's
        # possible that we know about a book the content server
        # doesn't know about yet.
        eq_(True, failure.transient)

    def test_wrong_work_in_response(self):
        data = self.sample_data("content_server_lookup.opds")
            200, {"content-type": "application/atom+xml"},
        identifier = self._identifier(identifier_type=Identifier.GUTENBERG_ID)

        # The content server told us about a different book than the
        # one we asked about.
        identifier.identifier = "999"
        failure = self.provider.process_item(identifier)
        eq_(identifier, failure.obj)
        eq_('Identifier was not mentioned in lookup response', failure.exception)
        eq_(DataSource.OA_CONTENT_SERVER, failure.data_source.name)
        eq_(True, failure.transient)

    def test_content_server_http_failure(self):
        """Test that HTTP-level failures of the content server
        become transient CoverageFailures.
        identifier = self._identifier(identifier_type=Identifier.GUTENBERG_ID)

            500, content="help me!"
        failure = self.provider.process_item(identifier)
        eq_(identifier, failure.obj)
        eq_("Got status code 500 from external server, cannot continue.",
        eq_(True, failure.transient)

            200, {"content-type": "text/plain"}, content="help me!"
        failure = self.provider.process_item(identifier)
        eq_(identifier, failure.obj)
        eq_("Content Server served unhandleable media type: text/plain",
        eq_(True, failure.transient)
        eq_(DataSource.OA_CONTENT_SERVER, failure.data_source.name)