def validate(self, request=None, add_messages=False): valid = True if not if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Du har glemt å skrive inn navnet ditt.") valid = False if not validator.address(self.address): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Du må oppgi din egen adresse da vi sender faktura og medlemskort hjem til deg.") valid = False if not validator.zipcode(self.zipcode) or self.area == '': # Empty area defines invalid zipcode, as stated in __init__ if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Postnummeret ditt ser ikke riktig ut. Du må oppgi et gyldig postnummer da vi sender faktura og medlemskort hjem til deg.") valid = False if not validator.memberid(self.memberid, req=False): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Medlemsnummeret ditt kan kun bestå av tall. Du trenger ikke være medlem for å bestille gavemedlemskap, da kan du la medlemsnummerfeltet stå tomt.") valid = False if not, req=False): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Telefonnummeret ditt må være minst 8 siffer. Du trenger ikke oppgi telefonnummeret ditt, men vi anbefaler at du gir oss minst én måte å kontakte deg.") valid = False if not, req=False): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "E-postadressen din er ikke en gyldig adresse. Du trenger ikke oppgi e-postadressen din, men vi anbefaler at du gir oss minst én måte å kontakte deg.") valid = False return valid
def is_valid(self, require_contact_info=False): # Name or address is empty if not return False # Gender is not set if self.gender != 'm' and self.gender != 'f': return False # Use validator for phone number, require only if required if not, req=require_contact_info): return False # Use validator for email address, require only if required if not, req=require_contact_info): return False # Date of birth is saved as NULL when invalid if self.dob is None: return False # Birthyear is out of smalldatetime range (MSSQLs datetime datatype will barf) if self.dob.year < 1900 or self.dob.year > 2078: return False # Birthdate can't be in the future if self.dob > return False # All tests passed! return True
def attempt_registration_nonmember(request): error_messages = [] # Check that name is provided if not['name']): error_messages.append('invalid_name') # Check that the email address is valid if not['email']): error_messages.append('invalid_email') # Check that the email address isn't in use if User.objects.filter(identifier=request.POST['email']).exists(): error_messages.append('email_exists') # Check that the password is long enough if len(request.POST['password']) < settings.USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH: error_messages.append('too_short_password') if len(error_messages) > 0: request.session['user.registration_nonmember_attempt'] = { 'name': request.POST['name'], 'email': request.POST['email'] } return None, error_messages user = User(identifier=request.POST['email'], email=request.POST['email']) user.first_name, user.last_name = request.POST['name'].rsplit(maxsplit=1) user.set_consent_accepted_privacy_policy_date(None, False) user.set_password(request.POST['password']) user.set_consent_dnt( Forening.DNT_CENTRAL_ID, 'email', True if request.POST.get('consent-dnt-communication-email') else False, save=True, ) authenticate(user=user) log_user_in(request, user) try: message = render_to_string('common/user/login/registered_nonmember_email.txt', request=request) send_mail(EMAIL_REGISTERED_SUBJECT, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.get_email()]) except (SMTPException, SSLError, UnicodeEncodeError): # Silently log and ignore this error. Consider warning the user that the email wasn't sent? logger.warning( "Klarte ikke å sende registreringskvitteringepost", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return user, None
def attempt_registration(request): # Check that the password is long enough if len(request.POST['password']) < settings.USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH: return None, 'too_short_password' # Check that the email address is valid if not['email']): return None, 'invalid_email' try: user = verify_memberid( ip_address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], memberid=request.POST['memberid'], country_code=request.POST['country'], zipcode=request.POST['zipcode'], ) if not user.is_inactive: return None, 'user_exists' user.set_contact_info({'email': request.POST['email'].strip()}) user.is_inactive = False user.activated = user.set_consent_accepted_privacy_policy_date(None, False) user.set_password(request.POST['password']) authenticate(user=user) log_user_in(request, user) try: message = render_to_string('common/user/login/registered_email.txt', request=request) send_mail(EMAIL_REGISTERED_SUBJECT, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.get_email()]) except (SMTPException, SSLError, UnicodeEncodeError): # Silently log and ignore this error. Consider warning the user that the email wasn't sent? logger.warning( "Klarte ikke å sende registreringskvitteringepost", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return user, None except MemberidLookupsExceeded: return None, 'memberid_lookups_exceeded' except CountryDoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied except (NoMatchingMemberid, ActorIsNotPersonalMember, ValueError): return None, 'invalid_memberid'
