Ejemplo n.º 1
    def EvalTildeSub(self, prefix):
        """Evaluates ~ and ~user.

      prefix: The tilde prefix (possibly empty)
        if prefix == '':
            # First look up the HOME var, and then env var
            defined, val = self.mem.Get('HOME')
            if defined:
                return True, val

            # If no env, fall back on /etc/passwd
            uid = os.getuid()
                e = pwd.getpwuid(uid)
            except KeyError:
                s = '~' + prefix
                s = e.pw_dir

            return True, Value.FromString(s)

        # http://linux.die.net/man/3/getpwnam
            e = pwd.getpwnam(prefix)
        except KeyError:
            s = '~' + prefix
            s = e.pw_dir

        return True, Value.FromString(s)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def InitEvaluator():
    mem = cmd_exec.Mem('', [])

    val1 = Value.FromString('xxx')
    val2 = Value.FromString('yyy')
    pairs = [(ast.LeftVar('x'), val1), (ast.LeftVar('y'), val2)]
    mem.SetLocal(pairs, 0)

    exec_opts = cmd_exec.ExecOpts()
    # Don't need side effects for most things
    return word_eval.CompletionEvaluator(mem, exec_opts)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_scan_cull(self):
        maps = [InternalMmap("0-32", 32, "r--w")]
        # 15 because 32/4 = 8, since we need twice the scan area, we have a total of 16, then we
        # append a false value too to make sure the filtering works
        packed = [Value(0, 0, 123)] * 15
        packed.append(Value(0, 0, 12))

        with patch.object(Memory, "read", side_effect=packed), \
                patch("builtins.open", mock_open()), \
                patch("psutil.Process.__init__", return_value=None), \
                patch("psutil.Process.memory_maps", return_value=maps):
            self.assertEqual(len(self.memory.scan(123)), 8)
            self.assertEqual(len(self.memory.scan(123)), 7)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _scan_initial(self, value: typing.Any, value_type: Type,
                      match_function: typing.Callable):
        initial scanning, creates the first list which then will be culled down
        :param value: value to look for
        :param value_type: the type of the value
        :return: a list of entries found
        self.entries = []
        fmt = value_type.get_format()
        size = value_type.size
        for mem_map in self.process.memory_maps(grouped=False):
            if mem_map.path in ("[vvar]",
                                "[vsyscall]") or "r" not in mem_map.perms:
                # There seems to be some bug that you cannot read from vvar from an
                # outside process

            print("scanning range:", mem_map.addr)
            addr = int(mem_map.addr.split("-")[0], 16)
            map_size = int(mem_map.size)
            read_bytes = self.read(addr, map_size)

                Value(self.pid, addr + i * size, read_value[0], value_type)
                for i, read_value in enumerate(fmt.iter_unpack(read_bytes))
                if match_function(read_value[0], value)
        return self.entries
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def EvalArithSub(self, anode):
     arith_ev = expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(self.mem, self)
     if arith_ev.Eval(anode):
         num = arith_ev.Result()
         return True, Value.FromString(str(num))
         return False, None
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _Read(self, argv):
     names = argv[1:]
     line = sys.stdin.readline()
     if not line:  # EOF
         return 1
     # TODO: split line and do that logic
     val = Value.FromString(line.strip())
     pairs = [(ast.LeftVar(names[0]), val)]
     self.mem.SetLocal(pairs, 0)  # read always uses local variables?
     return 0
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def EvalWordPart(self, part, quoted=False):
        if part.tag == word_part_e.ArrayLiteralPart:
            return self.EvalArrayLiteralPart(part)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.LiteralPart:
            s = part.token.val
            return True, Value.FromString(s)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.EscapedLiteralPart:
            val = self.token.val
            assert len(val) == 2, val  # e.g. \*
            assert val[0] == '\\'
            s = val[1]
            return True, Value.FromString(s)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.SingleQuotedPart:
            s = ''.join(t.val for t in part.tokens)
            return True, Value.FromString(s)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.DoubleQuotedPart:
            return self.EvalDoubleQuotedPart(part)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.CommandSubPart:
            # TODO: If token is Id.Left_ProcSubIn or Id.Left_ProcSubOut, we have to
            # supply something like /dev/fd/63.
            return self.EvalCommandSub(part.command_list)

