Ejemplo n.º 1
 class Meta:
     model = TalkProposal
     fields = [
     widgets = {
         'detailed_description': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'outline': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'supplementary': SimpleMDEWidget(),
Ejemplo n.º 2
 class Meta:
     model = TutorialProposal
     fields = [
     widgets = {
         'abstract': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'objective': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'detailed_description': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'outline': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'supplementary': SimpleMDEWidget(),
Ejemplo n.º 3
    class Meta:
        model = TalkProposal
        widgets = {
            'abstract': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
            'objective': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
            'detailed_description': SimpleMDEWidget(),
            'outline': SimpleMDEWidget(),
            'supplementary': SimpleMDEWidget(),
            'pre_recorded_policy': forms.CheckboxInput(),
        help_texts = {
            'abstract': _(
                "<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
                "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
                "data-content='abstract'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
                "<p>The overview of what the talk is about. If the talk "
                "assume some domain knowledge please state it here. If your "
                "talk is accepted, this will be displayed on both the website "
                "and the handbook. Should be one paragraph.</p>"
            'python_level': format_html_lazy(
                _("The choice of talk level matters during the review "
                  "process. More definition of talk level can be found at the "
                  "<a href='{frontend_host}/en-us/speaking/talk' target='_blank'>"
                  "How to Propose a Talk</a> page. Note that a proposal won't "
                  "be more likely to be accepted because of being 'Novice' "
                  "level. We may contact you to change the talk level when "
                  "we find the content is too-hard or too-easy for the "
                  "target audience."),
            'detailed_description': _(
                "<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
                "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
                "data-content='detailed description'>"
                "Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
                "<p>Try not be too lengthy to scare away reviewers or "
                "potential audience. A comfortable length is less than 2000 "
                "characters (or about 1200 Chinese characters). Since most "
                "reviewers may not understand the topic as deep as you do, "
                "including related links to the talk topic will help "
                "reviewers understand the proposal. Edit using "
                "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
                "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."
            'recording_policy': format_html_lazy(
                _("PyCon Taiwan will do post-processing to all the presentation "
                  "videos, including but not limited to applying video template, "
                  "banners of sponsors’ logos. Do you agree to give permission to "
                  "PyCon Taiwan to release audio and video of your presentation "
                  "after the conference? More information can be found at "
                  "<a href='{frontend_host}/en-us/speaking/recording' target='_blank'>"
                  "Recording Release</a> page."),
            'slide_link': _(
                "You can add your slide link near or after the conference "
                "day. Not required for review."
            'referring_policy': _(
                "Whether you agree to give permission to PyCon Taiwan to refer your "
                "talk proposal to your local PyCon community if your proposal did not "
                "get accepted(APAC only)."
            'objective': _(
                "<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
                "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
                "data-content='objective'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
                "<p>Who is the intended audience for your talk? (Be specific, "
                "\"Python users\" is not a good answer). "
                "And what will the attendees get out of your talk? When they "
                "leave the room, what will they learn that they didn't know "
                "before? This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY.</p>"
            'supplementary': _(
                "Anything else you'd like the program committee to know when "
                "making their selection: your past speaking experience, "
                "community experience, etc. This is NOT made public and for "
                "REVIEW ONLY. Edit using "
                "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
                "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."
            'outline': _(
                "<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
                "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
                "data-content='outline'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
                "<p>How the talk will be arranged. It is highly recommended "
                "to attach the estimated time length for each sections in the "
                "talk. Talks in favor of 45min should have a fallback plan "
                "about how to shrink the content into a 30min one. Edit using "
                "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
                "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>. "
                "This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY.</p>"
            'live_stream_policy': _(
                "If you disagree to authorize PyCon Taiwan to record video, "
                "whether you agree to let PyCon Taiwan live stream your presentation "
                "only for the remote attendees to watch ? (we will not release "
                "audio and video of your presentation)"
            'first_time_speaker': _(
                "Have you ever been a speaker at PyCon Taiwan in the past?"

            'pre_recorded_policy': _(
                "Due to the ongoing global pandemic, <strong>PyCon APAC 2022 will "
                "be held fully remote. All online talks this year will be pre-recorded "
                "</strong> so we can broadcast your presentation to the audience "
                "without the network troubles and the time zone differences.<br>"
                "After your proposal is accepted, a pre-recording of the presentation "
                "will be provided to the PyCon APAC 2022 organizing team prior to the "
                "<strong>Bonus for living in Taiwan</strong><br>"
                "For speakers who reside in Taiwan, we will offer a slot and assist you "
                "to record the presentation in a professional video studio in Taipei "
                "(travel expenses covered)."