def validate(self, request=None, add_messages=False): valid = True if self.type_index < 0 or self.type_index >= len(membership_types): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Du har på en eller annen måte klart å angi en ugyldig medlemskapstype. Vennligst bruk select-boksen til å velge medlemskapstype.") valid = False if not if add_messages: if len( > 0: messages.error(request, "Du må angi fullt navn til %s." % else: messages.error(request, "En av mottakerne mangler navn.") valid = False if not isinstance(self.dob, datetime): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Fødselsdatoen til %s er ugyldig." % valid = False if isinstance(self.dob, datetime) and self.dob >= if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Fødselsdatoen til %s kan ikke være i fremtiden." % valid = False if not validator.address(self.address): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "%s mangler adresse." % valid = False if not validator.zipcode(self.zipcode) or self.area == '': if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Postnummeret til %s er mangler eller er feil." % valid = False if not, req=False): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "Telefonnummeret til %s må bestå av minst 8 siffer." % valid = False if not, req=False): if add_messages: messages.error(request, "E-postadressen til %s er ikke gyldig." % valid = False return valid
def attempt_registration_nonmember(request): error_messages = [] # Check that name is provided if not['name']): error_messages.append('invalid_name') # Check that the email address is valid if not['email']): error_messages.append('invalid_email') # Check that the email address isn't in use if User.objects.filter(identifier=request.POST['email']).exists(): error_messages.append('email_exists') # Check that the password is long enough if len(request.POST['password']) < settings.USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH: error_messages.append('too_short_password') if len(error_messages) > 0: request.session['user.registration_nonmember_attempt'] = { 'name': request.POST['name'], 'email': request.POST['email'] } return None, error_messages user = User(identifier=request.POST['email'], email=request.POST['email']) user.first_name, user.last_name = request.POST['name'].rsplit(' ', 1) user.set_password(request.POST['password']) authenticate(user=user) log_user_in(request, user) try: t = loader.get_template('common/user/login/registered_nonmember_email.txt') c = RequestContext(request) send_mail(EMAIL_REGISTERED_SUBJECT, t.render(c), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [user.get_email()]) except (SMTPException, SSLError): # Silently log and ignore this error. Consider warning the user that the email wasn't sent? logger.warning(u"Klarte ikke å sende registreringskvitteringepost", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return user, None
def upload(request): try: image_file = request.FILES['file'] except KeyError: raise PermissionDenied if not'name', '')): raise PermissionDenied if not'phone', '')): raise PermissionDenied if not'email', '')): raise PermissionDenied if len(request.POST.get('description', '').strip()) == 0: raise PermissionDenied post_name = request.POST['name'].strip() post_phone = request.POST['phone'].strip() post_email = request.POST['email'].strip() post_description = request.POST['description'].strip() try: conn = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket()) image_key = Image.generate_unique_random_key() data = ext =".")[-1].lower() pil_image = exif_json = json.dumps(get_exif_tags(pil_image)) image_file_tags = xmp.find_keywords(data) thumbs = [{'size': size, 'data': create_thumb(pil_image, ext, size)} for size in settings.THUMB_SIZES] if pil_image.size[0] < MIN_SIZE or pil_image.size[1] < MIN_SIZE: return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'error': u"Bildet må være minst 800x800 piksler", }] })) # Give boto an encoded str, not unicode content_type = image_file.content_type.encode('utf-8') key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, '%s%s.%s' % (settings.AWS_IMAGEGALLERY_PREFIX, image_key, ext)) key.content_type = content_type key.set_contents_from_string(data, policy='public-read') for thumb in thumbs: key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, '%s%s-%s.%s' % (settings.AWS_IMAGEGALLERY_PREFIX, image_key, thumb['size'], ext)) key.content_type = content_type key.set_contents_from_string(thumb['data'], policy='public-read') destination_album = Fotokonkurranse.objects.get().album licence_text = "Kan brukes i DNTs egne kommunikasjonskanaler som magasiner, nettsider og sosiale medier, i PR og for bruk av DNTs sponsorer." image = Image( key=image_key, extension=ext, hash=sha1(data).hexdigest(), description=post_description, album=destination_album, photographer=post_name, credits="%s / DNTs fotokonkurranse" % post_name, licence="%s Kontakt: %s (%s / %s)" % (licence_text, post_name, post_phone, post_email), exif=exif_json, uploader=request.user if not request.user.is_anonymous() else None, width=pil_image.size[0], height=pil_image.size[1]) for tag in [tag.lower() for tag in image_file_tags]: obj, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=tag) image.tags.add(obj) # Note that we're caching the email address for one hour and not resending the email receipt # for further uploads from that address during this period. if cache.get('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email) is None: # Set the cache quickly when we know we're going to send an email. Don't wait until after # it's sent, because other upload requests may try to send meanwhile and we don't want them to. cache.set('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email, True, 60 * 60) try: t = loader.get_template('central/fotokonkurranse/email_confirmation.txt') c = RequestContext(request, { 'user_name': post_name, }) send_mail(EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_SUBJECT, t.render(c), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [post_email]) except (SMTPException, SSLError): cache.delete('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email) logger.warning(u"Kvitteringsepost for fotokonkurranse feilet", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'url': '', 'thumbnailUrl': '', 'deleteUrl': '', 'deleteType': '', }] })) except Exception as e: logger.error(u"Feil ved opplasting av bilde til fotokonkurranse", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'error': "Exception ved bildeopplasting: %s" % e, }] }))