        elif part.tag in (word_part_e.SimpleVarSub, word_part_e.BracedVarSub):
            # This is the only one that uses quoted?
            return self.EvalVarSub(part, quoted=quoted)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.TildeSubPart:
            # We never parse a quoted string into a TildeSubPart.
            assert not quoted
            return self.EvalTildeSub(part.prefix)

        elif part.tag == word_part_e.ArithSubPart:
            return self.EvalArithSub(part.anode)

            raise AssertionError(part.tag)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def EvalDoubleQuotedPart(self, part):
        # NOTE: quoted arg isn't used
        strs = ['']
        for p in part.parts:
            ok, val = self.EvalWordPart(p, quoted=True)
            if not ok:
                return False, Value.FromString('')  # ERROR

            assert isinstance(val, Value), val
            is_str, s = val.AsString()
            if is_str:
                strs[-1] += s
                _AppendArray(strs, val.a)  # top level escape

        # TODO: Fix bug.  "$@" could have only one entry, but we still want it to
        # be an array!
        if len(strs) == 1:
            val = Value.FromString(strs[0])
            val = Value.FromArray(strs)
        return True, val
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def Get(self, name):
        for i in range(len(self.var_stack) - 1, -1, -1):
            scope = self.var_stack[i]
            if name in scope:
                # Don't need to use flags
                _, value = scope[name]
                return True, value

        # Fall back on environment
        v = os.getenv(name)
        if v is not None:
            return True, Value.FromString(v)

        return False, None
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def EvalCommandSub(self, node):
        p = self.ex._GetProcessForNode(node)
        # NOTE: We could do an optimization for pipelines.  Pick the last
        # process element, and do pi.procs[-1].CaptureOutput()
        stdout = []
        status = p.Run()

        # Runtime errors:
        # what if the command sub was "echo foo > $@".  That is invalid.  Then
        # Return false here.  How do we get that value from the Process then?  Do
        # we use a special return value?

        ok = True

        # I think $() does a strip basically?
        # argv $(echo ' hi')$(echo bye) -> hibye
        s = ''.join(stdout).strip()
        return ok, Value.FromString(s)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def EvalArrayLiteralPart(self, part):
        #print(self.words, '!!!')
        array = []
        for w in part.words:

            # - perform splitting when necessary?
            # set IFS here?
            ok, val = self.EvalCompoundWord(w)

            if not ok:
                # TODO: show errors?
                return False, None
            # NOTE: For now, we enforce homogeneous arrays of strings.  This is for
            # the shell / proc dialect.  For func dialect, we can have heterogeneous
            # arrays.
            is_str, s = val.AsString()
            if is_str:
                # TODO:
                # - interpolate array into array
                raise AssertionError('Expected string')

        return True, Value.FromArray(array)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_scan(self, read_mock: Mock, mem_map_mock: Mock):
     read_mock.side_effect = [123, 123]
     mem_map_mock.return_value = [InternalMmap("0-8", 8, "r--w")]
                      [Value(0, 0, 123), Value(0, 4, 123)])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def _EvalVar(self, name, quoted=False):
        """Evaluates the given variable in the current scope.

       bool ok, Value v
        # $@ is special -- it need to know whether it is in a double quoted
        # context.
        # - If it's $@ in a double quoted context, return an ARRAY.
        # - If it's $@ in a normal context, return a STRING, which then will be
        # subject to splitting.

        # https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Special-Parameters
        # http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/V3_chap02.html#tag_18_05_02
        # "When the expansion occurs within a double-quoted string (see
        # Double-Quotes), it shall expand to a single field with the value of
        # each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS variable, or
        # by a <space> if IFS is unset. If IFS is set to a null string, this is
        # not equivalent to unsetting it; its first character does not exist, so
        # the parameter values are concatenated."
        ifs = _GetIfs(self.mem)
        sep = ifs[0] if ifs else ''

        # GetArgv.  And then look at whether we're in a double quoted context or
        # not.
        if name in ('@', '*'):
            if name == '@' and quoted:  # "$@" evaluates to an array
                argv = self.mem.GetArgv()
                val = Value.FromArray(argv)
                #print('$@', val)
                return True, val
            else:  # $@ $* "$*"
                argv = self.mem.GetArgv()
                val = Value.FromString(ifs[0].join(argv))
                return True, val

        elif name == '?':
            # TODO: Have to parse status somewhere.
            # External commands need WIFEXITED test.  What about subshells?
            return True, Value.FromString(str(self.mem.last_status))

        elif name == '#':
            argv = self.mem.GetArgv()
            s = str(len(argv))
            return True, Value.FromString(s)

