Ejemplo n.º 1
 def from_handmade(cls, start, middlePoints, destination):
     """Convert hand-made route data to a way """
     if start and destination:
         # route points & message points are generated at once
         # * empty string as message => no message point, just route point
         routePoints = [(start[0], start[1], None)]
         messagePoints = []
         mLength = 0 # in meters
         lastLat, lastLon = start[0], start[1]
         for point in middlePoints:
             lat, lon, elevation, message = point
             mLength += geo.distance(lastLat, lastLon, lat, lon) * 1000
             routePoints.append((lat, lon, elevation))
             if message != "": # is it a message point ?
                 point = TurnByTurnPoint(lat, lon, elevation, message)
                 point.distanceFromStart = mLength
             lastLat, lastLon = lat, lon
         routePoints.append((destination[0], destination[1], None))
         way = cls(routePoints)
         # huge guestimation (avg speed 60 km/h = 16.7 m/s)
         seconds = mLength / 16.7
         way.duration = seconds
         # done, return the result
         return way
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def from_handmade(cls, start, middlePoints, destination):
     """Convert hand-made route data to a way """
     if start and destination:
         # route points & message points are generated at once
         # * empty string as message => no message point, just route point
         routePoints = [(start[0], start[1], None)]
         messagePoints = []
         mLength = 0 # in meters
         lastLat, lastLon = start[0], start[1]
         for point in middlePoints:
             lat, lon, elevation, message = point
             mLength += geo.distance(lastLat, lastLon, lat, lon) * 1000
             routePoints.append((lat, lon, elevation))
             if message != "": # is it a message point ?
                 point = TurnByTurnPoint(lat, lon, elevation, message)
                 point.distanceFromStart = mLength
             lastLat, lastLon = lat, lon
         routePoints.append((destination[0], destination[1], None))
         way = cls(routePoints)
         # huge guestimation (avg speed 60 km/h = 16.7 m/s)
         seconds = mLength / 16.7
         way.duration = seconds
         # done, return the result
         return way
         return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def from_google_directions_result(cls, gResult):
        """Convert Google Directions result to a way object"""
        leg = gResult['routes'][0]['legs'][0]
        steps = leg['steps']

        points = decode_polyline(gResult['routes'][0]['overview_polyline']['points'])
        # length of the route can computed from its metadata
        if 'distance' in leg: # this field might not be present
            mLength = leg['distance']['value']
            mLength = None
        # the route also contains the expected duration in seconds
        if 'duration' in leg: # this field might not be present
            sDuration = leg['duration']['value']
            sDuration = None

        way = cls(points)
        way.duration = sDuration
        messagePoints = []

        mDistanceFromStart = 0

        for step in steps:
            # TODO: abbreviation filtering
            message = step['html_instructions']
            # as you can see, for some reason,
            # the coordinates in Google Directions steps are reversed:
            lat = step['start_location']['lat']
            lon = step['start_location']['lng']
            #TODO: end location ?
            point = TurnByTurnPoint(lat, lon, message=message)
            point.distanceFromStart = mDistanceFromStart
            # store point to temporary list
            # update distance for next point
            mDistanceFromLast = step["distance"]['value']
            mDistanceFromStart = mDistanceFromStart + mDistanceFromLast

        return way
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def from_google_directions_result(cls, gResult):
        """Convert Google Directions result to a way object"""
        leg = gResult['routes'][0]['legs'][0]
        steps = leg['steps']

        points = decode_polyline(gResult['routes'][0]['overview_polyline']['points'])
        # length of the route can computed from its metadata
        if 'distance' in leg: # this field might not be present
            mLength = leg['distance']['value']
            mLength = None
        # the route also contains the expected duration in seconds
        if 'duration' in leg: # this field might not be present
            sDuration = leg['duration']['value']
            sDuration = None

        way = cls(points)
        way.duration = sDuration
        messagePoints = []

        mDistanceFromStart = 0

        for step in steps:
            # TODO: abbreviation filtering
            message = step['html_instructions']
            # as you can see, for some reason,
            # the coordinates in Google Directions steps are reversed:
            lat = step['start_location']['lat']
            lon = step['start_location']['lng']
            #TODO: end location ?
            point = TurnByTurnPoint(lat, lon, message=message)
            point.distanceFromStart = mDistanceFromStart
            # store point to temporary list
            # update distance for next point
            mDistanceFromLast = step["distance"]['value']
            mDistanceFromStart = mDistanceFromStart + mDistanceFromLast

        return way