def send_restore_password_email(request): if 'email' not in request.POST: raise PermissionDenied email = request.POST['email'].strip() if not return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'invalid_email'})) # The address might match one non-member, check it: local_matches = list(User.objects.filter(memberid__isnull=True, email=email)) # The address might match several members, registered or not focus_unregistered_matches = False # Search through matching Actors for actor in Actor.get_personal_members().filter(email=email): try: # Ok, look for any matching active user user = User.get_users( include_pending=True, include_expired=True ).get( memberid=actor.memberid, is_inactive=False # ignore inactive users; these need to register first ) # Reset state if this user was previously pending but is now a proper member if user.is_pending: user.is_pending = False # Reset state if this user was previously marked as expired for some reason if user.is_expired: user.is_expired = False local_matches.append(user) except User.DoesNotExist: # There is an actor but no corresponding user - inform the user that they need to register focus_unregistered_matches = True # Now search through matching active enrollments for enrollment in Enrollment.filter_on_email(email): try: # Ok, look for any matching active AND pending user user = User.get_users( include_pending=True, include_expired=True ).get( memberid=enrollment.memberid, is_pending=True, is_inactive=False # ignore inactive users; these need to register first ) # Reset state if this user was previously marked as expired for some reason if user.is_expired: user.is_expired = False # Check that the user isn't already matched as an Actor since this theoretically could be a duplicate if user not in local_matches: local_matches.append(user) except User.DoesNotExist: pass if len(local_matches) == 0: # No email-address matches. if focus_unregistered_matches: # Oh, the email address exists in Focus, but the user(s) aren't in our user-base. Let them know. return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'unregistered_email'})) else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'unknown_email'})) else: for user in local_matches: key = crypto.get_random_string(length=settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_KEY_LENGTH) while User.objects.filter(password_restore_key=key).exists(): # Ensure that the key isn't already in use. With the current key length of 40, we'll have # ~238 bits of entropy which means that this will never ever happen, ever. # You will win the lottery before this happens. And I want to know if it does, so log it. logger.warning( "Noen fikk en random-generert password-restore-key som allerede finnes!", extra={ 'request': request, 'should_you_play_the_lottery': True, 'key': key } ) key = crypto.get_random_string(length=settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_KEY_LENGTH) user.password_restore_key = key user.password_restore_date = if len(local_matches) == 1: context = { 'found_user': user, 'validity_period': settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_VALIDITY, } message = render_to_string('common/user/login/restore-password-email.txt', context, request=request) else: context = { 'users': local_matches, 'validity_period': settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_VALIDITY, } message = render_to_string( 'common/user/login/restore-password-email-multiple.txt', context, request=request, ) send_mail("Nytt passord på Min side", message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [email]) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'success'}))
def save(request): if request.method != 'POST': return redirect('fjelltreffen:mine') # If user hasn't paid, allow editing, but not creating new annonser if not request.user.payment.status['is_paid'] and request.POST['id'] == '': raise PermissionDenied # Pre-save validations errors = False if request.POST.get('id', '') == '': # New annonse (not editing an existing one), create it annonse = Annonse() annonse.user = request.user else: annonse = Annonse.objects.get(id=request.POST['id']) if annonse.user != request.user: # someone is trying to edit an annonse that dosent belong to them raise PermissionDenied if request.POST.get('title', '') == '': messages.error(request, 'missing_title') errors = True if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email') errors = True if request.POST.get('text', '') == '': messages.error(request, 'missing_text') errors = True if 'image' in request.FILES: try: # Uploading image file = request.FILES['image'] data = extension = standardize_extension(".")