        # TODO: $0 $1 ...

            # BracedVarSub is for $foo, without qualifiers.
            defined, val = self.mem.Get(name)
            return defined, val

            if defined:
                # If there are no modifiers like a[@], add implicit a[0], as long as
                # exec option bash_array is set.
                # TODO: $array is an error.  Only an explicit ${array[0]} or
                # ${array[@]} is valid.  This is compatible with bash, and makes it
                # easier to read and catch bugs.  We know the type at compile
                # time.  It makes it easier to apply VarOps with unsurprising
                # semantics.

                if self.exec_opts.bash_array:
                    val = val.EvalToFirst()
                return True, val
                # TODO: MOVE down to EvalVarSub().  Test ops will change this.
                if self.exec_opts.nounset:
                    # stack will unwind
                    token = None
                    # TODO: Need to have the ast for varsub.  BracedVarSub should have a
                    # token?
                    #tb = self.mem.GetTraceback(token)
                    self._AddErrorContext("Unset variable %s" % name)
                    return False, None
                    return True, Value.FromString('')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def Execute(self, node):
      node: of type AstNode
        redirects = self._EvalRedirects(node)

        # TODO: Change this to its own enum?
        # or add EBuiltin.THROW     _throw?  For testing.
        # Is this different han exit?  exit should really be throw.  Because we
        # want to be able to unwind the stack, show stats, etc.  Exiting in the
        # middle is bad.
        # exit and _throw could be the same, except _throw takes an error message,
        # and exits 1, and shows traceback.
        cflow = EBuiltin.NONE

        # TODO: Only eval argv[0] once.  It can have side effects!
        if node.tag == command_e.SimpleCommand:
            argv = self.ev.EvalWords(node.words)
            if argv is None:
                err = self.ev.Error()
                # TODO: Throw shell exception
                raise AssertionError('Error evaluating words: %s' % err)
            more_env = self.ev.EvalEnv(node.more_env)
            if more_env is None:
                # TODO: throw exception
                raise AssertionError()
            thunk = self._GetThunkForSimpleCommand(argv, more_env)

            # Don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
            if thunk.IsExternal():
                p = Process(thunk, fd_state=self.fd_state, redirects=redirects)
                status = p.Run()

                if os.WIFEXITED(status):
                    status = os.WEXITSTATUS(status)
                    #print('exited with code', code)
                    sig = os.WTERMSIG(status)
                    #print('exited with signal', sig)
                    # TODO: Is this right?
                    status = 0

            else:  # Internal
                for r in redirects:

                status, cflow = thunk.RunInParent()
                restore_fd_state = thunk.ShouldRestoreFdState()

                # Special case for exec 1>&2 (with no args): we permanently change the
                # fd state.  BUT we don't want to restore later.
                # TODO: Instead of this, maybe r.ApplyPermaent(self.fd_state)?
                if restore_fd_state:

        elif node.tag == command_e.Sentence:
            # TODO: Compile this away
            status, cflow = self.Execute(node.command)

        elif node.tag == command_e.Pipeline:
            status, cflow = self._RunPipeline(node)

        elif node.tag == command_e.Subshell:
            # This makes sure we don't waste a process if we'd launch one anyway.
            p = self._GetProcessForNode(node.children[0])
            status = p.Run()

        elif node.tag == command_e.DBracket:
            bool_ev = expr_eval.BoolEvaluator(self.mem, self.ev)
            ok = bool_ev.Eval(node.expr)
            if ok:
                status = 0 if bool_ev.Result() else 1
                raise AssertionError('Error evaluating boolean: %s' %

        elif node.tag == command_e.DParen:
            arith_ev = expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(self.mem, self.ev)
            ok = arith_ev.Eval(node.child)
            if ok:
                i = arith_ev.Result()
                # Negate the value: non-zero in arithmetic is true, which is zero in
                # shell land
                status = 0 if i != 0 else 1
                raise AssertionError('Error evaluating (( )): %s' %

        elif node.tag == command_e.Assignment:
            pairs = []
            for pair in node.pairs:
                # NOTE: do_glob=False, because foo=*.a makes foo equal to '*.a',
                # literally.