            'talk_language': _(
                "If your previous option is not English, please enter your speaking language"
Ejemplo n.º 4
 class Meta:
     model = TalkProposal
     widgets = {
         'abstract': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'objective': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'detailed_description': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'outline': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'supplementary': SimpleMDEWidget(),
     help_texts = {
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='abstract'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>The overview of what the talk is about. If the talk "
           "assume some domain knowledge please state it here. If your "
           "talk is accepted, this will be displayed on both the website "
           "and the handbook. Should be one paragraph.</p>"),
             _("The choice of talk level matters during the review "
               "process. More definition of talk level can be found at the "
               "<a href='{speaking_talk_url}' target='_blank'>"
               "How to Propose a Talk</a> page. Note that a proposal won't "
               "be more likely to be accepted because of being 'Novice' "
               "level. We may contact you to change the talk level when "
               "we find the content is too-hard or too-easy for the "
               "target audience."),
                 kwargs={'path': 'speaking/talk'},
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='detailed description'>"
           "Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>Try not be too lengthy to scare away reviewers or "
           "potential audience. A comfortable length is less than 2000 "
           "characters (or about 1200 Chinese characters). Since most "
           "reviewers may not understand the topic as deep as you do, "
           "including related links to the talk topic will help "
           "reviewers understand the proposal. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."),
             "Whether you agree to give permission to PyCon Taiwan to "
             "record, edit, and release audio and video of your "
             "presentation. More information can be found at "
             "<a href='{recording_policy_url}' target='_blank'>"
             "Recording Release</a> page."),
                              kwargs={'path': 'speaking/recording'},
         _("You can add your slide link near or after the conference "
           "day. Not required for review."),
         _("Whether you agree to give permission to PyCon Taiwan to "
           "refer your talk proposal to local communities if your "
           "proposal did not get accepted."),
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='objective'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>Who is the intended audience for your talk? (Be specific, "
           "\"Python users\" is not a good answer). "
           "And what will the attendees get out of your talk? When they "
           "leave the room, what will they learn that they didn't know "
           "before? This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY.</p>"),
         _("Anything else you'd like the program committee to know when "
           "making their selection: your past speaking experience, "
           "community experience, etc. This is NOT made public and for "
           "REVIEW ONLY. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."),
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='outline'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>How the talk will be arranged. It is highly recommended "
           "to attach the estimated time length for each sections in the "
           "talk. Talks in favor of 45min should have a fallback plan "
           "about how to shrink the content into a 30min one. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>. "
           "This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY.</p>"),
         _("Whether you agree to deliver the talk remotely if the epidemic "
           "(coronavirus) is still raging this August?"),
Ejemplo n.º 5
 class Meta:
     model = TutorialProposal
     widgets = {
         'abstract': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'objective': CharacterCountedTextarea(),
         'detailed_description': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'outline': SimpleMDEWidget(),
         'supplementary': SimpleMDEWidget(),
     help_texts = {
         _("<p>Tutorials are limited to 1.5 hours in length this year.</p>"
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='abstract'>Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>The overview of what the talk is about. If the talk "
           "assume some domain knowledge please state it here. If your "
           "talk is accepted, this will be displayed on both the website "
           "and the handbook. Should be one paragraph.</p>"),
             _("The choice of talk level matters during the review "
               "process. More definition of talk level can be found at the "
               "<a href='{frontend_host}/en-us/speaking/talk' target='_blank'>"
               "How to Propose a Talk</a> page. Note that a proposal won't "
               "be more likely to be accepted because of being 'Novice' "
               "level. We may contact you to change the talk level when "
               "we find the content is too-hard or too-easy for the "
               "target audience."),
         _("<p><a href='#' data-toggle='modal' "
           "data-target='#proposalFieldExampleModal' "
           "data-content='detailed description'>"
           "Proposal Examples</a>.</p>"
           "<p>Try not be too lengthy to scare away reviewers or "
           "potential audience. A comfortable length is less than 2000 "
           "characters (or about 1200 Chinese characters). Since most "
           "reviewers may not understand the topic as deep as you do, "
           "including related links to the talk topic will help "
           "reviewers understand the proposal. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."),
             "Whether you agree to give permission to PyCon Taiwan to "
             "record, edit, and release audio and video of your "
             "presentation. More information can be found at "
             "<a href='{frontend_host}/en-us/speaking/recording' target='_blank'>"
             "Recording Release</a> page."),
         _("You can add your slide link near or after the conference "
           "day. Not required for review."),
         _("Who is the intended audience for your talk? (Be specific, "
           "\"Python users\" is not a good answer). "
           "And what will the attendees get out of your talk? When they "
           "leave the room, what will they learn that they didn't know "
           "before? This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY."),
         _("Anything else you'd like the program committee to know when "
           "making their selection: your past speaking experience, "
           "community experience, etc. This is NOT made public and for "
           "REVIEW ONLY. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>."),
         _("How the tutorial will be arranged. You should enumerate over "
           "each section in your talk and attach each section with the "
           "estimated time length. Edit using "
           "<a href='http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics' "
           "target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Markdown</a>. "
           "This is NOT made public and for REVIEW ONLY."),
         _("Whether you agree to deliver the tutorial remotely if the epidemic "
           "(coronavirus) is still raging this August?"),
         _("If you disagree to authorize PyCon Taiwan to record video, "
           "whether you agree to let PyCon Taiwan live stream your presentation "
           "only for the remote attendees to watch ? (we will not release "
           "audio and video of your presentation)"),