[-1]) # Create the thumbnail thumb = fp = BytesIO() thumb.thumbnail( [settings.FJELLTREFFEN_IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE, settings.FJELLTREFFEN_IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE], PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS, ), extension) thumb_data = fp.getvalue() # Calculate sha1-hashes sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(data) hash = sha1.hexdigest() sha1 = hashlib.sha1() sha1.update(thumb_data) thumb_hash = sha1.hexdigest() except Exception: logger.warning( "Kunne ikke laste opp Fjelltreffen-bilde", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) messages.error(request, 'image_upload_error') errors = True if errors: if request.POST.get('id', '') == '': return redirect('fjelltreffen:new') else: return redirect('fjelltreffen:edit', request.POST['id']) hidden = request.POST.get('hidden', 'hide') == 'hide' # Don't allow showing an already hidden annonse when you haven't paid if request.POST['id'] != '': if annonse.hidden and not request.user.payment.status['is_paid']: hidden = True # Don't create new annonser if you already have an active annonse if request.POST.get('id', '') == '': annonser_to_check = Annonse.get_active() else: annonser_to_check = Annonse.get_active().exclude(id=request.POST['id']) if annonser_to_check.filter(user=request.user).exists(): hidden = True if request.POST.get('county', '') == 'international': annonse.county = None else: annonse.county = County.typical_objects().get(id=request.POST.get('county', '')) # TODO: Validate and return form to user with error message annonse.title = request.POST.get('title', '')[:255] = request.POST.get('email', '')[:255] if 'image' in request.FILES: # Delete any existing image annonse.delete_image() # Setup AWS connection conn = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket(settings.AWS_S3_BUCKET) # Upload the original image to AWS key = bucket.new_key("%s/%s.%s" % (settings.AWS_S3_FOLDERS['fjelltreffen'], hash, extension)) key.content_type = file.content_type key.set_contents_from_string(data, policy='public-read') # Upload the thumbnail to AWS key = bucket.new_key("%s/%s.%s" % (settings.AWS_S3_FOLDERS['fjelltreffen'], thumb_hash, extension)) key.content_type = file.content_type key.set_contents_from_string(thumb_data, policy='public-read') # Update the DB fields with new images annonse.image = "%s.%s" % (hash, extension) annonse.image_thumb = "%s.%s" % (thumb_hash, extension) annonse.text = request.POST.get('text', '') annonse.hidden = hidden annonse.hideage = request.POST.get('hideage', '') == 'hide' return redirect('fjelltreffen:mine')
def register_membership(request): """This view should reuse the standard registration logic in user/login/util and still merge the user objects instead of reimplementing the logic.""" if request.user.is_member(): return redirect('user:home') if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'memberid_lookups_limit': settings.MEMBERID_LOOKUPS_LIMIT, 'countries': FocusCountry.get_sorted() } return render(request, 'common/user/account/register_membership.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': try: user = request.user verified_user = verify_memberid( ip_address=request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'], memberid=request.POST['memberid'], country_code=request.POST['country'], zipcode=request.POST['zipcode'], ) if request.POST['email-equal'] == 'true': # Focus-email is empty, or equal to this email, so just use it chosen_email = user.get_email() elif request.POST['email-choice'] == 'sherpa': chosen_email = user.get_email() elif request.POST['email-choice'] == 'focus': chosen_email = verified_user.get_email() elif request.POST['email-choice'] == 'custom': # Check that the email address is valid if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email') return redirect('user:register_membership') chosen_email = request.POST['email'] else: raise Exception("Missing email-equal / email-choise-parameters") # Check that the user doesn't already have an account if not verified_user.is_inactive: messages.error(request, 'user_exists') return redirect('user:register_membership') # Ok, registration successful, update the user # The verified user might be pending. The merge method only merges related objects, so if that's the case, # set the new user's state to pending. if verified_user.is_pending: user.is_pending = True # The verification lookup will ensure there's already an inactive user, pending or not, so merge them user.merge_with(verified_user, move_password=True) # This will delete the other user # Point the user to its corresponding memberid and clear other personal information user.identifier = request.POST['memberid'] user.memberid = request.POST['memberid'] user.first_name = '' user.last_name = '' = '' # Save the chosen email in Focus user.set_contact_info({'email': chosen_email}) return redirect('user:home') except MemberidLookupsExceeded: messages.error(request, 'memberid_lookups_exceeded') return redirect('user:register_membership') except CountryDoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied except (NoMatchingMemberid, ActorIsNotPersonalMember, ValueError): messages.error(request, 'invalid_memberid') return redirect('user:register_membership')