                # TODO: Also have to evaluate the right hand side.
                ok, val = self.ev.EvalCompoundWord(pair.rhs)
                if not ok:
                    return None
                pairs.append((pair.lhs, val))

            flags = 0  # TODO: Calculate from keyword/flags
            if node.keyword == Id.Assign_Local:
                self.mem.SetLocal(pairs, flags)
            else:  # could be readonly/export/etc.
                self.mem.SetGlobal(pairs, flags)

            # TODO: This should be eval of RHS, unlike bash!
            status = 0

        # The only difference between these two is that CommandList has no
        # redirects.  We already took care of that above.
        elif node.tag in (command_e.CommandList, command_e.BraceGroup):
            status = 0  # for empty list
            for child in node.children:
                status, cflow = self.Execute(child)  # last status wins
                if cflow in (EBuiltin.BREAK, EBuiltin.CONTINUE):

        elif node.tag == command_e.AndOr:
            left, right = node.children
            status, cflow = self.Execute(left)

            if node.op_id == Id.Op_DPipe:
                if status != 0:
                    status, cflow = self.Execute(right)
            elif node.op_id == Id.Op_DAmp:
                if status == 0:
                    status, cflow = self.Execute(right)
                raise AssertionError

        elif node.tag == command_e.While:
            while True:
                status, _ = self.Execute(node.cond)
                if status != 0:
                status, cflow = self.Execute(node.body)  # last one wins
                if cflow == EBuiltin.BREAK:
                    cflow = EBuiltin.NONE  # reset since we respected it
                if cflow == EBuiltin.CONTINUE:
                    cflow = EBuiltin.NONE  # reset since we respected it

        elif node.tag == command_e.ForEach:
            iter_name = node.iter_name
            if node.do_arg_iter:
                iter_list = self.mem.GetArgv()
                iter_list = self.ev.EvalWords(node.iter_words)
                # We need word splitting and so forth
                # NOTE: This expands globs too.  TODO: We should pass in a Globber()
                # object.
            status = 0  # in case we don't loop
            cflow = EBuiltin.NONE
            for x in iter_list:
                self.mem.SetSimpleVar(iter_name, Value.FromString(x))

                status, cflow = self.Execute(node.body)

                if cflow == EBuiltin.BREAK:
                    cflow = EBuiltin.NONE  # reset since we respected it
                if cflow == EBuiltin.CONTINUE:
                    cflow = EBuiltin.NONE  # reset since we respected it

        elif node.tag == command_e.DoGroup:
            # Delegate to command list
            # TODO: This should be compiled out!
            status, cflow = self.Execute(node.child)

        elif node.tag == command_e.FuncDef:
            self.funcs[node.name] = node
            status = 0

        elif node.tag == command_e.If:
            done = False
            for arm in node.arms:
                status, _ = self.Execute(arm.cond)
                if status == 0:
                    status, _ = self.Execute(arm.action)
                    done = True
            # TODO: The compiler should flatten this
            if not done and node.else_action is not None:
                status, _ = self.Execute(node.else_action)

        elif node.tag == command_e.NoOp:
            status = 0  # make it true

        elif node.tag == command_e.Case:
            raise NotImplementedError

            raise AssertionError(node.tag)

        if self.exec_opts.errexit:
            if status != 0:
                # TODO: token should be set to what?  Is it node.begin_word and
                # node.end_word?
                token = None
                tb = self.mem.GetTraceback(token)
                    tb, "Command %s exited with code %d" % ('TODO', status))
                # cflow should be EXCEPT

        # TODO: Is this the right place to put it?  Does it need a stack for
        # function calls?
        self.mem.last_status = status
        return status, cflow
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def EvalVarSub(self, part, quoted=False):
      part: SimpleVarSub or BracedVar
      ops: list of VarOp to execute
      quoted: whether the var sub was double quoted
        if part.tag == word_part_e.SimpleVarSub:
            name = part.token.val[1:]  # strip off leading $
            defined, val = self._EvalVar(name, quoted=quoted)
            if not defined:
                self._AddErrorContext("Undefined variable %s" % name)
                return False, None
            # TODO: Fix this and merge it with logic below.  Respect 'nounset'
            # option, etc.
            return True, val

        name = part.token.val

        # Possibilities: Array OR Index; then Test OR Transform

        # So instead of a list of ops, it should be optional IndexOp, optional
        # TestOp, optional TransformOp.

        # empty=''
        # $unset -> ''  EMPTY_UNQUOTED
        # ${unset:-foo} -> foo
        # ${unset-foo} -> foo

        # $empty -> ''
        # ${empty:-foo} -> foo
        # ${empty-foo} -> ''

        defined, val = self._EvalVar(name, quoted=quoted)
        #print('@@@', defined, val)

        array_ok = (name == '@')  # Don't need any op for array $@
        index_error = False  # test_op can suppress this

        if defined and part.bracket_op:
            if part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.WholeArray:
                op_id = part.bracket_op.op_id

