Ejemplo n.º 1
def endpoint(request):
    Respond to low-level OpenID protocol messages.
    s = getServer(request)

    query = util.normalDict(request.GET or request.POST)

    # First, decode the incoming request into something the OpenID
    # library can use.
        openid_request = s.decodeRequest(query)
    except ProtocolError, why:
        # This means the incoming request was invalid.
        return direct_to_template(
            {'error': str(why)})
Ejemplo n.º 2
def finishOpenID(request, target='mobile'):
    Finish the OpenID authentication process.  Invoke the OpenID
    library with the response from the OpenID server and render a page
    detailing the result.
    result = {}

    # Because the object containing the query parameters is a
    # MultiValueDict and the OpenID library doesn't allow that, we'll
    # convert it to a normal dict.

    # OpenID 2 can send arguments as either POST body or GET query
    # parameters.
    errors = []
    request_args = request.GET

    if request.method == 'POST':

    if request_args:
        c = getConsumer(request)

        # Get a response object indicating the result of the OpenID
        # protocol.
        return_to = util.getViewURL(request, 'finish-OpenID', kwargs={'target':target})
        response = c.complete(request_args, return_to)

        # Get a Simple Registration response object if response
        # information was included in the OpenID response.
        sreg_response = {}
        ax_items = {}
        if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
            sreg_response = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response)

            ax_response = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response)
            if ax_response:
                ax_items = {
                    'fullname': ax_response.get(
                    'web': ax_response.get(

        # Get a PAPE response object if response information was
        # included in the OpenID response.
        pape_response = None
        if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
            pape_response = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(response)

            if not pape_response.auth_policies:
                pape_response = None

        # Map different consumer status codes to template contexts.
        results = {
            {'message': 'OpenID authentication cancelled.'},

            {'error': 'OpenID authentication failed.'},

            {'url': response.getDisplayIdentifier(),
             'sreg': sreg_response and sreg_response.items(),
             'ax': ax_items.items(),
             'pape': pape_response}

        result = results[response.status]

        if isinstance(response, consumer.FailureResponse):
            # In a real application, this information should be
            # written to a log for debugging/tracking OpenID
            # authentication failures. In general, the messages are
            # not user-friendly, but intended for developers.
            result['failure_reason'] = response.message
    if 'openid.claimed_id' in request_args.keys():
        steamid = request_args.get('openid.claimed_id').split('/')[-1]
        request.session['steam_id'] = steamid

    if target == 'mobile':
        response = {'response': json.dumps({'errors':errors, 'steamid':steamid})}
        return shortcuts.render_to_response('json.html',
                                            context_instance = RequestContext(request),
                                            mimetype = "application/json")
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('trade-home'))