def update_account(request): if not request.user.is_member(): if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'user_password_length': settings.USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH } return render(request, 'common/user/account/update_account_nonmember.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': if not Settings.get_cached().focus_writes: return redirect('user:account') errors = False if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email_address') errors = True if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST and not['sherpa-email'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_sherpa_email_address') errors = True if User.objects.filter(identifier=request.POST['email']).exclude( messages.error(request, 'duplicate_email_address') errors = True if errors: return redirect('user:update_account') if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST: user = request.user user.sherpa_email = request.POST['sherpa-email'] if 'phone_mobile' in request.POST: request.user.phone_mobile = request.POST['phone_mobile'] if all([key in request.POST for key in ['b_day', 'b_month', 'b_year']]): try: request.user.birth_date = datetime.strptime( "%s-%s-%s" % (request.POST['b_year'], request.POST['b_month'], request.POST['b_day']), "%Y-%m-%d", ).date() except ValueError: request.user.birth_date = None request.user.identifier = request.POST['email'] = request.POST['email'], 'update_success') return redirect('user:account') else: if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'address_field_max_length': ADDRESS_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH, 'settings': Settings.get_cached(), } return render(request, 'common/user/account/update_account.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': errors = False if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email_address') errors = True if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST and not['sherpa-email'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_sherpa_email_address') errors = True if not['phone_home'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_phone_home') errors = True if not['phone_mobile'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_phone_mobile') errors = True if == 'NO' and not request.user.is_related_member(): if not validator.address(request.POST['address']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_address') errors = True if len(request.POST['address']) >= ADDRESS_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH: messages.error(request, 'too_long_address') errors = True try: zipcode = Zipcode.get_by_zipcode(zipcode=request.POST['zipcode']) except Zipcode.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, 'invalid_zipcode') errors = True if errors: return redirect('user:update_account') if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST: user = request.user user.sherpa_email = request.POST['sherpa-email'] attributes = { 'email': request.POST['email'], 'phone_home': request.POST['phone_home'], 'phone_mobile': request.POST['phone_mobile'] } address_attributes = None if == 'NO' and not request.user.is_related_member(): address_attributes = {} address_attributes['a1'] = request.POST['address'] if 'address2' in request.POST: address_attributes['a2'] = request.POST['address2'] if 'address3' in request.POST: address_attributes['a3'] = request.POST['address3'] address_attributes['zipcode_id'] = zipcode.zipcode address_attributes['area'] = zipcode.area request.user.set_contact_info(attributes, address_attributes, update_changedby=True), 'update_success') return redirect('user:account')
def update_account(request): if not request.user.is_member(): if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'user_password_length': settings.USER_PASSWORD_LENGTH } return render(request, 'common/user/account/update_account_nonmember.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': errors = False if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email_address') errors = True if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST and not['sherpa-email'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_sherpa_email_address') errors = True if User.objects.filter(identifier=request.POST['email']).exclude( messages.error(request, 'duplicate_email_address') errors = True if errors: return redirect('user.views.update_account') if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST: user = request.user user.sherpa_email = request.POST['sherpa-email'] request.user.identifier = request.POST['email'] = request.POST['email'], 'update_success') return redirect('user.views.account') else: if request.method == 'GET': context = { 'address_field_max_length': ADDRESS_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH } return render(request, 'common/user/account/update_account.html', context) elif request.method == 'POST': errors = False if not['email']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_email_address') errors = True if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST and not['sherpa-email'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_sherpa_email_address') errors = True if not['phone_home'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_phone_home') errors = True if not['phone_mobile'], req=False): messages.error(request, 'invalid_phone_mobile') errors = True if request.user.get_address().country.code == 'NO' and not request.user.is_household_member(): if not validator.address(request.POST['address']): messages.error(request, 'invalid_address') errors = True if len(request.POST['address']) >= ADDRESS_FIELD_MAX_LENGTH: messages.error(request, 'too_long_address') errors = True try: zipcode = Zipcode.objects.get(zipcode=request.POST['zipcode']) except Zipcode.DoesNotExist: messages.error(request, 'invalid_zipcode') errors = True if errors: return redirect('user.views.update_account') if request.user.has_perm('sherpa') and 'sherpa-email' in request.POST: user = request.user user.sherpa_email = request.POST['sherpa-email'] attributes = { 'email': request.POST['email'], 'phone_home': request.POST['phone_home'], 'phone_mobile': request.POST['phone_mobile'] } address_attributes = None if request.user.get_address().country.code == 'NO' and not request.user.is_household_member(): address_attributes = {} address_attributes['a1'] = request.POST['address'] if 'address2' in request.POST: address_attributes['a2'] = request.POST['address2'] if 'address3' in request.POST: address_attributes['a3'] = request.POST['address3'] address_attributes['zipcode'] = zipcode.zipcode address_attributes['area'] = zipcode.area request.user.update_personal_data(attributes, address_attributes, update_changedby=True), 'update_success') return redirect('user.views.account')