                # TODO: Change this to array_op instead of bracket_op?
                if op_id == Id.Lit_At:
                    if val.IsArray():
                        array_ok = True
                        self._AddErrorContext("Can't index non-array with @")
                        return False, None

                elif op_id == Id.Arith_Star:
                    if val.IsArray():
                        array_ok = True
                        self._AddErrorContext("Can't index non-array with *")
                        return False, None

                    raise AssertionError(op_id)

            elif part.bracket_op.tag == bracket_op_e.ArrayIndex:
                array_ok = True
                is_array, a = val.AsArray()
                if is_array:
                    anode = part.bracket_op.expr
                    # TODO: This should propagate errors
                    arith_ev = expr_eval.ArithEvaluator(self.mem, self)
                    ok = arith_ev.Eval(anode)
                    if not ok:
                            'Error evaluating arith sub in index expression')
                        return False, None
                    index = arith_ev.Result()
                        s = a[index]
                    except IndexError:
                        index_error = True
                        defined = False
                        val = None
                        val = Value.FromString(s)

                else:  # it's a string
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "String indexing not implemented")

                raise AssertionError(part.bracket_op.tag)

        if defined and val.IsArray():
            if not array_ok:
                    "Array was referenced without explicit index, e.g. ${a[@]} "
                    "or ${a[0]}")
                return False, None

        # if the op does NOT have colon
        #use_default = not defined

        if part.suffix_op and LookupKind(part.suffix_op.op_id) == Kind.VTest:
            op = part.suffix_op

            # TODO: Change this to a bit test.
            if op.op_id in (Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, Id.VTest_ColonEquals,
                            Id.VTest_ColonQMark, Id.VTest_ColonPlus):
                is_falsey = not defined or val.IsEmptyString()
                is_falsey = not defined

            #print('!!',id, is_falsey)
            if op.op_id in (Id.VTest_ColonHyphen, Id.VTest_Hyphen):
                if is_falsey:
                    argv = []
                    ok, val2 = self.EvalCompoundWord(op.arg_word)
                    if not ok:
                        return False, None
                    # TODO: This is roundabout
                    val = Value.FromArray(argv)

                    defined = True  # now we have a variable
                    #print("DEFAULT", val)

            # TODO:
            # +  -- inverted test -- assign to default
            # ?  -- error
            # =  -- side effect assignment
                raise NotImplementedError(id)

        if not defined:
            # TODO: MOVE down to EvalVarSub().  Test ops will change this.
            if self.exec_opts.nounset:
                # stack will unwind
                token = None
                # TODO: Need to have the ast for varsub.  BracedVarSub should have a
                # token?
                #tb = self.mem.GetTraceback(token)
                self._AddErrorContext("Unset variable %s" % name)
                return False, None
                # TODO: Isn't this where we do EMPTY_UNQUOTED?
                return True, Value.FromString('')

        if part.prefix_op:
            op_id = part.prefix_op

            if op_id == Id.VSub_Pound:  # LENGTH
                if val.IsArray():
                    #print("ARRAY LENGTH", len(val.a))
                    length = len(val.a)
                    #print("STRING LENGTH", len(val.s))
                    length = len(val.s)
                val = Value.FromString(str(length))

        # NOTE: You could have both prefix and suffix
        if part.suffix_op and LookupKind(
                part.suffix_op.op_id) in (Kind.VOp1, Kind.VOp2):
            op = part.suffix_op

            # NOTES:
            # - These are VECTORIZED on arrays
            #   - I want to allow this with my shell dialect: @{files|slice 1
            #   2|upper} does the same thing to all of them.
            # - How to do longest and shortest possible match?  bash and mksh both
            #   call fnmatch() in a loop, with possible short-circuit optimizations.
            #   - TODO: Write a test program to show quadratic behavior?
            #   - original AT&T ksh has special glob routines that returned the match
            #   positions.
            #   Implementation:
            #   - Test if it is a LITERAL or a Glob.  Then do a plain string
            #   operation.
            #   - If it's a glob, do the quadratic algorithm.
            #   - NOTE: bash also has an optimization where it extracts the LITERAL
            #   parts of the string, and does a prematch.  If none of them match,
            #   then it SKIPs the quadratic algorithm.
            #   - The real solution is to compile a glob to RE2, but I want to avoid
            #   that dependency right now... libc regex is good for a bunch of
            #   things.
            # - Bash has WIDE CHAR support for this.  With wchar_t.
            #   - All sorts of functions like xdupmbstowcs
            # And then pat_subst() does some special cases.  Geez.