def send_restore_password_email(request): if not 'email' in request.POST: raise PermissionDenied if not['email']): return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'invalid_email'})) # The address might match one non-member, check it: local_matches = list(User.objects.filter(memberid__isnull=True, email=request.POST['email'])) # The address might match several members, registered or not focus_unregistered_matches = False # Search through matching Actors for actor in Actor.get_personal_members().filter(email=request.POST['email']): try: # Ok, look for any matching active user user = User.get_users( include_pending=True, include_expired=True ).get( memberid=actor.memberid, is_inactive=False # ignore inactive users; these need to register first ) # Reset state if this user was previously pending but is now a proper member if user.is_pending: user.is_pending = False # Reset state if this user was previously marked as expired for some reason if user.is_expired: user.is_expired = False local_matches.append(user) except User.DoesNotExist: # There is an actor but no corresponding user - inform the user that they need to register focus_unregistered_matches = True # Now search through matching active enrollments for enrollment in get_enrollment_email_matches(request.POST['email']): try: # Ok, look for any matching active AND pending user user = User.get_users( include_pending=True, include_expired=True ).get( memberid=enrollment.memberid, is_pending=True, is_inactive=False # ignore inactive users; these need to register first ) # Reset state if this user was previously marked as expired for some reason if user.is_expired: user.is_expired = False # Check that the user isn't already matched as an Actor since this theoretically could be a duplicate if user not in local_matches: local_matches.append(user) except User.DoesNotExist: pass # Check for matching old user system members - we'll generate a password so that they can login and be imported all_sherpa2_matches = Member.objects.filter(email=request.POST['email']) # Include expired users when excluding sherpa2 matches - if their current user object is expired, # it's irrelevant whether or not the old user account matches sherpa2_matches = [m for m in all_sherpa2_matches if not User.objects.filter(memberid=m.memberid, is_inactive=False).exists()] if len(local_matches) == 0 and len(sherpa2_matches) == 0: # No email-address matches. if focus_unregistered_matches: # Oh, the email address exists in Focus, but the user(s) aren't in our user-base. Let them know. return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'unregistered_email'})) else: return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'unknown_email'})) if len(sherpa2_matches) > 0: for member in sherpa2_matches: sha1 = hashlib.sha1() new_password = crypto.get_random_string(length=10) sha1.update(new_password) member.password = sha1.hexdigest() t = loader.get_template('common/user/login/restore-password-email-sherpa25.txt') c = RequestContext(request, { 'member': member, 'new_password': new_password }) send_mail("Nytt passord på Min side", t.render(c), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [request.POST['email']]) if len(local_matches) > 0: for user in local_matches: key = crypto.get_random_string(length=settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_KEY_LENGTH) while User.objects.filter(password_restore_key=key).exists(): # Ensure that the key isn't already in use. With the current key length of 40, we'll have # ~238 bits of entropy which means that this will never ever happen, ever. # You will win the lottery before this happens. And I want to know if it does, so log it. logger.warning(u"Noen fikk en random-generert password-restore-key som allerede finnes!", extra={ 'request': request, 'should_you_play_the_lottery': True, 'key': key } ) key = crypto.get_random_string(length=settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_KEY_LENGTH) user.password_restore_key = key user.password_restore_date = if len(local_matches) == 1: t = loader.get_template('common/user/login/restore-password-email.txt') c = RequestContext(request, { 'found_user': user, 'validity_period': settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_VALIDITY }) else: t = loader.get_template('common/user/login/restore-password-email-multiple.txt') c = RequestContext(request, { 'users': local_matches, 'validity_period': settings.RESTORE_PASSWORD_VALIDITY }) send_mail("Nytt passord på Min side", t.render(c), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [request.POST['email']]) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status': 'success'}))
def has_confirmation_info(self): """ Returns True if this user has the contact information required for confirming their family membership. Focus supports only email, not SMS, so the email address is required. """ return, req=True)