            # prefix strip
            if op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPound:
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Pound:

            # suffix strip
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_Percent:
                argv = []
                for w in op.words:
                    ok, val2 = self.EvalCompoundWord(w)
                    if not ok:
                        return False, None

                # TODO: Evaluate words, and add the SPACE VALUES, getting a single
                # string.  And then test if it's a literal or glob.
                suffix = argv[0]

                if val.IsArray():
                    # TODO: Vectorize it
                    raise NotImplementedError
                    s = val.s
                    if s.endswith(suffix):
                        s = s[:-len(suffix)]
                        val = Value.FromString(s)

            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp1_DPercent:

            # Patsub, vectorized
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp2_Slash:

            # Either string slicing or array slicing.  However string slicing has a
            # unicode problem?  TODO: Test bash out.  We need utf-8 parsing in C++?
            # Or maybe have a different operator for byte slice and char slice.
            elif op.op_id == Id.VOp2_Colon:

                raise NotImplementedError(op)

        return True, val
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def SetGlobalString(self, name, s):
     """Helper for completion."""
     assert isinstance(s, str)
     val = Value.FromString(s)
     pairs = [(name, val)]
     self.SetGlobal(pairs, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def SetGlobalArray(self, name, a):
     """Helper for completion."""
     assert isinstance(a, list)
     val = Value.FromArray(a)
     pairs = [(name, val)]
     self.SetGlobal(pairs, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def EvalCommandSub(self, node):
     # Just  return a dummy string?
     return True, Value.FromString('__COMMAND_SUB_NOT_EXECUTED__')
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_scan_cull_empty(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.memory._scan_cull(Value(0, 0, 123)), [])
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def EvalCompoundWord(self, word, ifs='', do_glob=False, elide_empty=True):

    This is used in the following contexts:
    - Evaluating redirect words: no glob and no word splitting
    - Right hand side of assignments -- no globbing
    - [[ context
      - no word splitting
      - but do_glob=True when on RHS of ==
        - we will later use in fnmatch (not glob())
      - elide_empty=False

      w: word to evaluate
      ifs: None if we don't want any word splitting.  Or a bunch of
      do_glob: Whether we are performing globs AFTER this.  This means that
        quoted literal glob metacharacters need to start with \.  e.g. "*" and
        '*' turn into \*.  But other metacharacters must be left alone.

      Value -- empty unquoted, string, or array
        assert isinstance(
            word, ast.CompoundWord), "Expected CompoundWord, got %s" % word
        # assume we elide, unless we get something "significant"
        is_empty_unquoted = True
        ev = self

        strs = ['']
        for p in word.parts:
            ok, val = self.EvalWordPart(p, quoted=False)
            if not ok:
                self._AddErrorContext("Error evaluating word part %r" % p)
                return False, Value.FromString('')
            assert isinstance(val, Value), val
            is_str, s = val.AsString()
            #print('-VAL', val, is_str)

            glob_escape = do_glob and not _GlobsAreExpanded(p)

            if is_str:
                if _IsSubst(p):  # Split substitutions
                    # NOTE: Splitting is the same whether we are glob escaping or not
                    split_parts = _IfsSplit(s, ifs)
                    empty = _AppendArray(strs,
                    if not empty:
                        is_empty_unquoted = False
                else:  # Don't split
                    # Any non-subst parts, even '', means we don't elide.
                    is_empty_unquoted = False
                    if glob_escape:
                        s = _GlobEscape(s)
                    strs[-1] += s

            else:  # The result of a DoubleQuotedPart can be an array.
                #print('ARRAY', val.a)
                is_empty_unquoted = False
                # No glob escape because callee (e.g. DoubleQuotedPart) is responsible
                _AppendArray(strs, val.a, glob_escape=glob_escape)

        if elide_empty and is_empty_unquoted:
            val = Value.EmptyUnquoted()
        elif len(strs) == 1:
            val = Value.FromString(strs[0])
            val = Value.FromArray(strs)
        return True, val